Beispiel #1
 public Trip(ITripChain chain, IZone origin, IZone destination, Activity purpose, Time startTime, int householdIterations)
     TripChain = chain;
     TripStartTime = startTime;
     OriginalZone = origin;
     DestinationZone = destination;
     Purpose = purpose;
     IntermediateZone = null;
     Passengers = new List<ITashaPerson>();
     ModesChosen = new ITashaMode[householdIterations];
 public ModeChoiceTripChainData(ITripChain tripChain, int numberOfModes, int numberOfVehicleTypes)
     var trips = tripChain.Trips;
     TripChain = tripChain;
     BestPossibleAssignmentForVehicleType = new PossibleTripChainSolution[numberOfVehicleTypes];
     var tripData = new ModeChoiceTripData[trips.Count];
     PossibleAssignments = new List<PossibleTripChainSolution>((numberOfModes * trips.Count) >> 1);
     for(int i = 0; i < tripData.Length; i++)
         tripData[i] = new ModeChoiceTripData(numberOfModes);
     TripData = tripData;
 internal void PickSolution(ITripChain chain)
     if ( TourData == null ) return;
     var onSolution = TourData.OnSolution;
     var picked = PickedModes;
     for ( int i = 0; i < onSolution.Length; i++ )
         if ( onSolution[i] != null )
             onSolution[i]( chain );
Beispiel #4
        public void GetTripActivities(ITrip trip, ITripChain chain, out char origin, out char destination)
            destination = GetActivityChar( trip.Purpose );

            List<ITrip> trips = chain.Trips;

            for ( int i = 0; i < trips.Count; i++ )
                if ( trips[i] == trip )
                    if ( i == 0 )
                        origin = GetActivityChar( Activity.Home );
                        origin = GetActivityChar( trips[i - 1].Purpose );


            origin = '0';
Beispiel #5
 public bool Feasible(ITripChain tripChain)
 public ITrip CreateTrip(ITripChain chain, IZone originalZone, IZone destinationZone, Activity purpose, Time startTime)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 private float ComputeError(ITripChain tour)
     var observedAccessStation = tour[this.AccessStationTag] as IZone;
     var result = this.AccessStationChoiceModel.ProduceResult( tour );
     float correct = 0.0f;
     if ( result != null )
         var total = 0.0f;
         int correctIndex = -1;
         for ( int i = 0; i < result.First.Length; i++ )
             if ( result.First[i] == null ) break;
             if ( result.First[i] == observedAccessStation ) correctIndex = i;
             var value = result.Second[i];
             total += result.Second[i];
         if ( total > 0 & correctIndex >= 0 )
             correct = result.Second[correctIndex] / total;
     // we finished another
     Interlocked.Increment( ref this.Completed );
     var error = 1.0f - correct;
     // use squared error
     return error * error;
 public ITrip CreateTrip(ITripChain chain, IZone originalZone, IZone destinationZone, Activity purpose, Time startTime)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tripChain"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool Feasible(ITripChain tripChain)
     //passenger mode does not handle joint trips
     return !tripChain.JointTrip;
Beispiel #10
 internal static ModeSet Make(ITripChain chain)
     ModeSet newModeSet;
     var chainLength = chain.Trips.Count;
     ConcurrentBag<ModeSet> ourBag;
     if ( !ModeSetPool.TryGetValue( chainLength, out ourBag ) )
         ModeSetPool[chainLength] = ( ourBag = new ConcurrentBag<ModeSet>() );
         return new ModeSet( chain );
     if ( ourBag.TryTake( out newModeSet ) )
         newModeSet.Chain = chain;
         return newModeSet;
         return new ModeSet( chain );
Beispiel #11
 private float TimeToNextTrip(ITrip trip, ITripChain chain)
     var tchain = trip.TripChain.Trips;
     for(int i = 0; i < tchain.Count - 1; i++)
         if(tchain[i] == trip)
             // the number is (1/60)f
             return (tchain[i + 1].ActivityStartTime - trip.ActivityStartTime).ToMinutes() * 0.01666666666666f;
     return 0f;
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 /// This code initializes the modeset for a trip chain
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chain">The chain to init mode sets for</param>
 public static void InitModeSets(ITripChain chain)
     chain.Attach( "ModeSets", new List<ModeSet>( chain.Trips.Count ) );
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Stores this mode set to the trip chain
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chain">The chain to attach this set to</param>
 /// <param name="U"></param>
 public void Store(ITripChain chain, double U)
     List<ModeSet> set = (List<ModeSet>)chain["ModeSets"];
     set.Add( new ModeSet( this, U ) );
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets an enumeration of the ModeSets for the trip chain
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chain">The trip chain to look at</param>
 /// <returns>An enumeration of all of the mode sets for this chain</returns>
 public static IEnumerable<ModeSet> GetModeSets(ITripChain chain)
     return (List<ModeSet>)chain["ModeSets"];
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks to see if a whole chain of trips is possible
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tripChain">The chain to check</param>
 /// <returns>If it is possible</returns>
 public bool Feasible(ITripChain tripChain)
     int vehicleLeftAt = tripChain.Person.Household.HomeZone.ZoneNumber;
     var home = vehicleLeftAt;
     var trips = tripChain.Trips;
     var length = trips.Count;
     bool noAutoTrips = true;
     bool first = false;
     bool lastMadeWithAuto = false;
     for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
         var trip = trips[i];
         var mode = trip.Mode;
             if(mode.RequiresVehicle == this.AutoType)
                 // it is only not feasible if we actually take the mode and we don't have a licence
                 if((trip.OriginalZone.ZoneNumber != vehicleLeftAt))
                     return false;
                 vehicleLeftAt = trip.DestinationZone.ZoneNumber;
                 lastMadeWithAuto = true;
                 noAutoTrips = false;
                 lastMadeWithAuto = false;
             lastMadeWithAuto = false;
         if(i == 0)
             first = lastMadeWithAuto;
     return (noAutoTrips) | ((first) & (lastMadeWithAuto) & (vehicleLeftAt == home));
Beispiel #16
 public bool Feasible(ITripChain tripChain)
     IZone vehicleLeftAt = tripChain.Person.Household.HomeZone;
     var home = vehicleLeftAt;
     var trips = tripChain.Trips;
     bool noAutoTrips = true;
     bool first = false;
     bool lastMadeWithAuto = false;
     for(int i = 0; i < trips.Count; i++)
         var trip = trips[i];
         if(trip.Mode.RequiresVehicle == RequiresVehicle)
             // it is only not feasible if we actually take the mode and we don't have a license
             if((trip.OriginalZone != vehicleLeftAt))
                 return false;
             vehicleLeftAt = trip.DestinationZone;
             lastMadeWithAuto = true;
             noAutoTrips = false;
             lastMadeWithAuto = false;
         if(i == 0)
             first = lastMadeWithAuto;
     return (noAutoTrips) | ((first) & (lastMadeWithAuto) & (vehicleLeftAt == home));
Beispiel #17
 public Pair<IZone[], float[]> ProduceResult(ITripChain data)
     ITrip first, second;
     if(GetTripsFirst(data, out first, out second))
         if(first == null | second == null) return null;
         TimePeriod firstTimePeriod = GetTimePeriod(first);
         TimePeriod secondTimePeriod = GetTimePeriod(second);
         if(firstTimePeriod == null | secondTimePeriod == null) return null;
         var zoneArray = Root.ZoneSystem.ZoneArray;
         float[] utilities = new float[AccessZoneIndexes.Length];
         var firstOrigin = zoneArray.GetFlatIndex(first.OriginalZone.ZoneNumber) * AccessZoneIndexes.Length;
         var firstDestination = zoneArray.GetFlatIndex(first.DestinationZone.ZoneNumber) * AccessZoneIndexes.Length;
         var secondOrigin = zoneArray.GetFlatIndex(second.OriginalZone.ZoneNumber) * AccessZoneIndexes.Length;
         var secondDestination = zoneArray.GetFlatIndex(second.DestinationZone.ZoneNumber) * AccessZoneIndexes.Length;
             VectorHelper.Multiply(utilities, 0, firstTimePeriod.AutoFromOriginToAccessStation, firstOrigin,
                 firstTimePeriod.TransitFromAccessStationToDestination, firstDestination,
                 secondTimePeriod.TransitFromDestinationToAccessStation, secondOrigin,
                 secondTimePeriod.AutoFromAccessStationToDestination, secondDestination, utilities.Length);
             VectorHelper.ReplaceIfLessThanOrNotFinite(utilities, 0, 0.0f, MinimumStationUtility, utilities.Length);
             for(int i = 0; i < utilities.Length; i++)
                 utilities[i] = firstTimePeriod.AutoFromOriginToAccessStation[firstOrigin + i] * firstTimePeriod.TransitFromAccessStationToDestination[firstDestination + i]
                                * secondTimePeriod.TransitFromDestinationToAccessStation[secondOrigin + i] * secondTimePeriod.AutoFromAccessStationToDestination[secondDestination + i];
                 if(!(utilities[i] >= MinimumStationUtility))
                     utilities[i] = 0.0f;
         return new Pair<IZone[], float[]>(AccessZones, utilities);
     return null;
Beispiel #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Checking Feasibility of the entire trip chain
 /// TODO: Switch this to "Feasible", inform James
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tripChain"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool Feasible(ITripChain tripChain)
     bool AccessOccured = false;
     var trips = tripChain.Trips;
     int carLocation = trips[0].OriginalZone.ZoneNumber;
     //checking if each access has an Egress and car is located at origin of access
     foreach ( ITrip trip in trips )
         var mode = trip.Mode;
         if ( mode is TransitEgress )//if mode is an Egress
             //there was no access before this Egress
             if ( !AccessOccured )
                 return false;
             AccessOccured = false; //cancel out the previous access with this Egress
         else if ( mode is TransitAccess )
             // if there was an access before this access
             if ( AccessOccured | ( trip.OriginalZone.ZoneNumber != carLocation ) )
                 return false;
             AccessOccured = true;
         else if ( mode.RequiresVehicle == this.AutoType )
             carLocation = trip.DestinationZone.ZoneNumber;
     return !AccessOccured;
Beispiel #19
 private bool GetTripsFirst(ITripChain tc, out ITrip trip1, out ITrip trip2)
     var list = tc.Trips;
     int i = 0;
     trip1 = null;
     trip2 = null;
     for(; i < list.Count; i++)
         if(list[i].Mode == OurMode)
             trip1 = list[i++];
     for(; i < list.Count; i++)
         if(list[i].Mode == OurMode)
             trip2 = list[i++];
     // if we get in here and find another trip, then we have more than 2 and is thus invalid
     for(; i < list.Count; i++)
         if(list[i].Mode == OurMode)
             return false;
     return trip1 != null & trip2 != null;
Beispiel #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Checking feasibility of entire trip chain for a bike
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tripChain">The Trip Chain to test feasibility on</param>
 /// <returns>is this trip chain feasible?</returns>
 public bool Feasible(ITripChain tripChain)
     var trips = tripChain.Trips;
     var lastPlace = trips[0].OriginalZone;
     var homeZone = lastPlace;
     bool lastMadeWithBike = true;
     bool firstWasBike = trips[0].Mode == this;
     bool anyBike = false;
     for(int i = 0; i < trips.Count; i++)
         var trip = trips[i];
         if(trip.Mode == this)
             anyBike = true;
             if(trip.OriginalZone != lastPlace)
                 return false;
             lastPlace = trip.DestinationZone;
             lastMadeWithBike = true;
             lastMadeWithBike = false;
     return !anyBike | (firstWasBike & lastPlace == homeZone & lastMadeWithBike);
Beispiel #21
 internal static void ReleaseModeSets(ITripChain tripChain)
     var sets = GetModeSets( tripChain );
     if ( sets != null )
         foreach ( var set in sets )
             var length = set.Length;
             set.Chain = null;
             ModeSetPool[length].Add( set );
Beispiel #22
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new Mode Set
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chain">The trip chain this mode is for</param>
 private ModeSet(ITripChain chain)
     this.Chain      = chain;
     this.Length     = chain.Trips.Count;
     this.ChosenMode = new ITashaMode[this.Length];
Beispiel #23
        private int LatestAccessStation(ITripChain tripChain, ITrip trip)
            int egressStation = -1;

            //looking for latest access
            foreach ( ITrip trip2 in tripChain.Trips )
                if ( trip2 == trip ) break;

                if ( trip2.GetVariable( "subway-access-station" ) != null )
                    egressStation = (int)trip2.GetVariable( "subway-access-station" );

            return egressStation;
Beispiel #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Create a new Mode Set
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chain">The trip chain this mode is for</param>
 private ModeSet(ITripChain chain)
     this.Chain = chain;
     this.Length = chain.Trips.Count;
     this.ChosenMode = new ITashaMode[this.Length];
Beispiel #25
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tripChain"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Feasible(ITripChain tripChain)
            bool carIsOut = false;

            foreach ( var trip in tripChain.Trips )
                if ( trip.Mode is GoAccess )
                    if ( carIsOut ) return false;
                    carIsOut = true;
                else if ( trip.Mode is GoEgress )
                    if ( !carIsOut ) return false;
                    carIsOut = false;
            return !carIsOut;
Beispiel #26
 public bool GetTranslatedOD(ITripChain chain, ITrip trip, bool access, out IZone origin, out IZone destination)
     if(CountAccess ^ (!access))
         origin = trip.OriginalZone;
         destination = chain[AccessZoneTagName] as IZone;
         return destination != null;
         origin = chain[AccessZoneTagName] as IZone;
         destination = trip.DestinationZone;
         return origin != null;
Beispiel #27
 public bool Feasible(ITripChain tripChain)
     return true;
Beispiel #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if assigning a ride share mode to this trip chain is feasible.
 /// Criteria: Someone must be assigned a car on this trip chain (not necessarily the rep).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tripChain"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool Feasible(ITripChain tripChain)
     if ( tripChain.Person.Household.Vehicles == null ) return false;
     return tripChain.Person.Household.Vehicles.Length > 0;
 private float ComputeError(ITripChain[] tours)
     return ( from tour in tours.AsParallel()
              select ComputeError( tour ) ).Sum();
Beispiel #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates all feasible sets of modes for the trip chain
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="chain">The chain to operate on</param>
 /// <param name="Data">The ModeData for each trip</param>
 /// <param name="set">The mode set we are building</param>
 /// <param name="level">How deep in the recursion we are</param>
 /// <param name=Fo"U">What is the total Utility value calculated</param>
 private static void GenerateModeSets(ITripChain chain, ModeData[] Data, ModeSet set)
     var modes = TashaRuntime.AllModes;
     var numberOfModes = modes.Count - TashaRuntime.SharedModes.Count;
     var topLevel = Data.Length - 1;
     int level = 0;
     double U = 0;
     int mode = 0;
     List<ModeSet> possibleTripChains = ModeSet.GetModeSets( chain ) as List<ModeSet>;
     Stack<int> previousMode = new Stack<int>( 10 );
     Stack<double> previousU = new Stack<double>( 10 );
     int chainLength = chain.Trips.Count;
     var trips = chain.Trips;
     ITrip currentTrip = trips[0];
     while ( level != -1 )
         for ( ; mode < numberOfModes; mode++ )
             // For each feasible mode
             var currentData = Data[level];
             if ( currentData.Feasible[mode] )
                 // find the total utility
                 double newU = U + currentData.V[mode] + currentData.Error[mode];
                 // store the mode into our set and chain
                 set.ChosenMode[level] = currentTrip.Mode = modes[mode];
                 // if we are at the end, store the set
                 if ( level >= topLevel )
                     bool feasible = true;
                     // make sure this chain is allowed
                     for ( int j = 0; j < numberOfModes; j++ )
                         // if this doesn't work don't save it
                         if ( !modes[j].Feasible( chain ) )
                             feasible = false;
                     if ( feasible )
                         possibleTripChains.Add( ModeSet.Make( set, newU ) );
                     // otherwise go to the next trip
                     previousU.Push( U );
                     U = newU;
                     currentTrip = trips[level];
                     previousMode.Push( mode );
                     mode = -1;
         if ( previousMode.Count > 0 )
             mode = previousMode.Pop() + 1;
             U = previousU.Pop();
             currentTrip = trips[level - 1];
 private void ProduceConfusionMatrix(ITripChain[] tours)
     var zoneSystem = ZoneSystem.ZoneArray;
     var zones = zoneSystem.GetFlatData();
     var results = new float[zones.Length * zones.Length];
     for ( int t = 0; t < tours.Length; t++ )
         var tour = tours[t];
         var observedAccessStation = tour[this.AccessStationTag] as IZone;
         var result = this.AccessStationChoiceModel.ProduceResult( tour );
         var observedOffset = zoneSystem.GetFlatIndex( observedAccessStation.ZoneNumber ) * zones.Length;
         if ( result != null )
             if ( Normalize( result ) )
                 for ( int i = 0; i < result.First.Length && result.First[i] != null; i++ )
                     var value = result.Second[i];
                     var jIndex = zoneSystem.GetFlatIndex( result.First[i].ZoneNumber );
                     results[observedOffset + jIndex] += value;
     TMG.Functions.SaveData.SaveMatrix( zones, results, ConfusionMatrix );
Beispiel #32
 private static bool AreTogether(ITripChain f, ITripChain s)
     bool success = true;
     if ( f.Trips.Count != s.Trips.Count ) return false;
     f.Trips.CoDo( s.Trips, delegate(ITrip first, ITrip second)
         if ( success && !AreTogether( first, second ) )
             success = false;
     } );
     return success;
Beispiel #33
 public bool Feasible(ITripChain tripChain)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Beispiel #34
        public static void FindPossibleAssignments(List <Pair <IVehicleType[], double> > possibleAssignments,
                                                   List <ITripChain> chains,
                                                   List <IVehicle> vehicles,
                                                   int position,
                                                   List <UnAssignedModeSet> currentChains,
                                                   IVehicleType[] currentAssignment,
                                                   double currentU)
            ModeSet[] sets = (ModeSet[])chains[position]["BestForVehicle"];
            if (sets == null)
            var numberOfVehicleTypes = ModeChoice.VehicleTypes.Count + 1;

            for (int j = 0; j < numberOfVehicleTypes; j++)  //take into account NPV
                ModeSet set = sets[j];
                //if this vehicle cannot be used for this set skip it since we are already considering NPV
                if ((set != null) && (set.ChosenMode != null))
                    //a Personal vehicle mode
                    if (j > 0)
                        UnAssignedModeSet        newUms = new UnAssignedModeSet(chains[position], set, set.ChosenMode[0].RequiresVehicle);
                        List <UnAssignedModeSet> allChainsWithSameVehicle = currentChains.FindAll(n => n.VehicleType == newUms.VehicleType);
                        List <ITripChain>        sameVehicleChains        = new List <ITripChain>();
                        foreach (var ums in allChainsWithSameVehicle)
                        int count          = vehicles.Count(n => n.VehicleType.Equals(newUms.VehicleType));
                        var availabilities = HouseholdExtender.FindVehicleAvailabilites(sameVehicleChains, count);
                        foreach (var ums in allChainsWithSameVehicle)
                        ITripChain curChain = newUms.GetChainWithAssignedModes();
                        var        span     = new TashaTimeSpan(curChain.StartTime, curChain.EndTime);
                        if (HouseholdExtender.VehicleAvailableInTimeSpan(availabilities, span, count))
                            currentAssignment[position] = newUms.VehicleType;
                    double newU = currentU + set.U;
                    if (position + 1 == chains.Count)
                    {   //end of the line
                        IVehicleType[] nextAssignment = new IVehicleType[chains.Count];
                        currentAssignment.CopyTo(nextAssignment, 0);
                        possibleAssignments.Add(new Pair <IVehicleType[], double>(nextAssignment, newU));
                        IVehicleType[] nextAssignment = new IVehicleType[chains.Count];
                        currentAssignment.CopyTo(nextAssignment, 0);
                        FindPossibleAssignments(possibleAssignments, chains, vehicles, position + 1, new List <UnAssignedModeSet>(currentChains), nextAssignment, newU);