Beispiel #1
        private IEnumerable <ITunesCategory> ParseChannelForCategory(XElement channel)
            var categories = channel.Elements("itunescategory");

            foreach (var category in categories)
                var attribute      = category.TryGetAttribute("text");
                var itunesCategory = new ITunesCategory
                    Category      = attribute,
                    SubCategories = ParseCategoryForSubCategories(category)
                yield return(itunesCategory);
Beispiel #2
        private void RenderRss()
            Argotic.Syndication.RssFeed feed = new Argotic.Syndication.RssFeed();
            RssChannel channel = new RssChannel();

            channel.Generator = "mojoPortal Blog Module";

            channel.Language = SiteUtils.GetDefaultCulture();
            feed.Channel     = channel;
            if (module.ModuleTitle.Length > 0)
                channel.Title = module.ModuleTitle;
                channel.Title = "Blog"; // it will cause an error if this is left blank so we must populate it if the module title is an emty string.

            // this became broken when we combined query string params, since pageid is not one of the params this always returns the home page url
            // instead of the blog page url
            //string pu = WebUtils.ResolveServerUrl(SiteUtils.GetCurrentPageUrl());

            string pu = WebUtils.ResolveServerUrl(SiteUtils.GetPageUrl(pageSettings));

            channel.Link     = new System.Uri(pu);
            channel.SelfLink = Request.Url;

            if (config.ChannelDescription.Length > 0)
                channel.Description = config.ChannelDescription;
            if (config.Copyright.Length > 0)
                channel.Copyright = config.Copyright;

            channel.ManagingEditor = config.ManagingEditorEmail;
            if (config.ManagingEditorName.Length > 0)
                channel.ManagingEditor += " (" + config.ManagingEditorName + ")";

            if (config.FeedTimeToLive > -1)
                channel.TimeToLive = config.FeedTimeToLive;

            //  Create and add iTunes information to feed channel
            ITunesSyndicationExtension channelExtension = new ITunesSyndicationExtension();

            channelExtension.Context.Subtitle = config.ChannelDescription;

            if (config.HasExplicitContent)
                channelExtension.Context.ExplicitMaterial = ITunesExplicitMaterial.Yes;
                channelExtension.Context.ExplicitMaterial = ITunesExplicitMaterial.No;

            channelExtension.Context.Author = config.ManagingEditorEmail;
            if (config.ManagingEditorName.Length > 0)
                channelExtension.Context.Author += " (" + config.ManagingEditorName + ")";
            channelExtension.Context.Summary = config.ChannelDescription;
            channelExtension.Context.Owner   = new ITunesOwner(config.ManagingEditorEmail, config.ManagingEditorName);

            if (config.FeedLogoUrl.Length > 0)
                    channelExtension.Context.Image = new Uri(config.FeedLogoUrl);
                catch (ArgumentNullException) { }
                catch (UriFormatException) { }

            if (config.FeedMainCategory.Length > 0)
                ITunesCategory mainCat = new ITunesCategory(config.FeedMainCategory);

                if (config.FeedSubCategory.Length > 0)
                    mainCat.Categories.Add(new ITunesCategory(config.FeedSubCategory));



            DataSet dsBlogPosts = GetData();

            DataTable posts = dsBlogPosts.Tables["Posts"];

            foreach (DataRow dr in posts.Rows)
                bool inFeed = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["IncludeInFeed"]);
                if (!inFeed)

                RssItem item = new RssItem();

                int    itemId      = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ItemID"]);
                string blogItemUrl = FormatBlogUrl(dr["ItemUrl"].ToString(), itemId);
                item.Link            = new Uri(Request.Url, blogItemUrl);
                item.Guid            = new RssGuid(blogItemUrl);
                item.Title           = dr["Heading"].ToString();
                item.PublicationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["StartDate"]);

                bool showAuthor = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["ShowAuthorName"]);
                if (showAuthor)
                    // techically this is supposed to be an email address
                    // but wouldn't that lead to a lot of spam?

                    string authorEmail = dr["Email"].ToString();
                    string authorName  = dr["Name"].ToString();

                    if (BlogConfiguration.IncludeAuthorEmailInFeed)
                        item.Author = authorEmail + " (" + authorName + ")";
                        item.Author = authorName;
                else if (config.ManagingEditorEmail.Length > 0)
                    item.Author = config.ManagingEditorEmail;

                item.Comments = new Uri(blogItemUrl);

                string signature = string.Empty;

                if (config.AddSignature)
                    signature = "<br /><a href='" + blogItemUrl + "'>" + dr["Name"].ToString() + "</a>";

                if ((config.AddCommentsLinkToFeed) && (config.AllowComments))
                    signature += "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + "<a href='" + blogItemUrl + "'>...</a>";

                if (config.AddTweetThisToFeed)
                    signature += GenerateTweetThisLink(item.Title, blogItemUrl);

                if (config.AddFacebookLikeToFeed)
                    signature += GenerateFacebookLikeButton(blogItemUrl);

                string blogPost = SiteUtils.ChangeRelativeUrlsToFullyQualifiedUrls(navigationSiteRoot, imageSiteRoot, dr["Description"].ToString().RemoveCDataTags());

                string staticMapLink = BuildStaticMapMarkup(dr);

                if (staticMapLink.Length > 0)
                    // add a google static map
                    blogPost += staticMapLink;

                if ((!config.UseExcerptInFeed) || (blogPost.Length <= config.ExcerptLength))
                    item.Description = blogPost + signature;
                    string excerpt = SiteUtils.ChangeRelativeUrlsToFullyQualifiedUrls(navigationSiteRoot, imageSiteRoot, dr["Abstract"].ToString().RemoveCDataTags());

                    if ((excerpt.Length > 0) && (excerpt != "<p>&#160;</p>"))
                        excerpt = excerpt
                                  + config.ExcerptSuffix
                                  + " <a href='"
                                  + blogItemUrl + "'>" + config.MoreLinkText + "</a><div class='excerptspacer'>&nbsp;</div>";
                        excerpt = UIHelper.CreateExcerpt(dr["Description"].ToString(), config.ExcerptLength, config.ExcerptSuffix)
                                  + " <a href='"
                                  + blogItemUrl + "'>" + config.MoreLinkText + "</a><div class='excerptspacer'>&nbsp;</div>";;

                    item.Description = excerpt;

                // how to add media enclosures for podcasting



                //Uri url = new Uri("");
                //string type = "audio/mpeg";
                //long length = 11779397;

                string blogGuid    = dr["BlogGuid"].ToString();
                string whereClause = string.Format("ItemGuid = '{0}'", blogGuid);

                if (!config.UseExcerptInFeed)
                    DataView dv = new DataView(dsBlogPosts.Tables["Attachments"], whereClause, "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);

                    foreach (DataRowView rowView in dv)
                        DataRow row = rowView.Row;

                        Uri    mediaUrl      = new Uri(WebUtils.ResolveServerUrl(attachmentBaseUrl + row["ServerFileName"].ToString()));
                        long   contentLength = Convert.ToInt64(row["ContentLength"]);
                        string contentType   = row["ContentType"].ToString();

                        RssEnclosure enclosure = new RssEnclosure(contentLength, contentType, mediaUrl);


                        ITunesSyndicationExtension itemExtension = new ITunesSyndicationExtension();
                        itemExtension.Context.Author   = dr["Name"].ToString();
                        itemExtension.Context.Subtitle = dr["SubTitle"].ToString();
                        //itemExtension.Context.Summary = "The iTunes syndication extension properties that are used vary based on whether extending the channel or an item";
                        //itemExtension.Context.Duration = new TimeSpan(1, 2, 13);

                        whereClause = string.Format("ItemID = '{0}'", itemId);
                        DataView dvCat = new DataView(dsBlogPosts.Tables["Categories"], whereClause, "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);

                        foreach (DataRowView rView in dvCat)
                            DataRow r = rView.Row;

                            item.Categories.Add(new RssCategory(r["Category"].ToString()));




            if ((config.FeedburnerFeedUrl.Length > 0) || (Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Contains("localhost")))
                Response.Cache.VaryByParams["r"] = true;

            Response.ContentType = "application/xml";

            Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding();

            Response.ContentEncoding = encoding;

            using (XmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(Response.OutputStream, encoding))
                xmlTextWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

                // style for RSS Feed viewed in browsers
                if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RSSCSS"] != null)
                    string rssCss = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RSSCSS"].ToString();
                    xmlTextWriter.WriteWhitespace(" ");
                    xmlTextWriter.WriteRaw("<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/css\" href=\"" + cssBaseUrl + rssCss + "\" ?>");

                if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RSSXsl"] != null)
                    string rssXsl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RSSXsl"].ToString();
                    xmlTextWriter.WriteWhitespace(" ");
                    xmlTextWriter.WriteRaw("<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"" + cssBaseUrl + rssXsl + "\" ?>");

Beispiel #3
        private void RenderRss()
            Argotic.Syndication.RssFeed feed = new Argotic.Syndication.RssFeed();
            RssChannel channel = new RssChannel();
            channel.Generator = "mojoPortal Blog Module";

            channel.Language = SiteUtils.GetDefaultCulture();
            feed.Channel = channel;
            if (module.ModuleTitle.Length > 0)
                channel.Title = module.ModuleTitle;
                channel.Title = "Blog"; // it will cause an error if this is left blank so we must populate it if the module title is an emty string.

            // this became broken when we combined query string params, since pageid is not one of the params this always returns the home page url
            // instead of the blog page url
            //string pu = WebUtils.ResolveServerUrl(SiteUtils.GetCurrentPageUrl());

            string pu = WebUtils.ResolveServerUrl(SiteUtils.GetPageUrl(pageSettings));

            channel.Link = new System.Uri(pu);
            channel.SelfLink = Request.Url;

            if (config.ChannelDescription.Length > 0) { channel.Description = config.ChannelDescription; }
            if (config.Copyright.Length > 0) { channel.Copyright = config.Copyright; }

            channel.ManagingEditor = config.ManagingEditorEmail;
            if (config.ManagingEditorName.Length > 0)
                channel.ManagingEditor += " (" + config.ManagingEditorName + ")";

            if (config.FeedTimeToLive > -1) { channel.TimeToLive = config.FeedTimeToLive; }

            //  Create and add iTunes information to feed channel
            ITunesSyndicationExtension channelExtension = new ITunesSyndicationExtension();
            channelExtension.Context.Subtitle = config.ChannelDescription;

            if (config.HasExplicitContent)
                channelExtension.Context.ExplicitMaterial = ITunesExplicitMaterial.Yes;
                channelExtension.Context.ExplicitMaterial = ITunesExplicitMaterial.No;

            channelExtension.Context.Author = config.ManagingEditorEmail;
            if (config.ManagingEditorName.Length > 0)
                channelExtension.Context.Author += " (" + config.ManagingEditorName + ")";
            channelExtension.Context.Summary = config.ChannelDescription;
            channelExtension.Context.Owner = new ITunesOwner(config.ManagingEditorEmail, config.ManagingEditorName);

            if (config.FeedLogoUrl.Length > 0)
                    channelExtension.Context.Image = new Uri(config.FeedLogoUrl);
                catch (ArgumentNullException) { }
                catch (UriFormatException) { }

            if (config.FeedMainCategory.Length > 0)
                ITunesCategory mainCat = new ITunesCategory(config.FeedMainCategory);

                if (config.FeedSubCategory.Length > 0)
                    mainCat.Categories.Add(new ITunesCategory(config.FeedSubCategory));



            DataSet dsBlogPosts = GetData();

            DataTable posts = dsBlogPosts.Tables["Posts"];

            foreach (DataRow dr in posts.Rows)
                bool inFeed = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["IncludeInFeed"]);
                if (!inFeed) { continue; }

                RssItem item = new RssItem();

                int itemId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ItemID"]);
                string blogItemUrl = FormatBlogUrl(dr["ItemUrl"].ToString(), itemId);
                item.Link = new Uri(Request.Url, blogItemUrl);
                item.Guid = new RssGuid(blogItemUrl);
                item.Title = dr["Heading"].ToString();
                item.PublicationDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["StartDate"]);

                bool showAuthor = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["ShowAuthorName"]);
                if (showAuthor)

                    // techically this is supposed to be an email address
                    // but wouldn't that lead to a lot of spam?

                    string authorEmail = dr["Email"].ToString();
                    string authorName = dr["Name"].ToString();

                    if (BlogConfiguration.IncludeAuthorEmailInFeed)
                        item.Author = authorEmail + " (" + authorName + ")";

                        item.Author = authorName;
                else if (config.ManagingEditorEmail.Length > 0)
                    item.Author = config.ManagingEditorEmail;

                item.Comments = new Uri(blogItemUrl);

                string signature = string.Empty;

                if (config.AddSignature)
                    signature = "<br /><a href='" + blogItemUrl + "'>" + dr["Name"].ToString() + "</a>";

                if ((config.AddCommentsLinkToFeed) && (config.AllowComments))
                    signature += "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + "<a href='" + blogItemUrl + "'>...</a>";

                if (config.AddTweetThisToFeed)
                    signature += GenerateTweetThisLink(item.Title, blogItemUrl);


                if (config.AddFacebookLikeToFeed)
                    signature += GenerateFacebookLikeButton(blogItemUrl);


                string blogPost = SiteUtils.ChangeRelativeUrlsToFullyQualifiedUrls(navigationSiteRoot, imageSiteRoot, dr["Description"].ToString().RemoveCDataTags());

                string staticMapLink = BuildStaticMapMarkup(dr);

                if (staticMapLink.Length > 0)
                    // add a google static map
                    blogPost += staticMapLink;


                if ((!config.UseExcerptInFeed) || (blogPost.Length <= config.ExcerptLength))
                    item.Description = blogPost + signature;
                    string excerpt = SiteUtils.ChangeRelativeUrlsToFullyQualifiedUrls(navigationSiteRoot, imageSiteRoot, dr["Abstract"].ToString().RemoveCDataTags());

                    if ((excerpt.Length > 0) && (excerpt != "<p>&#160;</p>"))
                        excerpt = excerpt
                            + config.ExcerptSuffix
                            + " <a href='"
                            + blogItemUrl + "'>" + config.MoreLinkText + "</a><div class='excerptspacer'>&nbsp;</div>";
                        excerpt = UIHelper.CreateExcerpt(dr["Description"].ToString(), config.ExcerptLength, config.ExcerptSuffix)
                            + " <a href='"
                            + blogItemUrl + "'>" + config.MoreLinkText + "</a><div class='excerptspacer'>&nbsp;</div>"; ;

                    item.Description = excerpt;


                // how to add media enclosures for podcasting



                //Uri url = new Uri("");
                //string type = "audio/mpeg";
                //long length = 11779397;

                string blogGuid = dr["BlogGuid"].ToString();
                string whereClause = string.Format("ItemGuid = '{0}'", blogGuid);

                if (!config.UseExcerptInFeed)

                    DataView dv = new DataView(dsBlogPosts.Tables["Attachments"], whereClause, "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);

                    foreach (DataRowView rowView in dv)
                        DataRow row = rowView.Row;

                        Uri mediaUrl = new Uri(WebUtils.ResolveServerUrl(attachmentBaseUrl + row["ServerFileName"].ToString()));
                        long contentLength = Convert.ToInt64(row["ContentLength"]);
                        string contentType = row["ContentType"].ToString();

                        RssEnclosure enclosure = new RssEnclosure(contentLength, contentType, mediaUrl);


                        ITunesSyndicationExtension itemExtension = new ITunesSyndicationExtension();
                        itemExtension.Context.Author = dr["Name"].ToString();
                        itemExtension.Context.Subtitle = dr["SubTitle"].ToString();
                        //itemExtension.Context.Summary = "The iTunes syndication extension properties that are used vary based on whether extending the channel or an item";
                        //itemExtension.Context.Duration = new TimeSpan(1, 2, 13);

                        whereClause = string.Format("ItemID = '{0}'", itemId);
                        DataView dvCat = new DataView(dsBlogPosts.Tables["Categories"], whereClause, "", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);

                        foreach (DataRowView rView in dvCat)
                            DataRow r = rView.Row;

                            item.Categories.Add(new RssCategory(r["Category"].ToString()));







            if ((config.FeedburnerFeedUrl.Length > 0) || (Request.Url.AbsolutePath.Contains("localhost")))
                Response.Cache.VaryByParams["r"] = true;

            Response.ContentType = "application/xml";

            Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding();
            Response.ContentEncoding = encoding;

            using (XmlTextWriter xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(Response.OutputStream, encoding))
                xmlTextWriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented;

                // style for RSS Feed viewed in browsers
                if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RSSCSS"] != null)
                    string rssCss = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RSSCSS"].ToString();
                    xmlTextWriter.WriteWhitespace(" ");
                    xmlTextWriter.WriteRaw("<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/css\" href=\"" + cssBaseUrl + rssCss + "\" ?>");


                if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RSSXsl"] != null)
                    string rssXsl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RSSXsl"].ToString();
                    xmlTextWriter.WriteWhitespace(" ");
                    xmlTextWriter.WriteRaw("<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"" + cssBaseUrl + rssXsl + "\" ?>");



        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the common syndication extension information using the supplied <see cref="XPathNavigator"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The <b>XPathNavigator</b> used to load this <see cref="ITunesSyndicationExtensionContext"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="manager">The <see cref="XmlNamespaceManager"/> object used to resolve prefixed syndication extension elements and attributes.</param>
        /// <returns><b>true</b> if the <see cref="ITunesSyndicationExtensionContext"/> was able to be initialized using the supplied <paramref name="source"/>; otherwise <b>false</b>.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="source"/> is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="manager"/> is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).</exception>
        private bool LoadCommon(XPathNavigator source, XmlNamespaceManager manager)
            //	Local members
            bool wasLoaded  = false;

            //	Validate parameter
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(source, "source");
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(manager, "manager");

            //	Attempt to extract syndication extension information
            if (source.HasChildren)
                XPathNavigator authorNavigator      = source.SelectSingleNode("itunes:author", manager);
                XPathNavigator keywordsNavigator    = source.SelectSingleNode("itunes:keywords", manager);
                XPathNavigator newFeedUrlNavigator  = source.SelectSingleNode("itunes:new-feed-url", manager);
                XPathNavigator ownerNavigator       = source.SelectSingleNode("itunes:owner", manager);
                XPathNavigator subtitleNavigator    = source.SelectSingleNode("itunes:subtitle", manager);
                XPathNavigator summaryNavigator     = source.SelectSingleNode("itunes:summary", manager);

                XPathNodeIterator categoryIterator  = source.Select("itunes:category", manager);

                if (authorNavigator != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(authorNavigator.Value))
                    this.Author = authorNavigator.Value;
                    wasLoaded   = true;

                if (keywordsNavigator != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(keywordsNavigator.Value))
                        string[] keywords   = keywordsNavigator.Value.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        foreach (string keyword in keywords)
                            wasLoaded   = true;
                        wasLoaded   = true;

                if (newFeedUrlNavigator != null)
                    Uri newFeedUrl;
                    if (Uri.TryCreate(newFeedUrlNavigator.Value, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute, out newFeedUrl))
                        this.NewFeedUrl = newFeedUrl;
                        wasLoaded       = true;

                if (ownerNavigator != null)
                    ITunesOwner owner   = new ITunesOwner();
                    if (owner.Load(ownerNavigator))
                        this.Owner  = owner;
                        wasLoaded   = true;

                if (subtitleNavigator != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(subtitleNavigator.Value))
                    this.Subtitle   = subtitleNavigator.Value;
                    wasLoaded       = true;

                if (summaryNavigator != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(summaryNavigator.Value))
                    this.Summary    = summaryNavigator.Value;
                    wasLoaded       = true;

                if (categoryIterator != null && categoryIterator.Count > 0)
                    while (categoryIterator.MoveNext())
                        ITunesCategory category = new ITunesCategory();
                        if (category.Load(categoryIterator.Current))
                            wasLoaded   = true;

            return wasLoaded;