public void ReadWritePropertyBug1()
            ISomeThing thing = MockRepository.GenerateStub <ISomeThing>();

            thing.Number = 21;
            thing.Stub(x => x.Name).Return("Bob");
            Assert.Equal(thing.Number, 21);
            // Fails - calling Stub on anything after
            // setting property resets property to default.
Beispiel #2
        public void ReadWritePropertyBug2()
            ISomeThing thing = MockRepository.Mock <ISomeThing>();

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(
                () => thing.Stub(x => x.Number).Return(21));
            // InvalidOperationException :
            // Invalid call, the last call has been used...
            // This broke a test on a real project when a
            // { get; } property was changed to { get; set; }.
        public void ReadWritePropertyBug2()
            ISomeThing thing = MockRepository.GenerateStub <ISomeThing>();

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(
                @"You are trying to set an expectation on a property that was defined to use PropertyBehavior.
Instead of writing code such as this: mockObject.Stub(x => x.SomeProperty).Return(42);
You can use the property directly to achieve the same result: mockObject.SomeProperty = 42;",
                () => thing.Stub(x => x.Number).Return(21));
            // InvalidOperationException :
            // Invalid call, the last call has been used...
            // This broke a test on a real project when a
            // { get; } property was changed to { get; set; }.
Beispiel #4
        public void ReadWritePropertyBug1()
            ISomeThing thing = MockRepository.Mock <ISomeThing>();

            thing.Number = 21;

            thing.Stub(x => x.Name)

            Assert.Equal(thing.Number, 21);
            // Fails - calling Stub on anything after
            // setting property resets property to default.