void IEditTask.OnFinishSketch()
            if (m_editSketch == null)

            bool HasCutPolygons = false;

            //Change the cursor to be hourglass shape.
            System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                //Get the geometry that performs the cut from the edit sketch.
                IGeometry cutGeometry = m_editSketch.Geometry;

                //The sketch geometry is simplified to deal with a multi-part sketch as well
                //as the case where the sketch loops back over itself.
                ITopologicalOperator2 topoOperator = cutGeometry as ITopologicalOperator2;
                topoOperator.IsKnownSimple_2 = false;

                //Get ready to invalidate the features.
                IInvalidArea refreshArea = new InvalidAreaClass();

                //Create the spatial filter to search for features in the target feature class.
                //The spatial relationship we care about is whether the interior of the line
                //intesects the interior of the polygon.
                ISpatialFilter spatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();
                spatialFilter.Geometry   = m_editSketch.Geometry;
                spatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;

                //Find the polygon features that cross the sketch.
                IFeatureClass  featureClass  = m_editLayer.CurrentLayer.FeatureClass;
                IFeatureCursor featureCursor = featureClass.Search(spatialFilter, false);

                //Only do work if there are features that intersect the edit sketch.
                IFeature origFeature = featureCursor.NextFeature();
                if (origFeature != null)
                    //Check the first feature to see if it is ZAware and if it needs to make the
                    //cut geometry ZAware.
                    IZAware zAware = origFeature.Shape as IZAware;
                    if (zAware.ZAware)
                        zAware        = cutGeometry as IZAware;
                        zAware.ZAware = true;

                    //The result selection set will be the new features created. This means
                    //we need to add the currently selected features to the refresh area so
                    //they are correctly invalidated.
                    if (m_editor.SelectionCount > 0)
                        IEnumFeature selectedFeatures = m_editor.EditSelection;
                        IFeature selectedFeature = selectedFeatures.Next();
                        while (selectedFeature != null)
                            selectedFeature = selectedFeatures.Next();

                    //Initialize the selection set for the new features.
                    IFeatureSelection featureSelect = m_editLayer.CurrentLayer as IFeatureSelection;
                    //Cache the new features created.
                    ISelectionSet selectionSet = featureSelect.SelectionSet;

                    //Start an edit operation so we can have undo/redo.

                    //Cycle through the features, cutting with the sketch.
                    while (origFeature != null)
                            //Add the feature to the invalidate object.

                            //Split the feature. Use the IFeatureEdit::Split method which ensures
                            //the attributes are correctly dealt with.
                            IFeatureEdit featureEdit = origFeature as IFeatureEdit;
                            //Set to hold the new features that are created by the Split.
                            ISet newFeaturesSet = featureEdit.Split(cutGeometry);

                            //New features have been created, loop through the set and flash
                            //each feature and get it's OID for the final selection set.
                            if (newFeaturesSet != null)

                                //A list to hold the selected features' OIDs.
                                List <int> iOIDList = new List <int>();

                                for (int featureCount = 0; featureCount < newFeaturesSet.Count; featureCount++)
                                    HasCutPolygons = true;
                                    //Flash the new features.
                                    IFeature newFeature = newFeaturesSet.Next() as IFeature;
                                    FlashGeometry(newFeature.Shape, m_editor.Display);

                                    //Add the feature to the new selection set
                                int[] iOIDArray = iOIDList.ToArray();

                                selectionSet.AddList(newFeaturesSet.Count, ref iOIDArray[0]);
                        catch (COMException)
                            //Continue to work on the next feature if it fails to split the current one.
                            origFeature = featureCursor.NextFeature();
                    //If any polygons were cut, invalidate the display and stop the edit operation.
                    if (HasCutPolygons)
                        //Clear the map's selection.

                        //Select the new features.
                        featureSelect.SelectionSet = selectionSet;

                        //Refresh the display.
                        refreshArea.Display = m_editor.Display;

                        //Complete the edit operation.
                        m_editor.StopOperation("Cut Polygons Without Selection");

                        //As we changed the selection set, the map has no idea we did this.
                        //Fire the event to inform others the selection has changed.
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show("Unable to perform the cut task.\n" + e.ToString());
                //In the event of an error, abort the operation.
                //Change the cursor shape to default.
                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;