public static void FrontToBack(ITweener tweener, int times) { TimesLoopingHelper helper = new TimesLoopingHelper(tweener, times); tweener.Ended -= helper.FrontToBack; tweener.Ended += helper.FrontToBack; }
private void StartTweeners() { playingTweeners.Clear(); playingTweeners.AddRange(tweeners); for (int i = playingTweeners.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ITweener tweener = playingTweeners[i]; tweener.TimeScale = TimeScale; tweener.SetEase(EaseFunction); tweener.Start(); if (!tweener.IsPlaying) { playingTweeners.RemoveAt(i); } } if (playingTweeners.Count == 0) { NewMarkCompleted(); } }
public static void BackAndForth(ITweener tweener, int times) { TimesLoopingHelper helper = new TimesLoopingHelper(tweener, times); tweener.Ended -= helper.BackAndForth; tweener.Ended += helper.BackAndForth; }
public static void TweenColorAlpha(IHasColor hasColor, float from, float to, int duration, Easing.Equation easing, int delay = 0, ITweener tweener = null) { CoroutineManager.StartCoroutine( TweenColorAlphaRoutine(hasColor, from, to, duration, easing, delay, tweener), null); }
private static Task <Completion> TestSteps <T>(ITweener t, Coroutines?cors, Func <T> value, T[] expected, Action <T, T> assertEq, bool lastIsComplete = true) { cors ??= new Coroutines(); var tw = t.Run(cors); for (int ii = 0; ii < expected.Length; ++ii) { cors.Step(); if (lastIsComplete && ii == expected.Length - 1) { Assert.IsTrue(tw.IsCompleted); } else { Assert.IsFalse(tw.IsCompleted); } try { assertEq(value(), expected[ii]); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed steps comparison at index {ii}"); throw; } } return(tw); }
protected override void OnTweenReset(bool kill, ResetMode resetMode) { for (int i = tweeners.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ITweener tweener = tweeners[i]; tweener.Reset(resetMode); } }
private void OnAnimationCompleted(ITweener tweener) { if (tweener.IsCompleted) { CAAnimation am = (CAAnimation)tweener; AnimationDidStop?.Invoke(am, true); OnCompleted(am, true); Animations.Remove(am.ForKey); } }
static IEnumerator TweenColorAlphaRoutine(IHasColor hasColor, float from, float to, int duration, Easing.Equation easing, int delay = 0, ITweener tweener = null) { if (delay > 0) { yield return(new WaitForMilliSeconds(delay)); } float durationF = duration * 0.001f; float time = 0; hasColor.Alpha = from; var childs = hasColor.children; for (int i = 0; i < childs.Count; i++) { if (childs[i] is IHasColor) { ((IHasColor)childs[i]).Alpha = from; } } while (time < durationF) { hasColor.Alpha = Easing.Ease(easing, time, from, to, durationF); for (int i = 0; i < childs.Count; i++) { if (childs[i] is IHasColor) { ((IHasColor)childs[i]).Alpha = Easing.Ease(easing, time, from, to, durationF); } } time += Time.deltaTime * 0.001f; yield return(null); } hasColor.Alpha = to; for (int i = 0; i < childs.Count; i++) { if (childs[i] is IHasColor) { ((IHasColor)childs[i]).Alpha = to; } } if (tweener != null) { tweener.OnTweenEnd(hasColor); } }
public void Init(TweenTime timeProvider, TweenBuilder builder) { this.timeProvider = timeProvider; this.tweener = builder.Tweener; this.easeType = builder.EaseType; this.tweenType = builder.TweenType; this.easeFunction = builder.EaseFunction; this.duration = builder.Duration; this.delayTime = builder.Delay; this.handler = builder.Handler; this.startTime = 0; this.realTime = 0; this.pauseTime = 0; }
static IEnumerator TweenSpriteAlphaRoutine(Sprite s, float from, float to, int duration, Easing.Equation easing, int delay = 0, ITweener tweener = null) { if (delay > 0) { yield return(new WaitForMilliSeconds(delay)); } float durationF = duration * 0.001f; float time = 0; s.alpha = from; var childs = s.GetChildren(); for (int i = 0; i < childs.Count; i++) { if (childs[i] is Sprite) { ((Sprite)childs[i]).alpha = from; } } while (time < durationF) { s.alpha = Easing.Ease(easing, time, from, to, durationF); //Console.WriteLine($"{} - alpha: {s.alpha}"); for (int i = 0; i < childs.Count; i++) { if (childs[i] is Sprite) { ((Sprite)childs[i]).alpha = Easing.Ease(easing, time, from, to, durationF); } } time += Time.deltaTime * 0.001f; yield return(null); } if (tweener != null) { tweener.OnTweenEnd(s); } }
protected override void OnTweenUpdate() { for (int i = playingTweeners.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ITweener tweener = playingTweeners[i]; tweener.Update(); if (!tweener.IsPlaying) { playingTweeners.RemoveAt(i); } } if (playingTweeners.Count == 0) { NewMarkCompleted(); } }
void BounceDone(ITweener tw) { tw.SetOnFinishedDelegate(null); if (IsActive) { IsActive = loopBounce && gameObject.activeSelf && gameObject.activeInHierarchy; if (IsActive) { tw.SetBeginStateImmediately(); float newMiddleDelay = middleDelay + (randomMiddleDelay ? (middleDelay * Random.Range(-randomMiddleDelayPercent, randomMiddleDelayPercent) / 100f) : 0f); if (bounceSessionTime > 0 && sessionTime > bounceSessionTime) { sessionTime = -bounceSessionDelay; newMiddleDelay += bounceSessionDelay; } tw.SetEndState(newMiddleDelay, BounceDone); } } }
public void Add(ITweener tweener) { if (tweener == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException($"Tried to {nameof(Add)} a null {nameof(ITweener)} on {nameof(InterpolationTween)}"); } if (tweener.IsPlaying) { throw new ArgumentNullException($"Tried to {nameof(Add)} a {nameof(ITweener)} on {nameof(InterpolationTween)} " + $"but it was already playing"); } if (tweeners.Contains(tweener)) { throw new ArgumentNullException($"Tried to {nameof(Add)} a {nameof(ITweener)} on {nameof(InterpolationTween)} " + $"but it was already added"); } tweeners.Add(tweener); durationCalculated = false; }
public static void BackAndForth(ITweener tweener) { tweener.Ended += tweener.Reverse; }
public static void TweenColorAlpha(IHasColor hasColor, float from, float to, int duration, ITweener tweener) { TweenColorAlpha(hasColor, from, to, duration, Easing.Equation.Linear, 0, tweener); }
public void SetUp() { tweener = new ColorTweener(Linear.EaseNone); }
internal void RemoveTweener(ITweener tweener) { RemoveTweener(tweenerUpdate.IndexOf(tweener)); }
internal LoopHelper(ITweener tweener) { this.tweener = tweener; }
public static void BackAndForth(ITweener tweener) { tweener.Ended -= tweener.Reverse; tweener.Ended += tweener.Reverse; }
/// <summary> /// MonoBehaviour Awake callback. /// </summary> protected virtual void Awake() { tweener = AnimationManager.Instance.Configuration.Tweener; }
public static void TweenSpriteAlpha(Sprite s, float from, float to, int duration, ITweener tweener) { TweenSpriteAlpha(s, from, to, duration, Easing.Equation.Linear, 0, tweener); }
public static void FrontToBack(ITweener tweener, int times) { TimesLoopingHelper helper = new TimesLoopingHelper(tweener, times); tweener.Ended += helper.FrontToBack; }
public static void TweenSpriteAlpha(Sprite s, float from, float to, int duration, Easing.Equation easing, int delay = 0, ITweener tweener = null) { CoroutineManager.StartCoroutine(TweenSpriteAlphaRoutine(s, from, to, duration, easing, delay, tweener), null); }
public static void BackAndForth(ITweener tweener, int times) { TimesLoopingHelper helper = new TimesLoopingHelper(tweener, times); tweener.Ended += helper.BackAndForth; }
public StartableTweener(ITweener implementation, MonoBehaviour gameObject) { Implementation = implementation; GameObject = gameObject; }
void Update() { float delta = ignoreTimeScale ? Time.unscaledDeltaTime : Time.deltaTime; float time = ignoreTimeScale ? Time.unscaledDeltaTime : Time.time; if (!mStarted) { delta = 0; mStarted = true; mStartTime = time + delay; } if (time < mStartTime) { return; } mFactor += (duration == 0f) ? 1f : amountPerDelta * delta; if (style == Style.Loop) { if (mFactor > 1f) { mFactor -= Mathf.Floor(mFactor); } } else if (style == Style.PingPong) { if (mFactor > 1f) { mFactor = 1f - (mFactor - Mathf.Floor(mFactor)); mAmountPerDelta = -mAmountPerDelta; } else if (mFactor < 0f) { mFactor = -mFactor; mFactor -= Mathf.Floor(mFactor); mAmountPerDelta = -mAmountPerDelta; } } if ((style == Style.Once) && (duration == 0f || mFactor > 1f || mFactor < 0f)) { mFactor = Mathf.Clamp01(mFactor); Sample(mFactor, true); enabled = false; if (current != this) { ITweener before = current; current = this; if (onFinished != null) { for (int i = 0; i < onFinished.Count; ++i) { FinishedEvent ed = onFinished[i]; if (ed != null) { ed(); } } } current = before; } } else { Sample(mFactor, false); } }
public TweenBuilder WithTweener(ITweener accessor) { this.tweener = accessor; return(this); }
internal void AddTweener(ITweener tweener) { tweenerUpdate.Add(tweener); }
public static void FrontToBack(ITweener tweener) { tweener.Ended += tweener.Restart; }
public static void BackAndForth(ITweener tweener) { tweener.Ended += delegate { tweener.Reverse(); }; }
public TimesLoopingHelper(ITweener tweener, int times) { this.tweener = tweener; this.times = times; }