Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化过滤条件面板
        /// </summary>
        private void initFilterCondition()
            txtCondition.Text = (this.m_FeaLay as IFeatureLayerDefinition).DefinitionExpression;

            ITableFields pTableFields = m_FeaLay as ITableFields;
            IField       pField;

            for (int i = 0; i < pTableFields.FieldCount; i++)
                if (pTableFields.get_FieldInfo(i).Visible == true)
                    pField = pTableFields.get_Field(i);
                    if (pField.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeOID ||
                        pField.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger ||
                        pField.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger ||
                        pField.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSingle ||
                        pField.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble ||
                        pField.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDate ||
                        pField.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString)
                        //ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(new string[] { pField.Name, pField.AliasName });
                        //item.Tag = pField;
                        Class.Item item = new Class.Item(pField.AliasName, pField);
Beispiel #2
        private void InitControls()
            //te_Condition.Text = (this.featureLayer as IFeatureLayerDefinition).DefinitionExpression;
            ITableFields     tableFields = featureLayer as ITableFields;
            IGeoFeatureLayer geoFL       = featureLayer as IGeoFeatureLayer;
            IField           field;

            _dt = new DataTable();
            _dt.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] { new DataColumn("Name"), new DataColumn("AliasName"), new DataColumn("Object", typeof(object)) });
            if (geoFL.Renderer is IUniqueValueRenderer)
                field = tableFields.get_Field(tableFields.FindField((geoFL.Renderer as IUniqueValueRenderer).get_Field(0)));
            else if (geoFL.Renderer is ISimpleRenderer)
                for (int i = 0; i < tableFields.FieldCount; i++)
                    if (tableFields.get_FieldInfo(i).Visible)
                        field = tableFields.get_Field(i);
                        switch (field.Type)
                        case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeOID:
                        case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger:
                        case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeInteger:
                        case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSingle:
                        case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble:
                        case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDate:
                        case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString:
            this.gridControl1.DataSource = _dt;
Beispiel #3
        private bool ExportTable(Excel.Workbook ExcelWbk, IMxDocument MxDoc, IStandaloneTable StandTable, ref IProgressDialog2 progressDialog, ref IStepProgressor stepProgressor, ref ITrackCancel trackCancel)
            ITableProperties      TableProperties      = null;
            IEnumTableProperties  EnumTableProperties  = null;
            ITableProperty3       TableProperty        = null;
            ITableCharacteristics TableCharacteristics = null;
            ITableSelection       TabSel       = null;
            IDisplayTable         DisplayTable = null;
            ITable       Table       = null;
            IRow         TabRow      = null;
            IObjectClass ObjectClass = null;
            ISubtypes    Subtypes    = null;
            ITableFields TableFields = null;

            ICursor           Cursor           = null;
            IField            CurField         = null;
            IDomain           Domain           = null;
            ICodedValueDomain CodedValueDomain = null;

            object missing = null;
            object sheet   = null;

            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Style style = null;

                bool   UseDescriptions;
                int    subtype;
                string SheetName;

                int Col = 0;
                int Row = 0;
                int i;
                int j;

                missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;

                sheet = ExcelWbk.Sheets[ExcelWbk.Sheets.Count];
                Excel.Worksheet ExcelSheet;
                Excel.Range     ExcelRange;

                //Add new Excel worksheet
                ExcelSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)ExcelWbk.Sheets.Add(missing, sheet, missing, missing);
                //style = ExcelWbk.Styles.Add("Style1");
                //style.NumberFormat = "@";
                //style.Font.Name = "Arial";
                //style.Font.Bold = True
                //style.Font.Size = 12;
                //style.Interior.Pattern = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlPattern.xlPattern Solid
                //style.HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlighLe ft

                SheetName = StandTable.Name;
                if (SheetName.Length > 30)
                    SheetName = SheetName.Substring(0, 30);
                ExcelSheet.Name = SheetName;

                //Determine whether to use descriptions or codes for domains
                UseDescriptions     = true;
                TableProperties     = MxDoc.TableProperties;
                EnumTableProperties = (IEnumTableProperties)TableProperties;
                TableProperty = (ITableProperty3)EnumTableProperties.Next();

                while (TableProperty != null)
                    if (TableProperty.StandaloneTable != null)
                        if (TableProperty.StandaloneTable.Equals(StandTable))
                            TableCharacteristics = (ITableCharacteristics)TableProperty;
                            UseDescriptions      = TableCharacteristics.ShowCodedValueDomainDescriptions;
                    TableProperty = (ITableProperty3)EnumTableProperties.Next();
                TabSel = (ITableSelection)StandTable;

                DisplayTable = (IDisplayTable)StandTable;
                Table        = (ITable)DisplayTable.DisplayTable;

                //Get subtype info
                ObjectClass = Table as IObjectClass;
                Subtypes    = ObjectClass as ISubtypes;

                //Get TableFields so later we can determine whether that field is visible
                TableFields = (ITableFields)StandTable;

                //loop through each field and write column headings
                Row = 1;
                for (j = 0; j < TableFields.FieldCount; j++)
                    CurField = TableFields.get_Field(j);

                    //skip blob and geometry fields
                    if ((CurField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeBlob) && (CurField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry))
                        Col += 1;
                        //Write field alias name as Excel column header
                        ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = TableFields.get_FieldInfo(j).Alias;
                        if (CurField.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString)
                            ExcelSheet.get_Range(ExcelSheet.Cells[1, Col], ExcelSheet.Cells[65535, Col]).EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "@";

                //Get all selected records for this table (use IDisplayTable to get any joined data)
                DisplayTable.DisplaySelectionSet.Search(null, true, out Cursor);

                //subtype = Subtypes.DefaultSubtypeCode;

                //For each selected record

                TabRow = Cursor.NextRow();
                //     progressDialog.Description = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ExportAsset") + stepProgressor.Position + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("Of") + MxDoc.FocusMap.SelectionCount.ToString() + ".";

                while (TabRow != null)
                    Row += 1;

                    if (Subtypes != null && Subtypes.HasSubtype == true &&
                        (TabRow.get_Value(Subtypes.SubtypeFieldIndex) != null))
                        subtype = Convert.ToInt32(TabRow.get_Value(Subtypes.SubtypeFieldIndex));
                        subtype = -99999;

                    //For each column
                    Col = 0;
                    for (j = 0; j < TableFields.FieldCount; j++)
                        CurField = TableFields.get_Field(j);

                        //skip blob and geometry fields in data also
                        if ((CurField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeBlob) && (CurField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry))
                            Col += 1;
                            ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = TabRow.get_Value(j);

                            if (UseDescriptions == true && subtype == -99999)
                                Domain = CurField.Domain;
                                if (Domain != null)
                                    if (Domain.Type == esriDomainType.esriDTCodedValue)
                                        CodedValueDomain = (ICodedValueDomain)CurField.Domain;
                                        for (i = 0; i < CodedValueDomain.CodeCount; i++)
                                            if ((CodedValueDomain.get_Value(i)).ToString() == (TabRow.get_Value(j)).ToString())
                                                ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = CodedValueDomain.get_Name(i);
                                                i = CodedValueDomain.CodeCount;
                            else if (UseDescriptions == true && subtype != -99999)
                                if (Subtypes.SubtypeFieldIndex == j)
                                    ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = Subtypes.get_SubtypeName(subtype);
                                    Domain = Subtypes.get_Domain(subtype, CurField.Name);
                                    if ((Domain != null) && (Domain.Type == esriDomainType.esriDTCodedValue))
                                        CodedValueDomain = (ICodedValueDomain)Domain;
                                        for (i = 0; i < CodedValueDomain.CodeCount; i++)
                                            if ((CodedValueDomain.get_Value(i)).ToString() == (TabRow.get_Value(j)).ToString())
                                                ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = CodedValueDomain.get_Name(i);
                                                i = CodedValueDomain.CodeCount;
                    progressDialog.Description = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ExportAsset") + stepProgressor.Position + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("Of") + MxDoc.FocusMap.SelectionCount.ToString() + ".";
                    if (!trackCancel.Continue())
                    TabRow = Cursor.NextRow();

                //Hide Columns
                Col = 0;
                for (j = 0; j < TableFields.FieldCount; j++)
                    CurField = TableFields.get_Field(j);

                    //skip blob and geometry fields in data also
                    if ((CurField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeBlob) && (CurField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry))
                        Col += 1;
                        ExcelRange = ExcelSheet.get_Range(ExcelSheet.Cells[1, Col], ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col]);

                        //Hide column if invisible in ArcMap
                        if (TableFields.get_FieldInfo(j).Visible == false)
                            ExcelRange = ExcelSheet.get_Range(ExcelSheet.Cells[1, Col], ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col]);
                            ExcelRange.EntireColumn.Hidden = true;
                TableProperties      = null;
                EnumTableProperties  = null;
                TableProperty        = null;
                TableCharacteristics = null;
                TabSel       = null;
                DisplayTable = null;
                Table        = null;
                TabRow       = null;
                ObjectClass  = null;
                Subtypes     = null;
                TableFields  = null;

                if (Cursor != null)
                Cursor           = null;
                CurField         = null;
                Domain           = null;
                CodedValueDomain = null;

                missing = null;
                sheet   = null;
                style   = null;
Beispiel #4
        private bool ExportLayer(Excel.Workbook ExcelWbk, IMxDocument MxDoc, IFeatureLayer FLayer, ref IProgressDialog2 progressDialog, ref IStepProgressor stepProgressor, ref ITrackCancel trackCancel)
            IFeatureClass FC       = null;
            ISubtypes     Subtypes = null;

            ITableProperties      TableProperties      = null;
            IEnumTableProperties  EnumTableProperties  = null;
            ITableProperty3       TableProperty        = null;
            ITableCharacteristics TableCharacteristics = null;
            IFeatureSelection     FeatSel      = null;
            IDisplayTable         DisplayTable = null;
            ITable       Table       = null;
            ILayerFields LayerFields = null;
            ITableFields TableFields = null;
            ILayer       LayerTest   = null;

            ICursor           Cursor           = null;
            IFeatureCursor    FCursor          = null;
            IField            CurField         = null;
            IDomain           Domain           = null;
            ICodedValueDomain CodedValueDomain = null;
            IFeature          Feat             = null;
            List <IPoint>     pGeo             = null;

            object missing = null;
            object sheet   = null;

            Excel.Worksheet ExcelSheet = null;
            Excel.Range     ExcelRange = null;
            Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Style style = null;

                int    Col = 0;
                int    Row = 0;
                int    i;
                int    j;
                bool   UseDescriptions;
                int    subtype;
                string SheetName;

                missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
                sheet   = ExcelWbk.Sheets[ExcelWbk.Sheets.Count];

                //Add new Excel worksheet
                ExcelSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)ExcelWbk.Sheets.Add(missing, sheet, missing, missing);
                SheetName  = FLayer.Name;
                if (SheetName.Length > 30)
                    SheetName = SheetName.Substring(0, 30);
                ExcelSheet.Name = SheetName;

                //style = ExcelWbk.Styles.Add("Style1");
                //style.NumberFormat = "@";

                LayerTest = (ILayer)FLayer;

                //Get Subtype info
                FC       = FLayer.FeatureClass;
                Subtypes = FC as ISubtypes;
                //Determine whether to use descriptions or codes for domains and subtypes
                UseDescriptions     = true;
                TableProperties     = MxDoc.TableProperties;
                EnumTableProperties = (IEnumTableProperties)TableProperties;
                TableProperty = (ITableProperty3)EnumTableProperties.Next();
                while (TableProperty != null && TableProperty.Layer != null)  //Fixed
                    if (TableProperty.Layer.Equals(LayerTest))
                        TableCharacteristics = (ITableCharacteristics)TableProperty;
                        UseDescriptions      = TableCharacteristics.ShowCodedValueDomainDescriptions;
                    TableProperty = (ITableProperty3)EnumTableProperties.Next();
                FeatSel = (IFeatureSelection)FLayer;

                DisplayTable = (IDisplayTable)FLayer;
                Table        = (ITable)DisplayTable.DisplayTable;

                //Get TableFields so later we can determine whether that field is visible
                LayerFields = (ILayerFields)FLayer;
                TableFields = (ITableFields)FLayer;

                //loop through each field and write column headings
                Row = 1;
                for (j = 0; j < TableFields.FieldCount; j++)
                    CurField = TableFields.get_Field(j);

                    //skip blob and geometry fields
                    if ((CurField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeBlob) && (CurField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry))
                        Col += 1;
                        //Write field alias name as Excel column header
                        ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = TableFields.get_FieldInfo(j).Alias;
                        if (CurField.Type == esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString)
                            ExcelSheet.get_Range(ExcelSheet.Cells[1, Col], ExcelSheet.Cells[65535, Col]).EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "@";
                Col += 1;
                ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = "X_COORD";
                Col += 1;
                ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = "Y_COORD";
                Col += 1;
                ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = "Lat";
                Col += 1;
                ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = "Long";
                IField       pFieldTest       = FLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(FLayer.FeatureClass.Fields.FindField(FLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeFieldName));
                IGeometryDef pGeometryDefTest = null;
                pGeometryDefTest = pFieldTest.GeometryDef;
                bool bZAware = false;
                bool bMAware = false;
                //Determine if M or Z aware
                if (pGeometryDefTest.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
                    bZAware = pGeometryDefTest.HasZ;
                    bMAware = pGeometryDefTest.HasM;
                if (bZAware)
                    Col += 1;
                    ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = "Z_COORD";
                pFieldTest       = null;
                pGeometryDefTest = null;
                //Get all selected records for this table (use IDisplayTable to get any joined data)
                DisplayTable.DisplaySelectionSet.Search(null, true, out Cursor);
                FCursor = (IFeatureCursor)Cursor;

                //subtype = Subtypes.DefaultSubtypeCode;

                //For each selected record

                Feat = FCursor.NextFeature();
                //  stepProgressor.Step();
                // progressDialog.Description = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ExportAsset") + stepProgressor.Position + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("Of") + MxDoc.FocusMap.SelectionCount.ToString() + ".";

                while (Feat != null)
                    Row += 1;

                    if (Subtypes != null && Subtypes.HasSubtype == true &&
                        (Feat.get_Value(Subtypes.SubtypeFieldIndex) != null))
                        subtype = Convert.ToInt32(Feat.get_Value(Subtypes.SubtypeFieldIndex));
                        subtype = -99999;

                    //For each column
                    Col = 0;
                    for (j = 0; j < TableFields.FieldCount; j++)
                        CurField = TableFields.get_Field(j);

                        //skip blob and geometry fields in data also
                        if ((CurField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeBlob) && (CurField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry))
                            Col += 1;
                            ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = Feat.get_Value(j);

                            if (UseDescriptions == true && subtype == -99999)
                                Domain = CurField.Domain;
                                if (Domain != null)
                                    if (Domain.Type == esriDomainType.esriDTCodedValue)
                                        CodedValueDomain = (ICodedValueDomain)CurField.Domain;
                                        for (i = 0; i < CodedValueDomain.CodeCount; i++)
                                            if ((CodedValueDomain.get_Value(i)).ToString() == (Feat.get_Value(j)).ToString())
                                                ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = CodedValueDomain.get_Name(i);
                                                i = CodedValueDomain.CodeCount;
                            else if (UseDescriptions == true && subtype != -99999)
                                if (Subtypes.SubtypeFieldIndex == j)
                                    ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = Subtypes.get_SubtypeName(subtype);
                                    Domain = Subtypes.get_Domain(subtype, CurField.Name);
                                    if ((Domain != null) && (Domain.Type == esriDomainType.esriDTCodedValue))
                                        CodedValueDomain = (ICodedValueDomain)Domain;
                                        for (i = 0; i < CodedValueDomain.CodeCount; i++)
                                            if ((CodedValueDomain.get_Value(i)).ToString() == (Feat.get_Value(j)).ToString())
                                                ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col] = CodedValueDomain.get_Name(i);
                                                i = CodedValueDomain.CodeCount;
                    if (Feat.Shape != null)
                        if (Feat.Shape.IsEmpty == false)
                            pGeo = Globals.GetGeomCenter(Feat.Shape);
                            if (pGeo != null)
                                if (pGeo.Count > 0)
                                    if (pGeo[0].X != null)
                                        ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col + 1] = pGeo[0].X;
                                    if (pGeo[0].Y != null)
                                        ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col + 2] = pGeo[0].Y;
                                    if (pGeo[0] != null)

                                        ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col + 3] = pGeo[0].Y;
                                        ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col + 4] = pGeo[0].X;
                                    if (bZAware)
                                        ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col + 5] = pGeo[0].Z;

                    progressDialog.Description = A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ExportAsset") + stepProgressor.Position + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("Of") + MxDoc.FocusMap.SelectionCount.ToString() + ".";
                    if (!trackCancel.Continue())

                    Feat = FCursor.NextFeature();

                //Hide Columns
                Col = 0;
                for (j = 0; j < TableFields.FieldCount; j++)
                    CurField = TableFields.get_Field(j);

                    //skip blob and geometry fields in data also
                    if ((CurField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeBlob) && (CurField.Type != esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry))
                        Col += 1;
                        ExcelRange = ExcelSheet.get_Range(ExcelSheet.Cells[1, Col], ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col]);

                        //Hide column if invisible in ArcMap
                        if (TableFields.get_FieldInfo(j).Visible == false)
                            ExcelRange = ExcelSheet.get_Range(ExcelSheet.Cells[1, Col], ExcelSheet.Cells[Row, Col]);
                            ExcelRange.EntireColumn.Hidden = true;
                FC       = null;
                Subtypes = null;

                TableProperties = null;
                if (EnumTableProperties != null)

                EnumTableProperties  = null;
                TableProperty        = null;
                TableCharacteristics = null;
                FeatSel      = null;
                DisplayTable = null;
                Table        = null;
                LayerFields  = null;
                TableFields  = null;
                LayerTest    = null;
                if (Cursor != null)
                Cursor = null;

                if (FCursor != null)
                FCursor          = null;
                CurField         = null;
                Domain           = null;
                CodedValueDomain = null;
                Feat             = null;
                pGeo             = null;

                missing    = null;
                sheet      = null;
                ExcelSheet = null;
                ExcelRange = null;
                style      = null;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化控件
        /// </summary>
        private void initControls()
            IFeatureLayer pFeaLayer = (IFeatureLayer)m_FeaLay;

            if (pFeaLayer == null)
            IDatasetEditInfo pEdit     = (IDatasetEditInfo)pFeaLayer.FeatureClass;
            ILayerEffects    pLayerEff = (ILayerEffects)m_FeaLay;

            IDataLayer        pDataLayer   = (IDataLayer)m_FeaLay;
            IDatasetName      pDatasetName = pDataLayer.DataSourceName as IDatasetName;
            IWorkspaceName    pWSName      = pDatasetName.WorkspaceName;
            IFeatureClassName pFCName      = pDatasetName as IFeatureClassName;

            string strDataSourceType = "";
            string strFeatureDataSet = "";

            if (pFCName.FeatureDatasetName == null)
                strDataSourceType = "数据类型 :" + "个人空间数据库 要素类";
                strFeatureDataSet = "数 据 集 :" + "无";
                strDataSourceType = "数据类型 :" + pFCName.FeatureDatasetName.Category + "(" + pFeaLayer.DataSourceType + ")";
                strFeatureDataSet = "数 据 集 :" + pFCName.FeatureDatasetName.Name;
            string strFeatureClass = "要 素 类 :" + pDatasetName.Name;
            string strFeatureType  = "要素类型 :" + pFCName.FeatureType.ToString();
            string strGeometyrType = "几何类型 :" + pFCName.ShapeType.ToString();
            string strLocationPath = "位    置 :" + pWSName.PathName;
            string strRelativeBase = "相对路径 :" + pDataLayer.RelativeBase;

            this.txtSoureFile.Text = strDataSourceType + "\r\n" +
                                     strFeatureDataSet + "\r\n" +
                                     strFeatureClass + "\r\n" +
                                     strFeatureType + "\r\n" +
                                     strGeometyrType + "\r\n" +
                                     strRelativeBase + "\r\n" +

            this.txtXMin.Text = m_FeaLay.AreaOfInterest.XMin.ToString(".##");
            this.txtXMax.Text = m_FeaLay.AreaOfInterest.XMax.ToString(".##");
            this.txtYMin.Text = m_FeaLay.AreaOfInterest.YMin.ToString(".##");
            this.txtYMax.Text = m_FeaLay.AreaOfInterest.YMax.ToString(".##");

            this.txtLayerName.Text = m_FeaLay.Name;
            if (pEdit != null)
                this.chkEdit.Checked = pEdit.CanEdit;

            if (m_FeaLay.FeatureClass != null)
                int dfIndex = -1;
                this.chkVisible.Checked = pFeaLayer.Visible;

                for (int i = 0; i < m_FeaLay.FeatureClass.Fields.FieldCount; i++)
                    IField pField = m_FeaLay.FeatureClass.Fields.get_Field(i);
                    if (pField.Name == pFeaLayer.DisplayField)
                        dfIndex = i;
                    Class.Item item = new Class.Item(pField.AliasName, pField.Name);
                this.cboDisplayField.SelectedIndex = dfIndex;
                this.txtTransparency.Text          = pLayerEff.Transparency.ToString();

                //this.txtScaleMin.Text = (pFeaLayer as ILayerGeneralProperties).LastMinimumScale.ToString();
                //this.txtScaleMax.Text = (pFeaLayer as ILayerGeneralProperties).LastMaximumScale.ToString();
                this.txtScaleMin.Text = pFeaLayer.MinimumScale.ToString();
                this.txtScaleMax.Text = pFeaLayer.MaximumScale.ToString();

                this.txtDescription.Text = (pFeaLayer as ILayerGeneralProperties).LayerDescription;
                if (pFeaLayer.MinimumScale == 0 && pFeaLayer.MaximumScale == 0)
                    this.rdoGroupScale.SelectedIndex = 0;
                    txtScaleMin.Enabled = false;
                    txtScaleMax.Enabled = false;
                    this.rdoGroupScale.SelectedIndex = 1;
                    txtScaleMin.Enabled = true;
                    txtScaleMax.Enabled = true;

                chkShowTip.Checked = pFeaLayer.ShowTips;
                if (pFeaLayer is IGeoFeatureLayer)
                    chkLabelAll.Checked = (pFeaLayer as IGeoFeatureLayer).DisplayAnnotation;
                chkScaleSymbol.Checked = pFeaLayer.ScaleSymbols;

                m_pTableFields = pFeaLayer as ITableFields;

                string strType = "";

                for (int i = 0; i < m_pTableFields.FieldCount; i++)
                    IField     pField     = m_pTableFields.get_Field(i);
                    IFieldInfo pFieldInfo = m_pTableFields.get_FieldInfo(i);

                    switch (pField.Type)//类型
                    case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeBlob:
                        strType = "二进制块";

                    case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDate:
                        strType = "日期型";

                    case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeDouble:
                        strType = "双精度";

                    case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGeometry:
                        strType = "几何形体";

                    case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGlobalID:
                        strType = "GlobalID";

                    case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeGUID:
                        strType = "GUID";

                    case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeOID:
                        strType = "OID";

                    case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeRaster:
                        strType = "栅格";

                    case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSingle:
                        strType = "单精度";

                    case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger:
                        strType = "短整形";

                    case esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeString:
                        strType = "字符型";
                    TreeListNode node = this.listViewFieldInfo.Nodes.Add(new object[] { pField.AliasName, pField.Name, strType });
                    node.Checked = pFieldInfo.Visible;
