public void Test_CreateSqlFormatter_AlternateConstructor_SQLite()
            //---------------Set up test pack-------------------
            string connectionString =
                new DatabaseConfig(DatabaseConfig.SqlServer, "test", "test", "test", "test", "1000").GetConnectionString
            IDatabaseConnection dbConn = new DatabaseConnectionSQLite
                                             ("System.Data", "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection", connectionString);
            //---------------Assert Precondition----------------
            //---------------Execute Test ----------------------
            ISqlFormatter defaultSqlFormatter = dbConn.SqlFormatter;

            //---------------Test Result -----------------------
            Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(SqlFormatter), defaultSqlFormatter);
            SqlFormatter sqlFormatter = (SqlFormatter)defaultSqlFormatter;

            Assert.AreEqual("\"", sqlFormatter.LeftFieldDelimiter);
            Assert.AreEqual("\"", sqlFormatter.RightFieldDelimiter);
            Assert.AreEqual("", sqlFormatter.LimitClauseAtBeginning);
            Assert.AreEqual("limit", sqlFormatter.LimitClauseAtEnd);
            Assert.AreEqual(sqlFormatter.LeftFieldDelimiter, dbConn.LeftFieldDelimiter);
            Assert.AreEqual(sqlFormatter.RightFieldDelimiter, dbConn.RightFieldDelimiter);
            //            StringAssert.Contains(sqlFormatter.LimitClauseAtBeginning, dbConn.GetLimitClauseForBeginning(1));
            //            StringAssert.Contains(sqlFormatter.LimitClauseAtEnd, dbConn.GetLimitClauseForEnd(1));
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Format sql using the FormatSql method available on the given <see cref="ISqlFormatter"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sqlFormatter">The <see cref="ISqlFormatter"/> to use.</param>
        /// <param name="command">The <see cref="IDbCommand"/> being represented.</param>
        public static string GetFormattedSql(this ISqlFormatter sqlFormatter, IDbCommand command)
            var commandText = command.GetReadableCommand();
            var parameters  = command.GetParameters();

            return(sqlFormatter.GetFormattedSql(commandText, parameters, command));
        private void UID_Application_ValueChecking(object sender, ColumnEventArgs e)
            string strWhereClause = "";

            using (NoRightsCheck())
                if (0 < e.New.String.Length)
                    ISqlFormatter fSQL = DbObject.Connection.SqlFormatter;

                    //MSSQL:(UID_Application = '0f90b30e-f1cc-11d4-9700-00508b8f013d') and (isnull(IsProfileApplication, 0) = 0)
                    //Oracle:(UID_Application = '0f90b30e-f1cc-11d4-9700-00508b8f013d') and (nvl(IsProfileApplication, 0) = 0)
                    strWhereClause =
                            fSQL.Comparison("UID_Application", e.New.String, ValType.String, CompareOperator.Equal, FormatterOptions.None),
                            fSQL.Comparison("IsProfileApplication", false, ValType.Bool));

                    // Die zugewiesene Applikation ist keine ProfilApplikation
                    if (DbObject.Connection.Exists("Application", strWhereClause))
                        throw new ViException(881106, ExceptionRelevance.EndUser);
        public static string FormatSelectSql(this ISqlFormatter formatter, string tableOrView, string fields, string condition)
            string selectSqlTemplate = formatter.GetSelectSqlTemplate();
            string str2 = "";

            return(string.Format(selectSqlTemplate, new object[] { fields, tableOrView, str2, condition }));
Beispiel #5
        public T QueryObject <T>(string key, object value, bool checkExist = false) where T : DbObject, new()
            ISqlFormatter sqlFormatter = this.DbObjectOperator.SqlFormatter;
            string        condition    = string.Format("{0} = {1}", sqlFormatter.FormatFieldName(key), sqlFormatter.FormatValue(value, false));

            return(this.QueryObject <T>(condition, checkExist));
Beispiel #6
        public string ToSql(ISqlFormatter sql)
            var needed = Aliases.Keys;
            var schema = needed.First().Schema;

            var(main, joined) = (
                from table in schema.Tables
                let j = GetJoins(table, needed.ToHashSet())
                        where j.complete
                        orderby j.joins.Count == 0 ? 0 : j.joins.Max(x => x.Depth),
                j.joins.Sum(x => x.Count)
                select(table, j.joins)

            if (main == null)
                var names = string.Join(",", needed.Select(x => x.RefName));
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not make joins between tables {names}");

            var output = new List <string> {
                $"from {main.ToSql(sql)} {this[main]}"

            foreach (var join in joined)
                join.ToSql(sql, this, output);

            return(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, output));
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the Sql that corresponds to this join
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sqlFormatter">The formatter used to construct the appropriate Sql</param>
        /// <param name="aliases">The aliases to use for table names</param>
        /// <returns>The sql statement.</returns>
        public string CreateSQL(ISqlFormatter sqlFormatter, IDictionary <string, string> aliases)
            //if (Joins.Count == 0) return sqlFormatter.DelimitTable(EntityName);
            string tableJoinString = GetTableJoinString(this, sqlFormatter, aliases);

            return(GetJoinString(sqlFormatter, this, tableJoinString, aliases));
 public TableReferenceIdentifierByTableMultiPartIdentifierProvider(ISqlFormatter sqlFormatter, Regex predicateRegex, Regex pascalCaseRegex, TextInfo textInfo)
     _predicateRegex  = predicateRegex;
     _pascalCaseRegex = pascalCaseRegex;
     _textInfo        = textInfo;
     _sqlFormatter    = sqlFormatter;
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Format sql using the FormatSql method available in the current <see cref="MiniProfilerBaseOptions.SqlFormatter"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sqlFormatter">The <see cref="ISqlFormatter"/> to use.</param>
        /// <param name="commandText">The SQL command to format.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">The parameters for the SQL command.</param>
        /// <param name="command">The <see cref="IDbCommand"/> being represented.</param>
        /// <remarks>It is preferable to use this rather than accessing <see cref="ISqlFormatter.FormatSql"/> directly,
        /// as this method will detect whether an <see cref="IAdvancedSqlFormatter"/> is being used, and will access it properly.
        /// This may be removed in a future major version when <see cref="IAdvancedSqlFormatter"/> can be consolidated back
        /// into <see cref="ISqlFormatter"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        public static string GetFormattedSql(this ISqlFormatter sqlFormatter, string commandText, List <SqlTimingParameter> parameters, IDbCommand command = null)
            var advancedFormatter = sqlFormatter as IAdvancedSqlFormatter;

            return(advancedFormatter?.FormatSql(commandText, parameters, command)
                   ?? sqlFormatter.FormatSql(commandText, parameters));
Beispiel #10
        private string ToSql(ISqlFormatter sql, IList <IColumn> select,
                             IFilterParameters filterParams, IEnumerable <Filter> outerFilters,
                             long skip, int take)
            if (Aggregations.Count == 1)
                return(Aggregations[0].ToSql(sql, select, outerFilters.Concat(Filters), filterParams, OrderBy, skip, take));

            var ordering = "a0.Value0 desc";

            if (select != null && OrderBy.Count != 0)
                ordering = string.Join(", ", OrderBy.Select(FindOrderingColumn));

                skipAndTake = sql.SkipAndTake(skip, take),
                Aggregations = Aggregations.Select(x =>
                                                   x.ToSql(sql, select, outerFilters.Concat(Filters), filterParams)),
                Select = select,
        public static string GetOperatorString(this ISqlFormatter formatter, ExpressionType type)
            string str = null;

            dicOperatorStrings.TryGetValue(type, out str);
Beispiel #12
        public string ToSql(
            ISqlFormatter sql,
            IEnumerable <IColumn> selectColumns,
            IEnumerable <Filter> outerFilters,
            IFilterParameters filterParams,
            IEnumerable <Ordering> orderings = null,
            long?skip = null,
            int?take  = null)
            var joins = new Joins();

            var selects = selectColumns?.Select((c, i) =>
                                                $"{sql.IdentifierPair(joins[c.Table], c.DbName)} Select{i}").ToList()
                          ?? new List <string>();

            var aggColumn = Column != null ? $"{Function}({joins.Aliased(Column, sql)})" : null;

            if (aggColumn != null)
                selects.Add($"{aggColumn} Value0");

            if (selects.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Must select something");

            var filters = outerFilters.Concat(Filters).Select(f => new
                Column = joins.Aliased(f.Column, sql),
                Param = filterParams[f]

            var groupBy = selectColumns?.Select(x => new
                Part = joins.Aliased(x, sql)

            var skipAndTake = skip != null && take != null
                    ? sql.SkipAndTake(skip.Value, take.Value)
                    : null;

            var orderBy = skipAndTake == null ? null :
                          orderings.Any() ? string.Join(", ", orderings.Select(x => $"{joins.Aliased(x.Column, sql)} {x.Direction}")) :
                          aggColumn != null ? $"{aggColumn} desc" :

                joins = joins.ToSql(sql),
        private void _RemoveOutdatedAppsInfo()
            // remove outdated entries in MachineAppsInfo
            ISqlFormatter sqlFormatter = ConnectData.Connection.SqlFormatter;
            DateTime      outDate;
            int           age;

            age = _MaxAgeMachine;

            if (age < int.MaxValue)
                outDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new TimeSpan(age, 0, 0, 0));

                if (outDate > DbVal.MinDate)
                            sqlFormatter.Comparison("CurrentlyActive", false, ValType.Bool),
                            sqlFormatter.Comparison("DeInstallDate", outDate,
                                                    ValType.Date, CompareOperator.LowerThan)));

            age = _MaxAgeUser;

            if (age < int.MaxValue)
                outDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new TimeSpan(age, 0, 0, 0));

                if (outDate > DbVal.MinDate)
                    // remove outdated entries in ADSAccountAppsInfo
                            sqlFormatter.Comparison("CurrentlyActive", false, ValType.Bool),
                            sqlFormatter.Comparison("DeInstallDate", outDate,
                                                    ValType.Date, CompareOperator.LowerThan)));

            age = _MaxAgeClientLog;

            if (age < int.MaxValue)
                outDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new TimeSpan(age, 0, 0, 0));

                if (outDate > DbVal.MinDate)
                    // remove outdated entries in ClientLog
                                                outDate, ValType.Date,
Beispiel #14
        private string GetTableJoinString(Source source, ISqlFormatter sqlFormatter, IDictionary <string, string> aliases)
            string joinString = sqlFormatter.DelimitTable(EntityName);

            joinString += " " + aliases[this.ToString()];
            joinString  = GetInheritanceJoinString(sqlFormatter, source, joinString, aliases);
Beispiel #15
 public GenerateSQL(Configuration configuration, Settings settings, ISqlFormatter sql_formatter, IFileWriter file_writer, IMigrationProvider migration_provider)
     _configuration = configuration;
     _settings = settings;
     _sql_formatter = sql_formatter;
     _file_writer = file_writer;
     _migration_provider = migration_provider;
Beispiel #16
 public GenerateSQL(Configuration configuration, Settings settings, ISqlFormatter sql_formatter, IFileWriter file_writer, IMigrationProvider migration_provider)
     _configuration      = configuration;
     _settings           = settings;
     _sql_formatter      = sql_formatter;
     _file_writer        = file_writer;
     _migration_provider = migration_provider;
 public override string GetFormattedStringWith(ISqlFormatter formatter, IDictionary<string, string> aliases)
     var parts = new List<string>();
     AddParametersTo(parts, formatter, aliases);
     return string.Join("", parts);
        private void _InsertDomains(TreeListNode tlnParent, string identParentDomain)
            ISqlFormatter isql = clsMain.Instance.CurrentConnection.Connection.SqlFormatter;

                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                // create the collection
                IColDbObject dbcolDomains = clsMain.Instance.CurrentConnection.Connection.CreateCol("SDLDomain");

                // assign the where-clause
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(identParentDomain))
                    dbcolDomains.Prototype.WhereClause = isql.Comparison("UID_SDLDomainParent", "", ValType.String);
                    dbcolDomains.Prototype.WhereClause = isql.FkComparison("UID_SDLDomainParent", "UID_SDLDomain", "SDLDomain",
                                                                           isql.Comparison("Ident_Domain", identParentDomain, ValType.String));

                // appand the userdefined filter
                if (clsMain.Instance.DomainFilter.Length > 0)
                    dbcolDomains.Prototype.WhereClause = "(" + dbcolDomains.Prototype.WhereClause + ") and (" + clsMain.Instance.DomainFilter + ")";

                // mark as DisplayColumn
                dbcolDomains.Prototype["Ident_Domain"].IsDisplayItem = true;

                // load the collection

                //now do for each domain
                foreach (IColElem colElem in dbcolDomains)
                    // create a doamin-node
                    TreeListNode tlnDomain = tlnParent.Nodes.Add(colElem.Display, 1);
                    tlnDomain.Tag = new NodeData(NodeType.Domain, colElem.GetValue("Ident_Domain"), "");

                    // insert static subitems of domain

                    // insert all childdomains
                    _InsertDomains(tlnDomain, colElem.Display);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ExceptionDialog.Show(this.ParentForm, ex);
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
        /// <exclude/>
        /// <summary>
        /// Es wird geprüft, ob zu der zu diesem Profil zugehörigen Applikation Profile vorhanden sind.
        /// Falls ja, wird das Flag IsProfileApplication in Application auf 1 gesetzt
        /// Falls nicht, wird das Flag IsProfileApplication in Application auf 0 gesetzt.
        /// </summary>
        private void _CheckIsProfileApplication()
            IColDbObject  colApplicationProfile = DbObject.Connection.CreateCol("ApplicationProfile");;
            ISqlFormatter fSQL = DbObject.Connection.SqlFormatter;

            // Objekt wurde gelöscht
            if (DbObject.IsDeleted)
                // geloescht

                // gibt es noch andere Profile ???
                colApplicationProfile.Prototype.WhereClause =
                    fSQL.AndRelation(fSQL.Comparison("UID_Application", DbObject["UID_Application"].New.String,
                                                     ValType.String, CompareOperator.Equal, FormatterOptions.None),
                                     fSQL.Comparison("UID_Profile", DbObject["UID_Profile"].New.String,
                                                     ValType.String, CompareOperator.NotEqual, FormatterOptions.None)

                // nein
                if (colApplicationProfile.DBCount == 0)
                    // exists the Application ( we are not in DeleteCascade )
                    // This Check is required because the UID_Application is filled, but the Object is already deleted
                    if (DbObject.Connection.Exists("Application", fSQL.Comparison("UID_Application", DbObject["UID_Application"].New.String,
                                                                                  ValType.String, CompareOperator.Equal, FormatterOptions.None)))
                        // auf false setzen
                        ISingleDbObject dbApplication = DbObject.GetFK("UID_Application").Create();

                        if (dbApplication != null)
                            if (dbApplication["IsProfileApplication"].New.Bool == true)
                                dbApplication["IsProfileApplication"].NewValue = false;

            // Objekt wurde neu angelegt
            if (!DbObject.IsLoaded)
                // Insert
                ISingleDbObject dbApplication = DbObject.GetFK("UID_Application").Create();

                if (dbApplication != null)
                    if (dbApplication["IsProfileApplication"].New.Bool == false)
                        dbApplication["IsProfileApplication"].NewValue = true;
Beispiel #20
 private bool AddStringParameter(object parameter, List <string> parts, ISqlFormatter formatter)
     if (parameter is string)
         var stringParameter = (parameter as string) ?? "";
         parts.Add("'" + stringParameter.Replace("'", "''") + "'");
 private bool AddQueryFieldParameter(object parameter, List<string> parts, ISqlFormatter formatter, IDictionary<string, string> aliases)
     var queryField = parameter as QueryField;
     if (queryField == null) return false;
     var quotedSource = QuoteSource(queryField.Source, formatter, aliases);
     var quotedField = queryField.FieldName == "*" ? "*" : formatter.DelimitField(queryField.FieldName);
     var field = string.Join(string.Empty, new[] { quotedSource, quotedField });
     return true;
        /// <exclude/>
        /// <summary>
        /// Beschreibung: Es wird ein Eintrag in TroubleProduct für die Applikation vorgenommen.
        ///  Ident_TroubleProduct = substring(NameFull, 1, 64)
        ///  Description = substring(NameFull, 1, 64),
        ///  SupportLevel = 1,
        ///  IsInActive = 0.
        /// Voraussetzungen: der Configparm 'Helpdesk\AutoProduct\Application' ist gesetzt,
        /// für die Applikation gibt es noch keinen Eintrag in TroubleProduct  --> substring(application.NameFull, 1, 64) &lt;&gt; Ident_TroubleProduct,
        /// zu dieser Applikation gibt es mindestens ein Applikationsprofil.
        /// </summary>
        private void _HandleTroubleProduct()
            ISqlFormatter fSQL = DbObject.Connection.SqlFormatter;

                null, null);
 private void AddParametersTo(List<string> parts, ISqlFormatter formatter, IDictionary<string, string> aliases)
     var parameterParts = new List<string>();
     foreach (var parameter in _parameters)
         if (AddStringParameter(parameter, parameterParts, formatter)) continue;
         AddQueryFieldParameter(parameter, parameterParts, formatter, aliases);
     parts.Add(string.Join(",", parameterParts));
Beispiel #24
        private string QuoteSource(Source source, ISqlFormatter withFormatter, IDictionary <string, string> aliases)
            if (source == null)
            var sourceName = aliases.ContainsKey(source.Name) ? aliases[source.Name] : source.Name;

            return(withFormatter.DelimitTable(sourceName) + ".");
Beispiel #25
        public override string GetFormattedStringWith(ISqlFormatter formatter, IDictionary <string, string> aliases)
            var parts = new List <string>();

            AddParametersTo(parts, formatter, aliases);
            return(string.Join("", parts));
 private bool AddStringParameter(object parameter, List<string> parts, ISqlFormatter formatter)
     if (parameter is string)
         var stringParameter = (parameter as string) ?? "";
         parts.Add("'" + stringParameter.Replace("'", "''") + "'");
         return true;
     return false;
        private Task Handle_TroubleProduct(LogicParameter lp)
            ISqlFormatter fSQL = lp.SqlFormatter;

                       lp.Entity.GetValue <string>("NameFull"),
                       fSQL.UidComparison("UID_Application", lp.Entity.GetValue <string>("UID_Application"))));
Beispiel #28
 public Application(
     ISqlPreparator preparator,
     ISqlFormatter formatter,
     ISqlExecutor executor,
     ISqlSaver saver)
     _preparator = preparator;
     _formatter  = formatter;
     _executor   = executor;
     _saver      = saver;
Beispiel #29
 private string GetInheritanceJoinString(ISqlFormatter sqlFormatter, Source source, string joinString, IDictionary <string, string> aliases)
     foreach (Join join in source.InheritanceJoins)
         joinString = "(" + joinString + " " + GetJoinString(sqlFormatter, join, aliases) + ")";
         if (join.ToSource.InheritanceJoins.Count > 0)
             joinString = GetInheritanceJoinString(sqlFormatter, join.ToSource, joinString, aliases);
Beispiel #30
        public string ToSql(ISqlFormatter sql,
                            IFilterParameters filterParams,
                            IEnumerable <Filter> outerFilters)
            var result = ToSql(sql, Select, filterParams, outerFilters, Skip, Take);

            if (Totals)
                result += ";" + ToSql(sql, null, filterParams, outerFilters, 0, 1);

Beispiel #31
        private void AddParametersTo(List <string> parts, ISqlFormatter formatter, IDictionary <string, string> aliases)
            var parameterParts = new List <string>();

            foreach (var parameter in _parameters)
                if (AddStringParameter(parameter, parameterParts, formatter))
                AddQueryFieldParameter(parameter, parameterParts, formatter, aliases);
            parts.Add(string.Join(",", parameterParts));
Beispiel #32
            public void ToSql(ISqlFormatter sql, Joins aliases, List <string> output)
                var table = Key.To.Table.ToSql(sql);
                var alias = aliases[Key.To.Table];
                var left  = sql.IdentifierPair(alias, Key.To.Table.Id.DbName);
                var right = sql.IdentifierPair(aliases[Key.Table], Key.DbName);

                output.Add($"join {table} {alias} on {left} = {right}");

                foreach (var join in Joins)
                    join.ToSql(sql, aliases, output);
Beispiel #33
        private bool AddQueryFieldParameter(object parameter, List <string> parts, ISqlFormatter formatter, IDictionary <string, string> aliases)
            var queryField = parameter as QueryField;

            if (queryField == null)
            var quotedSource = QuoteSource(queryField.Source, formatter, aliases);
            var quotedField  = queryField.FieldName == "*" ? "*" : formatter.DelimitField(queryField.FieldName);
            var field        = string.Join(string.Empty, new[] { quotedSource, quotedField });

        private async Task _HandleIsProfileApplication(LogicParameter lp)
            ISqlFormatter fSQL = lp.SqlFormatter;

            // Objekt wurde gelöscht
            if (lp.Entity.IsDeleted())
                // geloescht
                // gibt es noch andere Profile ???
                string strWhereClause =
                    fSQL.AndRelation(fSQL.UidComparison("UID_Application", lp.Entity.GetValue <string>("UID_Application")),
                                     fSQL.UidComparison("UID_Profile", lp.Entity.GetValue <string>("UID_Profile"), CompareOperator.NotEqual)

                // nein
                if (!await lp.Session.Source().ExistsAsync("ApplicationProfile", strWhereClause, lp.CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
                    DbObjectKey dbokApplication = DbObjectKey.GetObjectKey("Application", lp.Entity.GetValue <string>("UID_Application"));

                    TryResult <IEntity> trApplication = await lp.Session.Source().TryGetAsync(dbokApplication, lp.CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (trApplication.Success &&
                        trApplication.Result.GetValue <bool>("IsProfileApplication"))
                        trApplication.Result.SetValue("IsProfileApplication", false);

                        await lp.UnitOfWork.PutAsync(trApplication.Result, lp.CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Objekt wurde neu angelegt
            if (!lp.Entity.IsLoaded)
                DbObjectKey dbokApplication = DbObjectKey.GetObjectKey("Application", lp.Entity.GetValue <string>("UID_Application"));

                TryResult <IEntity> trApplication = await lp.Session.Source().TryGetAsync(dbokApplication, lp.CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (trApplication.Success && !
                    trApplication.Result.GetValue <bool>("IsProfileApplication"))
                    // mark as IsProfileApplication
                    trApplication.Result.SetValue("IsProfileApplication", true);

                    await lp.UnitOfWork.PutAsync(trApplication.Result, lp.CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        private static ObjectBaseHash _GetServerCollection(string Ident_Domain, string UID_Profile, NodeType nodeType)
            ISqlFormatter isql = clsMain.Instance.CurrentConnection.Connection.SqlFormatter;
            SqlExecutor   cSQL = clsMain.Instance.CurrentConnection.Connection.CreateSqlExecutor(clsMain.Instance.CurrentConnection.PublicKey);

            ObjectBaseHash colServers = new ObjectBaseHash();
            ObjectServer   oServer    = null;

            string strSQL = "";

            switch (nodeType)
            case NodeType.AppProfile:
                strSQL = clsMain.Instance.CurrentConnection.Connection.SqlStrings["ApplicationProfileServer"];

            case NodeType.DrvProfile:
                strSQL = clsMain.Instance.CurrentConnection.Connection.SqlStrings["DriverProfileServer"];

            case NodeType.MacType:
                strSQL = clsMain.Instance.CurrentConnection.Connection.SqlStrings["MachineTypeServer"];

            // replace the Domain-Variable
            strSQL = strSQL.Replace("@Ident_Domain", isql.FormatValue(Ident_Domain, ValType.String, true));

            // replace UID_Profile
            strSQL = strSQL.Replace("@UID_Profile", isql.FormatValue(UID_Profile, ValType.String, true));

            // and now do it...
            using (IDataReader rData = new CachedDataReader(cSQL.SqlExecute(strSQL)))
                while (rData.Read())
                    // create a server-object
                    oServer = new ObjectServer(rData);

                    // and add to our Hash
                    colServers.Add(oServer, "UID_ApplicationServer");

 public TestSQLDatabaseProvider(Configuration configuration, Settings settings, ISqlFormatter sql_formatter)
     : base(configuration, settings, sql_formatter)
Beispiel #37
        private string GetJoinString(ISqlFormatter sqlFormatter, Join join, IDictionary<string, string> aliases)
            if (join.JoinFields.Count == 0)
                string message = string.Format("SQL cannot be created for the source '{0}' because it has a join to '{1}' without join fields",
                                               Name, join.ToSource.Name);
                throw new HabaneroDeveloperException(message, "Please check how you are building your join clause structure.");
            Join.JoinField joinField = join.JoinFields[0];
            var toSourceNameWithAlias = sqlFormatter.DelimitTable(join.ToSource.EntityName);
            toSourceNameWithAlias += " " + aliases[join.ToSource.ToString()];
            var fromSourceAlias = sqlFormatter.DelimitTable(join.FromSource.EntityName);
            fromSourceAlias = aliases[join.FromSource.ToString()];
            var toSourceAlias = sqlFormatter.DelimitTable(join.ToSource.EntityName);
            toSourceAlias = aliases[join.ToSource.ToString()];
            string joinString = string.Format("{0} {1} ON {2}.{3} = {4}.{5}",

            if (join.JoinFields.Count > 1)
                for (int i = 1; i < join.JoinFields.Count; i++)
                    joinField = join.JoinFields[i];
                    var fromSourceAlias1 = sqlFormatter.DelimitTable(join.FromSource.EntityName);
                    fromSourceAlias1 = aliases[join.FromSource.ToString()];
                    var toSourceAlias1 = sqlFormatter.DelimitTable(join.ToSource.EntityName);
                    toSourceAlias1 = aliases[join.ToSource.ToString()];
                    joinString += string.Format(" AND {0}.{2} = {1}.{3}",
                        fromSourceAlias1, toSourceAlias1,
                        sqlFormatter.DelimitField(joinField.FromField.FieldName), sqlFormatter.DelimitField(joinField.ToField.FieldName));
            return joinString;
Beispiel #38
 private string GetTableJoinString(Source source, ISqlFormatter sqlFormatter, IDictionary<string, string> aliases)
     string joinString = sqlFormatter.DelimitTable(EntityName);
      joinString += " " + aliases[this.ToString()];
     joinString = GetInheritanceJoinString(sqlFormatter, source, joinString, aliases);
     return joinString;
Beispiel #39
 private string GetInheritanceJoinString(ISqlFormatter sqlFormatter, Source source, string joinString, IDictionary<string, string> aliases)
     foreach (Join join in source.InheritanceJoins)
         joinString = "(" + joinString + " " + GetJoinString(sqlFormatter, join, aliases) + ")";
         if (join.ToSource.InheritanceJoins.Count > 0)
             joinString = GetInheritanceJoinString(sqlFormatter, join.ToSource, joinString, aliases);
     return joinString;
Beispiel #40
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates the Sql that corresponds to this join
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sqlFormatter">The formatter used to construct the appropriate Sql</param>
 public string CreateSQL(ISqlFormatter sqlFormatter)
     return CreateSQL(sqlFormatter, new Dictionary<string, string>());
Beispiel #41
 public string CreateSQL(ISqlFormatter sqlFormatter, IDictionary<string, string> aliases)
     //if (Joins.Count == 0) return sqlFormatter.DelimitTable(EntityName);
     string tableJoinString = GetTableJoinString(this, sqlFormatter, aliases);
     return GetJoinString(sqlFormatter, this, tableJoinString, aliases);
Beispiel #42
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an ISqlStatement out of the SelectQuery given in the constructor, to be used to load 
 /// from a database
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>An ISqlStatement that can be executed against an IDatabaseConnection</returns>
 public ISqlStatement CreateSqlStatement(ISqlFormatter sqlFormatter)
     _sqlFormatter = sqlFormatter;
     SqlStatement statement = new SqlStatement(_databaseConnection);
     StringBuilder builder = statement.Statement;
     AppendMainSelectClause(statement, builder);
     if (this.FirstRecordToLoad > 0)
         builder.Append(" ");
     return statement;
Beispiel #43
 /// Gets the formatted string for this field to be used in queries
 ///<param name="formatter">An ISqlFormatter to format with</param>
 ///<param name="aliases">The dictionary of aliases within the context to be formatted for</param>
 ///<returns>A string which can be used as part of a sql statement</returns>
 public virtual string GetFormattedStringWith(ISqlFormatter formatter, IDictionary<string, string> aliases)
     return String.Format("{0}{1}",
                     Source != null ? aliases[Source.ToString()] + "." : "",
Beispiel #44
 public string ToString(ISqlFormatter formatter, AddParameterDelegate addParameter)
     return ToString(formatter, addParameter, new Dictionary<string, string>());
Beispiel #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this Criteria object to a string, using field names instead of property names and entity names instead of
        /// source names. The <see cref="AddParameterDelegate"/> allows a database query builder to create a parameter value
        /// when adding the value to the string for use with parametrized SQL.  Also see <see cref="ISqlStatement"/>.
        /// The <see cref="ToString()"/> method uses this method with a simple delegate that converts DateTimes and Guids 
        /// to sensible string representations and to 
        /// </summary>
        /// See <see cref="PropNameConverterDelegate"/>
        /// <param name="formatter">A formatter for any specific database <see cref="SqlFormatter"/></param>
        /// <param name="addParameter">The delegate to use to convert the value in object form to a value in string form. 
        /// See <see cref="AddParameterDelegate"/></param>
        /// <returns>The Criteria in string form.</returns>
        public string ToString(ISqlFormatter formatter, AddParameterDelegate addParameter, IDictionary<string, string> aliases)
            if (IsComposite())
                string rightCriteriaAsString;
                if (LogicalOperator == LogicalOp.Not)
                    rightCriteriaAsString = new CriteriaDB(RightCriteria).ToString(formatter, addParameter, aliases);
                    return string.Format("{0} ({1})", _logicalOps[(int)LogicalOperator], rightCriteriaAsString);
                string leftCriteriaAsString = new CriteriaDB(LeftCriteria).ToString(formatter, addParameter, aliases);
                rightCriteriaAsString = new CriteriaDB(RightCriteria).ToString(formatter, addParameter, aliases);
                return string.Format("({0}) {1} ({2})", leftCriteriaAsString, _logicalOps[(int)LogicalOperator],
            string valueString;
            string comparisonOperator = ComparisonOperatorString();
            if (_criteria.CanBeParametrised())
                valueString = addParameter(FieldValue);
            } else
                if (FieldValue == null)
                    valueString = "NULL";
                    if (this.ComparisonOperator == ComparisonOp.Equals) comparisonOperator = "IS";
                    if (this.ComparisonOperator == ComparisonOp.NotEquals) comparisonOperator = "IS NOT";
                    valueString = Convert.ToString(FieldValue);

            string sourceEntityName = "";
            string separator = "";
            if (Field.Source != null)
            	var fieldSourceName = Field.Source.ChildSourceLeaf.ToString();
            	if (!aliases.ContainsKey(fieldSourceName))
					var userMessage = string.Format("The source '{0}' for the property '{1}' " 
						+ "in the given criteria does not have an alias provided for it.",
						Field.Source, Field.PropertyName);
					var developerMessage = userMessage
						+ " The criteria object may have not been prepared correctly before the aliases were set up.";
					throw new HabaneroDeveloperException(userMessage, developerMessage);
				sourceEntityName = aliases[fieldSourceName];
                separator = ".";
            string fieldNameString = formatter.DelimitField(Field.FieldName);
            return string.Format("{0}{1}{2} {3} {4}", sourceEntityName, separator, fieldNameString, comparisonOperator, valueString);
 public ExceptionMessageFormatter( ISqlFormatter sqlFormatter, IParameterStubCollectionFormatter parameterStubCollectionFormatter )
     _sqlFormatter = sqlFormatter;
     _parameterStubCollectionFormatter = parameterStubCollectionFormatter;
Beispiel #47
 public SQLDatabaseProvider(Configuration configuration, Settings settings, ISqlFormatter sql_formatter)
     _configuration = configuration;
     _settings = settings;
     _sql_formatter = sql_formatter;
 private string QuoteSource(Source source, ISqlFormatter withFormatter, IDictionary<string, string> aliases)
     if (source == null) return string.Empty;
     var sourceName = aliases.ContainsKey(source.Name) ? aliases[source.Name] : source.Name;
     return withFormatter.DelimitTable(sourceName) + ".";