public async Task <ResponseMessage <CustomerProfileData> > CreateCustomerUser(Guid customerId, string username)
            var customer = GetDbShipper(customerId);

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customer.TopsOwnerId))
                return(new ResponseMessage <CustomerProfileData>
                    Errors = new List <ResponseError>
                        new ResponseError
                            Message = "Owner Id must be saved."

            var ssos = await _topsLoadshopApiService.GetSourceSystemOwners(customer.TopsOwnerId);

            if (!ssos.Success || !ssos.Data.ContainsKey(customer.TopsOwnerId))
                return(new ResponseMessage <CustomerProfileData>
                    Errors = new List <ResponseError>
                        new ResponseError
                            Message = $"This Owner Id ({customer.TopsOwnerId}) is not setup properly in tops."

            var user = new RegisterViewModel
                OwnerId         = customer.TopsOwnerId.ToLower(),
                UserId          = $"LS{customer.TopsOwnerId.ToLower()}",
                Password        = $"LS{customer.TopsOwnerId.ToLower()}00",
                ConfirmPassword = $"LS{customer.TopsOwnerId.ToLower()}00",
                Company         = customer.Name,
                FirstName       = customer.Name,
                LastName        = "User",
                Email           = "*****@*****.**"

            //1. Create Identity User
            var topsResult = await _topsLoadshopApiService.CreateCustomerUser(user);

            if (topsResult.Success)
                //2. set identUserId on customer
                customer.IdentUserId = topsResult.Data.Id;
                customer.LastChgBy   = username;
                customer.LastChgDtTm = DateTime.Now;

                //3. Create[user] for [customer] with same identUserId
                //  a. same username as processSetting
                //  b. assign them access to the customer and give them system role
                var securityAccessRoles = _mapper.Map <List <SecurityAccessRoleData> >(
                    .Where(x => x.AccessRoleName == "System")

                var userData = new UserData
                    //User Data
                    Username    = user.UserId,
                    CompanyName = user.Company,
                    Email       = user.Email,
                    FirstName   = user.FirstName,
                    LastName    = user.LastName,
                    //Identity Data
                    IdentUserId = topsResult.Data.Id.GetValueOrDefault(),
                    //Customer Data
                    PrimaryCustomerId = customerId,
                    ShipperIds        = new List <Guid> {
                    //Security Data
                    SecurityRoleIds = securityAccessRoles.Select(x => x.AccessRoleId).ToList(),
                    //General Data
                    IsNotificationsEnabled = false,
                    CarrierScacs           = new List <string>(),
                    UserNotifications      = new List <UserNotificationData>(),
                    CreateBy    = username,
                    CreateDtTm  = DateTime.Now,
                    LastChgBy   = username,
                    LastChgDtTm = DateTime.Now

                var userDataResponse = await _userAdminService.Create(userData);

                return(new ResponseMessage <CustomerProfileData>
                    Data = GetShipper(customerId),
                    Errors = userDataResponse.Exceptions?.Select(x => new ResponseError
                        Message = x.Message,
                        StackTrace = x.StackTrace,
                        Data = x.Data

            return(new ResponseMessage <CustomerProfileData>
                Errors = topsResult.Errors