public List <string> GeneratePatientCondition(string id)
            _pulseChecker = _con.Resolve <IPulseChecker>();
            _spo2Checker  = _con.Resolve <ISpo2Checker>();
            _tempChecker  = _con.Resolve <ITempChecker>();
            _icu          = _con.Resolve <ICUDBMySQLRepoInterfaceLib.IICUDBRepo>();
            List <string> localList = new List <string>();
            List <int>    vitalsList;
            int           spo2, pulseRate, temp;

            vitalsList = _icu.GetVitals(id);
            spo2       = vitalsList[0];
            pulseRate  = vitalsList[1];
            temp       = vitalsList[2];
            if (_spo2Checker.IsAlertSpo2(spo2))

            if (_pulseChecker.IsAlertPulse(pulseRate))

            if (_tempChecker.IsAlertTemp(temp))

        public List <string> GenerateAlert(string id)
            _pulseChecker = _con.Resolve <IPulseChecker>();
            _spo2Checker  = _con.Resolve <ISpo2Checker>();
            _tempChecker  = _con.Resolve <ITempChecker>();
            _db           = _con.Resolve <ICUDBMySQLRepoInterfaceLib.IIcuDbRepo>();
            List <string> localList = new List <string>();

            if (res.ContainsKey(id))
                foreach (var str in res[id])

            localList.Add("========ALERT NUMBER:" + cnt++ + "=======");
            int spo2 = 0, pulseRate = 0; string patientId = id; double temp = 0.0;

            _db.ReadRecord(ref patientId, ref spo2, ref pulseRate, ref temp);

            Dictionary <int, string> spo2Dictionary = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            spo2Dictionary.Add(1, "Normal healthy individual");
            spo2Dictionary.Add(2, "Clinically acceptable but low. Patient may be a smoker or be unhealthy");
            spo2Dictionary.Add(3, "Hypoxemia. Unhealthy and unsafe level");
            spo2Dictionary.Add(4, "Extreme lack of oxygen, ischemic disease may occur");
            spo2Dictionary.Add(5, "Invalid Input");

            Dictionary <int, string> pulseDictionary = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            pulseDictionary.Add(1, "Below healthy resting heart rate");
            pulseDictionary.Add(2, "Resting heartrate for sleeping");
            pulseDictionary.Add(3, "Healthy adult resting heart rate");
            pulseDictionary.Add(4, "Acceptable if measured during exercise. Not acceptable if resting heart rate");
            pulseDictionary.Add(5, "Abnormally high heart rate");
            pulseDictionary.Add(6, "Invalid Input");

            Dictionary <int, string> tempDictionary = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            tempDictionary.Add(1, "Medical Emergency");
            tempDictionary.Add(2, "Sleepiness, Depressed, Confused");
            tempDictionary.Add(3, "Loss of moment of fingers, blueness and confusion");
            tempDictionary.Add(4, "Hypothermia");
            tempDictionary.Add(5, "Feeling cold");
            tempDictionary.Add(6, "Normal body temperature");
            tempDictionary.Add(7, "Unhealthy and high fever");
            tempDictionary.Add(8, "Invalid Input");

            localList.Add(spo2Dictionary[(int)_spo2Checker.CheckSpo2(spo2)] + "\n");
            localList.Add(pulseDictionary[(int)_pulseChecker.CheckPulse(pulseRate)] + "\n");
            res[id] = localList;