private void PostingEnabledDisabled(bool EnableDisable, string CompanyCode) { Int32 Long1 = 0; Int32 Long2 = 0; Int32 Long3 = 0; clsToolkit.EncodeOpCode(97, out Long1, out Long2, out Long3); IToolkit2 oToolkit2 = (IToolkit2) new Enterprise01.Toolkit(); int resToolkit = oToolkit2.OpenToolkit(); if (resToolkit == 0) { IHashFunctions oHashFunctions = (IHashFunctions)oToolkit2.Functions; clsIniFile ini = new clsIniFile(); ini.IniFiles(ExchequerPath + "\\SQLConfig.ini"); if (EnableDisable) { // Posting Enabled String string CompStatus = CompanyCode.TrimEnd() + "=1"; ini.WriteString("Posting", "SQLDaybookPosting-" + CompanyCode.TrimEnd(), oHashFunctions.HashText(CompStatus, "")); } else { string CompStatus = CompanyCode.TrimEnd() + "=2"; ini.WriteString("Posting", "SQLDaybookPosting-" + CompanyCode.TrimEnd(), oHashFunctions.HashText(CompStatus, "")); } } resToolkit = oToolkit2.CloseToolkit(); oToolkit2 = null; }
private void PostingEnabledDisabled(bool EnableDisable, bool Cancelled) { Int32 Long1 = 0; Int32 Long2 = 0; Int32 Long3 = 0; clsToolkit.EncodeOpCode(97, out Long1, out Long2, out Long3); IToolkit2 oToolkit2 = (IToolkit2) new Enterprise01.Toolkit(); int resToolkit = oToolkit2.OpenToolkit(); if (resToolkit == 0) { IHashFunctions oHashFunctions = (IHashFunctions)oToolkit2.Functions; clsIniFile ini = new clsIniFile(); ini.IniFiles(ExchequerPath + "\\SQLConfig.ini"); if (EnableDisable) { // Posting Enabled String string CompStatus = CompanyCode.TrimEnd() + "=1"; ini.WriteString("Posting", "SQLDaybookPosting-" + CompanyCode.TrimEnd(), oHashFunctions.HashText(CompStatus, "")); MessageBox.Show("SQL Posting Optimisations are enabled for this company", "Exchequer SQL Data Validation Tool", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { // if not cancelled show message or export file if (!Cancelled) { string CompStatus = CompanyCode.TrimEnd() + "=2"; ini.WriteString("Posting", "SQLDaybookPosting-" + CompanyCode.TrimEnd(), oHashFunctions.HashText(CompStatus, "")); if (!HookEnabled) { MessageBox.Show("Unfortunately due to High Severity items being found you will be unable to use the SQL Posting Optimisations." + "\n" + "Please send the results to your Exchequer support provider to allow the issues to be investigated.", "Exchequer SQL Data Validation Tool", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); frmExportEmail frmExport = new frmExportEmail(); frmExport.Text = "Save Results"; frmExport.ChangeButtonText("Save Results"); frmExport.ExchequerPath = ExchequerPath; frmExport.VersionInfo = tssVersion.Text; frmExport.ExchequerCommonSQLConnection = ExchequerCommonSQLConnection; frmExport.CompanyCode = CompanyCode; // ABSEXCH-20380 - NullReferenceException when saving results in DVT following database connection changes frmExport.ConnPassword = connPassword; frmExport.ShowDialog(); } } else { string CompStatus = CompanyCode.TrimEnd() + "=0"; ini.WriteString("Posting", "SQLDaybookPosting-" + CompanyCode.TrimEnd(), oHashFunctions.HashText(CompStatus, "")); } } } }
public void GetCompanies() { Int32 Long1 = 0; Int32 Long2 = 0; Int32 Long3 = 0; clsToolkit.EncodeOpCode(97, out Long1, out Long2, out Long3); IToolkit2 oToolkit2 = (IToolkit2) new Enterprise01.Toolkit(); for (int i = 1; i <= oToolkit2.Company.cmCount; i++) { ICompanyDetail2 oCompanyDetail = (ICompanyDetail2)oToolkit2.Company.cmCompany[i]; if (oCompanyDetail.coCode == CompanyCode) { oToolkit2.Configuration.DataDirectory = oCompanyDetail.coPath; CompanyPath = oCompanyDetail.coPath.TrimEnd(); // Create flag file to show posting check is running fileString = Path.Combine(CompanyPath, "SQLPost.lck"); if (!File.Exists(fileString)) { using (FileStream fs = File.Create(fileString)) { } } else { MessageBox.Show("A Data Validation check is currently in progress."); Application.Exit(); } break; } } oToolkit2.Configuration.SetDebugMode(Long1, Long2, Long3); // Check if Multi-Locations, CC/Depts, Stock and Committment Accounting are enabled company int resToolkit = oToolkit2.OpenToolkit(); if (resToolkit == 0) { if (oToolkit2.Enterprise.enModuleVersion == TEnterpriseModuleVersion.enModStandard) { StockModule = false; } else { StockModule = true; } ISystemSetup8 oSystemSetup = (ISystemSetup8)oToolkit2.SystemSetup; if (oSystemSetup.ssReleaseCodes.rcCommitment == TReleaseCodeStatus.rcDisabled) { CommitmentAccounting = false; } else { CommitmentAccounting = true; } if (oSystemSetup.ssReleaseCodes.rcJobCosting == TReleaseCodeStatus.rcDisabled) { JobCosting = false; } else { JobCosting = true; } if (oSystemSetup.ssUseCCDept == false) { CCDept = false; } else { CCDept = true; } if (oSystemSetup.ssUseLocations == false) { Locations = false; } else { Locations = true; } if (oToolkit2.Enterprise.enCurrencyVersion == 0) { MultiCurrency = false; } else { MultiCurrency = true; } oSystemSetup = null; } resToolkit = oToolkit2.CloseToolkit(); }
public void GetCompanies() { lvCompanies.Items.Clear(); Int32 Long1 = 0; Int32 Long2 = 0; Int32 Long3 = 0; clsToolkit.EncodeOpCode(97, out Long1, out Long2, out Long3); IToolkit2 oToolkit2 = (IToolkit2) new Enterprise01.Toolkit(); for (int i = 1; i <= oToolkit2.Company.cmCount; i++) { ICompanyDetail2 oCompanyDetail = (ICompanyDetail2)oToolkit2.Company.cmCompany[i]; ListViewItem lv = new ListViewItem(""); lv.SubItems.Add(oCompanyDetail.coCode); lv.SubItems.Add(oCompanyDetail.coName.TrimEnd()); lv.SubItems.Add(oCompanyDetail.coPath.Replace("\0", string.Empty).TrimEnd()); lv.SubItems.Add("Pending"); lvCompanies.Items.Add(lv); } oToolkit2.Configuration.SetDebugMode(Long1, Long2, Long3); // Check if Multi-Locations, CC/Depts, Stock and Committment Accounting are enabled for each company // Set Array sizes based on number of companies CommitmentAccounting = new bool[lvCompanies.Items.Count]; StockModule = new bool[lvCompanies.Items.Count]; JobCosting = new bool[lvCompanies.Items.Count]; CCDept = new bool[lvCompanies.Items.Count]; Locations = new bool[lvCompanies.Items.Count]; foreach (ListViewItem lvItem in lvCompanies.Items) { oToolkit2.Configuration.DataDirectory = lvItem.SubItems[3].Text.ToString().TrimEnd(); int resToolkit = oToolkit2.OpenToolkit(); if (resToolkit == 0) { if (oToolkit2.Enterprise.enModuleVersion == TEnterpriseModuleVersion.enModStandard) { StockModule[lvItem.Index] = false; } else { StockModule[lvItem.Index] = true; } ISystemSetup8 oSystemSetup = (ISystemSetup8)oToolkit2.SystemSetup; if (oSystemSetup.ssReleaseCodes.rcCommitment == TReleaseCodeStatus.rcDisabled) { CommitmentAccounting[lvItem.Index] = false; } else { CommitmentAccounting[lvItem.Index] = true; } if (oSystemSetup.ssReleaseCodes.rcJobCosting == TReleaseCodeStatus.rcDisabled) { JobCosting[lvItem.Index] = false; } else { JobCosting[lvItem.Index] = true; } if (oToolkit2.Enterprise.enCurrencyVersion == 0) { MultiCurrency = false; } else { MultiCurrency = true; } if (oSystemSetup.ssUseCCDept == false) { CCDept[lvItem.Index] = false; } else { CCDept[lvItem.Index] = true; } if (oSystemSetup.ssUseLocations == false) { Locations[lvItem.Index] = false; } else { Locations[lvItem.Index] = true; } oSystemSetup = null; // Check Current Posting Status IHashFunctions oHashFunctions = (IHashFunctions)oToolkit2.Functions; clsIniFile ini = new clsIniFile(); ini.IniFiles(ExchequerPath + "\\SQLConfig.ini"); // read current company status string hash = ini.ReadString("Posting", "SQLDaybookPosting-" + lvItem.SubItems[1].Text.ToString().TrimEnd(), "0"); if (hash != "0") { if (hash == oHashFunctions.HashText(lvItem.SubItems[1].Text.ToString().TrimEnd() + "=1", "")) { lvItem.SubItems[4].Text = "Enabled"; } else if (hash == oHashFunctions.HashText(lvItem.SubItems[1].Text.ToString().TrimEnd() + "=2", "")) { lvItem.SubItems[4].Text = "Disabled"; } } } resToolkit = oToolkit2.CloseToolkit(); } }