Beispiel #1
 public ConvertFilter(ITransponderReceiver receiver, ICompassCourse compassCourse, IVelocity velocity)
     this._receiver      = receiver;
     this._compassCourse = compassCourse;
     this._volocity      = velocity;
     this._receiver.TransponderDataReady += ReceiverOnTransponderDataReady;
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets state
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseFrame">Base frame</param>
        /// <param name="relative">Relative frame</param>
        public override void Set(ReferenceFrame baseFrame, ReferenceFrame relative)
            base.Set(baseFrame, relative);
            IOrientation     bo = baseFrame as IOrientation;
            IOrientation     ro = relative as IOrientation;
            IVelocity        bv = baseFrame as IVelocity;
            IVelocity        rv = relative as IVelocity;
            IAngularVelocity oa = baseFrame as IAngularVelocity;
            IAngularVelocity ra = relative as IAngularVelocity;

            double[] vb = bv.Velocity;
            double[] vr = rv.Velocity;
            double[,] mb = bo.Matrix;
            double[,] m  = ro.Matrix;
            double[] om  = oa.Omega;
            double[] pos = relative.Position;
            Vector3D.StaticExtensionVector3D.VectorPoduct(om, pos, hv);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                velocity[i] = vb[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    velocity[i] += mb[i, j] * (vr[j] + hv[j]);
        public float CheckGround()
            if (jumpGroundCheckCooldown > Time.time - jumpedAt)
            Vector2[]    origins  = GetGroundCheckOrigins();
            float        distance = float.MaxValue;
            RaycastHit2D hit;

            foreach (var o in origins)
                hit = Physics2D.Raycast(o, Vector2.down, groundCheckDistance, groundCheckMask);
                Debug.DrawRay(o, Vector3.down * groundCheckDistance);
                if (hit.transform != null && hit.distance < distance)
                    distance = hit.distance;
                    groundVelocityReference = hit.collider.GetComponent <IVelocity>();
            if (distance <= groundCheckDistance)
                isGrounded = true;
                isGrounded = false;
                groundVelocityReference = null;

        public void Setup()
            _fakereceiver      = Substitute.For <ITransponderReceiver>();
            _fakevelocity      = Substitute.For <IVelocity>();
            _fakecompassCourse = Substitute.For <ICompassCourse>();

            _uut = new ConvertFilter(_fakereceiver, _fakecompassCourse, _fakevelocity);
Beispiel #5
 public void Setup()
     _uut         = new Course();
     _newTracks   = new List <ITrackObject>();
     _velocity    = Substitute.For <IVelocity>();
     _separation  = Substitute.For <ISeparation>();
     _distance    = Substitute.For <IDistance>();
     _listHandler = new ListHandler(_velocity, _uut, _separation, _distance);
Beispiel #6
 void IStarted.Start(double time)
     double[] state = aggregate.State;
     Array.Copy(state, relative.Position, 3);
     IVelocity v = relative;
     Array.Copy(state, 3, v.Velocity, 0, 3);
     Array.Copy(state, 6, relative.Quaternion, 0, 4);
     IAngularVelocity av = relative;
     Array.Copy(state, 10, av.Omega, 0, 3);
Beispiel #7
 public ListHandler(
     IVelocity vel,
     ICourse cou,
     ISeparation separation,
     IDistance distance)
     CurrentTracks = new List <ITrackObject>();
     _velocity     = vel;
     _course       = cou;
     _separation   = separation;
     _distance     = distance;
Beispiel #8
 public void Setup()
     _position    = Substitute.For <IPosition>();
     _inDateTime  = new DateTime();
     _uut         = new TrackObject("123ABC", _position, "20181111111111111", _inDateTime);
     _newTracks   = new List <ITrackObject>();
     _velocity    = Substitute.For <IVelocity>();
     _course      = Substitute.For <ICourse>();
     _separation  = Substitute.For <ISeparation>();
     _distance    = Substitute.For <IDistance>();
     _listHandler = new ListHandler(_velocity, _course, _separation, _distance);
Beispiel #9
        public void Setup()
            _testCalculateVelocity = new Velocity();

            _distance = new Distance();

             * // THIS MUST BE SUB - NEED FIX - ELSE OK

            _oldObj = Substitute.For <ITrackObject>();
            _newObj = Substitute.For <ITrackObject>();
Beispiel #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialization of prediction
 /// </summary>
 public void InitializePrediction(double forecastTime)
     if (!(frame is IVelocity))
         throw new Exception("Frame does not support velocity");
     if (!(frame is IAngularVelocity))
         throw new Exception("Frame does not support angular velocity");
     velocity        = frame as IVelocity;
     angularVelocity = frame as IAngularVelocity;
        /*   private object sd()
         * {
         *     return result[9, 1];
         * }
         * private object md()
         * {
         *     return result[10, 1];
         * }
         * private object nd()
         * {
         *     return result[11, 1];
         * }
         * private object od()
         * {
         *     return result[12, 1];
         * }
         * private object ld()
         * {
         *     return result[13, 1];
         * }*/


        private void SetRelative()
            ReferenceFrame relative = Relative;

            Array.Copy(relativePosition, relative.Position, 3);
            IVelocity v = relative as IVelocity;

            // Array.Copy(relativeVelocity, v.RevativeVelocity, 3);
            Array.Copy(relativeQuaternion, relative.Quaternion, 3);
            IOrientation or = relative as IOrientation;

            Array.Copy(relativeQuaternion, or.Quaternion, 4);
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets aliases
        /// </summary>
        private void SetAliases()
            ReferenceFrame   own = Own;
            IVelocity        v   = own as IVelocity;
            IOrientation     o   = own as IOrientation;
            IAngularVelocity av  = own as IAngularVelocity;

            aln.SetAliases(0, own.Position, 0, 3);
            aln.SetAliases(3, v.Velocity, 0, 3);
            aln.SetAliases(6, o.Quaternion, 0, 4);
            aln.SetAliases(10, av.Omega, 0, 3);
            aln.SetAliases(13, relativeVelocity, 0, 3);
            aln.SetAliases(16, omega, 0, 3);
        bool CreateConside()
            if (!(target is IReferenceFrame))
                if (target is IPosition)
                    UpdateAll    = UpdateCoinDistance;
                    measurements = new IMeasurement[]
                        new Measurement(GetDistance, names[3])
            IReferenceFrame f = target as IReferenceFrame;
            ReferenceFrame  o = f.Own;
            ReferenceFrame  p = ReferenceFrame.GetOwnFrame(source);

            if (p == o)
            UpdateAll = UpdateCoinDistance;
            if ((source is IVelocity) & (target is IVelocity))
                vSource    = source as IVelocity;
                UpdateAll += UpdateCoinVelocity;
            if (oTarget != null)
                UpdateAll += UpdateOrientationCoordinates;
            if (oTarget != null)
                UpdateAll += UpdateOrientationVelocity;
            if (aTarget != null)
                UpdateAll += AddAngularVelocity;

            if ((oSource != null) & (oTarget != null))
                UpdateAll += UpdateQuaternion;
Beispiel #14
 private void PostCreateFrame()
         frame  = this.GetFrame();
         acc    = frame.GetSimpleObject <IAcceleration>("Object should have acceleration");
         angvel = frame.GetSimpleObject <IAngularVelocity>("Object should have angular velocity");
         vel    = frame.GetSimpleObject <IVelocity>("Object should have velocity");
         angacc = frame.GetSimpleObject <IAngularAcceleration>("Object should have angular acceleration");
     catch (Exception e)
         IPosition p = this;
         p.Parent = null;
         throw e;
Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets state
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="baseFrame">Base frame</param>
        /// <param name="relative">Relative frame</param>
        public override void Set(ReferenceFrame baseFrame, ReferenceFrame relative)
            base.Set(baseFrame, relative);
            IAcceleration        ab  = baseFrame as IAcceleration;
            IAcceleration        ar  = relative as IAcceleration;
            IAngularAcceleration arn = relative as IAngularAcceleration;
            IVelocity            vb  = baseFrame as IVelocity;
            IVelocity            vr  = relative as IVelocity;
            IAngularVelocity     anb = baseFrame as IAngularVelocity;
            IAngularVelocity     anr = relative as IAngularVelocity;

            double[] rp = Position;
            double[,] m = Matrix;
            double[] omr = anr.Omega;
            StaticExtensionVector3D.VectorPoduct(omr, vr.Velocity, tempV);
            double om2 = StaticExtensionVector3D.Square(omr);

            double[] eps = arn.AngularAcceleration;
            StaticExtensionVector3D.VectorPoduct(eps, rp, temp);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                tempV[i] *= 2;
                tempV[i] += om2 * rp[i] + relativeAcceleration[i] + temp[i];
            RealMatrix.Multiply(m, tempV, acceleration);
            double[]     omb = anb.Omega;
            IOrientation orr = relative as IOrientation;

            double[,] mrr = orr.Matrix;
            RealMatrix.Multiply(omb, mrr, temp);
            StaticExtensionVector3D.VectorPoduct(temp, omr, tempV);
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                temp[i] = eps[i] + tempV[i];
            RealMatrix.Multiply(temp, m, angularAcceleration);
        void GetParameters(IPosition p, ref IVelocity velocity, ref IOrientation orientation, ref IAngularVelocity om)
            velocity    = null;
            orientation = null;
            om          = null;
            IPosition pa = p;

            if (p is IReferenceFrame)
                IReferenceFrame f = p as IReferenceFrame;
                pa = f.Own;
            if (pa is IVelocity)
                velocity = pa as IVelocity;
                velocity = null;
            if (pa is IOrientation)
                orientation = pa as IOrientation;
                orientation = null;
            if (pa is IAngularVelocity)
                om = pa as IAngularVelocity;
                om = null;
Beispiel #17
 private void Start()
     _animator = animatorTarget.GetComponent <Animator>();
     _velocity = GetComponent <IVelocity>();
        void IDifferentialEquationSolver.CalculateDerivations()
            foreach (AggregableWrapper aw in aggrWrappres)
                IAggregableMechanicalObject obj = aw.Aggregate;
                if (obj is Diagram.UI.IUpdatableObject)
                    Diagram.UI.IUpdatableObject uo = obj as Diagram.UI.IUpdatableObject;
                    if (uo.Update != null)
            int n  = 0;
            int kv = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < aggrWrappres.Length; i++)
                AggregableWrapper           wrapper = aggrWrappres[i];
                IAggregableMechanicalObject agg     = wrapper.Aggregate;
                Motion6DAcceleratedFrame    frame   = wrapper.OwnFrame;
                IVelocity     vel   = frame;
                IAcceleration acc   = frame;
                IPosition     pos   = frame;
                double[]      state = agg.State;
                double[]      p     = pos.Position;
                double[]      v     = vel.Velocity;
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    p[j] = state[j];
                    derivations[n + j, 0] = state[j];
                    double a = state[j + 3];
                    v[j] = a;
                    derivations[n + j, 1]     = a;
                    derivations[n + 3 + j, 0] = a;
                    derivations[n + 3 + j, 1] = vector[kv];
                IOrientation or = frame;
                double[]     q  = or.Quaternion;
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    double a = state[j + 6];
                    quater[j] = a;
                    q[j]      = a;
                IAngularVelocity av = frame;
                double[]         om = av.Omega;
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    double a = state[j + 10];
                    omega[j] = a;
                    om[j]    = a;
                StaticExtensionVector3D.CalculateQuaternionDerivation(quater, omega, der, auxQuaternion);
                for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    derivations[n + 6 + j, 0] = quater[j];
                    derivations[n + 6 + j, 1] = der[j];
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    derivations[n + 10 + j, 0] = omega[j];
                    derivations[n + 10 + j, 1] = vector[kv];
                int kk  = n + 13;
                int stk = kk;
                int stv = 6;
                int sk  = 13;
                for (int j = 13; j < agg.Dimension; j++)
                    derivations[kk, 0] = state[sk];
                    double a = state[sk + 1];
                    derivations[kk, 1] = a;
                    derivations[kk, 0] = a;
                    derivations[kk, 1] = vector[kv];
                n += agg.Dimension;
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates itself
 /// </summary>
 public override void Update()
         IDataConsumer cons = this;
         ReferenceFrame relative = Relative;
         IPosition      p        = relative;
         double[]       x        = p.Position;
         ReferenceFrame parent   = this.GetParentFrame();
         for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
             x[i] = (double)measurements[i].Parameter();
         if (relative is IVelocity)
             IVelocity vel = relative as IVelocity;
             double[]  v   = vel.Velocity;
             for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                 IDerivation d = measurements[i] as IDerivation;
                 v[i] = Measurement.GetDouble(d.Derivation);
         double[] qua = relative.Quaternion;
         for (int i = 0; i < qua.Length; i++)
             IMeasurement m = measurements[i + 3];
             qua[i] = (double)m.Parameter();
         if (relative is IAngularVelocity)
             IAngularVelocity av = relative as IAngularVelocity;
             double[]         om = av.Omega;
             IOrientation     or = relative as IOrientation;
             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                 IDerivation d = measurements[i + 3] as IDerivation;
                 der[i] = Measurement.GetDouble(d.Derivation);
             Vector3D.StaticExtensionVector3D.CalculateDynamics(or.Quaternion, der, om, qd);
         if (relative is IAcceleration)
             IAcceleration        acc    = relative as IAcceleration;
             IAngularAcceleration anc    = relative as IAngularAcceleration;
             double[]             linacc = acc.RelativeAcceleration;
             for (int i = 0; i < linacc.Length; i++)
                 linacc[i] = Measurement.GetDouble(secondDeriM[i]);
             for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                 angsec[i] = Measurement.GetDouble(secondDeriM[i + 3]);
             IAngularVelocity av     = relative as IAngularVelocity;
             double[]         om     = av.Omega;
             IOrientation     or     = relative as IOrientation;
             double[]         angacc = anc.AngularAcceleration;
             Vector3D.StaticExtensionVector3D.CalculateAcceleratedDynamics(or.Quaternion, der, om, qd, angsec, angacc);
     catch (Exception exception)
         //!!!  OLD           this.Throw(ex);
 /// <summary>
 /// Builds a bullet type using a default velocity and sprite
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="defaultSprite">The default sprite that the sprite will use.</param>
 /// <param name="velocity">The default velocity that the sprite will use. (To make the bullet positioned relative to the gun, use 1 for all variables).</param>
 public BulletTemplate(Sprite defaultSprite, IVelocity defaultVelocity, Bullet defaultBullet)
     this._DefaultVelocity = defaultVelocity;
     this._DefaultSprite = defaultSprite;
     this._DefaultBullet = defaultBullet;