Beispiel #1
        public string GetSponsorId(string registrationId, string promoCode)
            string result = null;

                string[] sponsors = _softwareService.GetSponsorIds(registrationId, promoCode);
                result = sponsors.FirstOrDefault(); // at this moment only take the first group
            catch (Exception ex)

Beispiel #2
        public TestPage()
            _SoftwareService  = DependencyService.Get <ISoftwareService>();
            _CrossFileService = DependencyService.Get <ICrossFileService>();
            _digitalIDService = DependencyService.Get <ImilkDigitalIDService>();

            string promoCode      = "106-19522-1";
            string registrationId = "32-AMKM5";

            // Check Cross Connectivity
            if (CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected)
                var bandwidths      = CrossConnectivity.Current.Bandwidths;
                var connectionTypes = CrossConnectivity.Current.ConnectionTypes;

                // Check Cross Settings
                if (Settings.GeneralSettings.IsEmpty())
                    Settings.GeneralSettings = promoCode;

                string generalSettings = Settings.GeneralSettings;

                // Check Service
                // var result = _SoftwareService.AgentSplashDefData(registrationId, promoCode);

                string path = _CrossFileService.GetDefaultDirectory();
                //result = _SoftwareService.GetAgentSplash(registrationId, promoCode);
                //ImageName.Source = ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri(result));

                //result = _SoftwareService.GetImageId(registrationId, promoCode);
                //result = _SoftwareService.GetMessageText(registrationId, promoCode);
                //var files = _SoftwareService.GetSponsorZipFiles(registrationId, promoCode);

                //string ho3version = _SoftwareService.HO_3_0_0();
                //string ho4version = _SoftwareService.HO_4_0_0();
                //ImageResponse response = _SoftwareService.IsRegistrationKeyValid(registrationId, promoCode);

                RegistrationRequest request = new RegistrationRequest()
                    DevLicenseKey               = "",
                    DevUserKey                  = "",
                    EmailAddress                = "*****@*****.**",
                    FirstName                   = "msmsfarmers279",
                    LastName                    = "msmsfarmers279",
                    Password                    = "******",
                    PasswordAnswer              = "Yes",
                    PasswordQuestion            = "Is it common?",
                    PreferredLanguage           = 12,
                    PromoCode                   = "106-22222-2",
                    SubscribeToEarsNotification = true,
                    SubscribeToMilkNotification = true,
                    Username                    = "******",
                    ZipCode = "74110"

                //RegistrationResponse resonse = _SoftwareService.MemberRegistration(request);
                //string path = _CrossFileService.CreateDirectory("Digital ID");
                //string fileName = "Log.txt";
                //if (_CrossFileService.IsFileExists(fileName, path))
                //    _CrossFileService.DeleteFile(fileName, path);
                //    // Add File Content
                //    string content = $"{DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyy hh:mm:ss")}\tApplication Started.{Environment.NewLine}";
                //    _CrossFileService.Save(fileName, content, path);

                //    content = $"{DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyy hh:mm:ss")}\tFile And Directory are Created.{Environment.NewLine}";
                //    _CrossFileService.Save(fileName, content, path);

                //    content = $"{DateTime.Now.ToString("dd MMM yyy hh:mm:ss")}\tContent is going to be loaded.{Environment.NewLine}";
                //    _CrossFileService.Save(fileName, content, path);

                //    // Read File Content
                //    LabelMessage.Text = _CrossFileService.Load(fileName, path);
                DisplayAlert("Network Info", "You're not connected to internet", "Ok");

            // Save To Database
            milkDigitalID digitalId = new milkDigitalID()
                FirstName           = "Jamal",
                LastName            = "Uddin",
                MiddleName          = "MiddleName",
                NickName            = "Nick Name",
                DateOfBirth         = DateTime.Now,
                Gender              = "Male",
                Height              = "4",
                Weight              = "10",
                Age                 = 15,
                BloodType           = "Blood Type",
                Comments            = "Comments",
                Contact             = "Contact",
                DistinguishingMarks = "Dis",
                EyeColor            = "Eye Color",
                Glasses             = "Glasses",
                HairColor           = "Hair Color",
                Race                = "Race",
                PhotoDate           = DateTime.UtcNow,
                PortraitView        = null,
                ImagePortraitView   = "",
                SideView            = null,
                ImageSideView       = ""

            //  _digitalIDService.CreateDigitalID(digitalId);

            var ids = _SoftwareService.GetSponsorIds(registrationId, promoCode);

            string test1 = @"D:\farmersImg\e3be5524-b6eb-4ead-ba11-d381e74474ac.jpg".ConvertToImageUrl();

            ImageName.Source = test1.FromBase64String();