Beispiel #1
        public void GenerateProjectToLoadTextFilesToSqlServerDatabase()
            // Showcases how other C# code and libraries can be used to generate packages

            /* The objective is as follows:
             *  For all the txt files in a folder
             *      1. Load each text file into a table
             *      2. Before loading trim all string values
             *  We will use the library to parse a text file and help infer data types
             *  The package design needs to be as follows:
             *      1. A package for each file in the folder
             *      2. A master package that executes each of the above packages thru a ExecutePackage Task
             *      3. In the master package, put all Execute Package Tasks inside a Sequence container, in serial.

            //  Get files
            _fileCollection = Directory.GetFiles(_sourceFolder);

            //  Delete the ispac if exists; otherwise the code will modify the existing ispac. For clarity in showcasing the demo we will delete the existitng ispac
            if (File.Exists(Constants.StorageFoldePath + @"\" + _ispacFileName + ".ispac"))
                File.Delete(Constants.StorageFoldePath + @"\" + _ispacFileName + ".ispac");

            //  create a project
            ISProject mainProject = new ISProject(Constants.StorageFoldePath + @"\" + _ispacFileName + ".ispac", null);

            //  Add a project connection to the sql server we are loading into
            ISOledbConnectionManager oleConn = new ISOledbConnectionManager(@"Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Auto Translate=False;", "TargetDB", mainProject);

            oleConn.ServerName     = "localhost";
            oleConn.InitialCatalog = "PegasusDemo";
            oleConn.UserName       = "******";
            oleConn.Password       = "******";

            //  Add a Package
            ISPackage parentPackage = new ISPackage("ParentPackage", mainProject);

            //  Add a sequence container; this container will contain the individual data flows for each text file
            ISSequence childPackageContainer = new ISSequence("Child Packages", parentPackage);

            //  Iterate thru our folder and do the following for each file
            foreach (string file in _fileCollection)
                string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);

                //  use the lumenworks library to get the column names, lenghts, data types etc. This metadata is later used to configure the ssis project
                FileHelper fh              = new FileHelper(file);
                string[]   columnNames     = fh._columnNames;
                int[]      columnLengths   = fh.InferFlatFileColumnLengths(10);
                string[]   columnDataTypes = fh.InferFlatColumnSSISDataType();
                string[]   tableDataTypes  = fh.GetSqlServerDataTypes();

                // A child package for each file; added to the main project
                ISPackage packageForFile = new ISPackage(fileName, mainProject);

                // A execute package task in the master package for each file
                ISExecutePackageTask ept = new ISExecutePackageTask("Exec " + fileName, childPackageContainer);
                ept.UseProjectReference = true;
                ept.PackageName         = packageForFile.Name; // this execute package task will call the child package

                // A connection manager for each file; added to the main project
                ISFlatFileConnectionManager fConn = new ISFlatFileConnectionManager(file, fileName, mainProject);
                fConn.ColumnNamesInFirstDataRow = true;
                //fConn.TextQualifier = "\"";
                fConn.Format       = "Delimited";
                fConn.RowDelimiter = "\r\n"; // check for LF/CRLF if using git

                //  create a FlatFile column for each column the in the source file
                for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.Length; i++)
                    ISFlatFileColumn fc = new ISFlatFileColumn(fConn, columnNames[i], ((i == columnNames.Length - 1) ? true : false));
                    fc.SetColumnProperties(DtsUtility.StringToEnum <SSISDataType>(columnDataTypes[i]), "Delimited", ",", 0, columnLengths[i], 0, 0);

                //  Add a execute sql task which will create the table in the destiantion server. The file helper class gives the create statement to use
                ISExecuteSqlTask createTable = new ISExecuteSqlTask("Create Target Table", packageForFile);
                createTable.Connection             = oleConn.Name;
                createTable.SqlStatementSourceType = SqlStatementSourceType.DirectInput;
                createTable.SqlStatementSource     = fh.GetCreateStatement();

                //  Add a data flow for each file
                ISDataFlowTask dft = new ISDataFlowTask("Load Data From " + fileName, packageForFile);
                dft.DelayValidation = true;
                dft.ParentPackage   = packageForFile;
                dft.ParentProject   = mainProject;

                //  Add a precedence constraint that executes the data flow after the create table sql task is a success
                ISPrecedenceConstraint pc1 = new ISPrecedenceConstraint(packageForFile, createTable, dft, PrecedenceEvalOp.Constraint, ExecResult.Success);

                //  //  //  Now configure the data flow

                //  Add a flat file source
                ISFlatFileSourceComponent sourceComp = new ISFlatFileSourceComponent(dft, fileName, fConn);

                //  Add a derive column component that trims a column (in place) if it is of String data type
                ISDerivedColumnComponent dCom = new ISDerivedColumnComponent(dft, "Trim Columns", sourceComp);
                foreach (ISFlatFileColumn column in fConn.Columns)
                    if (column.DataType == SSISDataType.DT_STR)
                        ISDerivedColumn dCol = new ISDerivedColumn(dCom, DerivedColumnAction.Replace, column.Name);
                        dCol.Expression = "TRIM(" + column.Name + ")";

                //  Add a destination table in the target sql server.
                ISOleDbDestinationComponent destination = new ISOleDbDestinationComponent(dft, "Target Table", dCom, dCom.GetOutputNameFromIndex(0));
                destination.Connection = oleConn.Name;
                destination.OpenRowset = "dbo." + fileName;

                //  Because, the table may not be available during package generation time, we will manually map the destination columns
                // To do that, we will create one ExternalMetadataColumn for each column the source file.
                // Becuase we are creating the target table with the same column names, we will directly map on the name
                List <ExternalColumnInputMap> externalInputMap = new List <ExternalColumnInputMap>();
                for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.Length; i++)
                    SSISDataTypeWithProperty sdt            = Converter.TranslateSqlServerDataTypeToSSISDataTypeWithProperty(tableDataTypes[i], columnLengths[i].ToString());
                    ExternalMetadataColumn   externalColumn = new ExternalMetadataColumn();
                    externalColumn.ExternalColumnName = columnNames[i];
                    externalColumn.DataType           = sdt.DataType;
                    externalColumn.Length             = sdt.Length;
                    externalColumn.Precision          = sdt.Precision;
                    externalColumn.Scale    = sdt.Scale;
                    externalColumn.CodePage = sdt.CodePage;
                    externalInputMap.Add(new ExternalColumnInputMap {
                        ExternalColumn = externalColumn, InputColumnName = columnNames[i]
                    });                                                                                                                     // // Becuase we are creating the target table with the same column names, we will directly map on the name
                destination.ExternalColumnInputColumnMap = externalInputMap;

                // Now perform the manual mapping. Otherwise, SSIS will complain that atleast one column should be mapped.

Beispiel #2
        public void ExcelToSqlServerTable()
            // In this example,we are loading an excel spresheet to a sql server table.
            // The excel sheet has three columns named col_a(unicode string 255),col_b (unicode_string 255) and col_c(double precision float)
            // The target table has three columns named my_first_col (nvarchar(255)), my_second_col (nvarchar(255)), my_third_col(float(53))
            // Load as follows: col_a -> my_first_col; col_b -> my_second_col; col_c -> my_third_col

            // <Mapping info that says which excel source column should go to which sql server table column
            List <SourceColumnTargetColumnMap> sourceTargetMappings = new List <SourceColumnTargetColumnMap>();

            // In this example, I am manullay populating the source to target map.
            // Otherwise, this information can be gathered programmatically for both source and target from external config files/mapping tables etc.
            // For programmatic translation of other data types to SSIS data types, refer to the code in Converter class in the DtsWrapper library
            sourceTargetMappings.Add(new SourceColumnTargetColumnMap
                SourceColumn = new SourceColumn {
                    Name = "col_a"
                },                                                  // excel source column
                TargetColumn = new TargetColumn {
                    Name = "my_first_col", DataType = SSISDataType.DT_WSTR, Length = 255, CodePage = 0, Precision = 0, Scale = 0
                }                                                                                                                                                // target column into which source should go to
            sourceTargetMappings.Add(new SourceColumnTargetColumnMap
                SourceColumn = new SourceColumn {
                    Name = "col_b"
                },                                                  // excel source column
                TargetColumn = new TargetColumn {
                    Name = "my_second_col", DataType = SSISDataType.DT_WSTR, Length = 255, CodePage = 0, Precision = 0, Scale = 0
                }                                                                                                                                                 // target column into which source should go to
            sourceTargetMappings.Add(new SourceColumnTargetColumnMap
                SourceColumn = new SourceColumn {
                    Name = "col_c"
                },                                                  // excel source column
                TargetColumn = new TargetColumn {
                    Name = "my_third_col", DataType = SSISDataType.DT_R8, Length = 0, CodePage = 0, Precision = 0, Scale = 0
                }                                                                                                                                            // target column into which source should go to

            //  //  //  Package creation related code

            //  Delete the ispac if exists; otherwise the code will modify the existing ispac. For clarity in showcasing the demo we will delete the existitng ispac
            if (File.Exists(Constants.StorageFoldePath + @"\" + _ispacFileName + ".ispac"))
                File.Delete(Constants.StorageFoldePath + @"\" + _ispacFileName + ".ispac");

            //  create a project
            ISProject project = new ISProject(Constants.StorageFoldePath + @"\" + _ispacFileName + ".ispac", null);

            //  change some project properties
            project.Name        = "Test";
            project.Description = "This project is created from Pegasus.DtsWrapper code";

            //  Excel Connection Manager
            string file = @"C:\Temp\abc.xls";
            ISExcelConnectionManager excelConn = new ISExcelConnectionManager("excelConn", project);

            excelConn.ExcelFilePath         = file;
            excelConn.ExcelVersionNumber    = ExcelVersion.DTSExcelVer_8;
            excelConn.FirstRowHasColumnName = true;

            //  Target SQL Server Connection Manager
            ISOledbConnectionManager oleConn = new ISOledbConnectionManager(@"Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Auto Translate=False;", "TargetDB", project);

            oleConn.ServerName     = "";
            oleConn.InitialCatalog = "PegasusDemo";
            oleConn.UserName       = "******";
            oleConn.Password       = "******";

            //  Create a package
            ISPackage packageA = new ISPackage("Package_A", project);

            packageA.Description = "Package demoing loading an excel file to a sql server table with mappings specified";
            packageA.CreatorName = "Me";

            //  Add a Data Flow
            ISDataFlowTask dft = new ISDataFlowTask("ExcelDFT", packageA);

            dft.DelayValidation = true;
            dft.ParentPackage   = packageA;
            dft.ParentProject   = project;

            //  //  //  Configure the data flow
            //  Add a excel source component
            ISExcelSourceComponent es = new ISExcelSourceComponent(dft, "ExSrc", excelConn);

            es.OpenRowset = "Sheet1$";

            //  Add a sql server destination
            ISOleDbDestinationComponent dest = new ISOleDbDestinationComponent(dft, "Target Table", es, es.GetOutputNameFromIndex(0));

            dest.Connection = oleConn.Name;
            dest.OpenRowset = "dbo.ExcelToSqlServer";

            for (int i = 0; i < sourceTargetMappings.Count; i++)
                ExternalMetadataColumn externalColumn = new ExternalMetadataColumn();
                externalColumn.ExternalColumnName = sourceTargetMappings[i].TargetColumn.Name; // the name of the column in the target?
                externalColumn.DataType           = sourceTargetMappings[i].TargetColumn.DataType;
                externalColumn.Length             = sourceTargetMappings[i].TargetColumn.Length;
                externalColumn.Precision          = sourceTargetMappings[i].TargetColumn.Precision;
                externalColumn.Scale    = sourceTargetMappings[i].TargetColumn.Scale;
                externalColumn.CodePage = sourceTargetMappings[i].TargetColumn.CodePage;

                dest.ExternalColumnInputColumnMap.Add(new ExternalColumnInputMap {
                    ExternalColumn = externalColumn, InputColumnName = sourceTargetMappings[i].SourceColumn.Name
            // Now perform the manual mapping. Otherwise, SSIS will complain that atleast one column should be mapped.
