Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates jobs for the parallel group by.
        /// Note that the last job in the array has the end set to the end of the result table.
        /// Each job will receive a range from result table, hasher, comparer (cache on) and aggregates.
        /// Note that they are all copies, because they contain a private state (hasher contains reference to the equality comparers to enable caching when computing the hash).
        /// The comparers and hashers build in the constructor of this class are given to the last job, just like the aggregates passed to the construtor.
        /// </summary>
        private GroupByJob[] CreateJobs(ITableResults resTable, Aggregate[] aggs, ExpressionComparer[] comparers, ExpressionHasher[] hashers)
            GroupByJob[] jobs     = new GroupByJob[this.ThreadCount];
            int          current  = 0;
            int          addition = resTable.NumberOfMatchedElements / this.ThreadCount;

            if (addition == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, a range for a thread cannot be 0.");

            // Set their internal cache.
            var lastComp   = RowEqualityComparerGroupKey.Factory(resTable, comparers, true);
            var lastHasher = new RowHasher(hashers);


            for (int i = 0; i < jobs.Length - 1; i++)
                var tmpComp = lastComp.Clone(cacheResults: true);
                var tmpHash = lastHasher.Clone();
                jobs[i]  = CreateJob(tmpHash, tmpComp, aggs, resTable, current, current + addition);
                current += addition;

            jobs[jobs.Length - 1] = CreateJob(lastHasher, lastComp, aggs, resTable, current, resTable.NumberOfMatchedElements);
Beispiel #2
 public GroupByJob(Aggregate[] aggregates, ITableResults resTable, int start, int end)
     this.aggregates = aggregates;
     this.resTable   = resTable;
     this.start      = start;
     this.end        = end;
        public override GroupByResults Group(ITableResults resTable)
            //if (this.InParallel) throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, cannot perform a parallel group by.");

            CreateHashersAndComparers(out ExpressionComparer[] comparers, out ExpressionHasher[] hashers);
            return(this.SingleThreadGroupBy(new RowHasher(hashers), RowEqualityComparerGroupKey.Factory(resTable, comparers, true), resTable));
Beispiel #4
 public override GroupByResults Group(ITableResults resTable)
     // Create hashers and equality comparers.
     // The hashers receive also the equality comparer as cache.
     CreateHashersAndComparers(out ExpressionComparer[] comparers, out ExpressionHasher[] hashers);
     return(this.ParallelGroupBy(RowEqualityComparerInt.Factory(resTable, comparers, new RowHasher(hashers), false), resTable));
        private GroupByResults CreateGroupByResults(AggregateBucketResult[] bucket, ITableResults resTable)
            var tmpDict = new Dictionary <GroupDictKey, AggregateBucketResult[]>();

            tmpDict.Add(new GroupDictKey(0, 0), bucket);
            return(new DictGroupDictKeyBucket(tmpDict, resTable));
Beispiel #6
 public Season(ITableResults TableResults, string FileLocation)
     this.TableResults = TableResults;
     this.FileLocation = FileLocation;
     Teams             = new List <SoccerTeam>();
     Games             = new List <Game>();
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Sorts given data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resTable"> Query reults to be sorted. </param>
        /// <returns> The sorted data. </returns>
        private ITableResults Sort(ITableResults resTable)
            ISorter sorter        = new MultiColumnTableSorter(resTable, this.comparers, this.helper.InParallel);
            var     sortedResults = sorter.Sort();

 public override GroupByResults Group(ITableResults resTable)
     // Create hashers and equality comparers.
     // The hashers receive also the equality comparer as cache.
     CreateHashersAndComparers(out ExpressionComparer[] comparers, out ExpressionHasher[] hashers);
     return(ParallelGroupBy(resTable, comparers, hashers));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates jobs for the parallel group by.
        /// Note that the last job in the array has the end set to the end of the result table.
        /// Each job will receive a range from result table, hasher, comparer and aggregates.
        /// Note that they are all copies, because they contain a private stete (hasher contains reference to the equality comparers to enable caching when computing the hash, aggregates
        /// contain references to storage arrays to avoid casting in a tight loop).
        /// The comparers and hashers build in the constructor of this class are given to the last job, just like the aggregates passed to the construtor.
        /// The global Dictionary recieves a comparer that has no internal comparers set to some hasher.
        /// </summary>
        private GroupByJob[] CreateJobs(ITableResults resTable, Aggregate[] aggs, ExpressionComparer[] comparers, ExpressionHasher[] hashers)
            GroupByJob[] jobs     = new GroupByJob[this.ThreadCount];
            int          current  = 0;
            int          addition = resTable.NumberOfMatchedElements / this.ThreadCount;

            if (addition == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, a range for a thread cannot be 0.");

            var lastComp   = RowEqualityComparerGroupKey.Factory(resTable, comparers, true);
            var lastHasher = new RowHasher(hashers);


            // It needs only comparator that has no comparers set as a cache to some hasher.
            var globalGroups = new ConcurrentDictionary <GroupDictKey, AggregateBucketResult[]>(lastComp.Clone(cacheResults: false));

            for (int i = 0; i < jobs.Length - 1; i++)
                var tmpComp = lastComp.Clone(cacheResults: true);
                var tmpHash = lastHasher.Clone();
                jobs[i]  = CreateJob(tmpHash, tmpComp, aggs, resTable, current, current + addition, globalGroups);
                current += addition;
            jobs[jobs.Length - 1] = CreateJob(lastHasher, lastComp, aggs, resTable, current, resTable.NumberOfMatchedElements, globalGroups);
 public GroupJob(RowEqualityComparerGroupKey comparer, RowHasher hasher, ITableResults resTable)
     this.resTable     = resTable;
     comparer.resTable = this.resTable;
     this.groups       = new Dictionary <GroupDictKey, AggregateBucketResult[]>(comparer);
     this.hasher       = hasher;
Beispiel #11
 private RowEqualityComparerInt(ITableResults resTable, ExpressionComparer[] comparers, RowHasher hasher, bool cacheResults)
     this.resTable     = resTable;
     this.Comparers    = comparers;
     this.hasher       = hasher;
     this.cacheResults = cacheResults;
Beispiel #12
 protected GroupByJob(RowHasher hasher, RowEqualityComparerGroupKey comparer, Aggregate[] aggregates, ITableResults resTable, int start, int end)
     this.hasher     = hasher;
     this.aggregates = aggregates;
     this.resTable   = resTable;
     this.start      = start;
     this.end        = end;
 public GroupByJob(Aggregate[] aggs, AggregateBucketResult[] aggRes, int start, int end, ITableResults resTable)
     this.aggregates = aggs;
     this.start      = start;
     this.end        = end;
     this.resTable   = resTable;
     this.aggResults = aggRes;
        public override void RetrieveResults(out ITableResults resTable, out GroupByResults groupByResults)
            var tmpDict = new Dictionary <GroupDictKey, AggregateBucketResult[]>();

            tmpDict.Add(new GroupDictKey(0, 0), this.finalResults);
            resTable       = new TableResults();
            groupByResults = new DictGroupDictKeyBucket(tmpDict, resTable);
 public GroupByJob(RowHasher hasher, Aggregate[] aggregates, ITableResults resTable, int start, int end, ConcurrentDictionary <GroupDictKey, AggregateBucketResult[]> globalGroups)
     this.hasher       = hasher;
     this.aggregates   = aggregates;
     this.resTable     = resTable;
     this.start        = start;
     this.end          = end;
     this.globalGroups = globalGroups;
 public GroupJob(Aggregate[] aggregates, RowEqualityComparerGroupKey comparer, RowHasher hasher, AggregateBucketResult[] spareBuckets, ITableResults resTable)
     this.resTable     = resTable;
     comparer.resTable = this.resTable;
     this.groups       = new Dictionary <GroupDictKey, int>(comparer);
     this.hasher       = hasher;
     this.spareBuckets = spareBuckets;
     this.aggResults   = AggregateListResults.CreateListResults(aggregates);
Beispiel #17
 public override void Compute(out ITableResults resTable, out GroupByResults groupByResults)
     if (next != null)
         throw new Exception($"{this.GetType()}, there was an execution block after match block.");
     this.resultProcessor.RetrieveResults(out resTable, out groupByResults);
 public TableResultsABTree(ABTree <int> indexTree, ITableResults resultTable)
     if (indexTree == null || resultTable == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException($"{this.GetType()}, trying to assign null to a constructor.");
     this.indexTree = indexTree;
     this.resTable  = resultTable;
Beispiel #19
        protected GroupByResults(int count, ITableResults resTable)
            if (resTable == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException($"{this.GetType()}, trying to assign null to a constructor.");

            this.Count    = count;
            this.resTable = resTable;
Beispiel #20
        protected TableSorter(ITableResults resTable, bool inParallel)
            if (resTable == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException($"{this.GetType()}, trying to assign null to a construtor.");

            this.inParallel = inParallel;
            this.resTable   = resTable;
        private RowEqualityComparerGroupKey(ITableResults resTable, ExpressionComparer[] expressionComparers, bool cacheResults)
            if (expressionComparers == null || expressionComparers.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, trying to assign null to a constructor.");

            this.resTable     = resTable;
            this.comparers    = expressionComparers;
            this.cacheResults = cacheResults;
Beispiel #22
        public IndexToRowProxyComparer(RowComparer rowComparer, ITableResults resTable, bool allowDuplicities)
            if (rowComparer == null || resTable == null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, trying to assign null to a constructor.");

            this.rowComparer      = rowComparer;
            this.resTable         = resTable;
            this.allowDuplicities = allowDuplicities;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs multi column sorter.
        /// It comprises of row comparers wrapped inside an integer comparer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resTable"> A result table to sort. </param>
        /// <param name="expressionComparers"> Comparers for comparing rows in the table. </param>
        /// <param name="inParallel"> A flag if the table should be sorted in parallel. </param>
        public MultiColumnTableSorter(ITableResults resTable, ExpressionComparer[] expressionComparers, bool inParallel) : base(resTable, inParallel)
            if (resTable == null || expressionComparers == null || expressionComparers.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException($"{this.GetType()}, trying to assign null to a construtor.");

            var rowComparer = RowComparer.Factory(expressionComparers, !inParallel);

            this.indexComparer = new IndexToRowProxyComparer(rowComparer, resTable, true);
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataContext">Document data context.</param>
 public NamedQueryLookup(ITableResults results, string key, string field1 = null, string field2 = null, string field3 = null)
     _dataTbleResults = results;
     _key             = results.GetFieldIndex(key);
     _field1          = (field1 != null) ? results.GetFieldIndex(field1) : -1;
     _field2          = (field2 != null) ? results.GetFieldIndex(field2) : -1;
     _field3          = (field3 != null) ? results.GetFieldIndex(field3) : -1;
     ButtonOK.IsEnabled = ListBoxItems.Items.Count == 0 ? false : true;
 public override void RetrieveResults(out ITableResults resTable, out GroupByResults groupByResults)
     groupByResults = null;
     if (this.sortJobs != null)
         resTable = new TableResultsABTree((ABTree <int>) this.sortJobs[0].tree, this.sortJobs[0].resTable);
         resTable = new MultiTableResultsRowProxyArray(this.mergeJob.GetTablesOfSortedJobs(), this.mergedResults);
Beispiel #26
 public override void Compute(out ITableResults resTable, out GroupByResults groupByResults)
     if (next != null)
         throw new Exception($"{this.GetType()}, there was an execution block after match block.");
         resTable       = this.Search();
         groupByResults = null;
 public override void RetrieveResults(out ITableResults resTable, out GroupByResults groupByResults)
     resTable = new TableResults();
     if (this.groupJobs.Length > 1)
         groupByResults = new ConDictGroupDictKeyFullBucket(this.globalGroups, resTable);
         groupByResults = new DictGroupDictKeyBucket(this.groupJobs[0].groups, this.groupJobs[0].resTable);
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates jobs for the parallel group by.
        /// Note that the last job in the array has the end set to the end of the result table.
        /// Each job will receive a range from result table, aggregates and a global place to store groups and the aggregated values.
        /// Note that there is a single comparer for the ConcurrentDictionary, thus no caching of the expression is done.
        /// </summary>
        private GroupByJob[] CreateJobs(RowEqualityComparerInt equalityComparer, ITableResults resTable)
            GroupByJob[] jobs     = new GroupByJob[this.ThreadCount];
            int          current  = 0;
            int          addition = resTable.NumberOfMatchedElements / this.ThreadCount;

            if (addition == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, a range for a thread cannot be 0.");

            return(CreateSpecJobs(jobs, equalityComparer, resTable, current, addition));
Beispiel #29
 private void Print(ITableResults resTable, Printer printer)
     if (resTable == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException($"{this.GetType()}, recieved table results as null.");
         foreach (var item in resTable)
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates jobs for the parallel group by.
        /// Note that the last job in the array has the start/end set to the end of result table.
        /// Note that the passed aggregates results, are the ones that the rest will be merged into.
        /// They are expected to be at the last index of the jobs => they must have at least one result assigned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="resTable"> A place to store aggregation results. </param>
        /// <param name="aggs"> Aggregation functions. </param>
        /// <param name="aggResults"> The results of the merge is stored in this isntances. It is placed into the last job. </param>
        private GroupByJob[] CreateJobs(ITableResults resTable, Aggregate[] aggs, AggregateBucketResult[] aggResults)
            GroupByJob[] jobs    = new GroupByJob[this.ThreadCount];
            int          current = 0;
            // No that this is never <= 0 because it was checked when picking the impl.
            int addition = resTable.NumberOfMatchedElements / this.ThreadCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < jobs.Length - 1; i++)
                jobs[i]  = new GroupByJob(aggs, AggregateBucketResult.CreateBucketResults(aggs), current, current + addition, resTable);
                current += addition;

            jobs[jobs.Length - 1] = new GroupByJob(aggs, aggResults, current, resTable.NumberOfMatchedElements, resTable);