Beispiel #1
        protected void AddPrerequisiteSourceFile(UEBuildTarget Target, IUEBuildPlatform BuildPlatform, CPPEnvironment CompileEnvironment, FileItem SourceFile, List <FileItem> PrerequisiteItems)

            var  RemoteThis      = this as RemoteToolChain;
            bool bAllowUploading = RemoteThis != null && BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac;                // Don't use remote features when compiling from a Mac

            if (bAllowUploading)

            if (!BuildConfiguration.bUseExperimentalFastBuildIteration)                 // In fast build iteration mode, we'll gather includes later on
                // @todo fastubt: What if one of the prerequisite files has become missing since it was updated in our cache? (usually, because a coder eliminated the source file)
                //		-> Two CASES:
                //				1) NOT WORKING: Non-unity file went away (SourceFile in this context).  That seems like an existing old use case.  Compile params or Response file should have changed?
                //				2) WORKING: Indirect file went away (unity'd original source file or include).  This would return a file that no longer exists and adds to the prerequiteitems list
                var IncludedFileList = CPPEnvironment.FindAndCacheAllIncludedFiles(Target, SourceFile, BuildPlatform, CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo, bOnlyCachedDependencies: BuildConfiguration.bUseExperimentalFastDependencyScan);
                foreach (FileItem IncludedFile in IncludedFileList)

                    if (bAllowUploading &&
                        !BuildConfiguration.bUseExperimentalFastDependencyScan)                                 // With fast dependency scanning, we will not have an exhaustive list of dependencies here.  We rely on PostCodeGeneration() to upload these files.
        private static FileItem CachePCHUsageForCPPFile(UEBuildTarget Target, FileItem CPPFile, IUEBuildPlatform BuildPlatform, List<string> IncludePathsToSearch, Dictionary<string, FileItem> IncludeFileSearchDictionary)
            // @todo ubtmake: We don't really need to scan every file looking for PCH headers, just need one.  The rest is just for error checking.
            // @todo ubtmake: We don't need all of the direct includes either.  We just need the first, unless we want to check for errors.
            List<DependencyInclude> DirectIncludeFilenames = CPPEnvironment.GetDirectIncludeDependencies(Target, CPPFile, BuildPlatform, bOnlyCachedDependencies:false);
            if (BuildConfiguration.bPrintDebugInfo)
                Log.TraceVerbose("Found direct includes for {0}: {1}", Path.GetFileName(CPPFile.AbsolutePath), string.Join(", ", DirectIncludeFilenames.Select(F => F.IncludeName)));

            if (DirectIncludeFilenames.Count == 0)
                return null;

            var FirstInclude = DirectIncludeFilenames[0];

            // The pch header should always be the first include in the source file.
            // NOTE: This is not an absolute path.  This is just the literal include string from the source file!
            CPPFile.PCHHeaderNameInCode = FirstInclude.IncludeName;

            // Resolve the PCH header to an absolute path.
            // Check NullOrEmpty here because if the file could not be resolved we need to throw an exception
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FirstInclude.IncludeResolvedName) &&
                // ignore any preexisting resolve cache if we are not configured to use it.
                BuildConfiguration.bUseIncludeDependencyResolveCache &&
                // if we are testing the resolve cache, we force UBT to resolve every time to look for conflicts
                CPPFile.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename = FirstInclude.IncludeResolvedName;
                return FileItem.GetItemByFullPath(CPPFile.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename);

            // search the include paths to resolve the file.
            FileItem PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFile = CPPEnvironment.FindIncludedFile(CPPFile.PCHHeaderNameInCode, !BuildConfiguration.bCheckExternalHeadersForModification, IncludePathsToSearch, IncludeFileSearchDictionary );
            if (PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFile == null)
                throw new BuildException("The first include statement in source file '{0}' is trying to include the file '{1}' as the precompiled header, but that file could not be located in any of the module's include search paths.", CPPFile.AbsolutePath, CPPFile.PCHHeaderNameInCode);

            CPPEnvironment.IncludeDependencyCache[Target].CacheResolvedIncludeFullPath(CPPFile, 0, PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFile.AbsolutePath);
            CPPFile.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename = PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFile.AbsolutePath;

            return PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFile;
Beispiel #3
        private static bool RequiresTempTarget(string RawProjectPath, List <UnrealTargetPlatform> ClientTargetPlatforms)
            // check to see if we already have a Target.cs file
            // @todo: Target.cs may not be the same name as the project in the future, so look at a better way to determine this
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath), "Source", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(RawProjectPath) + ".Target.cs")))

            // no Target file, now check to see if build settings have changed
            List <UnrealTargetPlatform> TargetPlatforms = ClientTargetPlatforms;

            if (ClientTargetPlatforms == null || ClientTargetPlatforms.Count < 1)
                // No client target platforms, add all in
                TargetPlatforms = new List <UnrealTargetPlatform>();
                foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatformType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnrealTargetPlatform)))
                    if (TargetPlatformType != UnrealTargetPlatform.Unknown)

            // check the target platforms for any differences in build settings or additional plugins
            foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatformType in TargetPlatforms)
                IUEBuildPlatform BuildPlat = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(TargetPlatformType, true);
                if (BuildPlat != null && !(BuildPlat as UEBuildPlatform).HasDefaultBuildConfig(TargetPlatformType, Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath)))
                // find if there are any plugins
                List <string> PluginList = new List <string>();
                // Use the project settings to update the plugin list for this target
                PluginList = UProjectInfo.GetEnabledPlugins(RawProjectPath, PluginList, TargetPlatformType);
                if (PluginList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var PluginName in PluginList)
                        // check the plugin info for this plugin itself
                        foreach (var Plugin in Plugins.AllPlugins)
                            if (Plugin.Name == PluginName)
                                foreach (var Module in Plugin.Modules)
                                    if (Module.Platforms.Count > 0 && Module.Platforms.Contains(TargetPlatformType))
Beispiel #4
		protected void AddPrerequisiteSourceFile( UEBuildTarget Target, IUEBuildPlatform BuildPlatform, CPPEnvironment CompileEnvironment, FileItem SourceFile, List<FileItem> PrerequisiteItems )
			PrerequisiteItems.Add( SourceFile );

			var RemoteThis = this as RemoteToolChain;
			bool bAllowUploading = RemoteThis != null && BuildHostPlatform.Current.Platform != UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac;	// Don't use remote features when compiling from a Mac
			if( bAllowUploading )

			if( !BuildConfiguration.bUseUBTMakefiles )	// In fast build iteration mode, we'll gather includes later on
				// @todo ubtmake: What if one of the prerequisite files has become missing since it was updated in our cache? (usually, because a coder eliminated the source file)
				//		-> Two CASES:
				//				1) NOT WORKING: Non-unity file went away (SourceFile in this context).  That seems like an existing old use case.  Compile params or Response file should have changed?
				//				2) WORKING: Indirect file went away (unity'd original source file or include).  This would return a file that no longer exists and adds to the prerequiteitems list
				var IncludedFileList = CPPEnvironment.FindAndCacheAllIncludedFiles( Target, SourceFile, BuildPlatform, CompileEnvironment.Config.CPPIncludeInfo, bOnlyCachedDependencies:BuildConfiguration.bUseUBTMakefiles );
				if( IncludedFileList != null )
					foreach (FileItem IncludedFile in IncludedFileList)
						PrerequisiteItems.Add( IncludedFile );

						if( bAllowUploading &&
							!BuildConfiguration.bUseUBTMakefiles )	// With fast dependency scanning, we will not have an exhaustive list of dependencies here.  We rely on PostCodeGeneration() to upload these files.
Beispiel #5
        /** Finds the names of files directly included by the given C++ file. */
        public static List <DependencyInclude> GetDirectIncludeDependencies(UEBuildTarget Target, FileItem CPPFile, IUEBuildPlatform BuildPlatform, bool bOnlyCachedDependencies, out bool HasUObjects)
            // Try to fulfill request from cache first.
            List <DependencyInclude> Result;

            if (IncludeDependencyCache[Target].GetCachedDirectDependencies(CPPFile, out Result, out HasUObjects))
            else if (bOnlyCachedDependencies)
                return(new List <DependencyInclude>());

            var TimerStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;


            // Get the adjusted filename
            string FileToRead = CPPFile.AbsolutePath;

            if (BuildPlatform.RequiresExtraUnityCPPWriter() == true &&
                FileToRead += ".ex";

            // Read lines from the C++ file.
            string FileContents = Utils.ReadAllText(FileToRead);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileContents))
                return(new List <DependencyInclude>());

            HasUObjects = CPPEnvironment.UObjectRegex.IsMatch(FileContents);

            // Note: This depends on UBT executing w/ a working directory of the Engine/Source folder!
            string EngineSourceFolder = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            string InstalledFolder    = EngineSourceFolder;
            Int32  EngineSourceIdx    = EngineSourceFolder.IndexOf("\\Engine\\Source");

            if (EngineSourceIdx != -1)
                InstalledFolder = EngineSourceFolder.Substring(0, EngineSourceIdx);

            Result = new List <DependencyInclude>();
            if (Utils.IsRunningOnMono)
                // Mono crashes when running a regex on a string longer than about 5000 characters, so we parse the file in chunks
                int       StartIndex     = 0;
                const int SafeTextLength = 4000;
                while (StartIndex < FileContents.Length)
                    int EndIndex = StartIndex + SafeTextLength < FileContents.Length ? FileContents.IndexOf("\n", StartIndex + SafeTextLength) : FileContents.Length;
                    if (EndIndex == -1)
                        EndIndex = FileContents.Length;

                    CollectHeaders(CPPFile, Result, FileToRead, FileContents, InstalledFolder, StartIndex, EndIndex);

                    StartIndex = EndIndex + 1;
                CollectHeaders(CPPFile, Result, FileToRead, FileContents, InstalledFolder, 0, FileContents.Length);

            // Populate cache with results.
            IncludeDependencyCache[Target].SetDependencyInfo(CPPFile, Result, HasUObjects);

            CPPEnvironment.DirectIncludeCacheMissesTotalTime += (DateTime.UtcNow - TimerStartTime).TotalSeconds;

Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the files directly or indirectly included by the given C++ file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CPPFile">C++ file to get the dependencies for.</param>
        /// <param name="Result">List of CPPFile dependencies.</param>
        /// <returns>false if CPPFile is still being processed further down the callstack, true otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool FindAndCacheAllIncludedFiles(UEBuildTarget Target, FileItem CPPFile, IUEBuildPlatform BuildPlatform, CPPIncludeInfo CPPIncludeInfo, ref IncludedFilesSet Result, bool bOnlyCachedDependencies)
            IncludedFilesSet IncludedFileList;
            var IncludedFilesMap = bOnlyCachedDependencies ? OnlyCachedIncludedFilesMap : ExhaustiveIncludedFilesMap;

            if (!IncludedFilesMap.TryGetValue(CPPFile, out IncludedFileList))
                var TimerStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                IncludedFileList = new IncludedFilesSet();

                // Add an uninitialized entry for the include file to avoid infinitely recursing on include file loops.
                IncludedFilesMap.Add(CPPFile, IncludedFileList);

                // Gather a list of names of files directly included by this C++ file.
                bool HasUObjects;
                List <DependencyInclude> DirectIncludes = GetDirectIncludeDependencies(Target, CPPFile, BuildPlatform, bOnlyCachedDependencies: bOnlyCachedDependencies, HasUObjects: out HasUObjects);

                // Build a list of the unique set of files that are included by this file.
                var DirectlyIncludedFiles = new HashSet <FileItem>();
                // require a for loop here because we need to keep track of the index in the list.
                for (int DirectlyIncludedFileNameIndex = 0; DirectlyIncludedFileNameIndex < DirectIncludes.Count; ++DirectlyIncludedFileNameIndex)
                    // Resolve the included file name to an actual file.
                    DependencyInclude DirectInclude = DirectIncludes[DirectlyIncludedFileNameIndex];
                    if (DirectInclude.IncludeResolvedName == null ||
                        // ignore any preexisting resolve cache if we are not configured to use it.
                        !BuildConfiguration.bUseIncludeDependencyResolveCache ||
                        // if we are testing the resolve cache, we force UBT to resolve every time to look for conflicts

                        // search the include paths to resolve the file
                        FileItem DirectIncludeResolvedFile = CPPEnvironment.FindIncludedFile(DirectInclude.IncludeName, !BuildConfiguration.bCheckExternalHeadersForModification, CPPIncludeInfo.GetIncludesPathsToSearch(CPPFile), CPPIncludeInfo.IncludeFileSearchDictionary);
                        if (DirectIncludeResolvedFile != null)
                        IncludeDependencyCache[Target].CacheResolvedIncludeFullPath(CPPFile, DirectlyIncludedFileNameIndex, DirectIncludeResolvedFile != null ? DirectIncludeResolvedFile.AbsolutePath : "");
                        // we might have cached an attempt to resolve the file, but couldn't actually find the file (system headers, etc).
                        if (DirectInclude.IncludeResolvedName != string.Empty)
                TotalDirectIncludeResolves += DirectIncludes.Count;

                // Convert the dictionary of files included by this file into a list.
                foreach (var DirectlyIncludedFile in DirectlyIncludedFiles)
                    // Add the file we're directly including

                    // Also add all of the indirectly included files!
                    if (FindAndCacheAllIncludedFiles(Target, DirectlyIncludedFile, BuildPlatform, CPPIncludeInfo, ref IncludedFileList, bOnlyCachedDependencies:bOnlyCachedDependencies) == false)
                        // DirectlyIncludedFile is a circular dependency which is still being processed
                        // further down the callstack. Add this file to its circular dependencies list
                        // so that it can update its dependencies later.
                        IncludedFilesSet DirectlyIncludedFileIncludedFileList;
                        if (IncludedFilesMap.TryGetValue(DirectlyIncludedFile, out DirectlyIncludedFileIncludedFileList))

                // All dependencies have been processed by now so update all circular dependencies
                // with the full list.
                foreach (var CircularDependency in IncludedFileList.CircularDependencies)
                    IncludedFilesSet CircularDependencyIncludedFiles = IncludedFilesMap[CircularDependency];
                    foreach (FileItem IncludedFile in IncludedFileList)
                // No need to keep this around anymore.

                // Done collecting files.
                IncludedFileList.bIsInitialized = true;

                var TimerDuration = DateTime.UtcNow - TimerStartTime;
                TotalTimeSpentGettingIncludes += TimerDuration.TotalSeconds;

            if (IncludedFileList.bIsInitialized)
                // Copy the list of files included by this file into the result list.
                foreach (FileItem IncludedFile in IncludedFileList)
                    // If the result list doesn't contain this file yet, add the file and the files it includes.
                    // NOTE: For some reason in .NET 4, Add() is over twice as fast as calling UnionWith() on the set

                // The IncludedFileList.bIsInitialized was false because we added a dummy entry further down the call stack.  We're already processing
                // the include list for this header elsewhere in the stack frame, so we don't need to add anything here.
Beispiel #7
        public static List <FileItem> FindAndCacheAllIncludedFiles(UEBuildTarget Target, FileItem SourceFile, IUEBuildPlatform BuildPlatform, CPPIncludeInfo CPPIncludeInfo, bool bOnlyCachedDependencies)
            List <FileItem> Result = null;

            if (CPPIncludeInfo.IncludeFileSearchDictionary == null)
                CPPIncludeInfo.IncludeFileSearchDictionary = new Dictionary <string, FileItem>();

            bool bUseFlatCPPIncludeDependencyCache = BuildConfiguration.bUseUBTMakefiles && UnrealBuildTool.IsAssemblingBuild;

            if (bOnlyCachedDependencies && bUseFlatCPPIncludeDependencyCache)
                Result = FlatCPPIncludeDependencyCache[Target].GetDependenciesForFile(SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                if (Result == null)
                    // Nothing cached for this file!  It is new to us.  This is the expected flow when our CPPIncludeDepencencyCache is missing.
                // @todo ubtmake: HeaderParser.h is missing from the include set for Module.UnrealHeaderTool.cpp (failed to find include using:  FileItem DirectIncludeResolvedFile = CPPEnvironment.FindIncludedFile(DirectInclude.IncludeName, !BuildConfiguration.bCheckExternalHeadersForModification, IncludePathsToSearch, IncludeFileSearchDictionary );)

                // If we're doing an exhaustive include scan, make sure that we have our include dependency cache loaded and ready
                if (!bOnlyCachedDependencies)
                    if (!IncludeDependencyCache.ContainsKey(Target))
                        IncludeDependencyCache.Add(Target, DependencyCache.Create(DependencyCache.GetDependencyCachePathForTarget(Target)));

                Result = new List <FileItem>();

                var IncludedFileList = new IncludedFilesSet();
                CPPEnvironment.FindAndCacheAllIncludedFiles(Target, SourceFile, BuildPlatform, CPPIncludeInfo, ref IncludedFileList, bOnlyCachedDependencies: bOnlyCachedDependencies);
                foreach (FileItem IncludedFile in IncludedFileList)

                // Update cache
                if (bUseFlatCPPIncludeDependencyCache && !bOnlyCachedDependencies)
                    var Dependencies = new List <string>();
                    foreach (var IncludedFile in Result)
                    string PCHName = SourceFile.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename;
                    FlatCPPIncludeDependencyCache[Target].SetDependenciesForFile(SourceFile.AbsolutePath, PCHName, Dependencies);

        public static List <FileItem> FindAndCacheAllIncludedFiles(UEBuildTarget Target, FileItem SourceFile, IUEBuildPlatform BuildPlatform, CPPIncludeInfo CPPIncludeInfo, bool bOnlyCachedDependencies)
            var Result = new List <FileItem>();

            if (CPPIncludeInfo.IncludeFileSearchDictionary == null)
                CPPIncludeInfo.IncludeFileSearchDictionary = new Dictionary <string, FileItem>();

            bool bUseFlatCPPIncludeDependencyCache =
                (BuildConfiguration.bUseExperimentalFastDependencyScan &&
                 (!BuildConfiguration.bUseExperimentalFastBuildIteration || UnrealBuildTool.IsAssemblingBuild));

            if (bUseFlatCPPIncludeDependencyCache && bOnlyCachedDependencies)
                var Dependencies = FlatCPPIncludeDependencyCache[Target].GetDependenciesForFile(SourceFile.AbsolutePath);
                if (Dependencies != null)
                    foreach (string Dependency in Dependencies)
                        Result.Add(FileItem.GetItemByFullPath(Dependency));                             // @todo fastubt: Make sure this is as fast as possible (convert to FileItem)
                    // Nothing cached for this file!  It is new to us.  This is the expected flow when our CPPIncludeDepencencyCache is missing.
                // @todo fastubt: HeaderParser.h is missing from the include set for Module.UnrealHeaderTool.cpp (failed to find include using:  FileItem DirectIncludeResolvedFile = CPPEnvironment.FindIncludedFile(DirectInclude.IncludeName, !BuildConfiguration.bCheckExternalHeadersForModification, IncludePathsToSearch, IncludeFileSearchDictionary );)

                var IncludedFileList = new IncludedFilesSet();
                CPPEnvironment.FindAndCacheAllIncludedFiles(Target, SourceFile, BuildPlatform, CPPIncludeInfo, ref IncludedFileList, bOnlyCachedDependencies: bOnlyCachedDependencies);
                foreach (FileItem IncludedFile in IncludedFileList)

                // Update cache
                if (bUseFlatCPPIncludeDependencyCache && !bOnlyCachedDependencies)
                    var Dependencies = new List <string>();
                    foreach (var IncludedFile in Result)
                    string PCHName = SourceFile.PrecompiledHeaderIncludeFilename;
                    FlatCPPIncludeDependencyCache[Target].SetDependenciesForFile(SourceFile.AbsolutePath, PCHName, Dependencies);

Beispiel #9
        private static bool RequiresTempTarget(string RawProjectPath, List <UnrealTargetPlatform> ClientTargetPlatforms)
            // check to see if we already have a Target.cs file
            if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath), "Source", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(RawProjectPath) + ".Target.cs")))
            else if (Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath), "Source")))
                // wasn't one in the main Source directory, let's check all sub-directories
                //@todo: may want to read each target.cs to see if it has a target corresponding to the project name as a final check
                FileInfo[] Files = (new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath), "Source")).GetFiles("*.Target.cs", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
                if (Files.Length > 0)

            // no Target file, now check to see if build settings have changed
            List <UnrealTargetPlatform> TargetPlatforms = ClientTargetPlatforms;

            if (ClientTargetPlatforms == null || ClientTargetPlatforms.Count < 1)
                // No client target platforms, add all in
                TargetPlatforms = new List <UnrealTargetPlatform>();
                foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatformType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(UnrealTargetPlatform)))
                    if (TargetPlatformType != UnrealTargetPlatform.Unknown)

            // Change the working directory to be the Engine/Source folder. We are running from Engine/Binaries/DotNET
            string oldCWD = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            if (BuildConfiguration.RelativeEnginePath == "../../Engine/")
                string EngineSourceDirectory = Path.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.Utils.GetExecutingAssemblyDirectory(), "..", "..", "..", "Engine", "Source");
                if (!Directory.Exists(EngineSourceDirectory))                 // only set the directory if it exists, this should only happen if we are launching the editor from an artist sync
                    EngineSourceDirectory = Path.Combine(UnrealBuildTool.Utils.GetExecutingAssemblyDirectory(), "..", "..", "..", "Engine", "Binaries");

            // Read the project descriptor, and find all the plugins available to this project
            ProjectDescriptor Project          = ProjectDescriptor.FromFile(RawProjectPath);
            List <PluginInfo> AvailablePlugins = Plugins.ReadAvailablePlugins(RawProjectPath);

            // check the target platforms for any differences in build settings or additional plugins
            bool RetVal = false;

            foreach (UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatformType in TargetPlatforms)
                IUEBuildPlatform BuildPlat = UEBuildPlatform.GetBuildPlatform(TargetPlatformType, true);
                if (!GlobalCommandLine.Rocket && BuildPlat != null && !(BuildPlat as UEBuildPlatform).HasDefaultBuildConfig(TargetPlatformType, Path.GetDirectoryName(RawProjectPath)))
                    RetVal = true;

                // find if there are any plugins enabled or disabled which differ from the default
                foreach (PluginInfo Plugin in AvailablePlugins)
                    bool bPluginEnabledForProject = UProjectInfo.IsPluginEnabledForProject(Plugin, Project, TargetPlatformType);
                    if ((bPluginEnabledForProject && !Plugin.Descriptor.bEnabledByDefault) || (bPluginEnabledForProject && Plugin.Descriptor.bInstalled))
                        if (Plugin.Descriptor.Modules.Any(Module => Module.IsCompiledInConfiguration(TargetPlatformType, TargetRules.TargetType.Game, bBuildDeveloperTools: false, bBuildEditor: false)))
                            RetVal = true;

            // Change back to the original directory