Beispiel #1
        public ThreadSafeWorkStack setWorkList()
            _allConfigs = new ThreadSafeWorkStack();

            // cleanup from last batch - delete IEN tracking table records since IEN would be counted otherwise

            ISqlDao sqlDao = _sqlDao;
            Dictionary <String, String> lastIenTable = _sqlDao.getLastIenTable(); // grab the whole table - much better performance than a query per config/per site

            // loop through sites and jobs - see if job was already reported as started by database
            foreach (ExtractorConfiguration ec in _configurations)
                QueryConfiguration qc = ec.QueryConfigurations.RootNode.Value;
                foreach (string sitecode in _vhaSites)
                    ec.SiteCode = sitecode;
                    string currentKey = sitecode + "_" + qc.File;

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ec.Sites))
                        bool     included    = false;
                        string[] configSites = ec.Sites.Split(new char[] { ';' });
                        if (configSites != null && configSites.Length > 0)
                            foreach (string s in configSites)
                                if (sitecode == s)
                                    ExtractorConfiguration cloned = ec.Clone();
                                    cloned.BatchId = this.Report.BatchId;
                                    included = true;
                        if (!included)
                        ExtractorConfiguration cloned = ec.Clone();
                        cloned.BatchId = this.Report.BatchId;

                    // we will give the start point to the extractor for incremental extractions so we need to fetch it
                    ExtractorConfiguration newConfig = ec.Clone();
                    newConfig.BatchId = this.Report.BatchId;
                    if (ec.ExtractMode == ExtractorMode.INCREMENTAL)
                            String lastSqlIen = "0";

                            if (lastIenTable.ContainsKey(currentKey))
                                lastSqlIen = lastIenTable[currentKey]; // if we found this config/site key, use last IEN from last IEN table
                                _report.addDebug("Found incremental IEN in tracking table for key: " + currentKey + " - IEN: " + lastSqlIen);
                            //string lastSqlIen = _sqlDao.getLastIen(sitecode, config.File);
                            string fromConfig = newConfig.QueryConfigurations.RootNode.Value.From;
                            if (lastSqlIen.Equals("0") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(fromConfig))
                                newConfig.StartIen = fromConfig;
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fromConfig)) // fromConfig == null || fromConfig.Equals(String.Empty))
                                    newConfig.StartIen = lastSqlIen;
                                    decimal incIen  = Convert.ToDecimal(lastSqlIen);
                                    decimal fromIen = Convert.ToDecimal(fromConfig);
                                    if (incIen > fromIen)
                                        newConfig.StartIen = lastSqlIen;
                                        newConfig.QueryConfigurations.RootNode.Value.From = lastSqlIen;
                                        //   _report.addInfo(String.Format("The current configuration specified a start IEN ({0}) that is greater than the last IEN in the tracking table ({1}) - Site: {2}, File: {3}", fromConfig, lastSqlIen, sitecode, qc.File));
                                        newConfig.StartIen = fromConfig;
                                        newConfig.QueryConfigurations.RootNode.Value.From = fromConfig;
                            // do this at the end so we don't disturb any of the above code - don't care what's in IEN tracking table for these files, always start at beginning
                            if (String.Equals(newConfig.QueryConfigurations.RootNode.Value.File, "63") ||
                                String.Equals(newConfig.QueryConfigurations.RootNode.Value.File, "55")) // not crazy about this hard coding but at least it's just the Orchestrator handling it...
                                //   logging.Log.LOG("Found a special config that requires a full Vista file traversal - setting start IEN to '0'");
                                //   _report.addInfo("Found a special config that requires a full Vista file traversal - setting start IEN to '0'");
                                newConfig.StartIen = newConfig.QueryConfigurations.RootNode.Value.From = "0";
                            if (String.Equals(newConfig.QueryConfigurations.RootNode.Value.File, "69"))
                                //  logging.Log.LOG("Updated file 69 config - set config start IEN to " + _file69From);
                                newConfig.StartIen = newConfig.QueryConfigurations.RootNode.Value.From = _file69From;
                        catch (Exception exc)
                            _report.addError("Unable to retrieve the last SQL IEN for the extractor!", exc);
                            _report.HasError = "T";
                    else if (ec.ExtractMode == ExtractorMode.DIFF)
                        newConfig.SqlIens = setParamsForDiff(sitecode, ec);

                    _report.addDebug("Adding a new job to the workstack: " + newConfig.ToString());
            _report.addInfo(_workStack.Count() + " total jobs are on the work stack");
            _report.addDebug(_workStack.Count() + " total jobs on the work stack");


            _workStack.SortBySiteCode(); // we want jobs for a site to run as a group
            RequestHandler.getInstance().WorkStack = _workStack;