Beispiel #1
 public void DoClientPingSquare(ISquare square)
     foreach (int i in _board.GetSquareCache(square).DiagonalSquareIndices)
Beispiel #2
        public bool Predicate(ISquare testSquare)
            if (this.MapHandler.GetNumberLeft(testSquare, out var adjacentBlanks) != 1)

            this.blankAdjacent = adjacentBlanks.ToArray();

            if (this.blankAdjacent.Length != 2)

            IEnumerable <ISquare> blanks = null;

            this.neighborsBlanks = (
                from adjNum in this.MapHandler.GetAdjacentNumbers(testSquare)
                where this.MapHandler.GetNumberLeft(adjNum, out blanks) == 1 &&
                blanks.Intersect(this.blankAdjacent).Count() == 2
                select blanks.ToArray())

            return(this.neighborsBlanks.Length > 0);
Beispiel #3
        public void SquareClicked(IGridLocation clickedLocation)
            ISquare clickedSquare = CurrentBoard[clickedLocation];

            // If a piece is selected, try to move to the chosen location.
            if (SquareSelected)
                Move attemptedMove = new Move(SelectedSquare.Location, clickedLocation);

                // If this is a possible move, execute the move. Then clear the selection either way.
                foreach (Move move in AvailableMoves.Where(move => move.Equals(attemptedMove)))
            if (clickedSquare.Type != PieceType.None && clickedSquare.Colour == PlayingColour)
                SelectedSquare = clickedSquare;
                SquareSelected = true;
Beispiel #4
        public void DoClientAttemptPieceMove(IPiece piece, ISquare targetSquare)
            Piece  p = _pieces[];
            Square s = _board.Data.Squares[];

            // Gather move data
            MoveData moveData = new MoveData
                Board  = _board.Data,
                Piece  = p,
                Square = s

            // Send result to client simulation
            MoveResultData result = MovementValidator.MoveIsValid(moveData);

            if (result.Success)
                p.Data.CurrentSquare.Data.CurrentPiece = null;
                p.Data.CurrentSquare = s;
                s.Data.CurrentPiece  = p;

		public void RenderBorderBack(ISquare square)

			if (!FillBackground) return;

			var slice = Slice.ToPercentage(_width, _height);
			var width = Width.ToPixels(_width, _height);
			var outset = Outset.ToPixels(_width, _height);

			float farLeft = square.TopLeft.X - outset.Left.Value;
			float farRight = square.TopRight.X + outset.Right.Value;
			float farTop = square.TopLeft.Y + outset.Top.Value;
			float farBottom = square.BottomLeft.Y - outset.Bottom.Value;

			var quad = new AGSSquare (new PointF (farLeft + width.Left.Value, farBottom + width.Bottom.Value),
				           new PointF (farRight - width.Right.Value, farBottom + width.Bottom.Value),
				           new PointF (farLeft + width.Left.Value, farTop - width.Top.Value), 
				           new PointF (farRight - width.Right.Value, farTop - width.Top.Value));

			drawQuad(quad, new FourCorners<Vector2> (new Vector2 (slice.Left.Value, slice.Bottom.Value),
				new Vector2 (1f - slice.Right.Value, slice.Bottom.Value), new Vector2 (slice.Left.Value, 1f - slice.Top.Value),
				new Vector2 (1f - slice.Right.Value, 1f - slice.Top.Value)));

			if (DrawBorderBehind) drawBorders(square);
Beispiel #6
 public void RenderBorderFront(ISquare square)
     if (!DrawBorderBehind)
Beispiel #7
        public static void RunGameMove(Game game)
            foreach (IPlayer player in game.Players)
                //rulla tärning
                int diceroll = Dice.RollDice(player);
                //välja pjäs
                Piece piece = game.SelectPiece(player, diceroll);

                if (piece != null)
                    int newsquarenr = piece.Steps + diceroll;

                    //stanna på yttre raden om du rullar mindre än 40
                    if (newsquarenr < 40)
                        //spara gamla rutan för att skriva drag
                        ISquare oldsquare = piece.CurrentSquare;
                        //flytta pjäs
                        game.MoveToSquare(piece, diceroll);
                        //skriv ut vad som hände
                        bool isNest = oldsquare.GetType() == typeof(Nest);
                        if (isNest)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Piece nr {piece.PieceNr} has moved from nest to square nr {piece.CurrentSquare.SquareId}");
                            Console.WriteLine($"Piece nr {piece.PieceNr} has moved from square nr {oldsquare.SquareId} to square nr {piece.CurrentSquare.SquareId}");
                    else  //om någon pjäs tagit mer än 40 steg, gå in i vinststräckan

                        //gå till inre raden
                        if (player.WinSquares != null)
                            //spara gamla rutan för att skriva drag
                            ISquare oldsquare = piece.CurrentSquare;
                            //flytta pjäs
                            game.WinRowMove(piece, diceroll);
                            //skriv ut vad som hände om pjäsen inte vunnit
                            if (player.Pieces.Contains(piece))
                                Console.WriteLine($"Piece nr {piece.PieceNr} has moved from square nr {oldsquare.SquareId} to square nr {piece.CurrentSquare.SquareId}");
                                Console.WriteLine($"Piece nr {piece.PieceNr} is {5 - piece.CurrentSquare.SquareId} steps from winning");
                            //skapa inre raden om den inte finns
                            int steps = newsquarenr - 40;
                            game.SetUpWinSquares(piece, steps);
Beispiel #8
        public void RenderBorderBack(ISquare square)
            if (_glUtils.DrawQuad(_frameBuffer, square, _quad))

            float    width      = _settings.VirtualResolution.Width;
            float    height     = _settings.VirtualResolution.Height;
            IGLColor color      = IsSelected ? _selectedColor : _color;
            IGLColor foldColor  = IsSelected ? _selectedFoldColor : _foldColor;
            float    foldHeight = height * (1f / 5f);
            PointF   foldBottom = new PointF(width / 2f, foldHeight);

            _frameBuffer = _glUtils.BeginFrameBuffer(square, _settings);
            _glUtils.DrawQuad(0, new Vector3(0, height, 0), new Vector3(width, height, 0),
                              new Vector3(), new Vector3(width, 0, 0),
                              color, color, color, color);

            _glUtils.DrawTriangle(0, new GLVertex[] { new GLVertex(new Vector2(), _emptyVector, foldColor),
                                                      new GLVertex(foldBottom.ToVector2(), _emptyVector, foldColor), new GLVertex(new Vector2(width, 0), _emptyVector, foldColor) });

            _glUtils.DrawQuad(_frameBuffer, square, _quad);
Beispiel #9
 public static void CheckCapture(IBoard board, ISquare targetSquare)
     CheckCaptureHorizontal(board, targetSquare, Square.NeighborDirection.Right);
     CheckCaptureHorizontal(board, targetSquare, Square.NeighborDirection.Left);
     CheckCaptureVertical(board, targetSquare, Square.NeighborDirection.Top);
     CheckCaptureVertical(board, targetSquare, Square.NeighborDirection.Bottom);
Beispiel #10
        private static void CheckCaptureVertical(IBoard board, ISquare originSquare, Square.NeighborDirection direction)
            if (direction == Square.NeighborDirection.Left || direction == Square.NeighborDirection.Right)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            ISquare targetSquare = originSquare.Neighbors[direction];

            if (targetSquare != null && targetSquare.IsOccupied && targetSquare.Occupant.Player != originSquare.Occupant.Player && !targetSquare.Occupant.IsKing)
                IPiece  deadPiece      = null;
                ISquare oppositeSquare = targetSquare.Neighbors[direction];
                if (oppositeSquare != null && oppositeSquare.IsOccupied && oppositeSquare.Occupant.Player == originSquare.Occupant.Player)
                    deadPiece = targetSquare.Occupant;
                else if (oppositeSquare == null && (targetSquare.Right == null || targetSquare.Left == null))
                    if ((targetSquare.Right == null && targetSquare.Left.Occupant != null && targetSquare.Left.Occupant.Player == originSquare.Occupant.Player) ||
                        (targetSquare.Left == null && targetSquare.Right.Occupant != null && targetSquare.Right.Occupant.Player == originSquare.Occupant.Player))
                        deadPiece = targetSquare.Occupant;

                if (deadPiece != null)
                    deadPiece.Location    = null;
                    targetSquare.Occupant = null;
Beispiel #11
 public Move(IGridLocation start, IGridLocation end, Move sideEffect = null, ISquare enPassantSquare = null)
     Start           = start;
     End             = end;
     SideEffect      = sideEffect;
     EnPassantSquare = enPassantSquare;
Beispiel #12
        public SquareSitResponse Sit(SquareSitRequest request)
            var res = new SquareSitResponse();

            //var userID = Utils.GetUserIDByToken(request.Token);
            //var square = chessContext.Squares[userID];
            var     tableId = Utils.GetRequestParam <int>(request.Biz_Content, "table_id");
            var     table   = ChessingManager.Instance.Tables[tableId];
            ISquare square  = Square;

            if (square != null)
                if (square.Table != null && square.Table != table)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Error when user {0} Sit at table {1}, square with other table ", UserID, tableId));
                var newCamp = !table.Squares.Keys.Contains(Camp.RedCamp) ? Camp.RedCamp : Camp.BlackCamp;
                square = new Square(newCamp, newCamp == Camp.RedCamp ? ChessColor.Red : ChessColor.Black);
                ChessingManager.Instance.Squares.Add(UserID, square);

Beispiel #13
 private static void AssertType(ISquare square, PieceType type)
     if (square.Type != type)
         throw new Exception("A piece-specific method was called on the wrong type of piece.");
Beispiel #14
 public void AddSquare(long userID, ISquare square)
     if (!_squares.Keys.Contains(userID))
         _squares.Add(userID, square);
Beispiel #15
        public IEnumerable <IGridLocation> PawnAttackedLocations(ISquare pawn)
            AssertType(pawn, PieceType.Pawn);

            PieceColour colour = pawn.Colour;
            byte        xCoord = pawn.Location.XCoord;
            byte        yCoord = pawn.Location.YCoord;

            List <IGridLocation> attacked = new List <IGridLocation>();

            // If the pawn is on the last row, it's attacking nothing.
            if (LastRow(pawn))

            sbyte minusIfWhite = (sbyte)((colour == PieceColour.White) ? -1 : 1);

            // Add the diagonal squares to the list if they exist on the board.
            IGridLocation left  = new GridLocation((byte)(xCoord - 1), (byte)(yCoord + minusIfWhite));
            IGridLocation right = new GridLocation((byte)(xCoord + 1), (byte)(yCoord + minusIfWhite));

            if (xCoord != 0)
            if (xCoord != 7)

Beispiel #16
        public IEnumerable <Move> KingMoves(ISquare piece)
            AssertType(piece, PieceType.King);

            IEnumerable <IGridLocation> adjacentLocations = piece.AdjacentLocations();

            List <Move> moves = new List <Move>();

            foreach (IGridLocation adjacentLocation in adjacentLocations)
                moves.Add(new Move(piece.Location, adjacentLocation));

            byte backRank = BackRank(piece.Colour);

            // Add the castling locations if appropriate
            if (CanCastleKingSide(piece.Colour))
                moves.Add(new Move(piece.Location, new GridLocation((byte)6, backRank),
                                   new Move(new GridLocation((byte)7, BackRank(piece.Colour)), new GridLocation((byte)5, backRank))));

            if (CanCastleQueenSide(piece.Colour))
                moves.Add(new Move(piece.Location, new GridLocation((byte)2, backRank),
                                   new Move(new GridLocation((byte)0, backRank), new GridLocation((byte)3, backRank))));

            return(moves.Where(move => !AttackedLocations(piece.Colour).Contains(move.End) &&
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a list of all the squares that are currently attacked by the piece at the given square.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attacker"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEnumerable <IGridLocation> LocationsAttackedBy(ISquare attacker)
            if (attacker.Type == PieceType.None)
                throw new Exception("AttackedSquares was called with an empty square as the attacker.");

            switch (attacker.Type)
            case PieceType.Pawn:

            case PieceType.Knight:

            case PieceType.Bishop:

            case PieceType.Rook:

            case PieceType.Queen:

            case PieceType.King:

                return(new List <IGridLocation>());
Beispiel #18
        public IEnumerable <Move> AvailableMovesFromSquare(ISquare mover)
            if (mover.Type == PieceType.None)
                throw new Exception("MoveDestinations was called with an empty square as the mover.");

            switch (mover.Type)
            case PieceType.Pawn:

            case PieceType.Knight:

            case PieceType.Bishop:

            case PieceType.Rook:

            case PieceType.Queen:

            case PieceType.King:

                return(new List <Move>());
Beispiel #19
 public static void SetDebugInfo <T>(IRequest <T> request, T response, ISquare square) where T : IResponse
     if (request.Debug)
         response.DebugInfo = GetChessListDebugInfo(square);
Beispiel #20
        private void drawBorders(ISquare square)
            var slice  = Slice.ToPercentage(_width, _height);
            var width  = Width.ToPixels(_width, _height);
            var outset = Outset.ToPixels(_width, _height);

            float       farLeft   = square.TopLeft.X - outset.Left.Value;
            float       farRight  = square.TopRight.X + outset.Right.Value;
            float       farTop    = square.TopLeft.Y + outset.Top.Value;
            float       farBottom = square.BottomLeft.Y - outset.Bottom.Value;
            SliceValues border    = new SliceValues(SliceMeasurement.Pixels, farLeft, farRight, farTop, farBottom);

            drawCorners(border, slice, width);
            switch (Repeat)
            case BorderRepeat.Repeat:
            case BorderRepeat.Round:
            case BorderRepeat.Space:
                drawEdges(border, slice, width, Repeat);

            case BorderRepeat.Stretch:
                drawStretch(border, slice, width);

                throw new NotSupportedException(Repeat.ToString());
Beispiel #21
 public void RenderBorderBack(ISquare square)
     if (DrawBorderBehind)
Beispiel #22
        public void RenderBorderBack(ISquare square)

            if (!FillBackground)

            var slice  = Slice.ToPercentage(_width, _height);
            var width  = Width.ToPixels(_width, _height);
            var outset = Outset.ToPixels(_width, _height);

            float farLeft   = square.TopLeft.X - outset.Left.Value;
            float farRight  = square.TopRight.X + outset.Right.Value;
            float farTop    = square.TopLeft.Y + outset.Top.Value;
            float farBottom = square.BottomLeft.Y - outset.Bottom.Value;

            var quad = new AGSSquare(new PointF(farLeft + width.Left.Value, farBottom + width.Bottom.Value),
                                     new PointF(farRight - width.Right.Value, farBottom + width.Bottom.Value),
                                     new PointF(farLeft + width.Left.Value, farTop - width.Top.Value),
                                     new PointF(farRight - width.Right.Value, farTop - width.Top.Value));

            drawQuad(quad, new FourCorners <Vector2> (new Vector2(slice.Left.Value, slice.Bottom.Value),
                                                      new Vector2(1f - slice.Right.Value, slice.Bottom.Value), new Vector2(slice.Left.Value, 1f - slice.Top.Value),
                                                      new Vector2(1f - slice.Right.Value, 1f - slice.Top.Value)));

            if (DrawBorderBehind)
Beispiel #23
        public void RenderBorderBack(ISquare square)
            if (_glUtils.DrawQuad(_frameBuffer, square, _quad))

            float    width      = _settings.VirtualResolution.Width;
            float    height     = _settings.VirtualResolution.Height;
            float    foldWidth  = (width) * (1f / 5f);
            float    foldHeight = (height) * (1f / 5f);
            IGLColor color      = IsSelected ? _selectedColor : _color;
            IGLColor foldColor  = IsSelected ? _selectedFoldColor : _foldColor;

            Vector3 foldBottomLeft = new Vector3(width - foldWidth, foldHeight, 0);
            Vector3 foldTopLeft    = new Vector3(width - foldWidth, 0, 0);
            Vector3 foldTopRight   = new Vector3(width, foldHeight, 0);

            _frameBuffer = _glUtils.BeginFrameBuffer(square, _settings);
            _glUtils.DrawQuad(0, new Vector3(0f, height, 0), new Vector3(width - foldWidth, height, 0),
                              new Vector3(), foldTopLeft,
                              color, color, color, color);

            _glUtils.DrawQuad(0, new Vector3(width - foldWidth, height, 0), new Vector3(width, height, 0),
                              foldBottomLeft, foldTopRight,
                              color, color, color, color);

            _glUtils.DrawTriangle(0, new GLVertex[] { new GLVertex(foldBottomLeft.Xy, _emptyVector, foldColor),
                                                      new GLVertex(foldTopLeft.Xy, _emptyVector, foldColor), new GLVertex(foldTopRight.Xy, _emptyVector, foldColor) });

            _glUtils.DrawQuad(_frameBuffer, square, _quad);
Beispiel #24
        private void Builder(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Builder builder = new ComplexObjectBuilder();


            ICircle circle = builder.ComplexObject.Circle;
            ISquare square = builder.ComplexObject.Square;

            Rectangle rect = new Rectangle()
                Fill = new SolidColorBrush(square.GetSqureColor()), Height = square.GetSideSize(), Width = square.GetSideSize()
            Ellipse el = new Ellipse()
                Fill = new SolidColorBrush(circle.GetCirleColor()), Height = circle.GetRadius() * 2, Width = circle.GetRadius() * 2

            Grid grid = new Grid();


            Canvas.SetLeft(grid, 10);
            Canvas.SetTop(grid, y);
            y += rect.Height + 5;
        private Grid SetGridParameters(Grid grid, IList <ISquare> squares, int numOfCols)
            for (int i = 0; i < grid.RowDefinitions.Count; i++)
                // Generate a row X amount of times with Y amount of columns
                ISquare[] squaresInRow = squares.Skip(i * numOfCols).Take(numOfCols).ToArray();

                for (int j = 0; j < grid.ColumnDefinitions.Count; j++)
                    var cellPanel = new Grid();

                    ISquare square = squaresInRow[j];

                    // Add players on field if any are in List
                    if (_gameboard.Players.Any())
                        var playerPanel = GeneratePlayerIcon(_gameboard.Players, square);

                    Grid.SetRow(cellPanel, i);
                    Grid.SetColumn(cellPanel, j);

Beispiel #26
        public bool CollidesWith(float x, float y)
            ISquare boundingBox = BoundingBox;

            if (boundingBox == null)
            IArea pixelPerfect = _pixelPerfect.PixelPerfectHitTestArea;

            if (_drawableInfo.IgnoreViewport && _state != null)
                var viewport = _state.Room.Viewport;
                //todo: Support viewport rotation (+ ignore scaling areas = false?)
                x = (x - viewport.X) * viewport.ScaleX;
                y = (y - viewport.Y) * viewport.ScaleY;

            if (pixelPerfect == null || !pixelPerfect.Enabled)
                if (boundingBox.Contains(new PointF(x, y)))
                if (pixelPerfect.IsInArea(new PointF(x, y), boundingBox, _scale.ScaleX * _obj.Animation.Sprite.ScaleX,
                                          _scale.ScaleY * _obj.Animation.Sprite.ScaleY))
        private StackPanel GeneratePlayerIcon(IList <IPlayer> players, ISquare square)
            var playerPanel = new StackPanel()
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal

            foreach (IPlayer player in players)
                if (player.Position != square.Id)

                var pawnImage = new Image
                    Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(player.Pawn)),
                    Height = 50,
                    Width  = 50,


Beispiel #28
 public static void MakeMove(IBoard board, IPiece piece, ISquare targetSquare)
     piece.Location.Occupant = null;
     piece.Location          = targetSquare;
     targetSquare.Occupant   = piece;
     CheckCapture(board, targetSquare);
        private bool TryGetSquareToFlag(ISquare neighbor, Direction direction1, Direction direction2, out ISquare squareToFlag)
            squareToFlag = null;

            (int x, int y)blankCheckIdx1 = GetNext(this.square.Index, direction1),
            blankCheckIdx2 = GetNext(blankCheckIdx1, direction2);

            var tempSquare = this.MapHandler.GetSquare(blankCheckIdx1);

            if (tempSquare == null || !tempSquare.IsBlank)

            tempSquare = this.MapHandler.GetSquare(blankCheckIdx2);
            if (!tempSquare.IsBlank)

            var neighborsBlanks = this.MapHandler.GetAdjacentBlanks(neighbor);

            if (neighborsBlanks.Length > 3)

            squareToFlag = neighborsBlanks.Single(sq => sq.Index != blankCheckIdx1 && sq.Index != blankCheckIdx2);
		private void drawBorders(ISquare square)
			var slice = Slice.ToPercentage(_width, _height);
			var width = Width.ToPixels(_width, _height);
			var outset = Outset.ToPixels(_width, _height);

			float farLeft = square.TopLeft.X - outset.Left.Value;
			float farRight = square.TopRight.X + outset.Right.Value;
			float farTop = square.TopLeft.Y + outset.Top.Value;
			float farBottom = square.BottomLeft.Y - outset.Bottom.Value;
			SliceValues border = new SliceValues (SliceMeasurement.Pixels, farLeft, farRight, farTop, farBottom);
			drawCorners(border, slice, width);
			switch (Repeat)
				case BorderRepeat.Repeat:
				case BorderRepeat.Round:
				case BorderRepeat.Space:
					drawEdges(border, slice, width, Repeat);
				case BorderRepeat.Stretch:
					drawStretch(border, slice, width);
					throw new NotSupportedException (Repeat.ToString());
Beispiel #31
        public void CheckEnPassant(IPawn pawn, ISquare squaresToMove)
            ISquare firstAdjacentSquare  = null;
            ISquare secondAdjacentSquare = null;

            bool firstCondition  = false;
            bool secondCondition = false;

            if (squaresToMove.Position.file != 'a')
                firstAdjacentSquare = Squares[char.ConvertFromUtf32(squaresToMove.Position.file - 1) + char.GetNumericValue(squaresToMove.Position.rank)];
                firstCondition      = firstAdjacentSquare.Occupied && firstAdjacentSquare.Piece is IPawn && firstAdjacentSquare.Piece.Player != pawn.Player;

            if (squaresToMove.Position.file != 'h')
                secondAdjacentSquare = Squares[char.ConvertFromUtf32(squaresToMove.Position.file + 1) + char.GetNumericValue(squaresToMove.Position.rank)];
                secondCondition      = secondAdjacentSquare.Occupied && secondAdjacentSquare.Piece is IPawn && secondAdjacentSquare.Piece.Player != pawn.Player;

            if (firstCondition || secondCondition)
                IPawn   adjacentPawn = firstCondition ? firstAdjacentSquare.Piece as IPawn : secondAdjacentSquare.Piece as IPawn;
                ISquare square       = pawn.Player.IsPlayer == "Two" ?
                                       Squares[squaresToMove.Position.file.ToString() + (char.GetNumericValue(squaresToMove.Position.rank) + 1)] :
                                       Squares[squaresToMove.Position.file.ToString() + (char.GetNumericValue(squaresToMove.Position.rank) - 1)];
                adjacentPawn.EnPassant = (pawn, square);
Beispiel #32
 public EnPassantEnablingMove(ISquare fromSquare, ISquare toSquare, IPiece movingPiece, ISquare enPassantSquare)
     FromSquare      = fromSquare;
     ToSquare        = toSquare;
     MovingPiece     = movingPiece;
     EnPassantSquare = enPassantSquare;
Beispiel #33
 public CastlingMove(Piece king, ISquare from, ISquare to, Piece rook,ISquare castlingRookFrom, ISquare castlingRookTo,int ply)
     : base(king, from, to, null,ply)
     CastlingRook = rook;
     CastlingRookFrom = castlingRookFrom;
     CastlingRookTo = castlingRookTo;
Beispiel #34
 public NormalMove(Piece piece, ISquare from, ISquare to, Piece capture, int ply)
     Piece = piece;
     Ply = ply;
     _from = from;
     _to = to;
     _capture = capture;
Beispiel #35
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Square"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="switched">
 /// The switched.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="north">
 /// The north.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="south">
 /// The south.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="east">
 /// The east.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="west">
 /// The west.
 /// </param>
 public Square(bool switched, ISquare north, ISquare south, ISquare east, ISquare west)
     this.Switched = switched;
     this.north = north;
     this.south = south;
     this.west = west;
     this.east = east;
Beispiel #36
 public IEnumerable<ISquare> GetCellsByDirections(ISquare square, IEnumerable<IDirection> directions, int distance)
     var result = new List<ISquare>();
     foreach (var direction in directions)
         result.AddRange(GetCellsByDirection(square, direction, distance));
     return result;
Beispiel #37
 public void AddSquare(ISquare square)
     if (next <= max)
         this.squares[next] = square;
     else throw new ApplicationException("Not enough room for this square!");
Beispiel #38
		public bool IsMasked(PointF point, ISquare projectionBox, float scaleX, float scaleY)
			float leftX = scaleX >= 0f ? projectionBox.BottomLeft.X : projectionBox.BottomRight.X;
			float rightX = scaleX >= 0f ? projectionBox.BottomRight.X : projectionBox.BottomLeft.X;
			float bottomY = scaleY >= 0f ? projectionBox.BottomLeft.Y : projectionBox.TopLeft.Y;
			float topY = scaleY >= 0f ? projectionBox.TopLeft.Y : projectionBox.BottomLeft.Y;
			float x = MathUtils.Lerp(leftX, 0, rightX, Width - 1, point.X);
			float y = MathUtils.Lerp(bottomY, 0, topY, Height - 1, point.Y);
			return IsMasked(new PointF (x, y));
Beispiel #39
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills Grid with ISquares of same type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="squareType">The kind of ISquare.</param>
        /// <param name="gridLenght">How "long" the grid has to be.</param>
        /// <param name="gridBreath">How "wide" the grid has to be.</param>
        public Grid(ISquare squareType, int gridLenght, int gridBreath)
            var numberOfSquares = ((gridLenght + 2) * (gridBreath + 2));

            for (var i = 0; i < numberOfSquares; i++)

            _gridSize = _savanna.Count();
Beispiel #40
 public IEnumerable<ISquare> GetCellsByDirection(ISquare square, IDirection direction, int distance)
     ISquare newSquare = AddDirection(square, direction);
     int n = 0;
     while (IsLegal(newSquare) && (n < distance || distance == 0))
         yield return newSquare;
         newSquare = AddDirection(newSquare, direction);
Beispiel #41
	private void SetSquare () 
		if(squareType == SquareType.Simple)
			square = new SimpleSquare ();
		else if(squareType == SquareType.Reward)
			square = new RewardSquare ();
		else if( squareType == SquareType.MoveBackwards)
			square = new SquareMoveBackwards (moveSquares,squareToGo);
		else if( squareType == SquareType.MoveForwards)
			square = new SquareMoveForwards (moveSquares,squareToGo);
			square = new SpecialSquare ();
Beispiel #42
        public void RenderBorderBack(ISquare square)
            IGLColor color = IsSelected ? _selectedColor : _color;
            IGLColor foldColor = IsSelected ? _selectedFoldColor : _foldColor;

            _glUtils.DrawQuad(0, square.BottomLeft.ToVector3(), square.BottomRight.ToVector3(),
                    square.TopLeft.ToVector3(), square.TopRight.ToVector3(),
                    color, color, color, color);

            float foldHeight = (square.MaxY - square.MinY) * (1f / 5f);
            PointF foldBottom = new PointF((square.TopLeft.X + square.TopRight.X) / 2f, square.TopLeft.Y - foldHeight);

            _glUtils.DrawTriangleFan(0, new GLVertex[] { new GLVertex(square.TopLeft.ToVector2(), _emptyVector, foldColor),
                    new GLVertex(foldBottom.ToVector2(), _emptyVector, foldColor), new GLVertex(square.TopRight.ToVector2(), _emptyVector, foldColor)});
		private void drawBorders(ISquare square)
			FourCorners<IGLColor> colors = Color.Convert(c => c.ToGLColor());

			float farLeft = square.TopLeft.X - LineWidth;
			float farRight = square.TopRight.X + LineWidth;
			float farTop = square.TopLeft.Y + LineWidth;
			float farBottom = square.BottomLeft.Y - LineWidth;

			AGSSquare border = new AGSSquare (new PointF (farLeft, farBottom), new PointF (farRight, farBottom),
				new PointF (farLeft, farTop), new PointF (farRight, farTop));

			float topQuadBottomY = square.TopLeft.Y;
			float topQuadLeftX = HasRoundCorner.TopLeft ? square.TopLeft.X : farLeft;
			float topQuadRightX = HasRoundCorner.TopRight ? square.TopRight.X : farRight;
			AGSSquare topQuad = new AGSSquare (new PointF (topQuadLeftX, topQuadBottomY), new PointF (topQuadRightX, topQuadBottomY),
				new PointF (topQuadLeftX, farTop), new PointF (topQuadRightX, farTop));

			float bottomQuadTopY = square.BottomLeft.Y;
			float bottomQuadLeftX = HasRoundCorner.BottomLeft ? square.BottomLeft.X : farLeft;
			float bottomQuadRightX = HasRoundCorner.BottomRight ? square.BottomRight.X : farRight;
			AGSSquare bottomQuad = new AGSSquare (new PointF (bottomQuadLeftX, farBottom), new PointF (bottomQuadRightX, farBottom),
				new PointF (bottomQuadLeftX, bottomQuadTopY), new PointF (bottomQuadRightX, bottomQuadTopY));

			float horizQuadTop = square.TopLeft.Y;
			float horizQuadBottom = square.BottomLeft.Y;

			float leftQuadRightX = square.BottomLeft.X;
			AGSSquare leftQuad = new AGSSquare (new PointF (farLeft, horizQuadBottom), new PointF (leftQuadRightX, horizQuadBottom),
				new PointF (farLeft, horizQuadTop), new PointF (leftQuadRightX, horizQuadTop));

			float rightQuadLeftX = square.BottomRight.X;
			AGSSquare rightQuad = new AGSSquare (new PointF (rightQuadLeftX, horizQuadBottom), new PointF (farRight, horizQuadBottom),
				new PointF (rightQuadLeftX, horizQuadTop), new PointF (farRight, horizQuadTop));

			if (HasRoundCorner.TopLeft) drawRoundCorner(square.TopLeft, LineWidth, 270f, border, colors);
			if (HasRoundCorner.TopRight) drawRoundCorner(square.TopRight, LineWidth, 0f, border, colors);
			if (HasRoundCorner.BottomLeft) drawRoundCorner(square.BottomLeft, LineWidth, 180f, border, colors);
			if (HasRoundCorner.BottomRight) drawRoundCorner(square.BottomRight, LineWidth, 90f, border, colors);
			drawQuad(topQuad, border, colors);
			drawQuad(bottomQuad, border, colors);
			drawQuad(leftQuad, border, colors);
			drawQuad(rightQuad, border, colors);
Beispiel #44
        public void RenderBorderBack(ISquare square)
            float width = square.MaxX - square.MinX;
            float height = square.MaxY - square.MinY;
            float arrowWidth = width * (1f/2f);
            float arrowHeight = height * (1f/2f);
            float remainingWidth = width - arrowWidth;
            float remainingHeight = height - arrowHeight;

            PointF point1, point2, point3;

            switch (Direction)
                case ArrowDirection.Right:
                    point1 = square.TopLeft + new PointF(remainingWidth / 2f, -remainingHeight / 2f);
                    point2 = square.BottomLeft + new PointF(remainingWidth / 2f, remainingHeight / 2f);
                    point3 = square.BottomRight + new PointF(-remainingWidth / 2f, height / 2f);
                case ArrowDirection.Down:
                    point1 = square.TopLeft + new PointF(remainingWidth / 2f, -remainingHeight / 2f);
                    point2 = square.BottomLeft + new PointF(width / 2f, remainingHeight / 2f);
                    point3 = square.TopRight + new PointF(-remainingWidth / 2f, -remainingHeight / 2f);
                case ArrowDirection.Left:
                    point1 = square.TopRight + new PointF(-remainingWidth / 2f, -remainingHeight / 2f);
                    point2 = square.BottomRight + new PointF(-remainingWidth / 2f, remainingHeight / 2f);
                    point3 = square.BottomLeft + new PointF(remainingWidth / 2f, height / 2f);
                case ArrowDirection.Up:
                    point1 = square.TopLeft + new PointF(width / 2f, -remainingHeight / 2f);
                    point2 = square.BottomLeft + new PointF(remainingWidth / 2f, remainingHeight / 2f);
                    point3 = square.BottomRight + new PointF(-remainingWidth / 2f, remainingHeight / 2f);
                default: throw new NotSupportedException(Direction.ToString());

            _glUtils.DrawTriangleFan(0, new GLVertex[] { new GLVertex(point1.ToVector2(), _emptyVector, ArrowColor),
                new GLVertex(point2.ToVector2(), _emptyVector, ArrowColor), new GLVertex(point3.ToVector2(), _emptyVector, ArrowColor)});
Beispiel #45
        public void RenderBorderBack(ISquare square)
            float foldWidth = (square.MaxX - square.MinX) * (1f / 5f);
            float foldHeight = (square.MaxY - square.MinY) * (1f / 5f);
            IGLColor color = IsSelected ? _selectedColor : _color;
            IGLColor foldColor = IsSelected ? _selectedFoldColor : _foldColor;

            PointF foldBottomLeft = square.TopRight - new PointF(foldWidth, foldHeight);
            PointF foldTopLeft = square.TopRight - new PointF(foldWidth, 0f);
            PointF foldTopRight = square.TopRight - new PointF(0f, foldHeight);

            _glUtils.DrawQuad(0, square.BottomLeft.ToVector3(), (square.BottomRight - new PointF(foldWidth, 0f)).ToVector3(),
                square.TopLeft.ToVector3(), foldTopLeft.ToVector3(),
                color, color, color, color);

            _glUtils.DrawQuad(0, (square.BottomRight - new PointF(foldWidth, 0f)).ToVector3(), square.BottomRight.ToVector3(),
                foldBottomLeft.ToVector3(), foldTopRight.ToVector3(),
                color, color, color, color);

            _glUtils.DrawTriangleFan(0, new GLVertex[] { new GLVertex(foldBottomLeft.ToVector2(), _emptyVector, foldColor),
                    new GLVertex(foldTopLeft.ToVector2(), _emptyVector, foldColor), new GLVertex(foldTopRight.ToVector2(), _emptyVector, foldColor)});
Beispiel #46
 private NormalMove GetEnPassantMove(ISquare enPassantSquare, ISquare destinationSquare, int ply)
     if (Square.Rank != _startRank + (MoveForward*3)) return null;
     if (Board.GetSquareStatus(enPassantSquare) != SquareStatus.Occupied) return null;
     var piece = Board.GetPieceOn(enPassantSquare) as Pawn;
     if (piece == null || piece.Moves.Count <= 0) return null;
     var lastMove = piece.Moves.Last();
     if (lastMove is PawnDoubleMove && lastMove.Ply==ply-1)
         return new EnPassantMove(this,Square,destinationSquare,piece,ply);
     return null;
Beispiel #47
 private NormalMove GetCaptureMove(ISquare toCheck,int ply)
     if (Board.GetSquareStatus(toCheck) == SquareStatus.Occupied)
         var piece = Board.GetPieceOn(toCheck);
         if (piece.Color != Color)
             return new NormalMove(this, Square, toCheck, piece, ply);
     return null;
		private void drawQuad(ISquare quad, ISquare border, FourCorners<IGLColor> colors)
			GLColor bottomLeftColor = getColor(colors, border, quad.BottomLeft); 
			GLColor bottomRightColor = getColor(colors, border, quad.BottomRight);
			GLColor topRightColor = getColor(colors, border, quad.TopRight);
			GLColor topLeftColor = getColor(colors, border, quad.TopLeft);

            _glUtils.DrawQuad(0, quad.BottomLeft.ToVector3(), quad.BottomRight.ToVector3(),
				quad.TopLeft.ToVector3(), quad.TopRight.ToVector3(), bottomLeftColor, bottomRightColor, topLeftColor, topRightColor);
		public void RenderBorderFront(ISquare square)
			if (!DrawBorderBehind) drawBorders(square);
Beispiel #50
 public bool IsInArea(PointF point, ISquare projectionBox, float scaleX, float scaleY)
     return _areaComponent.IsInArea(point, projectionBox, scaleX, scaleY);
		private GLColor getColor(FourCorners<IGLColor> colors, ISquare border, PointF point)
			return getColor(colors, MathUtils.Lerp(border.BottomLeft.X, 0f, border.BottomRight.X, 1f, point.X),
				MathUtils.Lerp(border.BottomRight.Y, 0f, border.TopRight.Y, 1f, point.Y));
		private void drawRoundCorner(PointF center, float radius, float angle, ISquare border, FourCorners<IGLColor> colors)
			Vector2 tex = new Vector2 ();
			GLVertex centerVertex = new GLVertex (center.ToVector2(), tex, getColor(colors, border, center));
			_roundCorner[0] = centerVertex;
			float step = (90f / (_roundCorner.Length - 2));
			for (int i = 1; i < _roundCorner.Length; i++)
				float anglerad = (float)Math.PI * angle / 180.0f;
				float x = (float)Math.Sin(anglerad) * radius; 
				float y = (float)Math.Cos(anglerad) * radius;
				angle += step;
				PointF point = new PointF (x + center.X, y + center.Y);
				_roundCorner[i] = new GLVertex (point.ToVector2(), tex, getColor(colors, border, point));

            _glUtils.DrawTriangleFan(0, _roundCorner);
Beispiel #53
 public EnPassantMove(Piece piece, ISquare from, ISquare to, Piece capture, int ply)
     : base(piece, @from, to, capture,ply)
Beispiel #54
 private bool IsLegal(ISquare square)
     return square.X >= 1 && square.X <= BoardSize && square.Y >= 1 && square.Y <= BoardSize;
Beispiel #55
 private Cell GetCell(ISquare square)
     return _cells.SingleOrDefault(c => c.IsEqualTo(square));
Beispiel #56
 public bool SquareIsEmpty(ISquare square)
     return !_cells.Any(c => c.IsEqualTo(square));
Beispiel #57
 public bool SquareIsColor(ISquare square, PieceColor color)
     var cell = GetCell(square);
     return cell != null && cell.Color == color;
		public void RenderBorderBack(ISquare square)
			if (DrawBorderBehind) drawBorders(square);
 public ConstructorSelectorTestModel(ISquare square)
Beispiel #60
 public PawnDoubleMove(Piece piece, ISquare from, ISquare to, int ply)
     : base(piece, from, to, null, ply)