public SpriteSpriteCollisionManager(Game game, ISpriteBatchService spriteBatch, int binWidth, int binHeight)
            : base(game)
            this.registeredObject = new List<ISpriteCollideable>();
            this.objectBinsToCheck = new List<CollisionObjectBin>();
            this.objBinLookupTable = new Dictionary<int, List<Point>>();
            this.refSpriteBatch = spriteBatch.GetSpriteBatch("Camera Sensitive");

            this.binWidth = binWidth;
            this.binHeight = binHeight;
            this.gridWidth = 0;
            this.gridHeight = 0;
            offsetVector = new Vector2();
            // Set this to add more bins out side of camera size
            bufferBins = 10;
        /// <summary>
        /// Load a world from an XML file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentScreen">The screen this world will be updated in.</param>
        /// <param name="fileName">The name of the XML file that contains this World's information.</param>
        public World(Screen parentScreen, string fileName)
            : base(parentScreen)
            this.worldObjects = new List<WorldObject>();
            this.interactiveLayers = new Dictionary<int, TileMapLayer>();
            this.parallaxLayers = new Dictionary<int, TileMapLayer>();
            batchService = (ISpriteBatchService)this.Game.Services.GetService(typeof(ISpriteBatchService));
            otherMaps = new List<TileMap>();

            // Set up our collision systems:
            spriteCollisionManager = new SpriteSpriteCollisionManager(this.Game, batchService, 40, 40);

            //Set up Sound systems
            audioEngine = new AudioEngine("Content\\System\\Sounds\\SoundFX.xgs");
            soundBank = new SoundBank(audioEngine, "Content\\System\\Sounds\\GameSoundBank.xsb");
            waveBank = new WaveBank(audioEngine, "Content\\System\\Sounds\\GameWavs.xwb");

            bgm = this.Game.Content.Load<Song>("System\\Music\\DesertBGM");
            MediaPlayer.IsRepeating = true;

            // The spritebatch to be used when creating all of our worldObjects:
            spriteBatch = batchService.GetSpriteBatch(Character.SpriteBatchName);

            // Load the contents of the world from the specified XML file:
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Initialize()
            if (!this.IsInitialized)
                tileEngine = new TileEngine();

                fullScreenSettings = new ResolutionSettings(640, 480, 640,

                ScreenManager.Instance.ResolutionService.CurrentResolutionSettings = windowedSettings;

                batchService = (ISpriteBatchService)this.Game.Services.GetService(typeof(ISpriteBatchService));

                // Create a new, empty world:
                world = new World(this, WORLD_FILENAME);

                // We need to disable the SpriteSpriteCollisionManager because it makes some assumptions about
                //  the gameScreen...
                world.SpriteCollisionManager.Enabled = false;

                // Create an empty, maximally-sized tilemap to center
                //  the loaded map onto:
                TileMap bigMap = new TileMap(MAX_TILEMAP_WIDTH, MAX_TILEMAP_HEIGHT,
                                          DEFAULT_TILE_WIDTH, DEFAULT_TILE_HEIGHT,
                                          LAYER_COUNT, SUB_LAYER_COUNT);
                bigMap.FileName = world.Map.FileName;

                // Backup the original map:
                TileMap map = world.Map;

                // Compute the point where we want to blit it onto the empty map:
                this.offsetX = (bigMap.Width / 2) - (map.Width / 2);
                this.offsetY = (bigMap.Height / 2) - (map.Height / 2);

                bigMap.BlitTileMap(map, offsetX, offsetY);

                world.Map = bigMap;
                foreach (TileMapLayer tml in world.interactiveLayers.Values)
                world.ShiftWorldObjects(new Vector2(world.Map.TileWidth * offsetX, world.Map.TileWidth * offsetY));

                for (int i = 0; i < world.Map.LayerCount; ++i)
                    TileMapLayer tml = new TileMapLayer(this, batchService.GetSpriteBatch(TileMapLayer.SpriteBatchName), world.Map, i);
                    if (i == 0)
                        tml.DrawOrder = World.PLAYER_DRAW_ORDER - DEFAULT_LAYER_SPACING;
                        if (i == world.Map.LayerCount - 1)
                            tml.DrawBlanksEnabled = true;
                            tml.DrawEdgesEnabled = true;
                            tml.DrawDestructablesEnabled = true;
                        tml.DrawOrder = World.PLAYER_DRAW_ORDER + i * DEFAULT_LAYER_SPACING;
                    world.interactiveLayers[tml.DrawOrder] = tml;

                world.Camera.Position = world.Player.Position;// -new Vector2(world.Camera.VisibleArea.Width / 2, world.Camera.VisibleArea.Height / 2);
                world.Paused = true;


                // Set up editor controls:
                inputMonitor = InputMonitor.Instance;
                inputMonitor.AssignPressable("EditorLeft", new PressableKey(Keys.A));
                inputMonitor.AssignPressable("EditorRight", new PressableKey(Keys.D));
                inputMonitor.AssignPressable("EditorUp", new PressableKey(Keys.W));
                inputMonitor.AssignPressable("EditorDown", new PressableKey(Keys.S));
                inputMonitor.AssignPressable("EditorAppend", new PressableKey(Keys.LeftShift));
                inputMonitor.AssignPressable("ToggleFullScreen", new PressableKey(Keys.F));
                inputMonitor.AssignPressable("EditorCycleMode", new PressableKey(Keys.Tab));


                Mode = EditMode.SpriteEdit;

                // Initialize all components