public ViewTree(IUIAutomationElement element, IUIAutomation automation)
     this.root = new TreeNode(element);
     this.root.parent = null;
     IUIAutomationElementArray array = element.FindAll(TreeScope.TreeScope_Children, automation.CreateTrueCondition());
     if (0 == array.Length)
         this.root.children = null;
         this.root.isLeaf = true;
         for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
             IUIAutomationElement e = array.GetElement(i);
             TreeNode n = new TreeNode(e);
        public static bool ExpandAll(this IUIAutomationElement element, IUIAutomation automation, int level)
            if (element.CurrentIsOffscreen != 0)
            var returnValue = false;

            if (element.GetCurrentPattern(UIA_PatternIds.UIA_ExpandCollapsePatternId) is IUIAutomationExpandCollapsePattern expandCollapsePattern &&
                expandCollapsePattern.CurrentExpandCollapseState != ExpandCollapseState.ExpandCollapseState_LeafNode)
                returnValue = true;
                // TODO: find timing issue and resolve structurally. This issue shows with CalcVolume

            var condition = automation.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_PropertyIds.UIA_IsEnabledPropertyId, true);
            var item      = element.FindAll(TreeScope.TreeScope_Children, condition);

            for (var i = 0; i < item.Length; i++)
                if (ExpandAll(item.GetElement(i), automation, level + 1))
                    returnValue = true;

        public static bool CollapseAll(this IUIAutomationElement element, IUIAutomation automation)
            if (element.CurrentIsOffscreen != 0)
            var returnValue = false;
            var condition   = automation.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_PropertyIds.UIA_IsEnabledPropertyId, true);
            var item        = element.FindAll(TreeScope.TreeScope_Children, condition);

            for (var i = 0; i < item.Length; i++)
                if (CollapseAll(item.GetElement(i), automation))
                    returnValue = true;

            if (!(element.GetCurrentPattern(UIA_PatternIds.UIA_ExpandCollapsePatternId) is IUIAutomationExpandCollapsePattern
                  expandCollapsePattern) || expandCollapsePattern.CurrentExpandCollapseState ==
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an <see cref="IUIAutomationElement"/>, returns all descendants with the given <paramref name="className"/>.
        /// If none are found, the resulting collection will be empty.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IUIAutomationElementArray FindDescendantsByClass(this IUIAutomationElement parent, string className)
            if (parent == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parent));

            var condition = Helper.Automation.CreatePropertyCondition(AutomationElementIdentifiers.ClassNameProperty.Id, className);

            return(parent.FindAll(TreeScope.TreeScope_Descendants, condition));
Beispiel #5
        public Element[] GetAllElements(TreeScope Scope)
            IUIAutomationElementArray elementsToFind = null;

            elementsToFind = IUIElement.FindAll(Scope, new CUIAutomationClass().CreateTrueCondition());
            int size = elementsToFind.Length;

            Element[] arr = new Element[size];
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                arr[i] = new Element(elementsToFind.GetElement(i));
        //public void RefreshScrollingContainer(IntPtr hwnd)


        public IUIAutomationElement[] GetAppsArray(IUIAutomationElement homeElement)
            IUIAutomationCondition condition = _automation.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_PropertyIds.UIA_ControlTypePropertyId,
            IUIAutomationElementArray appsList = homeElement.FindAll(TreeScope.TreeScope_Children, condition);

            IUIAutomationElement[] appsArray = new IUIAutomationElement[appsList.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < appsList.Length; i++)
                appsArray[i] = appsList.GetElement(i);
        public IUIAutomationElement[] GetTopFreeHomeArray(IUIAutomationElement element)
            IUIAutomationCondition[] conditionArray = new IUIAutomationCondition[2];
            conditionArray[0] = _automation.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_PropertyIds.UIA_NamePropertyId, "Top free");
            conditionArray[1] = _automation.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_PropertyIds.UIA_ControlTypePropertyId, UIA_ControlTypeIds.UIA_ListItemControlTypeId);

            IUIAutomationCondition    conditions  = _automation.CreateAndConditionFromArray(conditionArray);
            IUIAutomationElementArray topFreeList = element.FindAll(TreeScope.TreeScope_Children, conditions);

            IUIAutomationElement[] topFreeArray = new IUIAutomationElement[topFreeList.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < topFreeList.Length; i++)
                topFreeArray[i] = topFreeList.GetElement(i);

Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Get DesktopElements based on Process Id.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pid"></param>
        /// <returns>return null if we fail to get elements by process Id</returns>
        public static IEnumerable <DesktopElement> ElementsFromProcessId(int pid)
            IUIAutomationElement         root         = null;
            IEnumerable <DesktopElement> elements     = null;
            IUIAutomationCondition       condition    = null;
            IUIAutomationElementArray    elementArray = null;

                // check whether process exists first.
                // if not, it will throw an ArgumentException
                using (var proc = Process.GetProcessById(pid))
                    root         = UIAutomation.GetRootElement();
                    condition    = UIAutomation.CreatePropertyCondition(PropertyType.UIA_ProcessIdPropertyId, pid);
                    elementArray = root.FindAll(TreeScope.TreeScope_Children, condition);
                    elements     = ElementsFromUIAElements(elementArray);
#pragma warning disable CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
            catch (Exception ex)
                // report and let it return null
#pragma warning restore CA1031 // Do not catch general exception types
                if (root != null)
                if (condition != null)

                if (elementArray != null)

Beispiel #9
        private static IUIAutomationElement FindAndWait(IUIAutomationElement rootElement, TreeScope scope, IUIAutomationCondition condition, TimeSpan timeout)
            var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                var result = rootElement.FindAll(scope, condition);
                if (result.Length > 1)
                    throw new Exception("Found multiple elements");
                else if (result.Length == 1)

            } while (stopwatch.Elapsed < timeout);

            throw new TimeoutException();
Beispiel #10
        public ViewTree(IUIAutomationElement element, IUIAutomation automation)
            this.root        = new TreeNode(element);
            this.root.parent = null;
            IUIAutomationElementArray array = element.FindAll(TreeScope.TreeScope_Children, automation.CreateTrueCondition());

            if (0 == array.Length)
                this.root.children = null;
                this.root.isLeaf   = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
                    IUIAutomationElement e = array.GetElement(i);
                    TreeNode             n = new TreeNode(e);
Beispiel #11
        public static bool IsDialogWindow()
            //Stopwatch diagTimer = new Stopwatch();

            bool result = false;

            var array_windows = appElement.FindAll(TreeScope.TreeScope_Children, _automation.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_PropertyIds.UIA_ControlTypePropertyId, UIA_ControlTypeIds.UIA_WindowControlTypeId));

            for (int i = 0; i < array_windows.Length; i++)
                string s_name = array_windows.GetElement(i).CurrentName;

                if (s_name.Contains("Игра проиграна") || s_name.Contains("Игра выиграна") || s_name.Contains("Новая игра"))
                    result = true;

            //Console.WriteLine("IGS {0}",diagTimeToString(diagTimer.Elapsed));
 public static IUIAutomationElementArray xtGetAllChildren(this IUIAutomationElement element)
     return(element.FindAll(TreeScope.TreeScope_Children, AUTOCLASS.CreateTrueCondition()));
        // BuildListOfHyperlinksFromElement()
        // Retrieve a list of hyperlinks from a UIAutomation element. Notifies the main
        // UI thread when it's found all the hyperlinks to be added to the app's list of
        // hyperlinks.
        // Runs on the background thread.
        private void BuildListOfHyperlinksFromElement(IUIAutomationElement elementBrowser,
                                                      bool fUseCache, bool fSearchLinkChildren)
            IUIAutomationCacheRequest cacheRequest = null;

            // If a cache is used, then for each of the elements returned to us after a search
            // for elements, specific properties (and patterns), can be cached with the element.
            // This means that when we access one of the properties later, a cross-proc call
            // does not have to be made. (But it also means that when such a call is made, we
            // don't learn whether the original element still exists.)
            if (fUseCache)
                // Create a cache request containing all the properties and patterns
                // we will need once we've retrieved the hyperlinks. By using this
                // cache, when can avoid time-consuming cross-process calls when
                // getting hyperlink properties later.
                cacheRequest = _automation.CreateCacheRequest();

                // We'll need the hyperlink's name and bounding rectangle later.
                // A full list of Automation element properties can be found at


                // The target of the hyperlink might be stored in the Value property of
                // the hyperlink. The Value property is only avaliable if an element
                // supports the Value pattern. This sample doesn't use the Value, but
                // if it did, it would call the following here.
                //  hr = pCacheRequest->AddProperty(UIA_ValueValuePropertyId);
                // It's ok to attempt to cache a property on a pattern which might not
                // exist on the cached elements. In that case, the property just won't
                // be available when we try to retrieve it from the cache later.

                // Note that calling AddPattern() does not cache the properties
                // associated with a pattern. The pattern's properties must be
                // added explicitly to the cache if required.

                // Cache the Invoke pattern too. This means when we prepare to invoke a link later,
                // we won't need to make a cross-proc call during that preparation. (A cross-proc
                // call will occur at the time Invoke() is actually called.) A full list of patterns
                // can be found at


                // The next step is to specify for which elements we want to have the properties, (and
                // pattern) cached. By default, caching will occur on each element found in the search
                // below. But we can also request that the data is  cached for direct children of the
                // elements found, or even all the descendants of the elements founds. (A scope of
                // Parent or Ancestors cannot be used in a cached request.)

                // So in this sample, if TreeScope_Element is used as the scope here, (which is the
                // default), then only properties for the found hyperlinks will be cached. The sample
                // optionally caches the properties for the direct children of the hyperlinks too.
                // This means that if we find a hyperlink with no name, we can search the hyperlink's
                // children to see if one of the child elements has a name we can use. (Searching the
                // children could be done without using the cache, but it would incur the time cost of
                // making cross-proc calls.)

                TreeScope scope = TreeScope.TreeScope_Element;

                if (fSearchLinkChildren)
                    scope = scope | TreeScope.TreeScope_Children;

                cacheRequest.TreeScope = scope;

                // Note: By default the cache request has a Mode of Full. This means a reference to the
                // target element is included in the cache, as well as whatever properties and patterns
                // we specified should be in the cache. With a reference to the target element, we can:
                // (i) Retrieve a property later for an element which we didn't request should be in
                //     the cache. Eg we could call get_CurrentHasKeyboardFocus().
                // (ii) We can call a method of a pattern that the element supports. Eg if Full mode was
                //      not used here, we would not be able to call Invoke() on the hyperlink later.

                // If we specified a Mode of None for the cache request here, then the results only include
                // cached data, with no connection at all after the call returns to the source elements. If
                // only data is required, then it would be preference to use a Mode of None, as less work is
                // required by UIA. (Also, if a reference to the element is returned in the cache and kept
                // around for a non-trivial time, then it increases the chances that the target process
                // attempts to free the element, but it can't do so in a clean manner as it would like,
                // due to the client app here holding a reference to it.) To specify that we want a Mode of
                // None, we'd make this call here:

                // cacheRequest.AutomationElementMode = AutomationElementMode.AutomationElementMode_None;

            // Now regardless of whether we're using a cache, we need to specify which elements
            // we're interested in during our search for elements. We do this by building up a
            // property condition. This property condition tells UIA which properties must be
            // satisfied by an element for it to be included in the search results. We can
            // combine a number of properties with AND and OR logic.

            // We shall first say that we're only interested in elements that exist in the Control view.
            // By default, a property condition uses the Raw view, which means that every element in the
            // target browser's UIA tree will be examined. The Control view is a subset of the Raw view,
            // and only includes elements which present some useful UI. (The Raw view might include
            // container elements which simply group elements logically together, but the containers
            // themselves might have no visual representation on the screen.)

            IUIAutomationCondition conditionControlView = _automation.ControlViewCondition;
            IUIAutomationCondition conditionHyperlink   = _automation.CreatePropertyCondition(_propertyIdControlType, _controlTypeIdHyperlink);

            // Now combine these two properties such that the search results only contain
            // elements that are in the Control view AND are hyperlinks. We would get the
            // same results here if we didn't include the Control view clause, (as hyperlinks
            // won't exist only in the Raw view), but by specifying that we're only interested
            // in the Control view, UIA won't bother checking all the elements that only exist
            // in the Raw view to see if they're hyperlinks.
            IUIAutomationCondition condition = _automation.CreateAndCondition(conditionControlView, conditionHyperlink);

            // Now retrieve all the hyperlinks in the browser. We must specify a scope in the Find calls here,
            // to control how far UIA will go in looking for elements to include in the search results. For
            // this sample, we must check all descendants of the browser window.

            // *** Note: use TreeScope_Descendants with care, as depending on what you're searching for, UIA may
            // have to process potentially thousands of elements. For example, if you only need to find top level
            // windows on your desktop, you would search for TreeScope_Children of the root of the UIA tree. (The
            // root element can be found with a call to IUIAutomation::GetRootElement().)

            // *** Note: If the following searches included searching for elements in the client app's own UI,
            // then the calls must be made on a background thread. (ie not your main UI thread.) Once event
            // handlers are used, then it's preferable to have all UIA calls made on a background thread
            // regardless of whether the app interacts with its own UI.

            IUIAutomationElementArray elementArray;

            if (fUseCache)
                elementArray = elementBrowser.FindAllBuildCache(TreeScope.TreeScope_Descendants, condition, cacheRequest);
                elementArray = elementBrowser.FindAll(TreeScope.TreeScope_Descendants, condition);

            // Build up a list of items to be passed to the main thread in order for it to
            // populate the list of hyperlinks shown in the UI.


            if (elementArray != null)
                // Find the number of hyperlinks returned by the search. (The number of hyperlinks
                // found might be zero if the browser window is minimized.)
                int cLinks = elementArray.Length;

                // Process each returned hyperlink element.
                for (int idxLink = 0; idxLink < cLinks; ++idxLink)
                    IUIAutomationElement elementLink = elementArray.GetElement(idxLink);

                    // Get the name property for the hyperlink element. How we get this depends
                    // on whether we requested that the property should be cached or not.

                    string strLinkName = null;

                    if (fUseCache)
                        strLinkName = GetCachedDataFromElement(elementLink, fSearchLinkChildren);
                        strLinkName = GetCurrentDataFromElement(elementLink, fSearchLinkChildren);

                    // If we have non-null name, add the link to the list. (This sample does not check
                    // for names that only contains whitespace.)
                    if (strLinkName != null)
                        strLinkName = strLinkName.Trim();

                        LinkItem item = new LinkItem();
                        item.linkName = strLinkName;
                        item.element  = elementLink;


            // Notify the main UI thread that a list of links is ready for processing. Do not block in this call.
            _listViewLinks.BeginInvoke(_UIUpdateDelegate, _linkItems);
Beispiel #14
        static public MSGF_Data ParseMineSweeperGameField()
            MSGF_Data result = new MSGF_Data();

            result.Xcells = 0;

            appElement = _automation.ElementFromHandle(MineSweeperHWND);

            var array_rows = appElement.FindAll(TreeScope.TreeScope_Children, _automation.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_PropertyIds.UIA_ControlTypePropertyId, UIA_ControlTypeIds.UIA_CustomControlTypeId));

            if (array_rows.Length > 1)
                result.RowsCount = array_rows.Length - 1;

                /*var elem_texts = array_rows.GetElement(0).FindAll(TreeScope.TreeScope_Children, _automation.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_PropertyIds.UIA_ControlTypePropertyId, UIA_ControlTypeIds.UIA_TextControlTypeId));
                 * if (elem_texts.Length == 2)
                 * {
                 *  result.TimeSecs = Convert.ToInt32(elem_texts.GetElement(0).GetCurrentPropertyValue(UIA_PropertyIds.UIA_ValueValuePropertyId));
                 *  result.RemainingMines = Convert.ToInt32(elem_texts.GetElement(1).GetCurrentPropertyValue(UIA_PropertyIds.UIA_ValueValuePropertyId));
                 * }*/

                // Ищем ячейки
                for (int j = 1; j < array_rows.Length; j++)
                    var elem_row    = array_rows.GetElement(j);
                    var array_cells = elem_row.FindAll(TreeScope.TreeScope_Children, _automation.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_PropertyIds.UIA_ControlTypePropertyId, UIA_ControlTypeIds.UIA_ButtonControlTypeId));

                    if (j == 1)
                        result.ColsCount = array_cells.Length;
                        result.cells     = new MSGF_Cell[result.ColsCount, result.RowsCount];

                    for (int i = 0; i < array_cells.Length; i++)
                            string nm = array_cells.GetElement(i).CurrentName;
                            result.cells[i, j - 1].elem = array_cells.GetElement(i); // Runtime Error Out of range

                            if (nm.Contains("помечена"))
                                result.cells[i, j - 1].state = -2; continue;
                            if (nm.Contains("неоткрыта"))
                                result.cells[i, j - 1].state = -1; result.Xcells++; continue;
                            if (nm.Contains("мин нет"))
                                result.cells[i, j - 1].state = 0; continue;
                            if (nm.Contains("ячейки: 1"))
                                result.cells[i, j - 1].state = 1; continue;
                            if (nm.Contains("ячейки: 2"))
                                result.cells[i, j - 1].state = 2; continue;
                            if (nm.Contains("ячейки: 3"))
                                result.cells[i, j - 1].state = 3; continue;
                            if (nm.Contains("ячейки: 4"))
                                result.cells[i, j - 1].state = 4; continue;
                            if (nm.Contains("ячейки: 5"))
                                result.cells[i, j - 1].state = 5; continue;
                            if (nm.Contains("ячейки: 6"))
                                result.cells[i, j - 1].state = 6; continue;
                            if (nm.Contains("ячейки: 7"))
                                result.cells[i, j - 1].state = 7; continue;
                            if (nm.Contains("ячейки: 8"))
                                result.cells[i, j - 1].state = 8; continue;

        public IUIAutomationElement[] GetTopFreeHomeArray(IUIAutomationElement element)
            IUIAutomationCondition[] conditionArray = new IUIAutomationCondition[2];
            conditionArray[0] = _automation.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_PropertyIds.UIA_NamePropertyId, "Top free");
            conditionArray[1] = _automation.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_PropertyIds.UIA_ControlTypePropertyId, UIA_ControlTypeIds.UIA_ListItemControlTypeId);

            IUIAutomationCondition conditions = _automation.CreateAndConditionFromArray(conditionArray);
            IUIAutomationElementArray topFreeList = element.FindAll(TreeScope.TreeScope_Children, conditions);

            IUIAutomationElement[] topFreeArray = new IUIAutomationElement[topFreeList.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < topFreeList.Length; i++)
                topFreeArray[i] = topFreeList.GetElement(i);

            return topFreeArray;
 //public void RefreshScrollingContainer(IntPtr hwnd)
 public IUIAutomationElement[] GetAppsArray(IUIAutomationElement homeElement)
     IUIAutomationCondition condition = _automation.CreatePropertyCondition(UIA_PropertyIds.UIA_ControlTypePropertyId,
     IUIAutomationElementArray appsList = homeElement.FindAll(TreeScope.TreeScope_Children, condition);
     IUIAutomationElement[] appsArray = new IUIAutomationElement[appsList.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < appsList.Length; i++)
         appsArray[i] = appsList.GetElement(i);
     return appsArray;