Beispiel #1
        /** Gets the initial grammar node from the linguist and creates a GrammarNodeToken */
        protected void localStart()
            ISearchGraph searchGraph = linguist.getSearchGraph();

            currentFrameNumber    = 0;
            curTokensScored.value = 0;
            numStateOrder         = searchGraph.getNumStateOrder();
            if (buildWordLattice)
                loserManager = new AlternateHypothesisManager(maxLatticeEdges);

            ISearchState state = searchGraph.getInitialState();

            activeList = activeListManager.getEmittingList();
            activeList.add(new Token(state, currentFrameNumber));


            // tokenTracker.setEnabled(false);
            // tokenTracker.startUtterance();
        /** Compiles the n-gram into a lex tree that is used during the search */
        private void CompileGrammar()
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Compile").Start();

            SentenceEndWord            = Dictionary.GetSentenceEndWord();
            _sentenceStartWordArray    = new Word[1];
            _sentenceStartWordArray[0] = Dictionary.GetSentenceStartWord();
            MaxDepth = LanguageModel.MaxDepth;


            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Compile").Stop();
            //    Now that we are all done, dump out some interesting
            //    information about the process

            _searchGraph = new LexTreeSearchGraph(GetInitialSearchState());
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Compiles the grammar into a sentence HMM. A GrammarJob is created for the
        /// initial grammar node and added to the GrammarJob queue. While there are
        /// jobs left on the grammar job queue, a job is removed from the queue and
        /// the associated grammar node is expanded and attached to the tails.
        /// GrammarJobs for the successors are added to the grammar job queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected HashSet <SentenceHMMState> CompileGrammar()
            InitialGrammarState = Grammar.InitialNode;

            NodeStateMap = new HashMap <GrammarNode, GState>();
            // create in declaration section (22.12.2014)

            ArcPool = new Cache <SentenceHMMStateArc>();

            var gstateList = new List <GState>();

            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Compile").Start();

            // get the nodes from the grammar and create states
            // for them. Add the non-empty gstates to the gstate list.
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Create States").Start();
            foreach (var grammarNode in Grammar.GrammarNodes)
                var gstate = CreateGState(grammarNode);
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Create States").Stop();

            // ensures an initial path to the start state
            // Prep all the gstates, by gathering all of the contexts up
            // this allows each gstate to know about its surrounding contexts
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Collect Contexts").Start();
            foreach (var gstate in gstateList)
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Collect Contexts").Stop();

            // now all gstates know all about their contexts, we can expand them fully
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Expand States").Start();
            foreach (var gstate in gstateList)
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Expand States").Stop();

            // now that all states are expanded fully, we can connect all the states up
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Connect Nodes").Start();
            foreach (var gstate in gstateList)
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Connect Nodes").Stop();

            var initialState = FindStartingState();

            // add an out-of-grammar branch if configured to do so
            if (AddOutOfGrammarBranch)
                var phoneLoop        = new CIPhoneLoop(PhoneLoopAcousticModel, LogPhoneInsertionProbability);
                var firstBranchState = (SentenceHMMState)phoneLoop.GetSearchGraph().InitialState;
                initialState.Connect(GetArc(firstBranchState, LogOne, LogOutOfGrammarBranchProbability));

            _searchGraph = new FlatSearchGraph(initialState);
            TimerPool.GetTimer(this, "Compile").Stop();
            // Now that we are all done, dump out some interesting
            // information about the process
            if (_dumpGStates)
                foreach (var grammarNode in Grammar.GrammarNodes)
                    var gstate = GetGState(grammarNode);
            NodeStateMap = null;
            ArcPool      = null;