private protected PredictedLabelScorerBase(ScorerArgumentsBase args, IHostEnvironment env, IDataView data,
                                                   ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, RoleMappedSchema trainSchema, string registrationName, string scoreColKind, string scoreColName,
                                                   Func <DataViewType, bool> outputTypeMatches, Func <DataViewType, ISchemaBoundRowMapper, DataViewType> getPredColType, string predictedLabelColumnName = DefaultColumnNames.PredictedLabel)
            : base(env, data, registrationName, Contracts.CheckRef(mapper, nameof(mapper)).Bindable)
            Host.CheckValue(args, nameof(args));
            Host.CheckNonEmpty(scoreColKind, nameof(scoreColKind));
            Host.CheckNonEmpty(scoreColName, nameof(scoreColName));
            Host.CheckValue(outputTypeMatches, nameof(outputTypeMatches));
            Host.CheckValue(getPredColType, nameof(getPredColType));

            var rowMapper = mapper as ISchemaBoundRowMapper;

            Host.CheckParam(rowMapper != null, nameof(mapper), "mapper should implement " + nameof(ISchemaBoundRowMapper));

            int scoreColIndex;

            if (!mapper.OutputSchema.TryGetColumnIndex(scoreColName, out scoreColIndex))
                throw Host.ExceptParam(nameof(scoreColName), "mapper does not contain a column '{0}'", scoreColName);

            var scoreType = mapper.OutputSchema[scoreColIndex].Type;

            Host.Check(outputTypeMatches(scoreType), "Unexpected predictor output type");
            var predColType = getPredColType(scoreType, rowMapper);

            Bindings     = BindingsImpl.Create(data.Schema, rowMapper, args.Suffix, scoreColKind, scoreColIndex, predColType, predictedLabelColumnName);
            OutputSchema = Bindings.AsSchema;
        internal static bool GetTypesForWrapping(ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, DataViewType labelNameType, string metaKind, out DataViewType scoreType)
            scoreType = null;
            ISchemaBoundRowMapper rowMapper = mapper as ISchemaBoundRowMapper;

            if (rowMapper == null)
                return(false); // We could cover this case, but it is of no practical worth as far as I see, so I decline to do so.
            var outSchema = mapper.OutputSchema;
            int scoreIdx;
            var scoreCol = outSchema.GetColumnOrNull(AnnotationUtils.Const.ScoreValueKind.Score);

            if (!outSchema.TryGetColumnIndex(AnnotationUtils.Const.ScoreValueKind.Score, out scoreIdx))
                return(false); // The mapper doesn't even publish a score column to attach the metadata to.
            if (outSchema[scoreIdx].Annotations.Schema.GetColumnOrNull(metaKind)?.Type != null)
                return(false); // The mapper publishes a score column, and already produces its own metakind.
            scoreType = outSchema[scoreIdx].Type;
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a utility method used to determine whether <see cref="LabelNameBindableMapper"/>
        /// can or should be used to wrap <paramref name="mapper"/>. This will not throw, since the
        /// desired behavior in the event that it cannot be wrapped, is to just back off to the original
        /// "unwrapped" bound mapper.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapper">The mapper we are seeing if we can wrap</param>
        /// <param name="labelNameType">The type of the label names from the metadata (either
        /// originating from the key value metadata of the training label column, or deserialized
        /// from the model of a bindable mapper)</param>
        /// <returns>Whether we can call <see cref="LabelNameBindableMapper.CreateBound{T}"/> with
        /// this mapper and expect it to succeed</returns>
        public static bool CanWrap(ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, ColumnType labelNameType)

            ISchemaBoundRowMapper rowMapper = mapper as ISchemaBoundRowMapper;

            if (rowMapper == null)
                return(false); // We could cover this case, but it is of no practical worth as far as I see, so I decline to do so.
            ISchema outSchema = mapper.Schema;
            int     scoreIdx;

            if (!outSchema.TryGetColumnIndex(MetadataUtils.Const.ScoreValueKind.Score, out scoreIdx))
                return(false); // The mapper doesn't even publish a score column to attach the metadata to.
            if (outSchema.GetMetadataTypeOrNull(MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, scoreIdx) != null)
                return(false); // The mapper publishes a score column, and already produces its own slot names.
            var scoreType = outSchema.GetColumnType(scoreIdx);

            // Check that the type is vector, and is of compatible size with the score output.
            return(labelNameType.IsVector && labelNameType.VectorSize == scoreType.VectorSize);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a utility method used to determine whether <see cref="LabelNameBindableMapper"/>
        /// can or should be used to wrap <paramref name="mapper"/>. This will not throw, since the
        /// desired behavior in the event that it cannot be wrapped, is to just back off to the original
        /// "unwrapped" bound mapper.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapper">The mapper we are seeing if we can wrap</param>
        /// <param name="labelNameType">The type of the label names from the metadata (either
        /// originating from the key value metadata of the training label column, or deserialized
        /// from the model of a bindable mapper)</param>
        /// <returns>Whether we can call <see cref="LabelNameBindableMapper.CreateBound{T}"/> with
        /// this mapper and expect it to succeed</returns>
        internal static bool CanWrap(ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, DataViewType labelNameType)

            ISchemaBoundRowMapper rowMapper = mapper as ISchemaBoundRowMapper;

            if (rowMapper == null)
                return(false); // We could cover this case, but it is of no practical worth as far as I see, so I decline to do so.
            var outSchema = mapper.OutputSchema;
            int scoreIdx;
            var scoreCol = outSchema.GetColumnOrNull(AnnotationUtils.Const.ScoreValueKind.Score);

            if (!outSchema.TryGetColumnIndex(AnnotationUtils.Const.ScoreValueKind.Score, out scoreIdx))
                return(false); // The mapper doesn't even publish a score column to attach the metadata to.
            if (outSchema[scoreIdx].Annotations.Schema.GetColumnOrNull(AnnotationUtils.Kinds.SlotNames)?.Type != null)
                return(false); // The mapper publishes a score column, and already produces its own slot names.
            var scoreType = outSchema[scoreIdx].Type;

            // Check that the type is vector, and is of compatible size with the score output.
            return(labelNameType is VectorType vectorType && vectorType.Size == scoreType.GetVectorSize() && vectorType.ItemType == TextDataViewType.Instance);
        internal static ISchemaBoundMapper WrapCore <T>(IHostEnvironment env, ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, RoleMappedSchema trainSchema)
            env.Assert(mapper is ISchemaBoundRowMapper);

            // Key values from the training schema label, will map to slot names of the score output.
            var type = trainSchema.Label.Value.Annotations.Schema.GetColumnOrNull(AnnotationUtils.Kinds.KeyValues)?.Type;

            env.Assert(type is VectorDataViewType);

            // Wrap the fetching of the metadata as a simple getter.
            ValueGetter <VBuffer <T> > getter =
                (ref VBuffer <T> value) =>
                trainSchema.Label.Value.GetKeyValues(ref value);
            var resultMapper = mapper;

            if (CanWrapTrainingLabels(resultMapper, type))
                resultMapper = LabelNameBindableMapper.CreateBound <T>(env, (ISchemaBoundRowMapper)resultMapper, type as VectorDataViewType, getter, AnnotationUtils.Kinds.TrainingLabelValues, CanWrapTrainingLabels);
            if (CanWrapSlotNames(resultMapper, type))
                resultMapper = LabelNameBindableMapper.CreateBound <T>(env, (ISchemaBoundRowMapper)resultMapper, type as VectorDataViewType, getter, AnnotationUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, CanWrapSlotNames);
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a cached prediction engine or creates a new one if not cached
        /// </summary>
        private BatchPredictionEngine <SarUsageEvent, SarScoreResult> GetOrCreateBatchPredictionEngine(
            IList <SarUsageEvent> usageItems, SarScoringArguments sarScoringArguments)
            var arguments = new RecommenderScorerTransform.Arguments
                // round the recommendations count to optimize engine cache
                recommendationCount = GetRoundedNumberOfResults(sarScoringArguments.RecommendationCount),
                includeHistory      = sarScoringArguments.IncludeHistory

            // create a data column mapping
            var dataColumnMapping = new Dictionary <RoleMappedSchema.ColumnRole, string>
                { new RoleMappedSchema.ColumnRole("Item"), "Item" },
                { new RoleMappedSchema.ColumnRole("User"), "user" }

            string weightColumn = null;

            if (sarScoringArguments.ReferenceDate.HasValue)
                // rounding the reference date to the beginning of next day to optimize engine cache
                DateTime referenceDate = sarScoringArguments.ReferenceDate.Value.Date + TimeSpan.FromDays(1);
                arguments.referenceDate = referenceDate.ToString("s");
                if (sarScoringArguments.Decay.HasValue)
                    arguments.decay = sarScoringArguments.Decay.Value.TotalDays;

                dataColumnMapping.Add(new RoleMappedSchema.ColumnRole("Date"), "date");
                weightColumn = "weight";

            // create an engine cache key
            string cacheKey = $"{arguments.recommendationCount}|{arguments.includeHistory}|{arguments.referenceDate}|{arguments.decay}";

            _tracer.TraceVerbose("Trying to find the engine in the cache");
            var engine = _enginesCache.Get(cacheKey) as BatchPredictionEngine <SarUsageEvent, SarScoreResult>;

            if (engine == null)
                _tracer.TraceInformation("Engine is not cached - creating a new engine");
                IDataView             pipeline            = _environment.CreateDataView(usageItems, _usageDataSchema);
                RoleMappedData        usageDataMappedData = _environment.CreateExamples(pipeline, null, weight: weightColumn, custom: dataColumnMapping);
                ISchemaBindableMapper mapper      = RecommenderScorerTransform.Create(_environment, arguments, _recommender);
                ISchemaBoundMapper    boundMapper = mapper.Bind(_environment, usageDataMappedData.Schema);
                IDataScorerTransform  scorer      = RecommenderScorerTransform.Create(
                    _environment, arguments, pipeline, boundMapper, null);
                engine = _environment.CreateBatchPredictionEngine <SarUsageEvent, SarScoreResult>(scorer, false, _usageDataSchema);

                bool result = _enginesCache.Add(cacheKey, engine, new CacheItemPolicy {
                    SlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromDays(1)
                _tracer.TraceVerbose($"Addition of engine to the cache resulted with '{result}'");

 /// <summary>
 /// This is a utility method used to determine whether <see cref="LabelNameBindableMapper"/>
 /// can or should be used to wrap <paramref name="mapper"/>. This will not throw, since the
 /// desired behavior in the event that it cannot be wrapped, is to just back off to the original
 /// "unwrapped" bound mapper.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mapper">The mapper we are seeing if we can wrap</param>
 /// <param name="labelNameType">The type of the label names from the metadata (either
 /// originating from the key value metadata of the training label column, or deserialized
 /// from the model of a bindable mapper)</param>
 /// <returns>Whether we can call <see cref="LabelNameBindableMapper.CreateBound{T}"/> with
 /// this mapper and expect it to succeed</returns>
 internal static bool CanWrapSlotNames(ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, DataViewType labelNameType)
     if (GetTypesForWrapping(mapper, labelNameType, AnnotationUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, out var scoreType))
         // Check that the type is vector, and is of compatible size with the score output.
         return(labelNameType is VectorDataViewType vectorType && vectorType.Size == scoreType.GetVectorSize() && vectorType.ItemType == TextDataViewType.Instance);
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine the default scorer for a schema bound mapper. This looks for text-valued ScoreColumnKind
        /// metadata on the first column of the mapper. If that text is found and maps to a scorer loadable class,
        /// that component is used. Otherwise, the GenericScorer is used.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="environment">The host environment.</param>.
        /// <param name="mapper">The schema bound mapper to get the default scorer.</param>.
        /// <param name="suffix">An optional suffix to append to the default column names.</param>
        public static TScorerFactory GetScorerComponent(
            IHostEnvironment environment,
            ISchemaBoundMapper mapper,
            string suffix = null)
            Contracts.CheckValue(environment, nameof(environment));

            ComponentCatalog.LoadableClassInfo info = null;
            ReadOnlyMemory <char> scoreKind         = default;

            if (mapper.OutputSchema.Count > 0 &&
                mapper.OutputSchema.TryGetMetadata(TextType.Instance, MetadataUtils.Kinds.ScoreColumnKind, 0, ref scoreKind) &&
                var loadName = scoreKind.ToString();
                info = environment.ComponentCatalog.GetLoadableClassInfo <SignatureDataScorer>(loadName);
                if (info == null || !typeof(IDataScorerTransform).IsAssignableFrom(info.Type))
                    info = null;

            Func <IHostEnvironment, IDataView, ISchemaBoundMapper, RoleMappedSchema, IDataScorerTransform> factoryFunc;

            if (info == null)
                factoryFunc = (env, data, innerMapper, trainSchema) =>
                              new GenericScorer(
                    new GenericScorer.Arguments()
                    Suffix = suffix
                factoryFunc = (env, data, innerMapper, trainSchema) =>
                    object args = info.CreateArguments();
                    if (args is ScorerArgumentsBase scorerArgs)
                        scorerArgs.Suffix = suffix;
                               new object[] { data, innerMapper, trainSchema }));

        /// <summary>
        /// The <see cref="SignatureDataScorer"/> entry point for creating a <see cref="GenericScorer"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public GenericScorer(IHostEnvironment env, ScorerArgumentsBase args, IDataView data,
                             ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, RoleMappedSchema trainSchema)
            : base(env, data, RegistrationName, Contracts.CheckRef(mapper, nameof(mapper)).Bindable)
            Host.CheckValue(args, nameof(args));
            Host.AssertValue(data, "data");
            Host.AssertValue(mapper, "mapper");

            var rowMapper = mapper as ISchemaBoundRowMapper;

            Host.CheckParam(rowMapper != null, nameof(mapper), "mapper should implement ISchemaBoundRowMapper");
            _bindings = Bindings.Create(data.Schema, rowMapper, args.Suffix);
Beispiel #10
        protected ScorerBindingsBase(Schema input, ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, string suffix, bool user, params string[] namesDerived)
            : base(input, user, GetOutputNames(mapper, suffix, namesDerived))

            Mapper = mapper;
            DerivedColumnCount = namesDerived.Length;
            Suffix = suffix ?? "";

            int c;
            var max = input.GetMaxMetadataKind(out c, MetadataUtils.Kinds.ScoreColumnSetId);
            _crtScoreSet = checked(max + 1);
            _getScoreColumnSetId = GetScoreColumnSetId;
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the scorer subcomponent (if the given one is null or empty), and creates the schema bound mapper.
        /// </summary>
        private static SubComponent <IDataScorerTransform, SignatureDataScorer> GetScorerComponentAndMapper(
            IPredictor predictor, SubComponent <IDataScorerTransform, SignatureDataScorer> scorer,
            RoleMappedSchema schema, IHostEnvironment env, out ISchemaBoundMapper mapper)

            var bindable = GetSchemaBindableMapper(env, predictor, scorer);

            mapper = bindable.Bind(env, schema);
            if (scorer.IsGood())
Beispiel #12
        private static string[] GetOutputNames(ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, string suffix, string[] namesDerived)

            var schema = mapper.OutputSchema;
            int count = namesDerived.Length + schema.ColumnCount;
            var res = new string[count];
            int dst = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < namesDerived.Length; i++)
                res[dst++] = namesDerived[i] + suffix;
            for (int i = 0; i < schema.ColumnCount; i++)
                res[dst++] = schema.GetColumnName(i) + suffix;
            Contracts.Assert(dst == count);
            return res;
Beispiel #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the scorer component factory (if the given one is null or empty), and creates the schema bound mapper.
        /// </summary>
        private static TScorerFactory GetScorerComponentAndMapper(
            IPredictor predictor,
            TScorerFactory scorerFactory,
            RoleMappedSchema schema,
            IHostEnvironment env,
            IComponentFactory<IPredictor, ISchemaBindableMapper> mapperFactory,
            out ISchemaBoundMapper mapper)

            var bindable = GetSchemaBindableMapper(env, predictor, mapperFactory, scorerFactory as ICommandLineComponentFactory);
            mapper = bindable.Bind(env, schema);
            if (scorerFactory != null)
                return scorerFactory;
            return GetScorerComponent(mapper);
        private static ISchemaBoundMapper WrapCore <T>(IHostEnvironment env, ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, RoleMappedSchema trainSchema)
            env.Assert(mapper is ISchemaBoundRowMapper);
            var labelColumn = trainSchema.Label.Value;

            // Key values from the training schema label, will map to slot names of the score output.
            var type = labelColumn.Metadata.Schema.GetColumnOrNull(MetadataUtils.Kinds.KeyValues)?.Type as VectorType;


            // Wrap the fetching of the metadata as a simple getter.
            ValueGetter <VBuffer <T> > getter = (ref VBuffer <T> value) =>
                                                labelColumn.Metadata.GetValue(MetadataUtils.Kinds.KeyValues, ref value);

            return(MultiClassClassifierScorer.LabelNameBindableMapper.CreateBound <T>(env, (ISchemaBoundRowMapper)mapper, type, getter, MetadataUtils.Kinds.TrainingLabelValues, CanWrap));
Beispiel #15
        public static ISchemaBoundMapper WrapCore <T>(IHostEnvironment env, ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, RoleMappedSchema trainSchema)
            env.Assert(mapper is ISchemaBoundRowMapper);

            // Key values from the training schema label, will map to slot names of the score output.
            var type = trainSchema.Schema.GetMetadataTypeOrNull(MetadataUtils.Kinds.KeyValues, trainSchema.Label.Index);


            // Wrap the fetching of the metadata as a simple getter.
            ValueGetter <VBuffer <T> > getter =
                (ref VBuffer <T> value) =>
                                               trainSchema.Label.Index, ref value);

            return(LabelNameBindableMapper.CreateBound <T>(env, (ISchemaBoundRowMapper)mapper, type.AsVector, getter, MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames, CanWrap));
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a utility method used to determine whether <see cref="MultiClassClassifierScorer.LabelNameBindableMapper"/>
        /// can or should be used to wrap <paramref name="mapper"/>. This will not throw, since the
        /// desired behavior in the event that it cannot be wrapped, is to just back off to the original
        /// "unwrapped" bound mapper.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapper">The mapper we are seeing if we can wrap</param>
        /// <param name="labelNameType">The type of the label names from the metadata (either
        /// originating from the key value metadata of the training label column, or deserialized
        /// from the model of a bindable mapper)</param>
        /// <returns>Whether we can call <see cref="MultiClassClassifierScorer.LabelNameBindableMapper.CreateBound{T}"/> with
        /// this mapper and expect it to succeed</returns>
        private static bool CanWrap(ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, ColumnType labelNameType)

            ISchemaBoundRowMapper rowMapper = mapper as ISchemaBoundRowMapper;

            if (rowMapper == null)
                return(false); // We could cover this case, but it is of no practical worth as far as I see, so I decline to do so.
            int scoreIdx;

            if (!mapper.OutputSchema.TryGetColumnIndex(MetadataUtils.Const.ScoreValueKind.Score, out scoreIdx))
                return(false); // The mapper doesn't even publish a score column to attach the metadata to.
            if (mapper.OutputSchema[scoreIdx].Metadata.Schema.GetColumnOrNull(MetadataUtils.Kinds.TrainingLabelValues)?.Type != null)
                return(false); // The mapper publishes a score column, and already produces its own slot names.
            return(labelNameType is VectorType vectorType && vectorType.Size == 2);
        /// <summary>
        /// This function performs a number of checks on the inputs and, if appropriate and possible, will produce
        /// a mapper with slots names on the output score column properly mapped. If this is not possible for any
        /// reason, it will just return the input bound mapper.
        /// </summary>
        private static ISchemaBoundMapper WrapIfNeeded(IHostEnvironment env, ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, RoleMappedSchema trainSchema)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            env.CheckValue(mapper, nameof(mapper));

            // The idea is that we will take the key values from the train schema label, and present
            // them as slot name metadata. But there are a number of conditions for this to actually
            // happen, so we test those here. If these are not

            if (trainSchema?.Label == null)
                return(mapper); // We don't even have a label identified in a training schema.
            var keyType = trainSchema.Label.Value.Metadata.Schema.GetColumnOrNull(MetadataUtils.Kinds.KeyValues)?.Type as VectorType;

            if (keyType == null || !CanWrap(mapper, keyType))

            // Great!! All checks pass.
            return(Utils.MarshalInvoke(WrapCore <int>, keyType.ItemType.RawType, env, mapper, trainSchema));
        internal BinaryClassifierScorer(IHostEnvironment env, Arguments args, IDataView data, ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, RoleMappedSchema trainSchema)
            : base(args, env, data, WrapIfNeeded(env, mapper, trainSchema), trainSchema, RegistrationName, MetadataUtils.Const.ScoreColumnKind.BinaryClassification,
                   Contracts.CheckRef(args, nameof(args)).ThresholdColumn, OutputTypeMatches, GetPredColType)
            Contracts.CheckValue(args, nameof(args));
            Contracts.CheckValue(data, nameof(data));
            Contracts.CheckValue(mapper, nameof(mapper));

            _threshold = args.Threshold;
 public static IDataScorerTransform Create(IHostEnvironment env, Arguments args, IDataView data, ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, RoleMappedSchema trainSchema)
     return(new GenericScorer(env, args, data, mapper, trainSchema));
        // Factory method for SignatureDataScorer.
        private static IDataScorerTransform Create(IHostEnvironment env, Arguments args, IDataView data, ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, RoleMappedSchema trainSchema)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            env.CheckValue(data, nameof(data));
            env.CheckValue(mapper, nameof(mapper));
            if (args.Top < 0)
                throw env.Except($"Number of top contribution must be non negative");
            if (args.Bottom < 0)
                throw env.Except($"Number of bottom contribution must be non negative");

            var contributionMapper = mapper as RowMapper;

            env.CheckParam(mapper != null, nameof(mapper), "Unexpected mapper");

            var scorer     = ScoreUtils.GetScorerComponent(env, contributionMapper);
            var scoredPipe = scorer.CreateComponent(env, data, contributionMapper, trainSchema);

Beispiel #21
 private LabelNameBindableMapper(IHostEnvironment env, ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, VectorType type, Delegate getter,
                                 string metadataKind, Func <ISchemaBoundMapper, ColumnType, bool> canWrap)
     : this(env, mapper.Bindable, type, getter, metadataKind, canWrap)
Beispiel #22
 public MultiClassClassifierScorer(IHostEnvironment env, Arguments args, IDataView data, ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, RoleMappedSchema trainSchema)
     : base(args, env, data, WrapIfNeeded(env, mapper, trainSchema), trainSchema, RegistrationName, MetadataUtils.Const.ScoreColumnKind.MultiClassClassification,
            MetadataUtils.Const.ScoreValueKind.Score, OutputTypeMatches, GetPredColType)
Beispiel #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine the default scorer for a schema bound mapper. This looks for text-valued ScoreColumnKind
        /// metadata on the first column of the mapper. If that text is found and maps to a scorer loadable class,
        /// that component is used. Otherwise, the GenericScorer is used.
        /// </summary>
        public static SubComponent <IDataScorerTransform, SignatureDataScorer> GetScorerComponent(ISchemaBoundMapper mapper)

            string loadName  = null;
            DvText scoreKind = default;

            if (mapper.OutputSchema.ColumnCount > 0 &&
                mapper.OutputSchema.TryGetMetadata(TextType.Instance, MetadataUtils.Kinds.ScoreColumnKind, 0, ref scoreKind) &&
                loadName = scoreKind.ToString();
                var info = ComponentCatalog.GetLoadableClassInfo <SignatureDataScorer>(loadName);
                if (info == null || !typeof(IDataScorerTransform).IsAssignableFrom(info.Type))
                    loadName = null;
            if (loadName == null)
                loadName = GenericScorer.LoadName;
            return(new SubComponent <IDataScorerTransform, SignatureDataScorer>(loadName));
 public ClusteringScorer(IHostEnvironment env, Arguments args, IDataView data, ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, RoleMappedSchema trainSchema)
     : base(args, env, data, mapper, trainSchema, RegistrationName, MetadataUtils.Const.ScoreColumnKind.Clustering,
            MetadataUtils.Const.ScoreValueKind.Score, OutputTypeMatches, GetPredColType)
 // Factory method for SignatureDataScorer.
 private static IDataScorerTransform Create(IHostEnvironment env,
                                            TreeEnsembleFeaturizerBindableMapper.Arguments args, IDataView data, ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, RoleMappedSchema trainSchema)
     return(new GenericScorer(env, args, data, mapper, trainSchema));
 internal MulticlassClassificationScorer(IHostEnvironment env, Arguments args, IDataView data, ISchemaBoundMapper mapper, RoleMappedSchema trainSchema)
     : base(args, env, data, WrapIfNeeded(env, mapper, trainSchema), trainSchema, RegistrationName, AnnotationUtils.Const.ScoreColumnKind.MulticlassClassification,
            args.ScoreColumnName, OutputTypeMatches, GetPredColType, args.PredictedLabelColumnName)