Beispiel #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Restores the default values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tooltip">The <see cref="ITooltip"/>.</param>
 public void RestoreDefaults(ITooltip tooltip)
     FontColor = tooltip.FontColor;
     BackgroundColor = tooltip.BackgroundColor;
     Border = tooltip.Border;
     Timeout = tooltip.Timeout;
     RefreshRate = 0;
Beispiel #2
        public TooltipData(ITooltip tooltip)
            Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();
            string sockets = string.Empty, quality = "Unknown";

            DPS = tooltip.ParseDPS();
            Name = tooltip.ParseItemName();
            Type = tooltip.ParseItemType(out quality);
            Meta = tooltip.ParseMeta();
            Affixes = tooltip.ParseAffixes(out sockets);

            Quality = quality;
            SocketBonuses = sockets;
            TimeTaken = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;
Beispiel #3
        IEnumerator AnimateHide(ITooltip tooltip, TooltipUI tooltipUI)
            var target    = GetTooltipTarget(tooltip);
            var startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            while (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime < k_TransitionDuration)
                if (!target)

                UpdateVisuals(tooltip, tooltipUI, target,
                              1 - (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - startTime) / k_TransitionDuration);
                yield return(null);

Beispiel #4
        public void HideTooltip(ITooltip tooltip, bool persistent = false)
            TooltipData tooltipData;

            if (m_Tooltips.TryGetValue(tooltip, out tooltipData))
                if (!persistent && tooltipData.persistent)


                if (m_ModuleParent.activeInHierarchy && tooltipData.tooltipUI)
                    EditorMonoBehaviour.instance.StartCoroutine(AnimateHide(tooltip, tooltipData));
Beispiel #5
        public void Created(Actor self)
            tooltip = self.TraitsImplementing <ITooltip>().FirstOrDefault();
            health  = self.TraitOrDefault <Health>();

            frozenStates = new PlayerDictionary <FrozenState>(self.World, (player, playerIndex) =>
                var frozenActor = new FrozenActor(self, footprint, player.Shroud, startsRevealed);
                if (startsRevealed)
                    UpdateFrozenActor(self, frozenActor, playerIndex);
                player.PlayerActor.Trait <FrozenActorLayer>().Add(frozenActor);
                return(new FrozenState(frozenActor)
                    IsVisible = startsRevealed
Beispiel #6
        public void HideTooltip(ITooltip tooltip, bool persistent = false)
            TooltipData tooltipData;

            if (m_Tooltips.TryGetValue(tooltip, out tooltipData))
                if (!persistent && tooltipData.persistent)


                if (tooltipData.tooltipUI)
                    StartCoroutine(AnimateHide(tooltip, tooltipData));
Beispiel #7
        internal EditorTooltip(ITooltip item)

            Loaded += (s, e) =>
                ItemName.Content = PrettifyName(item);
                ItemName.SetResourceReference(TextBlock.ForegroundProperty, EnvironmentColors.SystemMenuTextBrushKey);

                string description = item.Description;

                if (!item.IsSupported)
                    description += $"\r\n\r\n{EditorConfig.Resources.Text.NotSupportedByVS}";

                Description.Text = description;
                Description.SetResourceReference(TextBlock.ForegroundProperty, EnvironmentColors.SystemMenuTextBrushKey);

                Glyph.Source = item.Moniker.ToBitmap(_iconSize);
        private void Update()
            TooltipTitle.text       = string.Empty;
            TooltipDescription.text = string.Empty;
            TooltipFooter.text      = string.Empty;

            foreach (ITooltipUpdater updater in _updaters)
                ITooltip tooltip = updater.GetTooltip();
                if (tooltip != null)
                    TooltipTitle.text       = tooltip.Title;
                    TooltipDescription.text = tooltip.Description;
                    TooltipFooter.text      = tooltip.Footnote;


            Vector2 flip = new Vector2();
            Vector2 pos  = MousePosition.ScreenPosition;
            Rect    rect = TooltipTransform.rect;

            if (pos.x + rect.width > Screen.width)
                flip.x = -rect.width + Offset.x * -2;
            if (pos.y - rect.height < 0f)
                flip.y = rect.height + Offset.y * 2;

            TooltipTransform.position = pos + Offset + flip;
Beispiel #9
        private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other)
            var hoverable = other.GetComponent <IHoverable>();

            if (hoverable != null)

            var grabables = other.GetComponents <IGrabable>();

            foreach (var grabable in grabables)

            var activatable = other.GetComponent <IActivateable>();

            if (activatable != null)
                if (pressedActivatableReleases.ContainsKey(activatable))
                    var unpress = pressedActivatableReleases[activatable];

            var tt = other.GetComponent <ITooltip>();

            if (tt == tooltip)
                tooltip = null;
                tooltipDisplay.enabled = false;
Beispiel #10
        public ITooltip GetTooltip()
            GraphicRaycaster raycaster   = UIController.Instance.GraphicRaycaster;
            EventSystem      eventSystem = UIController.Instance.EventSystem;

            PointerEventData data = new PointerEventData(eventSystem);

            data.position = Mouse.current.position.ReadValue();

            List <RaycastResult> results = new List <RaycastResult>();

            raycaster.Raycast(data, results);

            foreach (RaycastResult result in results)
                ITooltip tooltip = result.gameObject.GetComponent <ITooltip>();
                if (tooltip != null)

Beispiel #11
        private Completion4 CreateCompletion(ITooltip item, Category category = Category.None, string iconAutomation = null)
            IEnumerable<CompletionIcon2> icon = null;
            string automationText = iconAutomation;
            string text = item.Name;

            if (int.TryParse(item.Name, out int integer))
                text = "<integer>";

            if (!item.IsSupported)
                icon = new[] { new CompletionIcon2(KnownMonikers.IntellisenseWarning, "warning", "") };

            if (category != Category.None)
                automationText = category.ToString();

            var completion = new Completion4(text, item.Name, item.Description, item.Moniker, automationText, icon);
            completion.Properties.AddProperty("item", item);

            return completion;
Beispiel #12
        void CreateFaceButtons()
            var types = new HashSet <Type>();

            types.UnionWith(settingsMenuProviders.Keys.Select(provider => provider.Key));
            types.UnionWith(settingsMenuItemProviders.Keys.Select(provider => provider.Key));

            if (Application.isPlaying)
                types.RemoveWhere(type => type.GetCustomAttributes(true).OfType <EditorOnlyWorkspaceAttribute>().Any());

            foreach (var type in types)
                var customMenuAttribute = (MainMenuItemAttribute)type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MainMenuItemAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault();
                if (customMenuAttribute != null && !customMenuAttribute.shown)

                var isTool                 = typeof(ITool).IsAssignableFrom(type) && menuTools.Contains(type);
                var isWorkspace            = typeof(Workspace).IsAssignableFrom(type);
                var isSettingsProvider     = typeof(ISettingsMenuProvider).IsAssignableFrom(type);
                var isSettingsItemProvider = typeof(ISettingsMenuItemProvider).IsAssignableFrom(type);

                ITooltip tooltip = null;
                MainMenuUI.ButtonData buttonData = null;

                var selectedType = type; // Local variable for closure
                if (customMenuAttribute != null && customMenuAttribute.shown)
                    tooltip = customMenuAttribute.tooltip;

                    buttonData = new MainMenuUI.ButtonData(
                        sectionName = customMenuAttribute.sectionName,
                        description = customMenuAttribute.description

                if (isTool)
                    if (buttonData == null)
                        buttonData = new MainMenuUI.ButtonData(type.Name);

                    var mainMenuButton = CreateFaceButton(buttonData, tooltip, () =>
                        if (targetRayOrigin)
                            this.SelectTool(targetRayOrigin, selectedType,
                                            hideMenu: typeof(IInstantiateMenuUI).IsAssignableFrom(selectedType));

                    m_ToolButtons[type] = mainMenuButton;

                    // Assign Tools Menu button preview properties
                    if (mainMenuButton != null)
                        mainMenuButton.toolType = selectedType;

                    m_ToolsSpatialMenuElements.Add(new SpatialMenu.SpatialMenuElementContainer(, buttonData.description, node =>
                        this.SelectTool(this.RequestRayOriginFromNode(node), selectedType,
                                        hideMenu: typeof(IInstantiateMenuUI).IsAssignableFrom(selectedType));


                if (isWorkspace)
                    // For workspaces that haven't specified a custom attribute, do some menu categorization automatically
                    if (buttonData == null)
                        buttonData = new MainMenuUI.ButtonData(type.Name)
                            sectionName = "Workspaces"

                    CreateFaceButton(buttonData, tooltip, () => { this.CreateWorkspace(selectedType); });

                    m_WorkspaceSpatialMenuElements.Add(new SpatialMenu.SpatialMenuElementContainer(, buttonData.description, node => this.CreateWorkspace(selectedType)));

                if (isSettingsProvider)
                    foreach (var providerPair in settingsMenuProviders)
                        var kvp = providerPair.Key;
                        if (kvp.Key == type && (kvp.Value == null || kvp.Value == rayOrigin))
                            AddSettingsMenu(providerPair.Value, buttonData, tooltip);

                if (isSettingsItemProvider)
                    foreach (var providerPair in settingsMenuItemProviders)
                        var kvp = providerPair.Key;
                        if (kvp.Key == type && (kvp.Value == null || kvp.Value == rayOrigin))

        MainMenuButton CreateFaceButton(MainMenuUI.ButtonData buttonData, ITooltip tooltip, Action buttonClickCallback)
            var mainMenuButton = m_MainMenuUI.CreateFaceButton(buttonData);

            if (mainMenuButton == null)

            var button = mainMenuButton.button;

            button.onClick.AddListener(() =>
                if (m_MenuHideFlags == 0)

            mainMenuButton.hovered += OnButtonHovered;
            mainMenuButton.clicked += OnButtonClicked;
            mainMenuButton.tooltip  = tooltip;


        void UpdateToolButtons()
            foreach (var kvp in m_ToolButtons)
                kvp.Value.selected = this.IsToolActive(targetRayOrigin, kvp.Key);

        void OnButtonClicked(Transform rayOrigin)
            this.Pulse(this.RequestNodeFromRayOrigin(rayOrigin), m_ButtonClickPulse);

        void OnButtonHovered(Transform rayOrigin, Type buttonType, string buttonDescription)
            this.Pulse(this.RequestNodeFromRayOrigin(rayOrigin), m_ButtonHoverPulse);

            // Pass the pointer which is over us, so this information can supply context (e.g. selecting a tool for a different hand)
            // Enable preview-mode on a Tools Menu button; Display on the opposite proxy device by evaluating the entering RayOrigin
            // Disable any existing previews being displayed in ToolsMenus

            if (buttonType != null && rayOrigin != null)
                this.PreviewInToolMenuButton(rayOrigin, buttonType, buttonDescription);

        void OnToggleHovered(Transform rayOrigin)
            this.Pulse(this.RequestNodeFromRayOrigin(rayOrigin), m_ButtonHoverPulse);

        void SendVisibilityPulse()
            this.Pulse(node, m_MenuHideFlags == 0 ? m_HidePulse : m_ShowPulse);
Beispiel #13
        void UpdateVisuals(ITooltip tooltip, TooltipUI tooltipUI, Transform target, float lerp)
            var tooltipTransform = tooltipUI.transform;

            lerp = MathUtilsExt.SmoothInOutLerpFloat(lerp);             // shape the lerp for better presentation

            var tooltipText = tooltipUI.text;

            if (tooltipText)
                tooltipText.text  = tooltip.tooltipText;
                tooltipText.color = Color.Lerp(Color.clear, Color.white, lerp);

            var viewerScale = this.GetViewerScale();

            tooltipTransform.localScale = m_TooltipScale * lerp * viewerScale;

            TooltipData toolTipData;

            m_Tooltips.TryGetValue(tooltip, out toolTipData);
            var highlightMaterial = toolTipData != null ? toolTipData.customHighlightMaterial : m_HighlightMaterial;

            tooltipUI.highlight.material = highlightMaterial;

            m_TooltipBackgroundMaterial.SetColor("_Color", Color.Lerp(UnityBrandColorScheme.darker, m_OriginalBackgroundColor, lerp));

            var placement = tooltip as ITooltipPlacement;

            // Adjust for alignment
            var offset =;

            if (placement != null)
                switch (placement.tooltipAlignment)
                case TextAlignment.Right:
                    offset = Vector3.left;

                case TextAlignment.Left:
                    offset = Vector3.right;

            var rectTransform = tooltipUI.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            var rect          = rectTransform.rect;
            var halfWidth     = rect.width * 0.5f;
            var halfHeight    = rect.height * 0.5f;

            if (placement != null)
                offset *= halfWidth * rectTransform.lossyScale.x;
                offset = Vector3.back * k_Offset * this.GetViewerScale();

            MathUtilsExt.SetTransformOffset(target, tooltipTransform, offset * lerp, Quaternion.identity);

            if (placement != null)
                var source   = placement.tooltipSource;
                var toSource = tooltipTransform.InverseTransformPoint(source.position);

                // Position spheres: one at source, one on the closest edge of the tooltip
                var spheres = tooltipUI.spheres;
                spheres[0].position = source.position;

                var attachedSphere = spheres[1];
                var boxSlope       = halfHeight / halfWidth;
                var toSourceSlope  = Mathf.Abs(toSource.y / toSource.x);

                halfHeight *= Mathf.Sign(toSource.y);
                halfWidth  *= Mathf.Sign(toSource.x);
                attachedSphere.localPosition = toSourceSlope > boxSlope
                                        ? new Vector3(0, halfHeight)
                                        : new Vector3(halfWidth, 0);

                // Align dotted line
                var attachedSpherePosition = attachedSphere.position;
                toSource = source.position - attachedSpherePosition;
                var midPoint   = attachedSpherePosition + toSource * 0.5f;
                var dottedLine = tooltipUI.dottedLine;
                var length     = toSource.magnitude;
                var uvRect     = dottedLine.uvRect;
                var worldScale = 1 / viewerScale;
                uvRect.width      = length * k_UVScale * worldScale;
                uvRect.xMin      += k_UVScrollSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
                dottedLine.uvRect = uvRect;

                var dottedLineTransform = dottedLine.transform.parent.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                dottedLineTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, length / tooltipTransform.lossyScale.x);
                dottedLineTransform.position = midPoint;
                dottedLineTransform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(toSource, -tooltipTransform.forward);
Beispiel #14
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
            Amiga.UI.SceneSettings sceneSettings = GameManager.Instance.CurrentSceneSettings;

        if (GameManager.Instance.GameState != GameManager.State.Dungeon)

        if (eventSystem == null)
            eventSystem = FindObjectOfType <EventSystem>();

        PointerEventData pointer = new PointerEventData(eventSystem);

        pointer.position = Input.mousePosition;
        List <RaycastResult> raycastResults = new List <RaycastResult>();

        eventSystem.RaycastAll(pointer, raycastResults);

        if (GameManager.Instance.CurrentSceneSettings == null)

        if (!(GameManager.Instance.CurrentSceneSettings is Amiga.UI.Dungeon.DungeonDisplay))

        //Amiga.UI.Dungeon.InventoryMenu inventoryMenu = ((Amiga.UI.Dungeon.DungeonDisplay)GameManager.Instance.CurrentSceneSettings).inventoryPanel;

        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))

        foreach (var result in raycastResults)
            if (result.gameObject.GetComponent <ITooltip>() != null)
                ITooltip           tooltippable = result.gameObject.GetComponent <ITooltip>();
                UISlot.TooltipData tooltipData  = tooltippable.GetTooltip();


                if (
                    tooltip.transform.Find("Description").GetComponent <Text>().text  = "<b>" + tooltipData.title + "</b>\n";
                    tooltip.transform.Find("Description").GetComponent <Text>().text += tooltipData.content;
                    tooltip.transform.Find("Image Holder").Find("Image").GetComponent <Image>().sprite = tooltipData.image;


        bool itstrue = false;

        foreach (var result in raycastResults)
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                if (result.gameObject.GetComponent <UISlot>() != null)
                    UISlot grabbable = result.gameObject.GetComponent <UISlot>();


            if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
                if (result.gameObject.GetComponent <DroppableArea>() != null)
                    DroppableArea placeable = result.gameObject.GetComponent <DroppableArea>();


             * if (result.gameObject.GetComponent<UISlot>() != null)
             * {
             *      UISlot slot = result.gameObject.GetComponent<UISlot>();
             *      if (slot is EquipmentSlot)
             *      {
             *              //Amiga.UI.Dungeon.EquipmentSlot dSlot = slot as Amiga.UI.Dungeon.EquipmentSlot;
             *              //dSlot.Highlight(true);
             *              /*
             *              if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
             *              {
             *                      inventoryMenu.GrabItem(dSlot);
             *              }
             *              if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
             *              {
             *                      inventoryMenu.PlaceItem(dSlot);
             *              }
             *      }
             *      else if(slot is Amiga.UI.Inventory.InventorySlot)
             *      {
             *              Amiga.UI.Inventory.InventorySlot iSlot = slot as Amiga.UI.Inventory.InventorySlot;
             *              inventoryMenu.HighlightInventory(iSlot);
             *              itstrue = true;
             *              /*
             *              if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
             *              {
             *                      inventoryMenu.GrabItem(iSlot);
             *              }
             *              if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
             *              {
             *                      inventoryMenu.PlaceItem(iSlot);
             *              }
             *              break;
             *      }
             * }*/

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))

         * if (itstrue == false)
         * {
         *      if(GameManager.Instance.CurrentSceneSettings != null && GameManager.Instance.CurrentSceneSettings is Amiga.UI.Dungeon.DungeonDisplay)
         *      {
         *              inventoryMenu.UnhighlightAll();
         *      }
         * }
Beispiel #15
 void ITooltipMgr.UnsetTooltip()
     this.currentTip     = null;
     this.tipOutput.text = this.defaultValue;
Beispiel #16
 void ITooltipMgr.SetTooltip(ITooltip tip)
     this.currentTip     = tip;
     this.tipOutput.text = tip.Tip;
 /// <summary>
 /// Hide the given Tooltip
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tooltip">The tooltip to hide</param>
 /// <param name="persistent">Whether to hide the tooltip if it was shown with the persistent argument set to true</param>
 public static void HideTooltip(this ISetTooltipVisibility obj, ITooltip tooltip, bool persistent = false)
     hideTooltip(tooltip, persistent);
Beispiel #18
        public void onOpened(TextController controller)
            m_boss = controller.Boss;
            m_autoComplete = m_boss.Get<IAutoComplete>();

            if (m_boss.Has<ITooltip>())
                m_tooltip = m_boss.Get<ITooltip>();
                m_timer = new System.Threading.Timer((object state) =>
Beispiel #19
        public void ShowTooltip(ITooltip tooltip, bool persistent = false, float duration = 0f, ITooltipPlacement placement = null, Action becameVisible = null)
            if (!IsValidTooltip(tooltip))

            TooltipData data;

            if (m_Tooltips.TryGetValue(tooltip, out data))
                // Compare the targets to see if they changed
                var currentTarget    = data.GetTooltipTarget(tooltip);
                var currentPlacement = data.placement;

                data.persistent |= persistent;
                data.placement   = placement ?? tooltip as ITooltipPlacement;

                // Set the text to new text
                var tooltipUI = data.tooltipUI;
                if (tooltipUI)
                    tooltipUI.Show(tooltip.tooltipText, data.placement.tooltipAlignment);

                    var newTarget = data.GetTooltipTarget(tooltip);
                    if (currentTarget != newTarget)
                        // Get the different between the 'old' tooltip position and 'new' tooltip position, even taking alignment into account
                        var transitionLerp  = 1.0f - Mathf.Clamp01((Time.time - data.transitionTime) / k_ChangeTransitionDuration);
                        var currentPosition = currentTarget.TransformPoint(GetTooltipOffset(tooltipUI, currentPlacement, data.transitionOffset * transitionLerp));
                        var newPosition     = newTarget.TransformPoint(GetTooltipOffset(tooltipUI, data.placement,;

                        // Store it as an additional offset that we'll quickly lerp from
                        data.transitionOffset = newTarget.InverseTransformVector(currentPosition - newPosition);
                        data.transitionTime   = Time.time;

                    if (duration > 0)
                        data.duration         = duration;
                        data.lastModifiedTime = Time.time;


            // Negative durations only affect existing tooltips
            if (duration < 0)

            var tooltipData = GetTooltipData();

            tooltipData.startTime         = Time.time;
            tooltipData.lastModifiedTime  = Time.time;
            tooltipData.persistent        = persistent;
            tooltipData.duration          = duration;
            tooltipData.becameVisible     = becameVisible;
            tooltipData.placement         = placement ?? tooltip as ITooltipPlacement;
            tooltipData.orientationWeight = 0.0f;
            tooltipData.transitionOffset  =;
            tooltipData.transitionTime    = 0.0f;

            m_Tooltips[tooltip] = tooltipData;
Beispiel #20
 public static void TooltipUpdate(ITooltip tooltip)
     TooltipUpdated.Send(tooltip, tooltip.GetTooltipText());
Beispiel #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Hide the given Tooltip
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">The functionality user</param>
        /// <param name="tooltip">The tooltip to hide</param>
        /// <param name="persistent">Whether to hide the tooltip if it was shown with the persistent argument set to true</param>
        public static void HideTooltip(this IUsesSetTooltipVisibility user, ITooltip tooltip, bool persistent = false)
            user.provider.HideTooltip(tooltip, persistent);
Beispiel #22
        void AddSettingsMenu(ISettingsMenuProvider provider, MainMenuUI.ButtonData buttonData, ITooltip tooltip)
            buttonData.sectionName = k_SettingsMenuSectionName;

            var button = CreateFaceButton(buttonData, tooltip, () =>
                var instance = m_MainMenuUI.AddSubmenu(k_SettingsMenuSectionName, provider.settingsMenuPrefab);
                m_SettingsMenus[provider]     = instance;
                provider.settingsMenuInstance = instance;

            button.hovered += OnButtonHovered;
            button.clicked += OnButtonClicked;
Beispiel #23
 void Start()
     parentTooltip = GetComponentInParent <ITooltip>();
Beispiel #24
        void AddSettingsMenu(ISettingsMenuProvider provider, MainMenuUI.ButtonData buttonData, ITooltip tooltip)
            buttonData.sectionName = k_SettingsMenuSectionName;

            CreateFaceButton(buttonData, tooltip, () =>
                var instance = m_MainMenuUI.AddSubmenu(k_SettingsMenuSectionName, provider.settingsMenuPrefab);
                m_SettingsMenus[provider]     = instance;
                provider.settingsMenuInstance = instance;
Beispiel #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Show the given Tooltip
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tooltip">The tooltip to show</param>
 public static void ShowTooltip(this ISetTooltipVisibility obj, ITooltip tooltip)
Beispiel #26
        void UpdateVisuals(ITooltip tooltip, TooltipUI tooltipUI, Transform target, float lerp)
            var tooltipTransform = tooltipUI.transform;

            var tooltipText = tooltipUI.text;

            if (tooltipText)
                tooltipText.text = tooltip.tooltipText;

            var viewerScale = getViewerScale();

            tooltipTransform.localScale = m_TooltipScale * lerp * viewerScale;

            var placement = tooltip as ITooltipPlacement;

            // Adjust for alignment
            var offset =;

            if (placement != null)
                switch (placement.tooltipAlignment)
                case TextAlignment.Right:
                    offset = Vector3.left;

                case TextAlignment.Left:
                    offset = Vector3.right;

            var rectTransform = tooltipUI.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            var rect          = rectTransform.rect;
            var halfWidth     = rect.width * 0.5f;
            var halfHeight    = rect.height * 0.5f;

            if (placement != null)
                offset *= halfWidth * rectTransform.lossyScale.x;
                offset = Vector3.back * k_Offset;

            MathUtilsExt.SetTransformOffset(target, tooltipTransform, offset * lerp, Quaternion.identity);

            if (placement != null)
                var source   = placement.tooltipSource;
                var toSource = tooltipTransform.InverseTransformPoint(source.position);

                // Position spheres: one at source, one on the closest edge of the tooltip
                var spheres = tooltipUI.spheres;
                spheres[0].position = source.position;

                var attachedSphere = spheres[1];
                var boxSlope       = halfHeight / halfWidth;
                var toSourceSlope  = Mathf.Abs(toSource.y / toSource.x);

                halfHeight *= Mathf.Sign(toSource.y);
                halfWidth  *= Mathf.Sign(toSource.x);
                attachedSphere.localPosition = toSourceSlope > boxSlope
                                        ? new Vector3(0, halfHeight)
                                        : new Vector3(halfWidth, 0);

                // Align dotted line
                var attachedSpherePosition = attachedSphere.position;
                toSource = source.position - attachedSpherePosition;
                var midPoint   = attachedSpherePosition + toSource * 0.5f;
                var dottedLine = tooltipUI.dottedLine;
                var length     = toSource.magnitude;
                var uvRect     = dottedLine.uvRect;
                var worldScale = 1 / viewerScale;
                uvRect.width      = length * k_UVScale * worldScale;
                uvRect.xMin      += k_UVScrollSpeed * Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
                dottedLine.uvRect = uvRect;

                var dottedLineTransform = dottedLine.transform.parent.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                dottedLineTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, length / tooltipTransform.lossyScale.x);
                dottedLineTransform.position = midPoint;
                dottedLineTransform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(toSource, -tooltipTransform.forward);
Beispiel #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Hide the given Tooltip
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tooltip">The tooltip to hide</param>
 public static void HideTooltip(this ISetTooltipVisibility obj, ITooltip tooltip)
Beispiel #28
        void UpdateVisuals(ITooltip tooltip, TooltipData tooltipData, float lerp)
            var target            = tooltipData.GetTooltipTarget(tooltip);
            var tooltipUI         = tooltipData.tooltipUI;
            var placement         = tooltipData.placement;
            var orientationWeight = tooltipData.orientationWeight;
            var tooltipTransform  = tooltipUI.transform;

            lerp = MathUtilsExt.SmoothInOutLerpFloat(lerp); // shape the lerp for better presentation
            var transitionLerp = MathUtilsExt.SmoothInOutLerpFloat(1.0f - Mathf.Clamp01((Time.time - tooltipData.transitionTime) / k_ChangeTransitionDuration));

            var viewerScale = this.GetViewerScale();

            tooltipTransform.localScale = m_TooltipScale * lerp * viewerScale;

            // Adjust for alignment
            var offset = GetTooltipOffset(tooltipUI, placement, tooltipData.transitionOffset * transitionLerp);

            // The rectTransform expansion is handled in the Tooltip dynamically, based on alignment & text length
            var rotationOffset = Quaternion.identity;
            var camTransform   = CameraUtils.GetMainCamera().transform;

            if (Vector3.Dot(camTransform.forward, target.forward) < 0)
                rotationOffset *= k_FlipYRotation;

            if (Vector3.Dot(camTransform.up, target.up) + orientationWeight < 0)
                rotationOffset *= k_FlipZRotation;
                tooltipData.orientationWeight = -k_TextOrientationWeight;
                tooltipData.orientationWeight = k_TextOrientationWeight;

            MathUtilsExt.SetTransformOffset(target, tooltipTransform, offset * lerp, rotationOffset);

            if (placement != null)
                //TODO: Figure out why rect gives us different height/width than GetWorldCorners
                var bottomLeft = k_Corners[0];
                var halfWidth  = (bottomLeft - k_Corners[2]).magnitude * 0.5f;
                var halfHeight = (bottomLeft - k_Corners[1]).magnitude * 0.5f;

                var source   = placement.tooltipSource;
                var toSource = tooltipTransform.InverseTransformPoint(source.position);

                // Position spheres: one at source, one on the closest edge of the tooltip
                var spheres = tooltipUI.spheres;
                spheres[0].position = source.position;

                var attachedSphere = spheres[1];
                var boxSlope       = halfHeight / halfWidth;
                var toSourceSlope  = Mathf.Abs(toSource.y / toSource.x);

                var parentScale = attachedSphere.parent.lossyScale;
                halfHeight *= Mathf.Sign(toSource.y) / parentScale.x;
                halfWidth  *= Mathf.Sign(toSource.x) / parentScale.y;
                attachedSphere.localPosition = toSourceSlope > boxSlope
                    ? new Vector3(0, halfHeight)
                    : new Vector3(halfWidth, 0);

                // Align dotted line
                var attachedSpherePosition = attachedSphere.position;
                toSource = source.position - attachedSpherePosition;
                var midPoint   = attachedSpherePosition + toSource * 0.5f;
                var dottedLine = tooltipUI.dottedLine;
                var length     = toSource.magnitude;
                var uvRect     = dottedLine.uvRect;
                var worldScale = 1 / viewerScale;
                uvRect.width      = length * k_UVScale * worldScale;
                uvRect.xMin      += k_UVScrollSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
                dottedLine.uvRect = uvRect;

                var dottedLineTransform = dottedLine.transform.parent.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                dottedLineTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, length / tooltipTransform.lossyScale.x);
                dottedLineTransform.position = midPoint;
                dottedLineTransform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(toSource, -tooltipTransform.forward);
 /// <summary>
 /// Show a Tooltip. Calling ShowTooltip on an ITooltip that was just shown will update its placement and timing
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tooltip">The tooltip to show</param>
 /// <param name="persistent">Whether the tooltip should stay visible regardless of raycasts</param>
 /// <param name="duration">If the tooltip is shown persistently, and duration is less than 0, hide after the
 /// duration, in seconds. If duration greater than 0, placement is updated but timing is not affected. If
 /// duration is exactly 0, tooltip stays visible until explicitly hidden</param>
 /// <param name="placement">(Optional) The ITooltipPlacement object used to place the tooltip. If no placement
 /// is specified, we assume the ITooltip is a component and use its own Transform</param>
 /// <param name="becameVisible">(Optional) Called as soon as the tooltip becomes visible</param>
 public static void ShowTooltip(this ISetTooltipVisibility obj, ITooltip tooltip, bool persistent = false,
                                float duration = 0f, ITooltipPlacement placement = null, Action becameVisible = null)
     showTooltip(tooltip, persistent, duration, placement, becameVisible);
Beispiel #30
 static bool IsValidTooltip(ITooltip tooltip)
 public void Init(ITooltip <T> tooltip)
     _toolTip = tooltip;