/// <summary>
        /// Check if the time set of a provider fits accoring to what the consumer
        /// requires. This method can be used to check of the providing component yet needs to do another Update() step.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="provider">The provider</param>
        /// <param name="consumer">The consumer</param>
        /// <returns>True if the time set fits</returns>
        public static bool OutputAndInputTimeSetsFit(ITimeSpaceExchangeItem provider, ITimeSpaceExchangeItem consumer)
            if (provider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("provider");

            if (consumer == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("consumer");

            bool     timeFits      = true;
            ITimeSet sourceTimeSet = provider.TimeSet;
            ITimeSet targetTimeSet = consumer.TimeSet;

            if (sourceTimeSet == null)
                if (targetTimeSet != null)
                    // NOTE: Source has no timeset specification, source has.
                    // Source fits target if target requires only one time step.
                    timeFits = targetTimeSet.Times.Count == 1;
                if (targetTimeSet == null)
                    // NOTE: Target has no timeset specification, source has.
                    // Source fits target if source has values for only one time step available.
                    timeFits = sourceTimeSet.Times.Count == 1;
                     * SH/AM: TODO I Think this code is wrong, IOutput and IAdaptedOutput should be treated the same
                     * (SH: reactivated (if (provider is IAdaptedOutput) code
                     * to make things work for time extrapolators again.
                    // Both source and target have time set specification
                    if (provider is ITimeSpaceAdaptedOutput)
                        // NOTE: Source is an adaptedOutput that has a time set.
                        // Most probably a timeinterpolator, but:
                        // TODO: Check how we can find out that it is a time interpolator.
                        // For now: check if the target's last required time is included in the source's time horizon
                        if (sourceTimeSet.TimeHorizon == null)
                            throw new Exception("Error when checking if the times of AdaptedOutput \"" + provider.Id +
                                                " fits the times required by inputItem \"" + consumer.Id +
                                                "\": no time horizon available in the adaptedOutput");
                        ITime  lastRequiredTime       = targetTimeSet.Times[targetTimeSet.Times.Count - 1];
                        double lastRequiredTimeAsMJD  = lastRequiredTime.End().StampAsModifiedJulianDay;
                        double endOfSourceTimeHorizon = sourceTimeSet.TimeHorizon.End().StampAsModifiedJulianDay;
                        timeFits = lastRequiredTimeAsMJD <= (endOfSourceTimeHorizon + Time.EpsilonForTimeCompare);
                        timeFits = false;
                        // regular (output) exchange item, check if all times fit
                        IList <ITime> sourceTimes   = sourceTimeSet.Times;
                        IList <ITime> requiredTimes = targetTimeSet.Times;
                        if (sourceTimes.Count == requiredTimes.Count)
                            timeFits = true;
                            for (int timeIndex = 0; timeIndex < requiredTimes.Count; timeIndex++)
                                if ((requiredTimes[timeIndex].DurationInDays > 0 && !(sourceTimes[timeIndex].DurationInDays > 0)) ||
                                    (sourceTimes[timeIndex].DurationInDays > 0 && !(requiredTimes[timeIndex].DurationInDays > 0)))
                                    throw new Exception("Incompatible times (stamp versus span) between outputItem \"" + provider.Id +
                                                        " and inputItem \"" + consumer.Id + "\"");
                                if (requiredTimes[timeIndex].Equals(sourceTimes[timeIndex]))
                                timeFits = false;