public void verify_that_GetFinalPositionAndWeight_samples_from_CDFOfRhoAndZ_correctly()
            var countArray = new int[_aOfRhoAndZDetector.Rho.Count - 1,
                                     _aOfRhoAndZDetector.Z.Count - 1];
            ITissueInput tissueInput = new SingleInfiniteCylinderTissueInput();
            ITissue      tissue      = tissueInput.CreateTissue(AbsorptionWeightingType.Discrete,
                                                                PhaseFunctionType.HenyeyGreenstein, 0);

            tissue.Regions[1] = _rhozLoaderCDF.FluorescentTissueRegion;
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                var photon = _fluorEmissionAOfRhoAndZSourceCDF.GetNextPhoton(tissue);
                // verify that photons start within range of midpoints of voxels in bounding cylinder
                var rho = Math.Sqrt(photon.DP.Position.X * photon.DP.Position.X +
                                    photon.DP.Position.Y * photon.DP.Position.Y);
                Assert.IsTrue(rho <= 3.5);
                Assert.IsTrue((photon.DP.Position.Z >= 0.5) && (photon.DP.Position.Z <= 1.5));
                Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(photon.DP.Weight - 1.0) < 1e-6);
                int irho = (int)(Math.Floor(rho));
                int iz   = (int)(Math.Floor(photon.DP.Position.Z));
                countArray[irho, iz] += 1;
            // check that countArray is > 1 in region of AOfRhoAndZ
            Assert.AreEqual(countArray[0, 0], 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(countArray[0, 1], 4);
            Assert.AreEqual(countArray[1, 0], 11);
            Assert.AreEqual(countArray[1, 1], 7);
            Assert.AreEqual(countArray[2, 0], 12);
            Assert.AreEqual(countArray[2, 1], 19);
            Assert.AreEqual(countArray[3, 0], 22);
            Assert.AreEqual(countArray[3, 1], 23);
Beispiel #2
        public void Initialize(ITissue tissue, Random rng)
            // intialize any necessary class fields here
            _tissue = tissue;
            _rng    = rng;
            //_ops = _tissue.Regions.Select(r => r.RegionOP).ToArray();

            // assign any user-defined outputs (except arrays...we'll make those on-demand)
            TallyCount    = 0;
            NumSubregions = _tissue.Regions.Count;

            // if the data arrays are null, create them (only create second moment if TallySecondMoment is true)
            Mean         = Mean ?? new double[X.Count - 1, Y.Count - 1, MTBins.Count - 1];
            SecondMoment = SecondMoment ?? (TallySecondMoment ? new double[X.Count - 1, Y.Count - 1, MTBins.Count - 1] : null);

            TotalMTOfZ               = TotalMTOfZ ?? new double[X.Count - 1, Y.Count - 1, Z.Count - 1];
            DynamicMTOfZ             = DynamicMTOfZ ?? new double[X.Count - 1, Y.Count - 1, Z.Count - 1];
            TotalMTOfZSecondMoment   = TotalMTOfZSecondMoment ?? new double[X.Count - 1, Y.Count - 1, Z.Count - 1];
            DynamicMTOfZSecondMoment = DynamicMTOfZSecondMoment ?? new double[X.Count - 1, Y.Count - 1, Z.Count - 1];

            // Fractional MT has FractionalMTBins.Count numnber of bins PLUS 2, one for =1, an d one for =0
            FractionalMT = FractionalMT ?? new double[X.Count - 1, Y.Count - 1, MTBins.Count - 1, FractionalMTBins.Count + 1];

            SubregionCollisions = new double[NumSubregions, 2]; // 2nd index: 0=static, 1=dynamic

            // intialize any other necessary class fields here
            _bloodVolumeFraction = BloodVolumeFraction;
        public void verify_that_GetFinalPositionAndWeight_samples_from_UnifOfRhoAndZ_sampling_correctly()
            ITissueInput tissueInput = new SingleInfiniteCylinderTissueInput();
            ITissue      tissue      = tissueInput.CreateTissue(AbsorptionWeightingType.Discrete,
                                                                PhaseFunctionType.HenyeyGreenstein, 0);

            tissue.Regions[1] = _xyzLoaderUnif.FluorescentTissueRegion;
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                var photon = _fluorEmissionAOfRhoAndZSourceUnif.GetNextPhoton(tissue);
                // verify that photons start within range of midpoints of voxels in infinite cylinder
                Assert.IsTrue(photon.DP.Position.X <= 3.5);
                Assert.AreEqual(photon.DP.Position.Y, 0);
                Assert.IsTrue((photon.DP.Position.Z >= 0.5) && (photon.DP.Position.Z <= 1.5));
                // verify sampling is proceeding in coded sequence
                // detector center=(0,0,1) radius=4, rho=[0 4] 4 bins, z=[0 2] 2 bins
                var ir = DetectorBinning.WhichBin(DetectorBinning.GetRho(
                                                      photon.DP.Position.X, photon.DP.Position.Y),
                                                  _rhozLoaderUnif.Rho.Count - 1, _rhozLoaderUnif.Rho.Delta, _rhozLoaderUnif.Rho.Start);
                var iz       = DetectorBinning.WhichBin(photon.DP.Position.Z, _rhozLoaderUnif.Z.Count - 1, _rhozLoaderUnif.Z.Delta, _rhozLoaderUnif.Z.Start);
                var rhozNorm = (_rhozLoaderUnif.Rho.Start + (ir + 0.5) * _rhozLoaderUnif.Rho.Delta) * 2.0 * Math.PI * _rhozLoaderUnif.Rho.Delta * _rhozLoaderUnif.Z.Delta;
                // verify weight at location is equal to AOfRhoAndZ note: setup with single y bin
                // expected: Map [ 1 1 1 1; 1 1 1 1] row major
                // expected: A   [ 1 3 5 7; 2 4 6 8] row major
                Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(photon.DP.Weight -
                                       _rhozLoaderUnif.AOfRhoAndZ[ir, iz] * rhozNorm) < 1e-6);
Beispiel #4
        /*/// <summary>
         * /// Surface molecular pattern of the cell. An array of bits each of which represents a nucleotide.
         * /// </summary>
         * public MolecularPattern Pattern
         * {
         *      get { return pattern; }
         * }*/


        #region Public Methods

        /*public Cell(CellType type, ITissue parent, MolecularPattern initialPattern)
         * {
         *      Type = type;
         *      Parent = parent;
         *      pattern = initialPattern;
         *      maturationLevel = CellMaturationLevel.Immature;
         *      Start();
         * }*/

        public Cell(CellType type, ITissue parent)
            Type            = type;
            Parent          = parent;
            maturationLevel = CellMaturationLevel.Immature;
        public void verify_that_GetFinalPositionAndWeight_samples_from_UnifOfXAndYAndZ_sampling_correctly()
            ITissueInput tissueInput = new SingleInfiniteCylinderTissueInput();
            ITissue      tissue      = tissueInput.CreateTissue(AbsorptionWeightingType.Discrete,
                                                                PhaseFunctionType.HenyeyGreenstein, 0);

            tissue.Regions[3] = _xyzLoaderUnif.FluorescentTissueRegion;
            var xyzNorm = _xyzLoaderUnif.X.Delta * _xyzLoaderUnif.Y.Delta * _xyzLoaderUnif.Z.Delta;
            int ix, iz;

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                var photon = _fluorEmissionAOfXAndYAndZSourceUnif.GetNextPhoton(tissue);
                // verify that photons start within range of midpoints of voxels in infinite cylinder
                Assert.IsTrue((photon.DP.Position.X >= -0.5) && (photon.DP.Position.X <= 0.5));
                Assert.AreEqual(photon.DP.Position.Y, 0);
                Assert.IsTrue((photon.DP.Position.Z >= 0.5) && (photon.DP.Position.Z <= 1.5));
                // verify sampling is proceeding in coded sequence
                // detector x=[-2 2] 4 bins, y=[-10 10] 1 bin, z=[0 3] 3 bins
                ix = (int)(photon.DP.Position.X + 0.5) + 1;
                iz = (int)(Math.Floor(photon.DP.Position.Z));
                // verify weight at location is equal to AOfXAndYAndZ note: setup with single y bin
                // expected: Map [ 0 1 1 0; 0 1 1 0; 0 0 0 0] row major
                // expected: A   [ 1 4 7 10; 2 5 8 11; 3 6 9 12] row major
                Assert.IsTrue(Math.Abs(photon.DP.Weight -
                                       _xyzLoaderUnif.AOfXAndYAndZ[ix, 0, iz] * xyzNorm) < 1e-6);
Beispiel #6
        public static UnmanagedTissue ToUnmanagedTissue(this ITissue tissptr)
            UnmanagedTissue unmanagedTissue = new UnmanagedTissue();

            // comment to rework later
            //unmanagedTissue.num_layers = tissptr.num_layers;
            ////unmanagedTissue.z_focus = tissptr.z_focus;
            ////unmanagedTissue.NA = tissptr.NA;
            //unmanagedTissue.cylinder_radius = tissptr.cylinder_radius;
            //unmanagedTissue.cylinder_height = tissptr.cylinder_height;
            //unmanagedTissue.zup = tissptr.zup;
            //unmanagedTissue.zlow = tissptr.zlow;

            //unmanagedTissue.do_ellip_layer = tissptr.do_ellip_layer;
            //unmanagedTissue.ellip_x = tissptr.ellip_x;
            //unmanagedTissue.ellip_y = tissptr.ellip_y;
            //unmanagedTissue.ellip_z = tissptr.ellip_z;
            //unmanagedTissue.ellip_rad_x = tissptr.ellip_rad_x;
            //unmanagedTissue.ellip_rad_y = tissptr.ellip_rad_y;
            //unmanagedTissue.ellip_rad_z = tissptr.ellip_rad_z;
            //unmanagedTissue.layer_z_min = tissptr.layer_z_min;
            //UnmanagedIO.Assign1DPointer(ref Tissue.Regions, ref unmanagedTissue.layerprops);

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements Get next photon
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tissue">tissue</param>
        /// <returns>photon</returns>
        public Photon GetNextPhoton(ITissue tissue)
            //Source starts at the origin
            Position finalPosition = SourceDefaults.DefaultPosition.Clone();

            // sample angular distribution
            Direction finalDirection = SourceToolbox.GetDirectionForGivenPolarAzimuthalAngleRangeRandom(

            //Find the relevent polar and azimuthal pair for the direction
            _rotationalAnglesOfPrincipalSourceAxis = SourceToolbox.GetPolarAzimuthalPairFromDirection(_direction);

            //Rotation and translation
                ref finalPosition,
                ref finalDirection,

            var photon = new Photon(finalPosition, finalDirection, 1.0, tissue, _initialTissueRegionIndex, Rng);

Beispiel #8
		/*/// <summary>
		/// Surface molecular pattern of the cell. An array of bits each of which represents a nucleotide.
		/// </summary>
		public MolecularPattern Pattern
			get { return pattern; }


		#region Public Methods

		/*public Cell(CellType type, ITissue parent, MolecularPattern initialPattern)
			Type = type;
			Parent = parent;
			pattern = initialPattern;
			maturationLevel = CellMaturationLevel.Immature;

		public Cell(CellType type, ITissue parent)
			Type = type;
			Parent = parent;
			maturationLevel = CellMaturationLevel.Immature;
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements Get next photon
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tissue">tissue</param>
        /// <returns>photon</returns>
        public Photon GetNextPhoton(ITissue tissue)
            // sample angular distribution
            Direction finalDirection = SourceToolbox.GetDirectionForGivenPolarAzimuthalAngleRangeRandom(_polarAngleRangeToDefineSphericalSurface, _azimuthalAngleRangeToDefineSphericalSurface, Rng);

            //Source starts from anywhere in the sphere
            Position finalPosition = GetFinalPositionFromProfileType(finalDirection, _radius, Rng);

            //Lambertian distribution (uniform hemispherical distribution)
            PolarAzimuthalAngles polarAzimuthalPair = SourceToolbox.GetPolarAzimuthalPairForGivenAngleRangeRandom(

            //Avoid updating the finalDirection during following rotation
            Position dummyPosition = finalPosition;

            //Rotate polar azimutahl angle by polarAzimuthalPair vector
            SourceToolbox.UpdateDirectionPositionAfterRotatingByGivenAnglePair(polarAzimuthalPair, ref finalDirection, ref dummyPosition);

            //Find the relevent polar and azimuthal pair for the direction
            PolarAzimuthalAngles _rotationalAnglesOfPrincipalSourceAxis = SourceToolbox.GetPolarAzimuthalPairFromDirection(_newDirectionOfPrincipalSourceAxis);

            //Translation and source rotation
                ref finalPosition,
                ref finalDirection,

            var photon = new Photon(finalPosition, finalDirection, 1.0, tissue, _initialTissueRegionIndex, Rng);

Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Class that keeps a photon's data as it moves through the tissue
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p">Position</param>
        /// <param name="d">Direction</param>
        /// <param name="tissue">Tissue></param>
        /// <param name="currentTissueRegionIndex">integer index within ITissue definition indicating photon's current position</param>
        /// <param name="generator">Random Number Generator</param>
        public Photon(
            Position p,
            Direction d,
            ITissue tissue,
            int currentTissueRegionIndex,
            Random generator)
            DP = new PhotonDataPoint(
                1.0,     // weight
                0.0,     // total time
            //PreviousDP = null;

            History = new PhotonHistory(tissue.Regions.Count);
            History.AddDPToHistory(DP);  // add initial datapoint
            S     = 0.0;
            SLeft = 0.0;
            CurrentRegionIndex = currentTissueRegionIndex;
            // flag to determin whether passing through specular or not
            // the following assumes tissues considered are slabs, only ones we have coded to date
            // todo: make more general to handle other types of tissues
            _firstTimeEnteringDomain = true;
            if (CurrentRegionIndex >= 1) // photon does not go through specular
                _firstTimeEnteringDomain = false;
            CurrentTrackIndex = 0;
            _tissue           = tissue;
            _rng = generator;
            _russianRouletteWeightThreshold = _tissue.RussianRouletteWeightThreshold;
Beispiel #11
 public DendriticCell(ITissue parent, ProcessSpampHandler spampProcessor,
                      ProcessSdampHandler sdampProcessor, ProcessAntigenHandler <T> antigenProcessor)
     : base(CellType.APC, parent)
     OnProcessSpamp   = spampProcessor;
     OnProcessSdamp   = sdampProcessor;
     OnProcessAntigen = antigenProcessor;
 /// <summary>
 /// controller for history type detectors
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="detectors">IEnumerable of IHistoryDetector</param>
 /// <param name="tissue">ITissue</param>
 public HistoryDetectorController(IEnumerable <IHistoryDetector> detectors, ITissue tissue)
     //_detectors = (from d in detectors
     //              where d is IHistoryDetector
     //              select d).ToList();
     _detectors = detectors.ToList();
     _tissue    = tissue;
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// generic volume virtual boundary, used to capture all internal volume detectors e.g. FluenceOfRhoAndZ
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tissue">ITissue</param>
        /// <param name="detectorController">IDetectorController</param>
        /// <param name="name">string name</param>
        public GenericVolumeVirtualBoundary(ITissue tissue, IDetectorController detectorController, string name)
            VirtualBoundaryType = VirtualBoundaryType.GenericVolumeBoundary;
            PhotonStateType     = PhotonStateType.PseudoGenericVolumeVirtualBoundary;

            _detectorController = detectorController;

            Name = name;
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements Get next photon
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tissue">tissue</param>
        /// <returns>photon</returns>
        public Photon GetNextPhoton(ITissue tissue)
            double curved = 2 * Math.PI * _fiberRadius * _fiberHeightZ * _curvedSurfaceEfficiency;
            double bottom = Math.PI * _fiberRadius * _fiberRadius * _bottomSurfaceEfficiency;

            Direction finalDirection = SourceToolbox.GetDirectionForGivenPolarAzimuthalAngleRangeRandom(
            Position finalPosition = SourceDefaults.DefaultPosition.Clone();

            if (_fiberRadius > 0.0)
                if (Rng.NextDouble() > bottom / (curved + bottom))   //Consider 
                {   /* Curved surface */
                    // To utilize the final direction given above, we can assume a tube 
                    // parallel to the y-axis. We can rotate it about the x-axis by pi/2 
                    // to compute the new direction.
                    SourceToolbox.UpdateDirectionAfterRotatingAroundXAxis(-0.5 * Math.PI, finalDirection);

                    //Sample tube perimeter first to compute x and y coordinates
                    finalPosition = SourceToolbox.GetPositionAtCirclePerimeter(finalPosition,

                    //Sample tube height to compute z coordinate
                    finalPosition.Z = _fiberHeightZ * (Rng.NextDouble() - 0.5);
                {   /* Bottom Surface */
                    //Shift finalPosition by _fiberHeightZ / 2
                    finalPosition = new Position(0.0, 0.0, _fiberHeightZ * 0.5);

                    //Sample the bottom face to find  x, y coordinates of the emission
                    finalPosition = SourceToolbox.GetPositionInACircleRandomFlat(finalPosition,
            //Find the relevent polar and azimuthal pair for the direction
            PolarAzimuthalAngles _rotationalAnglesOfPrincipalSourceAxis = SourceToolbox.GetPolarAzimuthalPairFromDirection(_newDirectionOfPrincipalSourceAxis);
            //Translation and source rotation
                ref finalPosition,
                ref finalDirection,

            var photon = new Photon(finalPosition, finalDirection, 1.0, tissue, _initialTissueRegionIndex, Rng);

            return photon;
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements Get next photon
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tissue">tissue</param>
        /// <returns>photon</returns>
        public Photon GetNextPhoton(ITissue tissue)
            //Source starts from anywhere in the tissue region of fluorescence
            Position finalPosition = GetFinalPosition(Rng);

            Direction finalDirection = GetFinalDirection(Rng);

            var photon = new Photon(finalPosition, finalDirection, tissue, _initialTissueRegionIndex, Rng);

Beispiel #16
        public void Initialize(ITissue tissue, Random rng)
            // assign any user-defined outputs (except arrays...we'll make those on-demand)
            TallyCount = 0;

            // if the data arrays are null, create them (only create second moment if TallySecondMoment is true)
            Mean         = Mean ?? new double[Rho.Count - 1];
            SecondMoment = SecondMoment ?? (TallySecondMoment ? new double[Rho.Count - 1] : null);

            // intialize any other necessary class fields here
Beispiel #17
        // todo: revisit to make signatures here and in Tissue/TissueInput class signatures strongly typed
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to return ITissue given inputs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ti">ITissueInput</param>
        /// <param name="awt">AbsorptionWeightingType enum</param>
        /// <param name="pft">PhaseFunctionType enum</param>
        /// <param name="russianRouletteWeightThreshold">Russian Roulette weight threshold</param>
        /// <returns>ITissue</returns>
        public static ITissue GetTissue(ITissueInput ti, AbsorptionWeightingType awt, PhaseFunctionType pft, double russianRouletteWeightThreshold)
            ITissue t = ti.CreateTissue(awt, pft, russianRouletteWeightThreshold);

            if (t == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Problem generating ITissue instance. Check that TissueInput, ti, has a matching ITissue definition.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Implements Get next photon
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tissue">tissue</param>
        /// <returns>photon</returns>
        public Photon GetNextPhoton(ITissue tissue)
            //Source starts from anywhere in the tissue region of fluorescence
            Position finalPosition = GetFinalPositionAndWeight(Rng, out _weight);
            //Starting weight based on sampling method
            //Lambertian direction
            Direction finalDirection = GetFinalDirection(Rng);

            var photon = new Photon(finalPosition, finalDirection, _weight, tissue, _initialTissueRegionIndex, Rng);

Beispiel #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Static method to instantiate correct CollisionInfoDatabaseWriter given a
 /// virtual boundary DatabaseType, path to where to output database and database filename.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="databaseType">database type enum</param>
 /// <param name="tissue">ITissue to know how many regions</param>
 /// <param name="filePath">path string of database output</param>
 /// <param name="outputName">filename string of database file</param>
 /// <returns>a CollisionInfoDatabaseWriter</returns>
 public static CollisionInfoDatabaseWriter GetCollisionInfoDatabaseWriter(
     DatabaseType databaseType, ITissue tissue, string filePath, string outputName)
     switch (databaseType)
     case DatabaseType.pMCDiffuseReflectance:
         return(new CollisionInfoDatabaseWriter(VirtualBoundaryType.pMCDiffuseReflectance,
                                                Path.Combine(filePath, outputName, "CollisionInfoDatabase"),
        public void Initialize(ITissue tissue, Random rng)
            _tissue = tissue;

            // assign any user-defined outputs (except arrays...we'll make those on-demand)
            TallyCount    = 0;
            NumSubregions = _tissue.Regions.Count;

            // if the data arrays are null, create them (only create second moment if TallySecondMoment is true)
            Mean           = Mean ?? new double[Rho.Count - 1, NumSubregions, Time.Count - 1];
            SecondMoment   = SecondMoment ?? (TallySecondMoment ? new double[Rho.Count - 1, NumSubregions, Time.Count - 1] : null);
            FractionalTime = FractionalTime ?? new double[Rho.Count - 1, NumSubregions];
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to instantiate a single IDetectorInput.  This method is called by
        /// the method below that instantiates a list of detectors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="detectorInput">IEnumerable of IDetectorInput</param>
        /// <param name="tissue">ITissue</param>
        /// <param name="rng">random number generator</param>
        /// <returns>List of IDetector</returns>
        public static IDetector GetDetector(IDetectorInput detectorInput, ITissue tissue, Random rng)
            if (detectorInput == null)

            var detector = detectorInput.CreateDetector();

            detector.Initialize(tissue, rng);

Beispiel #22
		public HelperTCell(ITissue parent, int mpLen)
			: base(CellType.Helper, parent)
			Activators = new List<Address>();

			// generate a random molecular pattern
			// NOTE: pattern vectors should be normalized
			var pat = new double[mpLen];
			for (int i = 0; i < mpLen; i++)
				pat[i] = RandGen.NextDouble();
			Pattern = new MolecularPattern(pat);
Beispiel #23
        //    /// <summary>
        //    /// This static method instantiates a list of virtual boundaries
        //    /// and the appropriate detectors are deposited into it.
        //    /// </summary>
        //    /// <param name="detectors"></param>
        //    /// <returns></returns>
        //    public static IList<IVirtualBoundary> GetVirtualBoundaries(
        //        IList<IVirtualBoundaryInput> virtualBoundaryGroups, ITissue tissue, bool tallySecondMoment)
        //    {
        //        // this sql returns all VBs even when only RSpecularDetector in detectors
        //        //var virtualBoundaries =
        //        //    from vb in EnumHelper.GetValues<VirtualBoundaryType>() // for each virtual boundary type
        //        //    where detectors.Select(d => d.TallyType.AppliesToBoundary(vb)).First()  // where any detectors apply
        //        //    let vbDetectors = detectors.Where(d => d.TallyType.AppliesToBoundary(vb)).ToList() // gather the appropriate detectors
        //        //    select GetVirtualBoundary(vb, tissue, vbDetectors); // and instantiate the vb with the appropriate detectors

        //        var virtualBoundaries = new List<IVirtualBoundary>();
        //        foreach (var vbg in virtualBoundaryGroups)
        //        {
        //            var detectors = DetectorFactory.GetDetectors(
        //                vbg.DetectorInputs, tissue, tallySecondMoment);

        //            var detectorController = DetectorControllerFactory.GetDetectorController(
        //                vbg.VirtualBoundaryType, detectors);
        //            if (detectors.Count > 0)
        //            {
        //                var vb = GetVirtualBoundary(vbg.VirtualBoundaryType, tissue, detectorController);
        //                if (vb != null)
        //                    virtualBoundaries.Add(vb);
        //            }
        //        }
        //        return virtualBoundaries.ToList();
        //    }
        /// <summary>
        /// method that gets appropriate VB
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vbType">VirtualBoundaryType</param>
        /// <param name="tissue">ITissue</param>
        /// <param name="detectorController">IDetectorController</param>
        /// <returns>IVirtualBoundary</returns>
        public static IVirtualBoundary GetVirtualBoundary(
            VirtualBoundaryType vbType, ITissue tissue, IDetectorController detectorController)
            IVirtualBoundary vb = null;

            // todo: predicate defines
            switch (vbType)
            case VirtualBoundaryType.DiffuseReflectance:
                vb = new DiffuseReflectanceVirtualBoundary(
                    tissue, detectorController, VirtualBoundaryType.DiffuseReflectance.ToString());

            case VirtualBoundaryType.DiffuseTransmittance:
                vb = new DiffuseTransmittanceVirtualBoundary(
                    tissue, detectorController, VirtualBoundaryType.DiffuseTransmittance.ToString());

            case VirtualBoundaryType.SpecularReflectance:
                // reflecting off first layer without transporting in medium
                vb = new SpecularReflectanceVirtualBoundary(
                    tissue, detectorController, VirtualBoundaryType.SpecularReflectance.ToString());

            case VirtualBoundaryType.SurfaceRadiance:
                vb = new RadianceVirtualBoundary(
                    detectorController, VirtualBoundaryType.SurfaceRadiance.ToString());

            case VirtualBoundaryType.GenericVolumeBoundary:
                vb = new GenericVolumeVirtualBoundary(
                    tissue, detectorController, VirtualBoundaryType.GenericVolumeBoundary.ToString());

            case VirtualBoundaryType.pMCDiffuseReflectance:
                vb = new pMCDiffuseReflectanceVirtualBoundary(
                    tissue, detectorController, VirtualBoundaryType.DiffuseReflectance.ToString());

            case VirtualBoundaryType.BoundingCylinderVolume:
                vb = new BoundingCylinderVirtualBoundary(
                    tissue, detectorController, VirtualBoundaryType.BoundingCylinderVolume.ToString());

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Virtual boundary type not recognized: " + vbType);
Beispiel #24
        public void Initialize(ITissue tissue, Random rng)
            // assign any user-defined outputs (except arrays...we'll make those on-demand)
            TallyCount = 0;

            // if the data arrays are null, create them (only create second moment if TallySecondMoment is true)
            Mean         = Mean ?? new double[X.Count - 1, Y.Count - 1, Z.Count - 1, Time.Count - 1];
            SecondMoment = SecondMoment ?? (TallySecondMoment ? new double[X.Count - 1, Y.Count - 1, Z.Count - 1, Time.Count - 1] : null);

            // intialize any other necessary class fields here
            _absorptionWeightingMethod = AbsorptionWeightingMethods.GetVolumeAbsorptionWeightingMethod(tissue, this);
            _tissue            = tissue;
            _ops               = _tissue.Regions.Select(r => r.RegionOP).ToArray();
            _tallyForOnePhoton = _tallyForOnePhoton ?? (TallySecondMoment ? new double[X.Count - 1, Y.Count - 1, Z.Count - 1, Time.Count - 1] : null);
Beispiel #25
        public void Initialize(ITissue tissue, Random rng)
            // assign any user-defined outputs (except arrays...we'll make those on-demand)
            TallyCount = 0;

            // if the data arrays are null, create them (only create second moment if TallySecondMoment is true)
            Mean         = Mean ?? new double[Rho.Count - 1, Time.Count - 1];
            SecondMoment = SecondMoment ?? (TallySecondMoment ? new double[Rho.Count - 1, Time.Count - 1] : null);

            // intialize any other necessary class fields here
            _perturbedOps            = PerturbedOps;
            _referenceOps            = tissue.Regions.Select(r => r.RegionOP).ToList();
            _perturbedRegionsIndices = PerturbedRegionsIndices;
            _absorbAction            = AbsorptionWeightingMethods.GetpMCTerminationAbsorptionWeightingMethod(tissue, this);
        public void Initialize(ITissue tissue, Random rng)
            // assign any user-defined outputs (except arrays...we'll make those on-demand)
            TallyCount = 0;

            // if the data arrays are null, create them (only create second moment if TallySecondMoment is true)
            Mean = new double();
            if (TallySecondMoment)
                SecondMoment = new double();

            // initialize any other necessary class fields here
            _tissue = tissue;
Beispiel #27
        public HelperTCell(ITissue parent, int mpLen)
            : base(CellType.Helper, parent)
            Activators = new List <Address>();

            // generate a random molecular pattern
            // NOTE: pattern vectors should be normalized
            var pat = new double[mpLen];

            for (int i = 0; i < mpLen; i++)
                pat[i] = RandGen.NextDouble();
            Pattern = new MolecularPattern(pat);
        /// <summary>
        /// diffuse transmittance VB
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tissue">ITissue</param>
        /// <param name="detectorController">IDetectorController</param>
        /// <param name="name">string name</param>
        public DiffuseTransmittanceVirtualBoundary(ITissue tissue, IDetectorController detectorController, string name)
            _zPlanePosition = ((LayerTissueRegion)tissue.Regions.Where(r => r is LayerTissueRegion).Last()).ZRange.Start;

            WillHitBoundary = dp =>
                              dp.StateFlag.HasFlag(PhotonStateType.PseudoTransmittedTissueBoundary) &&
                              dp.Direction.Uz > 0 &&
                              Math.Abs(dp.Position.Z - _zPlanePosition) < 10E-16;

            VirtualBoundaryType = VirtualBoundaryType.DiffuseTransmittance;
            PhotonStateType     = PhotonStateType.PseudoDiffuseTransmittanceVirtualBoundary;

            _detectorController = detectorController;

            Name = name;
        public void Initialize(ITissue tissue, Random rng)
            // intialize any necessary class fields here
            _tissue = tissue;
            _ops    = _tissue.Regions.Select(r => r.RegionOP).ToArray();

            // assign any user-defined outputs (except arrays...we'll make those on-demand)
            TallyCount    = 0;
            NumSubregions = _tissue.Regions.Count;

            // if the data arrays are null, create them (only create second moment if TallySecondMoment is true)
            Mean         = Mean ?? new double[Rho.Count - 1, MTBins.Count - 1];
            SecondMoment = SecondMoment ?? (TallySecondMoment ? new double[Rho.Count - 1, MTBins.Count - 1] : null);
            // Fractional MT has FractionalMTBins.Count numnber of bins PLUS 2, one for =1, an d one for =0
            FractionalMT = FractionalMT ?? new double[Rho.Count - 1, MTBins.Count - 1, NumSubregions, FractionalMTBins.Count + 1];
Beispiel #30
        /// <summary>
        /// class for perturbation Monte Carlo (pMC) diffuse reflectance virtual boundary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tissue">ITissue</param>
        /// <param name="detectorController">IDetectorController</param>
        /// <param name="name">string name</param>
        public pMCDiffuseReflectanceVirtualBoundary(ITissue tissue, IDetectorController detectorController, string name)
            _zPlanePosition = ((LayerTissueRegion)tissue.Regions[0]).ZRange.Stop;

            WillHitBoundary = dp =>
                              dp.StateFlag.HasFlag(PhotonStateType.PseudoReflectedTissueBoundary) &&
                              dp.Direction.Uz < 0 &&
                              Math.Abs(dp.Position.Z - _zPlanePosition) < 10E-16;

            VirtualBoundaryType = VirtualBoundaryType.pMCDiffuseReflectance;
            PhotonStateType     = PhotonStateType.PseudoDiffuseReflectanceVirtualBoundary;

            _detectorController = detectorController;

            Name = name;
        /// <summary>
        /// generic volume virtual boundary, used to capture all internal volume detectors
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tissue">ITissue</param>
        /// <param name="detectorController">IDetectorController</param>
        /// <param name="name">string name</param>
        public GenericVolumeVirtualBoundary(ITissue tissue, IDetectorController detectorController, string name)
            //_zPlanePosition = ((LayerTissueRegion)tissue.Regions[0]).ZRange.Stop;

            //WillHitBoundary = dp =>
            //            dp.StateFlag.Has(PhotonStateType.Transmitted) &&
            //            dp.Direction.Uz < 0 &&
            //            Math.Abs(dp.Position.Z - _zPlanePosition) < 10E-16;

            VirtualBoundaryType = VirtualBoundaryType.GenericVolumeBoundary;
            PhotonStateType     = PhotonStateType.PseudoGenericVolumeVirtualBoundary;

            _detectorController = detectorController;

            Name = name;
        /// <summary>
        /// diffuse reflectance VB
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tissue">ITissue</param>
        /// <param name="detectorController">IDetectorController</param>
        /// <param name="name">string name</param>
        public BoundingCylinderVirtualBoundary(ITissue tissue, IDetectorController detectorController, string name)
            _boundingTissueRegion = tissue.Regions[tissue.Regions.Count - 1]; // bounding region always last by convention
            _center = _boundingTissueRegion.Center;
            _radius = ((CaplessCylinderTissueRegion)_boundingTissueRegion).Radius;

            WillHitBoundary = dp =>
                              dp.StateFlag.HasFlag(PhotonStateType.PseudoBoundingVolumeTissueBoundary) &&

            VirtualBoundaryType = VirtualBoundaryType.BoundingCylinderVolume;
            PhotonStateType     = PhotonStateType.PseudoBoundingCylinderVolumeVirtualBoundary;

            _detectorController = detectorController;

            Name = name;