Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of <see cref="DirectoryScrubber"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <paramref name="isPathInBuild"/> is a delegate that returns true if a given path is in the build.
        /// Basically, a path is in a build if it points to an artifact in the pip graph, i.e., path to a source file, or
        /// an output file, or a sealed directory. Paths that are in the build should not be deleted.
        /// <paramref name="pathsToScrub"/> contains a list of paths, including their child paths, that need to be
        /// scrubbed. Basically, the directory scrubber enumerates those paths recursively for removing extraneous files
        /// or directories in those list.
        /// <paramref name="blockedPaths"/> stop the above enumeration performed by directory scrubber. All file/directories
        /// underneath a blocked path should not be removed.
        /// <paramref name="nonDeletableRootDirectories"/> contains list of directory paths that can never be deleted, however,
        /// the contents of the directory can be scrubbed. For example, mount roots should not be deleted.
        /// </remarks>
        public DirectoryScrubber(
            LoggingContext loggingContext,
            ILoggingConfiguration loggingConfiguration,
            Func <string, bool> isPathInBuild,
            IEnumerable <string> pathsToScrub,
            IEnumerable <string> blockedPaths,
            IEnumerable <string> nonDeletableRootDirectories,
            MountPathExpander mountPathExpander,
            int maxDegreeParallelism,
            ITempCleaner tempDirectoryCleaner = null)
            m_loggingContext              = loggingContext;
            m_loggingConfiguration        = loggingConfiguration;
            m_isPathInBuild               = isPathInBuild;
            m_pathsToScrub                = CollapsePaths(pathsToScrub).ToList();
            m_blockedPaths                = new HashSet <string>(blockedPaths, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            m_mountPathExpander           = mountPathExpander;
            m_maxDegreeParallelism        = maxDegreeParallelism;
            m_nonDeletableRootDirectories = new HashSet <string>(nonDeletableRootDirectories, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (mountPathExpander != null)
                m_nonDeletableRootDirectories.UnionWith(mountPathExpander.GetAllRoots().Select(p => p.ToString(mountPathExpander.PathTable)));

            m_tempDirectoryCleaner = tempDirectoryCleaner;
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public void DeleteDirectoryContents(
     string path,
     bool deleteRootDirectory            = false,
     Func <string, bool> shouldDelete    = null,
     ITempCleaner tempDirectoryCleaner   = null,
     CancellationToken?cancellationToken = default)
     DeleteDirectoryContentsInternal(path, deleteRootDirectory, shouldDelete, tempDirectoryCleaner, cancellationToken);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void DeleteFile(
            string path,
            bool waitUntilDeletionFinished    = true,
            ITempCleaner tempDirectoryCleaner = null)
            bool successfullyDeletedFile = false;

            if (!Exists(path))
                // Skip deletion all together if nothing exists at the specified path

            Action <string> delete =
                (string pathToDelete) =>
                var isDirectory = FileUtilities.DirectoryExistsNoFollow(pathToDelete);
                if (isDirectory)
                    DeleteDirectoryContents(pathToDelete, deleteRootDirectory: true);

            if (waitUntilDeletionFinished)
                successfullyDeletedFile = Helpers.RetryOnFailure(
                    attempt =>
                    successfullyDeletedFile = true;
#pragma warning disable ERP022 // Unobserved exception in generic exception handler
#pragma warning restore ERP022 // Unobserved exception in generic exception handler

            if (!successfullyDeletedFile)
                throw new BuildXLException("Deleting file '" + path + "' failed!");
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of <see cref="IncrementalSchedulingStateFactory"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public IncrementalSchedulingStateFactory(
            LoggingContext loggingContext,
            bool analysisMode = false,
            ITempCleaner tempDirectoryCleaner = null)
            Contract.Requires(loggingContext != null);

            m_loggingContext       = loggingContext;
            m_analysisMode         = analysisMode;
            m_tempDirectoryCleaner = tempDirectoryCleaner;
Beispiel #5
        public TestScheduler(
            PipGraph graph,
            TestPipQueue pipQueue,
            PipExecutionContext context,
            FileContentTable fileContentTable,
            EngineCache cache,
            IConfiguration configuration,
            FileAccessWhitelist fileAccessWhitelist,
            DirectoryMembershipFingerprinterRuleSet directoryMembershipFingerprinterRules = null,
            ITempCleaner tempCleaner                  = null,
            PipRuntimeTimeTable runningTimeTable      = null,
            JournalState journalState                 = null,
            PerformanceCollector performanceCollector = null,
            string fingerprintSalt = null,
            PreserveOutputsInfo?previousInputsSalt = null,
            IEnumerable <Pip> successfulPips       = null,
            IEnumerable <Pip> failedPips           = null,
            LoggingContext loggingContext          = null,
            IIpcProvider ipcProvider = null,
            DirectoryTranslator directoryTranslator = null,
            VmInitializer vmInitializer             = null,
            SchedulerTestHooks testHooks            = null) : base(graph, pipQueue, context, fileContentTable, cache,
                                                                   configuration, fileAccessWhitelist, loggingContext, null, directoryMembershipFingerprinterRules,
                                                                   tempCleaner, AsyncLazy <PipRuntimeTimeTable> .FromResult(runningTimeTable), performanceCollector, fingerprintSalt, previousInputsSalt,
                                                                   ipcProvider: ipcProvider,
                                                                   directoryTranslator: directoryTranslator,
                                                                   journalState: journalState,
                                                                   vmInitializer: vmInitializer,
                                                                   testHooks: testHooks)
            m_testPipQueue = pipQueue;

            if (successfulPips != null)
                foreach (var pip in successfulPips)
                    Contract.Assume(pip.PipId.IsValid, "Override results must be added after the pip has been added to the scheduler");
                    m_overridePipResults.Add(pip.PipId, PipResultStatus.Succeeded);

            if (failedPips != null)
                foreach (var pip in failedPips)
                    Contract.Assume(pip.PipId.IsValid, "Override results must be added after the pip has been added to the scheduler");
                    m_overridePipResults.Add(pip.PipId, PipResultStatus.Failed);

            m_loggingContext = loggingContext;
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of <see cref="DirectoryScrubber"/>.
 /// </summary>
 public DirectoryScrubber(
     CancellationToken cancellationToken,
     LoggingContext loggingContext,
     ILoggingConfiguration loggingConfiguration,
     int maxDegreeParallelism,
     ITempCleaner tempDirectoryCleaner = null)
     m_cancellationToken    = cancellationToken;
     m_loggingContext       = loggingContext;
     m_loggingConfiguration = loggingConfiguration;
     m_maxDegreeParallelism = maxDegreeParallelism;
     m_tempDirectoryCleaner = tempDirectoryCleaner;
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public Possible <string, DeletionFailure> TryDeleteFile(
     string path,
     bool waitUntilDeletionFinished    = true,
     ITempCleaner tempDirectoryCleaner = null)
         DeleteFile(path, waitUntilDeletionFinished, tempDirectoryCleaner);
     catch (BuildXLException ex)
         return(new DeletionFailure(path, ex));
Beispiel #8
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public Possible <Unit, RecoverableExceptionFailure> TryDeleteFile(
     string path,
     bool waitUntilDeletionFinished    = true,
     ITempCleaner tempDirectoryCleaner = null)
         DeleteFile(path, waitUntilDeletionFinished, tempDirectoryCleaner);
     catch (BuildXLException ex)
         return(new RecoverableExceptionFailure(ex));
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        public EngineSerializer(
            LoggingContext loggingContext,
            string engineCacheLocation,
            FileEnvelopeId?correlationId = null,
            bool useCompression          = false,
            bool debug    = false,
            bool readOnly = false,
            FileSystemStreamProvider readStreamProvider = null,
            ITempCleaner tempDirectoryCleaner           = null)
            Contract.Requires(loggingContext != null);
            Contract.Requires(engineCacheLocation != null);

            LoggingContext        = loggingContext;
            m_engineCacheLocation = engineCacheLocation;
            m_debug                = debug;
            m_correlationId        = correlationId;
            m_useCompression       = useCompression;
            m_readStreamProvider   = readStreamProvider ?? FileSystemStreamProvider.Default;
            m_tempDirectoryCleaner = tempDirectoryCleaner;

            if (!readOnly)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ExceptionRootCause rootCause = ExceptionUtilities.AnalyzeExceptionRootCause(ex);
                    BuildXL.Tracing.UnexpectedCondition.Log(LoggingContext, ex.ToStringDemystified() + Environment.NewLine + rootCause);
                    throw new BuildXLException("Unable to create engine serializer cache directory: ", ex);
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Load symlink definitions serialized using <see cref="PathMapSerializer"/>
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <Possible <SymlinkDefinitions> > TryLoadAsync(
            LoggingContext loggingContext,
            PathTable pathTable,
            string filePath,
            string symlinksDebugPath,
            ITempCleaner tempDirectoryCleaner = null)
                var pathMap = await PathMapSerializer.LoadAsync(filePath, pathTable);

                var definitions = new SymlinkDefinitions(pathTable, pathMap);
                    I($"Loaded symlink definitions with {definitions.m_symlinkDefinitionMap.Count} entries and {definitions.m_directorySymlinkContents.Count} directories."));
                if (EngineEnvironmentSettings.DebugSymlinkDefinitions && symlinksDebugPath != null)
                    FileUtilities.DeleteFile(symlinksDebugPath, tempDirectoryCleaner: tempDirectoryCleaner);
                    using (var writer = new StreamWriter(symlinksDebugPath))
                        foreach (var entry in pathMap)
                            writer.WriteLine("Source: {0}", entry.Key.ToString(pathTable));
                            writer.WriteLine("Target: {0}", entry.Value.ToString(pathTable));

            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Log.FailedLoadSymlinkFile(loggingContext, ex.GetLogEventMessage());
                return(new Failure <string>("Failed loading symlink definition file"));
        private int DeleteDirectoryContentsInternal(
            string path,
            bool deleteRootDirectory,
            Func <string, bool> shouldDelete,
            ITempCleaner tempDirectoryCleaner,
            int remainingChildCount = 0;

            if (!Directory.Exists(path))

            shouldDelete = shouldDelete ?? (p => true);

            EnumerateDirectoryResult result = s_fileSystem.EnumerateDirectoryEntries(
                (name, attributes) =>

                var isDirectory  = FileUtilities.IsDirectoryNoFollow(attributes);
                string childPath = Path.Combine(path, name);

                if (isDirectory)
                    int subDirectoryCount = DeleteDirectoryContentsInternal(
                        deleteRootDirectory: true,
                        shouldDelete: shouldDelete,
                        tempDirectoryCleaner: tempDirectoryCleaner,
                        cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

                    if (subDirectoryCount > 0)
                    if (shouldDelete(childPath))
                        // This method already has retry logic, so no need to do retry in DeleteFile
                        DeleteFile(childPath, waitUntilDeletionFinished: true, tempDirectoryCleaner: tempDirectoryCleaner);
            }, isEnumerationForDirectoryDeletion: true);

            if (deleteRootDirectory && remainingChildCount == 0)
                bool success = false;

                success = Helpers.RetryOnFailure(
                    finalRound =>
                    // An exception will be thrown on failure, which will trigger a retry, this deletes the path itself
                    // and any file or dir still in recursively through the 'true' flag
                    Directory.Delete(path, true);

                    // Only reached if there are no exceptions

                if (!success)
                    throw new BuildXLException(path);

 /// <summary>
 /// Runs the scheduler using the instance member PipGraph and Configuration objects. This will also carry over
 /// any state from any previous run such as the cache
 /// </summary>
 public ScheduleRunResult RunScheduler(
     SchedulerTestHooks testHooks  = null,
     SchedulerState schedulerState = null,
     RootFilter filter             = null,
     ITempCleaner tempCleaner      = null,
     IEnumerable <(Pip before, Pip after)> constraintExecutionOrder = null,
        private int DeleteDirectoryContentsInternal(
            string path,
            bool deleteRootDirectory,
            Func <string, bool> shouldDelete,
            ITempCleaner tempDirectoryCleaner,
            bool bestEffort,
            int remainingChildCount = 0;

            if (!Directory.Exists(path))

            shouldDelete = shouldDelete ?? (p => true);

            EnumerateDirectoryResult result = m_fileSystem.EnumerateDirectoryEntries(
                (name, attributes) =>

                var isDirectory  = FileUtilities.IsDirectoryNoFollow(attributes);
                string childPath = Path.Combine(path, name);

                if (isDirectory)
                    int subDirectoryCount = DeleteDirectoryContentsInternal(
                        deleteRootDirectory: true,
                        shouldDelete: shouldDelete,
                        tempDirectoryCleaner: tempDirectoryCleaner,
                        bestEffort: bestEffort,
                        cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

                    if (subDirectoryCount > 0)
                    if (shouldDelete(childPath))
                        // This method already has retry logic, so no need to do retry in DeleteFile
                        DeleteFile(childPath, retryOnFailure: !bestEffort, tempDirectoryCleaner: tempDirectoryCleaner);
            }, isEnumerationForDirectoryDeletion: true);

            if (deleteRootDirectory && remainingChildCount == 0)
                bool success = Helpers.RetryOnFailure(
                    finalRound =>
                    // An exception will be thrown on failure, which will trigger a retry, this deletes the path itself
                    // and any file or dir still in recursively through the 'true' flag
                    Directory.Delete(path, true);

                    // Only reached if there are no exceptions
                    numberOfAttempts: bestEffort ? 1 : Helpers.DefaultNumberOfAttempts);

                if (!success && Directory.Exists(path))
                    var code = (int)Tracing.LogEventId.RetryOnFailureException;
                    throw new BuildXLException($"Failed to delete directory: {path}.  Search for DX{code:0000} log messages to see why.");

Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads configured symlink definitions (if not already loaded)
        /// Stores to cache for use by workers in distributed build
        /// Eagerly creates symlinks if lazy symlink creation is disabled
        /// </summary>
        public static async Task <Possible <SymlinkDefinitions> > TryPrepareSymlinkDefinitionsAsync(
            LoggingContext loggingContext,
            GraphReuseResult reuseResult,
            IConfiguration configuration,
            MasterService masterService,
            CacheInitializationTask cacheInitializerTask,
            PipExecutionContext context,
            ITempCleaner tempDirectoryCleaner = null)
            var  pathTable           = context.PathTable;
            bool isDistributedMaster = configuration.Distribution.BuildRole == DistributedBuildRoles.Master;
            Possible <SymlinkDefinitions> maybeSymlinkDefinitions = new Possible <SymlinkDefinitions>((SymlinkDefinitions)null);

            if (reuseResult?.IsFullReuse == true)
                maybeSymlinkDefinitions = reuseResult.EngineSchedule.Scheduler.SymlinkDefinitions;
            else if (configuration.Layout.SymlinkDefinitionFile.IsValid)
                var symlinkFilePath = configuration.Layout.SymlinkDefinitionFile.ToString(pathTable);
                Logger.Log.SymlinkFileTraceMessage(loggingContext, I($"Loading symlink file from location '{symlinkFilePath}'."));
                maybeSymlinkDefinitions = await SymlinkDefinitions.TryLoadAsync(
                    symlinksDebugPath : configuration.Logging.LogsDirectory.Combine(pathTable, "DebugSymlinksDefinitions.log").ToString(pathTable),
                    tempDirectoryCleaner : tempDirectoryCleaner);

            if (!maybeSymlinkDefinitions.Succeeded || maybeSymlinkDefinitions.Result == null)

            // Need to store symlinks to cache for workers
            if (configuration.Distribution.BuildRole == DistributedBuildRoles.Master)
                var possibleCacheInitializer = await cacheInitializerTask;
                if (!possibleCacheInitializer.Succeeded)

                Logger.Log.SymlinkFileTraceMessage(loggingContext, I($"Storing symlink file for use by workers."));

                var symlinkFile = configuration.Layout.SymlinkDefinitionFile.Expand(pathTable);

                var possibleStore = await TryStoreToCacheAsync(
                    cache : possibleCacheInitializer.Result.CreateCacheForContext().ArtifactContentCache,
                    symlinkFile : symlinkFile);

                if (!possibleStore.Succeeded)

                masterService.SymlinkFileContentHash = possibleStore.Result;
                Logger.Log.SymlinkFileTraceMessage(loggingContext, I($"Stored symlink file for use by workers."));

            if (!configuration.Schedule.UnsafeLazySymlinkCreation || configuration.Engine.PopulateSymlinkDirectories.Count != 0)
                // Symlink definition file is defined, and BuildXL intends to create it eagerly.
                // At this point master and worker should have had its symlink definition file, if specified.
                if (!FileContentManager.CreateSymlinkEagerly(loggingContext, configuration, pathTable, maybeSymlinkDefinitions.Result, context.CancellationToken))
                    return(new Failure <string>("Failed eagerly creating symlinks"));

Beispiel #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Cleans output files and directories.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool DeleteOutputs(
            LoggingContext loggingContext,
            Func <DirectoryArtifact, bool> isOutputDir,
            IList <FileOrDirectoryArtifact> filesOrDirectoriesToDelete,
            PathTable pathTable,
            ITempCleaner tempDirectoryCleaner = null)
            int fileFailCount         = 0;
            int fileSuccessCount      = 0;
            int directoryFailCount    = 0;
            int directorySuccessCount = 0;

            using (PerformanceMeasurement.Start(
                       localLoggingContext =>
                Tracing.Logger.Log.CleaningFinished(loggingContext, fileSuccessCount, fileFailCount);
                LoggingHelpers.LogCategorizedStatistic(loggingContext, Category, "FilesDeleted", fileSuccessCount);
                LoggingHelpers.LogCategorizedStatistic(loggingContext, Category, "FilesFailed", fileFailCount);
                LoggingHelpers.LogCategorizedStatistic(loggingContext, Category, "DirectoriesDeleted", directorySuccessCount);
                LoggingHelpers.LogCategorizedStatistic(loggingContext, Category, "DirectoriesFailed", directoryFailCount);
                // Note: filesOrDirectoriesToDelete better be an IList<...> in order to get good Parallel.ForEach performance
                    fileOrDirectory =>
                    string path = fileOrDirectory.Path.ToString(pathTable);
                    Tracing.Logger.Log.CleaningOutputFile(loggingContext, path);

                        if (fileOrDirectory.IsFile)
                            Contract.Assume(fileOrDirectory.FileArtifact.IsOutputFile, "Encountered non-output file");
                            if (FileUtilities.FileExistsNoFollow(path))
                                FileUtilities.DeleteFile(path, waitUntilDeletionFinished: true, tempDirectoryCleaner: tempDirectoryCleaner);
                                Interlocked.Increment(ref fileSuccessCount);
                            if (FileUtilities.DirectoryExistsNoFollow(path))
                                // TODO:1011977 this is a hacky fix for a bug where we delete SourceSealDirectories in /cleanonly mode
                                // The bug stems from the fact that FilterOutputs() returns SourceSealDirectories, which aren't inputs.
                                // Once properly addressed, this check should remain in here as a safety precaution and turn into
                                // a Contract.Assume() like the check above
                                if (isOutputDir(fileOrDirectory.DirectoryArtifact))
                                    FileUtilities.DeleteDirectoryContents(path, deleteRootDirectory: false, tempDirectoryCleaner: tempDirectoryCleaner);
                                    Interlocked.Increment(ref directorySuccessCount);
                    catch (BuildXLException ex)
                        if (fileOrDirectory.IsFile)
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref fileFailCount);
                            Tracing.Logger.Log.CleaningFileFailed(loggingContext, path, ex.LogEventMessage);
                            Interlocked.Increment(ref directoryFailCount);
                            Tracing.Logger.Log.CleaningDirectoryFailed(loggingContext, path, ex.LogEventMessage);

            return(fileFailCount + directoryFailCount == 0);