Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes a value which is pointed to by an address.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">The reader.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The serialization context to use.</param>
        /// <param name="valueType">The type of the value to deserialize.</param>
        /// <returns>The deserialized value.</returns>
        public override object DeserializeD3DStructure(EndianReader reader, ISerializationContext context, Type valueType)
            if (context.GetType() != typeof(ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext))
                throw new Exception($"Invalid context type given resource deserialization");

            var resourceContext = context as ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext;

            var result      = Activator.CreateInstance(valueType);
            var elementType = valueType.GenericTypeArguments[0];

            // Read the pointer
            var startOffset       = reader.BaseStream.Position;
            var address           = new CacheAddress(reader.ReadUInt32());
            var definitionAddress = reader.ReadUInt32(); // unused
            var runtimeAddress    = reader.ReadUInt32(); // unused

            var nextReader = resourceContext.GetReader(address.Type);

            // Seek to it and read the object

            nextReader.BaseStream.Position = address.Offset;

            var definition = DeserializeValue(nextReader, context, null, elementType);

            valueType.GetField("Definition").SetValue(result, definition);
            valueType.GetField("AddressType").SetValue(result, address.Type);

            reader.BaseStream.Position = startOffset + 0xC;
Beispiel #2
        public override object DeserializeTagBlock(EndianReader reader, ISerializationContext context, Type valueType)
            if (context.GetType() != typeof(ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext))
                throw new Exception($"Invalid context type given resource deserialization");

            var resourceContext = context as ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext;

            var result      = Activator.CreateInstance(valueType);
            var elementType = valueType.GenericTypeArguments[0];

            // Read count and offset
            var startOffset = reader.BaseStream.Position;

            var count   = reader.ReadInt32();
            var pointer = new CacheAddress(reader.ReadUInt32());

            // Set block address type
            valueType.GetField("AddressType").SetValue(result, pointer.Type);

            if (count == 0)
                // Null tag block
                reader.BaseStream.Position = startOffset + (Version > CacheVersion.Halo2Vista ? 0xC : 0x8);

            // Read each value

            var nextReader = resourceContext.GetReader(pointer.Type);

            nextReader.BaseStream.Position = pointer.Offset;

            var methods = valueType.GetMethods();
            // select the add method from IList<T> and not IList interfaces
            var addMethod = methods.FirstOrDefault(method => method.Name == "Add" & method.ReturnType == typeof(void));

            for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var element = DeserializeValue(nextReader, resourceContext, null, elementType);
                addMethod.Invoke(result, new[] { element });

            reader.BaseStream.Position = startOffset + (Version > CacheVersion.Halo2Vista ? 0xC : 0x8);

Beispiel #3
        public override TagData DeserializeTagData(EndianReader reader, ISerializationContext context)
            if (context.GetType() != typeof(ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext))
                throw new Exception($"Invalid context type given resource deserialization");

            var resourceContext = context as ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext;

            // Read size and pointer
            var startOffset = reader.BaseStream.Position;
            var size        = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (Version > CacheVersion.Halo2Vista)
                reader.BaseStream.Position = startOffset + 0xC;
            var pointer = reader.ReadUInt32();

            if (pointer == 0)
                // Null data reference
                reader.BaseStream.Position = startOffset + (Version > CacheVersion.Halo2Vista ? 0x14 : 0x8);
                return(new TagData());

            var address = new CacheAddress(pointer);

            var nextReader = resourceContext.GetReader(address.Type);

            nextReader.BaseStream.Position = address.Offset;

            // Read the data
            var result = new byte[size];

            nextReader.Read(result, 0, size);
            reader.BaseStream.Position = startOffset + (Version > CacheVersion.Halo2Vista ? 0x14 : 0x8);

            // instantiate tagdata and return it
            var tagData = new TagData
                Data        = result,
                AddressType = address.Type

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Serializes a tag structure into a context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The serialization context to use.</param>
        /// <param name="tagStructure">The tag structure.</param>
        /// <param name="offset">An optional offset to begin serializing at.</param>
        public override void Serialize(ISerializationContext context, object tagStructure, uint?offset = null)
            if (context.GetType() != typeof(ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext))
                throw new Exception($"Invalid context type given resource deserialization");

            var resourceContext = context as ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext;

            // Serialize the structure to a data block
            var info = TagStructure.GetTagStructureInfo(tagStructure.GetType(), Version);

            var tagStream   = new MemoryStream();
            var structBlock = (ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext.ResourceDefinitionDataBlock)context.CreateBlock();

            structBlock.BlockType     = resourceContext.InitialAddressType;
            structBlock.Writer.Format = Format;
            SerializeStruct(context, tagStream, structBlock, info, tagStructure);

            // Finalize the block and write all of the tag data out
            var mainStructOffset = offset ?? structBlock.Finalize(tagStream);

            var data = tagStream.ToArray();

            context.EndSerialize(info, data, mainStructOffset);
            var mainOffset = resourceContext.MainStructOffset.Offset;

            // move over the remaining fixups to the context
            foreach (var fixup in structBlock.FixupLocations)
                fixup.BlockOffset += (uint)mainOffset;

            foreach (var location in structBlock.InteropLocations)
                location.Address = new CacheAddress(location.Address.Type, (int)(location.Address.Offset + mainOffset));
Beispiel #5
        public override void SerializeTagData(ISerializationContext context, MemoryStream tagStream, IDataBlock block, TagData tagData, TagFieldAttribute valueInfo)
            if (context.GetType() != typeof(ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext))
                throw new Exception($"Invalid context type given resource deserialization");

            if (block.GetType() != typeof(ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext.ResourceDefinitionDataBlock))
                throw new Exception($"Invalid block type given resource deserialization");

            var resourceBlock   = block as ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext.ResourceDefinitionDataBlock;
            var resourceContext = context as ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext;

            var writer = block.Writer;

            if (tagData == null || tagData.Data == null || tagData.Data.Length == 0)

            CacheAddressType addressType = tagData.AddressType;

            int  dataOffset  = 0;                                      // offset in the data stream to the start of the data
            uint blockOffset = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position + 0xC; // offset to the address pointing to the above relative to the current block.
            uint size        = 0;

            // stream where the byte[] in the data should be written to:
            var dataStream = (MemoryStream)resourceContext.GetWriter(addressType).BaseStream;

            var data = tagData.Data;

            if (data != null && data.Length > 0)
                // Ensure the block is aligned correctly
                var align = Math.Max(DefaultResourceAlign, (valueInfo != null) ? valueInfo.Align : 0);
                StreamUtil.Align(dataStream, (int)align);

                // Write its data
                dataOffset = (int)dataStream.Position;
                size       = (uint)data.Length;
                dataStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
                StreamUtil.Align(dataStream, DefaultResourceAlign);

            var dataAddress = new CacheAddress(addressType, dataOffset);

            var dataFixup = new ResourceFixupLocation
                BlockOffset = blockOffset,
                Address     = dataAddress


            // this fixup will need to be adjusted when we move the block

            // Write the reference data
Beispiel #6
        public override void SerializeD3DStructure(CacheVersion version, ISerializationContext context, MemoryStream tagStream, IDataBlock block, object val, Type valueType)
            if (context.GetType() != typeof(ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext))
                throw new Exception($"Invalid context type given resource deserialization");

            if (block.GetType() != typeof(ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext.ResourceDefinitionDataBlock))
                throw new Exception($"Invalid block type given resource deserialization");

            var resourceBlock   = block as ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext.ResourceDefinitionDataBlock;
            var resourceContext = context as ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext;

            var writer = block.Writer;

            if (val == null)

            var addressType = (CacheAddressType)valueType.GetField("AddressType").GetValue(val);
            var nextStream  = (MemoryStream)resourceContext.GetWriter(addressType).BaseStream;
            var genericType = valueType.GenericTypeArguments[0];
            var def         = valueType.GetField("Definition").GetValue(val);
            // Serialize the value to a temporary block
            var resourceBlock2 = (ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext.ResourceDefinitionDataBlock)context.CreateBlock();

            resourceBlock2.BlockType = addressType;
            SerializeValue(version, context, tagStream, resourceBlock2, def, null, genericType);

            // Finalize the block and write the pointer

            var offset = (int)resourceBlock2.Finalize(nextStream);

            // find where in the stream the d3dstructure pointer will be written
            var blockOffset = (int)writer.BaseStream.Position;
            var address     = new CacheAddress(addressType, blockOffset);

            int structureTypeIndex;

            if (genericType == typeof(BitmapDefinition))
                structureTypeIndex = 2;
            else if (genericType == typeof(BitmapInterleavedDefinition))
                structureTypeIndex = 3;
            else if (genericType == typeof(VertexBufferDefinition))
                structureTypeIndex = 0;
            else if (genericType == typeof(IndexBufferDefinition))
                structureTypeIndex = 1;
                throw new Exception();

            var interopLocation = new ResourceInteropLocation
                ResourceStructureTypeIndex = structureTypeIndex,
                Address = address

            var fixupLocation = new ResourceFixupLocation
                Address     = new CacheAddress(addressType, offset),
                BlockOffset = (uint)blockOffset

            foreach (var fixup in resourceBlock2.FixupLocations)
                fixup.BlockOffset += (uint)offset;


Beispiel #7
        public override void SerializeTagBlock(CacheVersion version, ISerializationContext context, MemoryStream tagStream, IDataBlock block, object list, Type listType, TagFieldAttribute valueInfo)
            if (context.GetType() != typeof(ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext))
                throw new Exception($"Invalid context type given resource deserialization");

            if (block.GetType() != typeof(ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext.ResourceDefinitionDataBlock))
                throw new Exception($"Invalid block type given resource deserialization");

            var resourceBlock   = block as ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext.ResourceDefinitionDataBlock;
            var resourceContext = context as ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext;

            var writer = block.Writer;
            var count  = 0;

            if (list != null)
                // Use reflection to get the number of elements in the list
                var countProperty = listType.GetProperty("Count");
                count = (int)countProperty.GetValue(list);
            if (count == 0)

            var elementType = listType.GenericTypeArguments[0];

            CacheAddressType addressType = (CacheAddressType)listType.GetField("AddressType").GetValue(list);

            // Serialize each value in the list to a data block
            var resourceBlock2 = (ResourceDefinitionSerializationContext.ResourceDefinitionDataBlock)resourceContext.CreateBlock();

            resourceBlock2.BlockType = addressType;
            var addressTypeStream = (MemoryStream)resourceContext.GetWriter(addressType).BaseStream;

            var enumerableList = (System.Collections.IEnumerable)list;

            foreach (var val in enumerableList)
                SerializeValue(version, resourceContext, tagStream, resourceBlock2, val, null, elementType);

            // Ensure the block is aligned correctly
            var align = 0x10;

            StreamUtil.Align(resourceBlock2.Stream, align);

            // Finalize the block and write the tag block reference using a cache address
            var offset = resourceBlock2.Finalize(addressTypeStream);    // offset of the data in the tagblock on the actual stream
            //var blockOffset = addressTypeStream.Position;               // no need to fix that particular fixup later
            var address = new CacheAddress(addressType, (int)offset);

            var resourceFixup = new ResourceFixupLocation
                Address     = address,
                BlockOffset = (uint)writer.BaseStream.Position + 0x4

            foreach (var fixup in resourceBlock2.FixupLocations)
                fixup.BlockOffset += offset;

            foreach (var location in resourceBlock2.InteropLocations)
                location.Address = new CacheAddress(location.Address.Type, (int)(location.Address.Offset + offset));


            writer.Write(address.Value);    // write address as 0, we use the fixups