Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// We will run the job submission. We assume that any checking has already gone one
        /// and we are just going to execute all the commands required of this job request.
        /// Assume setupATLAS and rucio and voms proxy init have all been done before
        /// this guy is called!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connection"></param>
        /// <param name="job"></param>
        /// <param name="datasetToStartWith"></param>
        /// <param name="credSet">Set of credentials to load. Default to CERN</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <ISSHConnection> SubmitJobAsync(this ISSHConnection connection, AtlasJob job, string inputDataSet, string resultingDataSet, Action <string> statusUpdate = null, Func <bool> failNow = null, bool sameJobAsLastTime = false, string credSet = "CERN", bool dumpOnly = false)
            // Get the status update protected.
            Action <string> update = statusUpdate != null ?
                : s => { };

            // Figure out the proper submit command.
            string submitCmd = (job.SubmitPatternCommands.Length > 0
                ? MatchSubmitPattern(job.SubmitPatternCommands, inputDataSet)
                : job.SubmitCommand.SubmitCommand.CommandLine)
                               .Replace("*INPUTDS*", "{0}")
                               .Replace("*OUTPUTDS*", "{1}");

            var cernCred = new CredentialSet(credSet)
                           .ThrowIfNull(() => new GRIDSubmitException($"Please create a windows generic credential with a target of '{credSet}' to allow access to kinit"));

            // If this is the first time through with a single job, then setup a directory we can use.
            if (!sameJobAsLastTime)
                var linuxLocation = string.Format("/tmp/{0}", resultingDataSet);
                await connection.Apply(() => update("Removing old build directory"))
                .ExecuteLinuxCommandAsync("rm -rf " + linuxLocation, dumpOnly: dumpOnly);

                await connection
                .Apply(() => update("Setting up panda"))
                .ExecuteLinuxCommandAsync("lsetup panda", dumpOnly: dumpOnly);

                await connection.Apply(() => update("Setting up release"))
                .SetupRcReleaseAsync(linuxLocation, job.Release.Name, dumpOnly: dumpOnly);

                await connection.Apply(() => update("Getting CERN credentials"))
                .KinitAsync(cernCred.Username, cernCred.Password, dumpOnly: dumpOnly);

                await connection
                .ApplyAsync(job.Packages, (c, j) => c.Apply(() => update("Checking out package " + j.Name)).CheckoutPackageAsync(j.Name, j.SCTag, failNow: failNow, dumpOnly: dumpOnly));

                await connection
                .ApplyAsync(job.Commands, (co, cm) => co.Apply(() => update("Running command " + cm.CommandLine)).ExecuteLinuxCommandAsync(cm.CommandLine, failNow: failNow, dumpOnly: dumpOnly));

                await connection
                .Apply(() => update("Compiling release"))
                .BuildWorkAreaAsync(failNow: failNow, dumpOnly: dumpOnly);

            // We should now be in the directory where everything is - so submit!
            return(await connection
                   .Apply(() => update($"Running submit command ({inputDataSet})"))
                   .ExecuteLinuxCommandAsync(string.Format(submitCmd, inputDataSet, resultingDataSet), failNow: failNow, dumpOnly: dumpOnly));