Beispiel #1
        private void PerformNafSupport(IRuleBaseAdapter irba)

            deductionsToCheck = new string[] { "Detector In Room{A102}", "Detector In Room{A100}",
                                               "Firemen In Room{A102}" };
            qrs = ie.RunQuery("Safe Room List");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, qrs.Count, "(1) Safe Room List: Count");
            Assert.IsFalse(wrongDeduction, "(1) Safe Room List Deductions OK");

            deductionsToCheck = new string[] { "Alarm Fault In Room{Smoke Detected,A100}",
                                               "Safe Room{A102}" };
            NewFactEvent henf = new NewFactEvent(HandleExpectedNewFact);

            ie.NewFactHandler += henf;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, deducted, "Deducted");
            Assert.IsFalse(wrongDeduction, "Deductions OK");
            ie.NewFactHandler -= henf;

            deductionsToCheck = new string[] { "Detector In Room{A102}", "Firemen In Room{A102}" };
            qrs = ie.RunQuery("Safe Room List");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, qrs.Count, "(2) Safe Room List: Count");
            Assert.IsFalse(wrongDeduction, "(2) Safe Room List Deductions OK");

            deductionsToCheck = null;
Beispiel #2
        public DslAdapter(string dslFile, string definitionFile, GrammarLanguages grammarLanguage)
            RuleBaseBuilder rbb = new RuleBaseBuilder(new Definitions(definitionFile));

            string ruleml = null;

            if (grammarLanguage == GrammarLanguages.EN)
                InferenceRules_ENParser ipr = new InferenceRules_ENParser(
                    new CommonTokenStream(
                        new InferenceRules_ENLexer(
                            new ANTLRFileStream(dslFile))));
                ipr.rbb = rbb;
                ruleml = ipr.rbb.RuleML;
            else if (grammarLanguage == GrammarLanguages.FR)
                InferenceRules_FRParser ipr = new InferenceRules_FRParser(
                    new CommonTokenStream(
                        new InferenceRules_FRLexer(
                            new ANTLRFileStream(dslFile))));
                ipr.rbb = rbb;
                ruleml = ipr.rbb.RuleML;

            adapter = new RuleML09NafDatalogAdapter(new MemoryStream(new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(ruleml)), FileAccess.Read);
Beispiel #3
        private void PerformCountingImpFunctionRelSupport(IRuleBaseAdapter irba, bool withBinder)

            deductionsToCheck = new string[] { "Result{Physics,Passed}", "Result{Poetry,Passed}",
                                               "Result Count{2,Passed}" };
            NewFactEvent henf = new NewFactEvent(HandleExpectedNewFact);

            ie.NewFactHandler += henf;
            Process(withBinder?new Hashtable():null);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, deducted, "(1) Deducted");
            Assert.IsFalse(wrongDeduction, "(1) Deductions OK");
            ie.NewFactHandler -= henf;

            // let's turn maths failure into success
            ie.Retract("Maths Score");
            ie.Assert(new Fact("Score", new Individual("Maths"), new Individual(88)));
            deductionsToCheck = new string[] { "Result{Physics,Passed}", "Result{Poetry,Passed}",
                                               "Result{Maths,Passed}", "Result Count{3,Passed}",
                                               "Graduation Success{}" };
            henf = new NewFactEvent(HandleExpectedNewFact);
            ie.NewFactHandler += henf;
            Process(withBinder?new Hashtable():null);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, deducted, "(2) Deducted");
            Assert.IsFalse(wrongDeduction, "(2) Deductions OK");
            ie.NewFactHandler -= henf;

            deductionsToCheck = null;
Beispiel #4
        public DslAdapter(string dslFile, string definitionFile, GrammarLanguages grammarLanguage)
            RuleBaseBuilder rbb = new RuleBaseBuilder(new Definitions(definitionFile));

            string ruleml = null;

            if (grammarLanguage == GrammarLanguages.EN) {
                InferenceRules_ENParser ipr = new InferenceRules_ENParser(
                                                new CommonTokenStream(
                                                    new InferenceRules_ENLexer(
                                                        new ANTLRFileStream(dslFile))));
                ipr.rbb = rbb;
                ruleml = ipr.rbb.RuleML;
            } else if (grammarLanguage == GrammarLanguages.FR) {
                InferenceRules_FRParser ipr = new InferenceRules_FRParser(
                                                new CommonTokenStream(
                                                    new InferenceRules_FRLexer(
                                                        new ANTLRFileStream(dslFile))));
                ipr.rbb = rbb;
                ruleml = ipr.rbb.RuleML;

            adapter = new RuleML09NafDatalogAdapter(new MemoryStream(new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(ruleml)), FileAccess.Read);
Beispiel #5
		private void EnsureFactCorrectlyTyped(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter, int expectedFactCount) {
			Assert.AreEqual(expectedFactCount, ie.FactsCount, "Number of facts");
			for(IEnumerator e = ie.Facts ; e.MoveNext(); ) {
				Fact fact = (Fact) e.Current;
				Assert.AreEqual(fact.Type.Substring(1 + fact.Type.LastIndexOf(' ')), fact.GetPredicateValue(0).GetType().FullName, "Ensure type support");
Beispiel #6
        private void EnsureFactCorrectlyTyped(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter, int expectedFactCount)

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedFactCount, ie.FactsCount, "Number of facts");

            for(IEnumerator e = ie.Facts ; e.MoveNext(); ) {
                Fact fact = (Fact) e.Current;
                Assert.AreEqual(fact.Type.Substring(1 + fact.Type.LastIndexOf(' ')), fact.GetPredicateValue(0).GetType().FullName, "Ensure type support");
Beispiel #7
        private void PerformChocolateBoxTwiddling(IRuleBaseAdapter irba, bool withBinder)

            Process(withBinder?new Hashtable():null);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, deducted, "Deducted");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, deleted, "Deleted");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, modified, "Modified");

            Assert.AreEqual("Chocolate_Box_Weight{MyBox,2.5}", ie.GetFact("Total Weight").ToString(), "Total Weight OK");
Beispiel #8
		public void DoPersistenceOfNonConvertibleTypedFacts(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter) {
			string outFile = Parameter.GetString("unittest.outputfolder") + "/outfacts.ruleml";
			TestBinder.Character theDuke = new TestBinder.Character("The Duke", "hello world");
			Assert.IsTrue(ie.Assert(new Fact("Character Name",
			                                 new Individual(theDuke),
			                                 new Individual(theDuke.Name))), "Asserted Typed Fact");

			ie.SaveFacts(new RuleML086NafDatalogAdapter(outFile, FileAccess.Write, true));
			Assert.Fail("Should never reach me!");
Beispiel #9
        public void DoPersistenceOfNonConvertibleTypedFacts(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter)
            string outFile = Parameter.GetString("unittest.outputfolder") + "/outfacts.ruleml";

            TestBinder.Character theDuke = new TestBinder.Character("The Duke", "hello world");
            Assert.IsTrue(ie.Assert(new Fact("Character Name",
                                             new Individual(theDuke),
                                             new Individual(theDuke.Name))), "Asserted Typed Fact");

            ie.SaveFacts(new RuleML086NafDatalogAdapter(outFile, FileAccess.Write, true));
            Assert.Fail("Should never reach me!");
Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the WorkingMemory in a rule base.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adapter">The Adapter used to save the rule base.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The adapter will be disposed at the end of the method's execution.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <see cref=""/>
        public void SaveRuleBase(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter)
            if (HasLogListener)
                ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE Inference Engine Rule Base Saving Started, using adapter " + adapter.GetType().FullName,

            using (adapter) {
                // header
                adapter.Direction = Direction;
                adapter.Label     = Label;

                ArrayList queries = new ArrayList();
                foreach (Query query in QB)
                adapter.Queries = queries;

                // implications
                ArrayList implications = new ArrayList();
                foreach (Implication implication in IB)
                adapter.Implications = implications;

                // equivalents & integrity queries if supported
                if (adapter is IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter)
                    ((IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter)adapter).Equivalents      = equivalents;
                    ((IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter)adapter).IntegrityQueries = integrityQueries;

                // facts
                ArrayList facts = new ArrayList();
                foreach (Fact fact in WM.FB)
                adapter.Facts = facts;

            if (HasLogListener)
                ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE Inference Engine Rule Base Saving Finished", LogEventImpl.INFO);
Beispiel #11
        private void RunTestBoundFormulas(IBinder binder, IRuleBaseAdapter rba)
            // regression test for RFE 1504353
            IInferenceEngine ie = new IEImpl(binder);


            Assert.IsTrue(ie.Assert(new Fact("operandA", new Individual(23))));
            Assert.IsTrue(ie.Assert(new Fact("operandB", new Individual(7))));


            Assert.AreEqual(4, ie.FactsCount);
            Assert.IsTrue(ie.FactExists(new Fact("resultA-B", new Individual(16))), "resultA-B is wrong");
            Assert.IsTrue(ie.FactExists(new Fact("resultB-A", new Individual(-16))), "resultB-A is wrong");
Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a specific list type from an adapter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Type of the list to return</typeparam>
        /// <param name="adapter">adapter to return the list from</param>
        /// <param name="listType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IList <T> GetAdaptersList <T>(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter, AdapterListType listType)
            switch (listType)
            case AdapterListType.Fact:
                return((IList <T>)adapter.Facts);

            case AdapterListType.Implication:
                return((IList <T>)adapter.Implications);

            case AdapterListType.Query:
                return((IList <T>)adapter.Queries);

            IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter extendedAdapter = adapter as IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter;

            if (adapter != null)
                switch (listType)
                case AdapterListType.Retraction:
                    return((IList <T>)extendedAdapter.Retractions);

                case AdapterListType.IntegrityQuery:
                    return((IList <T>)extendedAdapter.IntegrityQueries);

                case AdapterListType.Equivalent:
                    return((IList <T>)extendedAdapter.Equivalents);

                case AdapterListType.Assertion:
                    return((IList <T>)extendedAdapter.Assertions);

            return(new List <T>(0));
Beispiel #13
        private void CommonDiscountVisio2003(IRuleBaseAdapter rba)
            Assert.AreEqual(3, deducted, "(1) Deducted");
            Assert.AreEqual(6, ie.FactsCount, "(2) Total Facts Count");

            deductionsToCheck = new string[] { "Discount{Peter Miller,Honda,5.0}",
                                               "Discount{Peter Miller,Porsche,7.5}" };

            qrs = ie.RunQuery(new Query(new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And,
                                                      new Atom("Discount", new Variable("customer"),
                                                               new Variable("product"),
                                                               new Variable("amount")))));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, qrs.Count, "(1) Query Result Size");
            Assert.IsFalse(wrongDeduction, "(1) Query Results");

            // Spending JQDoe
            Assert.IsTrue(ie.Assert(new Fact("Spending",
                                             new Individual("John Q. Doe"),
                                             new Individual(2004),
                                             new Individual(123.45f))),
                          "jqdoeSpending asserted");

            Fact jqdoePremiumRating = new Fact("Customer Rating",
                                               new Individual("John Q. Doe"),
                                               new Individual("Premium"));

            Assert.IsTrue(ie.Assert(jqdoePremiumRating), "jqdoePremiumRating asserted");

            // SpendingJDupont
            Assert.IsTrue(ie.Assert(new Fact("Spending",
                                             new Individual("Jean Dupont"),
                                             new Individual(2004),
                                             new Individual(3245.25f))),
                          "jdupontSpending asserted");


            Assert.IsFalse(ie.FactExists(jqdoePremiumRating), "jqdoePremiumRating was retracted");

            Assert.AreEqual(4, deducted, "(2) Deducted");
            Assert.AreEqual(12, ie.FactsCount, "(2) Total Facts Count");

            // Run named queries
            deductionsToCheck = new string[] { "Discount{Peter Miller,Honda,5.0}",
                                               "Discount{Peter Miller,Porsche,7.5}",
                                               "Discount{Jean Dupont,Honda,5.0}",
                                               "Discount{Jean Dupont,Porsche,7.5}" };
            qrs = ie.RunQuery("Calculated Discounts");
            Assert.AreEqual(4, qrs.Count, "(2) Query Result Size");
            Assert.IsFalse(wrongDeduction, "(2) Query Results");

            deductionsToCheck = new string[] { "Customer Rating{Peter Miller,Premium}",
                                               "Customer Rating{John Q. Doe,Regular}",
                                               "Customer Rating{Jean Dupont,Premium}" };
            qrs = ie.RunQuery("Customer Ratings");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, qrs.Count, "(3) Query Result Size");
            Assert.IsFalse(wrongDeduction, "(3) Query Results");
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the WorkingMemory in a rule base.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adapter">The Adapter used to save the rule base.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The adapter will be disposed at the end of the method's execution.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <see cref="NxBRE.InferenceEngine.IO.IRuleBaseAdapter"/>
        public void SaveRuleBase(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter)

            if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineInformation) Logger.InferenceEngineSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "NxBRE Inference Engine Rule Base Saving Started, using adapter " + adapter.GetType().FullName);

            using(adapter) {
                // header
                adapter.Direction = Direction;
                adapter.Label = Label;

                IList<Query> queries = new List<Query>();
                foreach(Query query in QB)	queries.Add(query);
                adapter.Queries = queries;

                // implications
                IList<Implication> implications = new List<Implication>();
                foreach(Implication implication in IB) implications.Add(implication);
                adapter.Implications = implications;

                // build a collection of in-memory facts
                IList<Fact> factsInWorkingMemory = new List<Fact>();
                foreach(Fact fact in WM.FB)	factsInWorkingMemory.Add(fact);

                if (adapter is IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter) {
                    // equivalents & integrity queries, assertions and retractions, if supported
                    IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter extendedAdapter = (IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter)adapter;
                    extendedAdapter.Equivalents = equivalents;
                    extendedAdapter.IntegrityQueries = integrityQueries;
                    extendedAdapter.Assertions = factsInWorkingMemory;
                    //TODO FR-1546485: write facts retractions
                else {
                    // basic adapter facts output
                    adapter.Facts = factsInWorkingMemory;


            if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineInformation) Logger.InferenceEngineSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "NxBRE Inference Engine Rule Base Saving Finished");
Beispiel #15
        private void RunTestBoundFormulas(IBinder binder, IRuleBaseAdapter rba)
            // regression test for RFE 1504353
            IInferenceEngine ie = new IEImpl(binder);

              Assert.IsTrue(ie.Assert(new Fact("operandA", new Individual(23))));
              Assert.IsTrue(ie.Assert(new Fact("operandB", new Individual(7))));


              Assert.AreEqual(4, ie.FactsCount);
              Assert.IsTrue(ie.FactExists(new Fact("resultA-B", new Individual(16))), "resultA-B is wrong");
              Assert.IsTrue(ie.FactExists(new Fact("resultB-A", new Individual(-16))), "resultB-A is wrong");
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads a rule base. The working memory is reset (all facts are lost).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adapter">The Adapter used to read the rule base.</param>
 /// <param name="processPerformatives">Immediatly process the performative actions (assert, retract) found in the rule base.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The adapter will be disposed at the end of the method's execution.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <see cref="NxBRE.InferenceEngine.IO.IRuleBaseAdapter"/>
 public void LoadRuleBase(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter, bool processPerformatives)
     LoadRuleBase(adapter, Binder, processPerformatives);
Beispiel #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a rule base. The working memory is reset (all facts are lost).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adapter">The Adapter used to read the rule base.</param>
        /// <param name="businessObjectsBinder">The business object binder that the engine must use.</param>
        /// <param name="processPerformatives">Immediatly process the performative actions (assert, retract) found in the rule base.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The adapter will be disposed at the end of the method's execution.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <see cref="NxBRE.InferenceEngine.IO.IRuleBaseAdapter"/>
        public void LoadRuleBase(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter, IBinder businessObjectsBinder, bool processPerformatives)
            if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineInformation) Logger.InferenceEngineSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "NxBRE Inference Engine Rule Base Loading Started, using adapter " + adapter.GetType().FullName);

            using(adapter) {
                // reset the WM

                // sets the Binder
                Binder = businessObjectsBinder;

                // and pass it to the adapter if needed
                if (Binder != null) adapter.Binder = Binder;

                // currently only forward chaining is supported
                direction = adapter.Direction;
                if (direction == "backward") {
                    throw new BREException("NxBRE does not support backward chaining");
                else if (direction == String.Empty) {
                    if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineWarning) Logger.InferenceEngineSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, 0, "NxBRE interprets no-direction directive as forward chaining.");
                else if (direction == "bidirectional") {
                    if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineWarning) Logger.InferenceEngineSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, 0, "NxBRE interprets bidirectional as forward chaining.");
                else if (direction != "forward") {
                    throw new BREException("NxBRE does not support direction: " + direction);

                // sets the label
                label = adapter.Label;

                // load the Equivalents and IntegrityQueries if the adapter supports it
                IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter extendedAdapter = null;
                if (adapter is IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter) {
                    extendedAdapter = (IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter)adapter;

                    equivalents = extendedAdapter.Equivalents;
                    if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineVerbose) Logger.InferenceEngineSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "Loaded " + equivalents.Count + " Equivalents");

                    integrityQueries = extendedAdapter.IntegrityQueries;
                    if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineVerbose) Logger.InferenceEngineSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "Loaded " + integrityQueries.Count + " IntegrityQueries");
                else {
                    equivalents = new List<Equivalent>(0);
                    integrityQueries = new List<Query>(0);

                // instantiate the different storage
                ib = new ImplicationBase();
                qb = new QueryBase();

                // instantiate the related managers
                mm = new MutexManager(IB);
                pm = new PreconditionManager(IB);

                // load queries
                foreach(Query query in adapter.Queries) QB.Add(query);
                if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineVerbose) Logger.InferenceEngineSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "Loaded " + QB.Count + " Queries");

                // load implications
                foreach(Implication implication in adapter.Implications) IB.Add(implication);
                if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineVerbose) Logger.InferenceEngineSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "Loaded " + IB.Count + " Implications\n");

                // load mutexes
                if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineVerbose) Logger.InferenceEngineSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "Loaded Mutexes\n" + mm.ToString());

                // load preconditions
                if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineVerbose) Logger.InferenceEngineSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "Loaded Preconditions\n" + pm.ToString());

                initialized = true;

                // load facts assertions
                performativeAssertions = new List<Fact>((extendedAdapter!=null)?extendedAdapter.Assertions:adapter.Facts);
                //TODO FR-1546485: load facts retractions
                if (processPerformatives) ProcessPerfomatives();
                if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineVerbose) Logger.InferenceEngineSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "Loaded " + WM.FB.Count + " Facts");

                // finish the WM init

            } //end: using adapter

            if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineInformation) Logger.InferenceEngineSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "NxBRE Inference Engine Rule Base Loading Finished");
Beispiel #18
            public void LoadRules()
                // prepare the rule base adapter for reading the rule file
                var ruleFileFullPath = configurationFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + RuleFile;

                if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineVerbose)
                                                            "Loading rule file: "
                                                            + ruleFileFullPath
                                                            + " of format: "
                                                            + engineConfiguration.Rules.Format);

                IRuleBaseAdapter ruleBaseAdapter = null;

                switch (engineConfiguration.Rules.Format)
                case RulesFormat.HRF086:
                    ruleBaseAdapter = new HRF086Adapter(ruleFileFullPath, FileAccess.Read);

                case RulesFormat.RuleML08Datalog:
                    ruleBaseAdapter = new RuleML08DatalogAdapter(ruleFileFullPath, FileAccess.Read);

                case RulesFormat.RuleML086Datalog:
                    ruleBaseAdapter = new RuleML086DatalogAdapter(ruleFileFullPath, FileAccess.Read);

                case RulesFormat.RuleML086NafDatalog:
                    ruleBaseAdapter = new RuleML086NafDatalogAdapter(ruleFileFullPath, FileAccess.Read);

                case RulesFormat.RuleML09NafDatalog:
                    ruleBaseAdapter = new RuleML09NafDatalogAdapter(ruleFileFullPath, FileAccess.Read);

                case RulesFormat.Visio2003:
                    ruleBaseAdapter = new Visio2003Adapter(ruleFileFullPath, FileAccess.Read);

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                // estimate if a binder is present
                if (engineConfiguration.Binder != null)
                    var binder = engineConfiguration.Binder as CSharpBinderConfiguration;
                    if (binder != null)
                        var cSharpBinderConfiguration = binder;
                        binderFile = cSharpBinderConfiguration.File;

                        if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineVerbose)
                            Logger.InferenceEngineSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "Using CSharp binder file: " + binderFile);

                        // we load the binder code in a string and then compile it: this method is more reliable than
                        // providing a file path directly
                        using (var sr = File.OpenText(configurationFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + binderFile))
                            engine.LoadRuleBase(ruleBaseAdapter, CSharpBinderFactory.LoadFromString(cSharpBinderConfiguration.Class, sr.ReadToEnd()));
                    else if (engineConfiguration.Binder is VisualBasicBinderConfiguration)
                        var visualBasicBinderConfiguration = (VisualBasicBinderConfiguration)engineConfiguration.Binder;
                        binderFile = visualBasicBinderConfiguration.File;

                        if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineVerbose)
                            Logger.InferenceEngineSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "Using Visual Basic binder file: " + binderFile);

                        // we load the binder code in a string and then compile it: this method is more reliable than
                        // providing a file path directly
                        using (StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(configurationFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + binderFile))
                            engine.LoadRuleBase(ruleBaseAdapter, VisualBasicBinderFactory.LoadFromString(visualBasicBinderConfiguration.Class, sr.ReadToEnd()));
                    else if (engineConfiguration.Binder is FlowEngineBinderConfiguration)
                        FlowEngineBinderConfiguration flowEngineBinderConfiguration = (FlowEngineBinderConfiguration)engineConfiguration.Binder;
                        binderFile = flowEngineBinderConfiguration.File;

                        if (Logger.IsInferenceEngineVerbose)
                            Logger.InferenceEngineSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "Using FlowEngine binder file: " + binderFile);

                        engine.LoadRuleBase(ruleBaseAdapter, new NxBRE.InferenceEngine.IO.FlowEngineBinder(configurationFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + binderFile, flowEngineBinderConfiguration.Type));
                        throw new BREException("Unexpected type of binder object in registry configuration: " + engineConfiguration.Binder.GetType().FullName);
                    // no binder specified
                    binderFile = null;
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a rule base. The working memory is reset (all facts are lost).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adapter">The Adapter used to read the rule base.</param>
        /// <param name="businessObjectsBinder">The business object binder that the engine must use.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The adapter will be disposed at the end of the method's execution.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <see cref=""/>
        public void LoadRuleBase(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter, IBinder businessObjectsBinder)
            if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE Inference Engine Rule Base Loading Started, using adapter " + adapter.GetType().FullName,

            using(adapter) {
                // reset the WM

                // sets the Binder
                Binder = businessObjectsBinder;

                // and pass it to the adapter if needed
                if (Binder != null) adapter.Binder = Binder;

                // currently only forward chaining is supported
                direction = adapter.Direction;
                if (direction == "backward")
                    throw new BREException("NxBRE does not support backward chaining");
                else if (direction == String.Empty)
                    if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE interprets no-direction directive as forward chaining.", LogEventImpl.WARN);
                else if (direction == "bidirectional")
                    if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE interprets bidirectional as forward chaining.", LogEventImpl.WARN);
                else if (direction != "forward")
                    throw new BREException("NxBRE does not support direction: "+direction);

                // sets the label
                label = adapter.Label;

                // load the Equivalents and IntegrityQueries if the adapter supports it
                if (adapter is IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter) {
                    equivalents = ((IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter)adapter).Equivalents;
                    if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("Loaded " + equivalents.Count + " Equivalents", LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                    integrityQueries = ((IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter)adapter).IntegrityQueries;
                    foreach(Query integrityQuery in integrityQueries) WM.FB.RegisterAtoms(integrityQuery.AtomGroup.AllAtoms);

                    if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("Loaded " + integrityQueries.Count + " IntegrityQueries", LogEventImpl.DEBUG);
                else {
                    equivalents = new ArrayList();
                    integrityQueries = equivalents;

                // instantiate the implication base and the query base
                ib = new ImplicationBase();
                qb = new QueryBase();

                // instantiate the related managers
                mm = new MutexManager(IB);
                pm = new PreconditionManager(IB);
                initialized = true;

                // load queries
                foreach(Query query in adapter.Queries) {
                if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("Loaded " + QB.Count + " Queries", LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                // load implications
                foreach(Implication implication in adapter.Implications) {
                    int nbRA = WM.FB.RegisterAtoms(implication.AtomGroup.AllAtoms);
                    if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("Registered: " + nbRA + " body atoms", LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                    // modifying implication must run searches based on their deduction, so must register the atom
                    if (implication.Action == ImplicationAction.Modify) {
                        nbRA = WM.FB.RegisterAtoms(implication.Deduction);
                        if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("Registered: " + nbRA + " head atoms", LogEventImpl.DEBUG);
                if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("Loaded " + IB.Count + " Implications\n", LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                // load mutexes
                if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("Loaded Mutexes\n" + mm.ToString(), LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                // load preconditions
                if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("Loaded Preconditions\n" + pm.ToString(), LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                // load facts
                foreach(Fact fact in adapter.Facts) Assert(fact);
                if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("Loaded " + WM.FB.Count + " Facts", LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                // finish the WM init

            } //end: using adapter
            if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE Inference Engine Rule Base Loading Finished", LogEventImpl.INFO);
Beispiel #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads a rule base. The working memory is reset (all facts are lost).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adapter">The Adapter used to read the rule base.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The adapter will be disposed at the end of the method's execution.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <see cref=""/>
 public void LoadRuleBase(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter)
     LoadRuleBase(adapter, Binder);
Beispiel #21
		/// <summary>
		/// Save facts of the current working memory. Current implications, facts and queries
		/// remain unchanged.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// The adapter will be disposed at the end of the method's execution.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="adapter">The Adapter used to save the fact base.</param>
		public void SaveFacts(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter) {
			if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE Inference Engine Facts Saving Started, using adapter " + adapter.GetType().FullName,
			using(adapter) {
				// header
				adapter.Direction = Direction;
				adapter.Label = Label;
				// facts
				ArrayList facts = new ArrayList();
				foreach(Fact fact in WM.FB)	facts.Add(fact);
				adapter.Facts = facts;
			} //end: using adapter
			if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE Inference Engine Facts Saving Finished", LogEventImpl.INFO);
Beispiel #22
        private void PerformCountingImpFunctionRelSupport(IRuleBaseAdapter irba, bool withBinder)

            deductionsToCheck = new string[] {"Result{Physics,Passed}", "Result{Poetry,Passed}",
                                                                                "Result Count{2,Passed}"};
              	NewFactEvent henf = new NewFactEvent(HandleExpectedNewFact);
              	ie.NewFactHandler += henf;
              	Process(withBinder?new Hashtable():null);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, deducted, "(1) Deducted");
            Assert.IsFalse(wrongDeduction, "(1) Deductions OK");
              	ie.NewFactHandler -= henf;

            // let's turn maths failure into success
            ie.Retract("Maths Score");
            ie.Assert(new Fact("Score", new Individual("Maths"), new Individual(88)));
            deductionsToCheck = new string[] {"Result{Physics,Passed}", "Result{Poetry,Passed}",
                                                                                "Result{Maths,Passed}", "Result Count{3,Passed}",
                                                                                "Graduation Success{}"};
              	henf = new NewFactEvent(HandleExpectedNewFact);
              	ie.NewFactHandler += henf;
            Process(withBinder?new Hashtable():null);
            Assert.AreEqual(5, deducted, "(2) Deducted");
            Assert.IsFalse(wrongDeduction, "(2) Deductions OK");
              	ie.NewFactHandler -= henf;

            deductionsToCheck = null;
Beispiel #23
        private void PerformNafSupport(IRuleBaseAdapter irba)

            deductionsToCheck = new string[] {"Detector In Room{A102}", "Detector In Room{A100}",
                                                                                "Firemen In Room{A102}"};
            qrs = ie.RunQuery("Safe Room List");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, qrs.Count, "(1) Safe Room List: Count");
            Assert.IsFalse(wrongDeduction, "(1) Safe Room List Deductions OK");

            deductionsToCheck = new string[] {"Alarm Fault In Room{Smoke Detected,A100}",
                                                                                "Safe Room{A102}"};
              	NewFactEvent henf = new NewFactEvent(HandleExpectedNewFact);
              	ie.NewFactHandler += henf;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, deducted, "Deducted");
            Assert.IsFalse(wrongDeduction, "Deductions OK");
              	ie.NewFactHandler -= henf;

            deductionsToCheck = new string[] {"Detector In Room{A102}", "Firemen In Room{A102}"};
            qrs = ie.RunQuery("Safe Room List");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, qrs.Count, "(2) Safe Room List: Count");
            Assert.IsFalse(wrongDeduction, "(2) Safe Room List Deductions OK");

            deductionsToCheck = null;
Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a rule base. The working memory is reset (all facts are lost).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adapter">The Adapter used to read the rule base.</param>
        /// <param name="businessObjectsBinder">The business object binder that the engine must use.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The adapter will be disposed at the end of the method's execution.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <see cref=""/>
        public void LoadRuleBase(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter, IBinder businessObjectsBinder)
            if (HasLogListener)
                ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE Inference Engine Rule Base Loading Started, using adapter " + adapter.GetType().FullName,

            using (adapter) {
                // reset the WM

                // sets the Binder
                Binder = businessObjectsBinder;

                // and pass it to the adapter if needed
                if (Binder != null)
                    adapter.Binder = Binder;

                // currently only forward chaining is supported
                direction = adapter.Direction;
                if (direction == "backward")
                    throw new BREException("NxBRE does not support backward chaining");
                else if (direction == String.Empty)
                    if (HasLogListener)
                        ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE interprets no-direction directive as forward chaining.", LogEventImpl.WARN);
                    else if (direction == "bidirectional")
                        if (HasLogListener)
                            ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE interprets bidirectional as forward chaining.", LogEventImpl.WARN);
                        else if (direction != "forward")
                            throw new BREException("NxBRE does not support direction: " + direction);

                // sets the label
                label = adapter.Label;

                // load the Equivalents and IntegrityQueries if the adapter supports it
                if (adapter is IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter)
                    equivalents = ((IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter)adapter).Equivalents;
                    if (HasLogListener)
                        ForceDispatchLog("Loaded " + equivalents.Count + " Equivalents", LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                    integrityQueries = ((IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter)adapter).IntegrityQueries;
                    foreach (Query integrityQuery in integrityQueries)

                    if (HasLogListener)
                        ForceDispatchLog("Loaded " + integrityQueries.Count + " IntegrityQueries", LogEventImpl.DEBUG);
                    equivalents      = new ArrayList();
                    integrityQueries = equivalents;

                // instantiate the implication base and the query base
                ib = new ImplicationBase();
                qb = new QueryBase();

                // instantiate the related managers
                mm          = new MutexManager(IB);
                pm          = new PreconditionManager(IB);
                initialized = true;

                // load queries
                foreach (Query query in adapter.Queries)
                if (HasLogListener)
                    ForceDispatchLog("Loaded " + QB.Count + " Queries", LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                // load implications
                foreach (Implication implication in adapter.Implications)
                    int nbRA = WM.FB.RegisterAtoms(implication.AtomGroup.AllAtoms);
                    if (HasLogListener)
                        ForceDispatchLog("Registered: " + nbRA + " body atoms", LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                    // modifying implication must run searches based on their deduction, so must register the atom
                    if (implication.Action == ImplicationAction.Modify)
                        nbRA = WM.FB.RegisterAtoms(implication.Deduction);
                        if (HasLogListener)
                            ForceDispatchLog("Registered: " + nbRA + " head atoms", LogEventImpl.DEBUG);
                if (HasLogListener)
                    ForceDispatchLog("Loaded " + IB.Count + " Implications\n", LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                // load mutexes
                if (HasLogListener)
                    ForceDispatchLog("Loaded Mutexes\n" + mm.ToString(), LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                // load preconditions
                if (HasLogListener)
                    ForceDispatchLog("Loaded Preconditions\n" + pm.ToString(), LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                // load facts
                foreach (Fact fact in adapter.Facts)
                if (HasLogListener)
                    ForceDispatchLog("Loaded " + WM.FB.Count + " Facts", LogEventImpl.DEBUG);

                // finish the WM init
            }             //end: using adapter
            if (HasLogListener)
                ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE Inference Engine Rule Base Loading Finished", LogEventImpl.INFO);
Beispiel #25
        private void CommonDiscountVisio2003(IRuleBaseAdapter rba)
            Assert.AreEqual(3, deducted, "(1) Deducted");
            Assert.AreEqual(6, ie.FactsCount, "(2) Total Facts Count");

            deductionsToCheck = new string[] {"Discount{Peter Miller,Honda,5.0}",
                                                                                "Discount{Peter Miller,Porsche,7.5}"};

            qrs = ie.RunQuery(new Query(new AtomGroup(AtomGroup.LogicalOperator.And,
                                                      new Atom("Discount", new Variable("customer"),
                                                                              				 new Variable("product"),
                                                                              				 new Variable("amount")))));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, qrs.Count, "(1) Query Result Size");
            Assert.IsFalse(wrongDeduction, "(1) Query Results");

            // Spending JQDoe
            Assert.IsTrue(ie.Assert(new Fact("Spending",
                                  new Individual("John Q. Doe"),
                     						  new Individual(2004),
                     						  new Individual(123.45f))),
                     		"jqdoeSpending asserted");

            Fact jqdoePremiumRating = new Fact("Customer Rating",
                                               new Individual("John Q. Doe"),
                                               new Individual("Premium"));

            Assert.IsTrue(ie.Assert(jqdoePremiumRating), "jqdoePremiumRating asserted");

            // SpendingJDupont
            Assert.IsTrue(ie.Assert(new Fact("Spending",
                                        new Individual("Jean Dupont"),
                         						new Individual(2004),
                         						new Individual(3245.25f))),
                     		"jdupontSpending asserted");


            Assert.IsFalse(ie.FactExists(jqdoePremiumRating), "jqdoePremiumRating was retracted");

            Assert.AreEqual(4, deducted, "(2) Deducted");
            Assert.AreEqual(12, ie.FactsCount, "(2) Total Facts Count");

            // Run named queries
            deductionsToCheck = new string[] {"Discount{Peter Miller,Honda,5.0}",
                                                                                "Discount{Peter Miller,Porsche,7.5}",
                                                                                "Discount{Jean Dupont,Honda,5.0}",
                                                                                "Discount{Jean Dupont,Porsche,7.5}"};
            qrs = ie.RunQuery("Calculated Discounts");
            Assert.AreEqual(4, qrs.Count, "(2) Query Result Size");
            Assert.IsFalse(wrongDeduction, "(2) Query Results");

            deductionsToCheck = new string[] {"Customer Rating{Peter Miller,Premium}",
                                                                                "Customer Rating{John Q. Doe,Regular}",
                                                                                "Customer Rating{Jean Dupont,Premium}"};
            qrs = ie.RunQuery("Customer Ratings");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, qrs.Count, "(3) Query Result Size");
            Assert.IsFalse(wrongDeduction, "(3) Query Results");
Beispiel #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the WorkingMemory in a rule base.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adapter">The Adapter used to save the rule base.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The adapter will be disposed at the end of the method's execution.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <see cref=""/>
        public void SaveRuleBase(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter)
            if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE Inference Engine Rule Base Saving Started, using adapter " + adapter.GetType().FullName,

            using(adapter) {
                // header
                adapter.Direction = Direction;
                adapter.Label = Label;

                ArrayList queries = new ArrayList();
                foreach(Query query in QB)	queries.Add(query);
                adapter.Queries = queries;

                // implications
                ArrayList implications = new ArrayList();
                foreach(Implication implication in IB) implications.Add(implication);
                adapter.Implications = implications;

                // equivalents & integrity queries if supported
                if (adapter is IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter) {
                    ((IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter)adapter).Equivalents = equivalents;
                    ((IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter)adapter).IntegrityQueries = integrityQueries;

                // facts
                ArrayList facts = new ArrayList();
                foreach(Fact fact in WM.FB)	facts.Add(fact);
                adapter.Facts = facts;

            if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE Inference Engine Rule Base Saving Finished", LogEventImpl.INFO);
Beispiel #27
		/// <summary>
		/// Load facts in the current working memory. Current implications, facts and queries
		/// remain unchanged.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// The adapter will be disposed at the end of the method's execution.
		/// </remarks>
		/// <param name="adapter">The Adapter used to read the fact base.</param>
		public void LoadFacts(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter) {
			if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE Inference Engine Facts Loading Started, using adapter " + adapter.GetType().FullName,
			using(adapter) {
				// sets the eventual Binder
				if (Binder != null) adapter.Binder = Binder;

				// load facts
				int initialFactsCount = WM.FB.Count;
				foreach(Fact fact in adapter.Facts) Assert(fact);
				if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("Added " + (WM.FB.Count - initialFactsCount) + " new Facts", LogEventImpl.DEBUG);
			} //end: using adapter
			if (HasLogListener) ForceDispatchLog("NxBRE Inference Engine Facts Loading Finished", LogEventImpl.INFO);
Beispiel #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads a rule base and process the performatives. The working memory is reset (all facts are lost).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adapter">The Adapter used to read the rule base.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The adapter will be disposed at the end of the method's execution.
 /// This is equivalent to calling: <code>LoadRuleBase(adapter, true)</code>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <see cref="NxBRE.InferenceEngine.IO.IRuleBaseAdapter"/>
 public void LoadRuleBase(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter)
     LoadRuleBase(adapter, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a specific list type from an adapter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Type of the list to return</typeparam>
        /// <param name="adapter">adapter to return the list from</param>
        /// <param name="listType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IList <T> GetAdaptersList <T>(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter, AdapterListType listType)
            switch (listType)
            case AdapterListType.Fact:
                return((IList <T>)adapter.Facts);

            case AdapterListType.Implication:
                return((IList <T>)adapter.Implications);

            case AdapterListType.Query:
                return((IList <T>)adapter.Queries);

            case AdapterListType.Assertion:

            case AdapterListType.Retraction:

            case AdapterListType.Equivalent:

            case AdapterListType.IntegrityQuery:

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(listType), listType, null);

            var extendedAdapter = adapter as IExtendedRuleBaseAdapter;

            if (adapter == null)
                return(new List <T>(0));
            switch (listType)
            case AdapterListType.Retraction:
                return((IList <T>)extendedAdapter.Retractions);

            case AdapterListType.IntegrityQuery:
                return((IList <T>)extendedAdapter.IntegrityQueries);

            case AdapterListType.Equivalent:
                return((IList <T>)extendedAdapter.Equivalents);

            case AdapterListType.Assertion:
                return((IList <T>)extendedAdapter.Assertions);

            case AdapterListType.Fact:

            case AdapterListType.Query:

            case AdapterListType.Implication:

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(listType), listType, null);

            return(new List <T>(0));
Beispiel #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads a rule base and process the performatives. The working memory is reset (all facts are lost).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adapter">The Adapter used to read the rule base.</param>
 /// <param name="businessObjectsBinder">The business object binder that the engine must use.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The adapter will be disposed at the end of the method's execution.
 /// This is equivalent to calling: <code>LoadRuleBase(adapter, businessObjectsBinder, true)</code>
 /// </remarks>
 /// <see cref="NxBRE.InferenceEngine.IO.IRuleBaseAdapter"/>
 public void LoadRuleBase(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter, IBinder businessObjectsBinder)
     LoadRuleBase(adapter, businessObjectsBinder, true);
Beispiel #31
        private void PerformChocolateBoxTwiddling(IRuleBaseAdapter irba, bool withBinder)

            Process(withBinder?new Hashtable():null);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, deducted, "Deducted");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, deleted, "Deleted");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, modified, "Modified");

            Assert.AreEqual("Chocolate_Box_Weight{MyBox,2.5}", ie.GetFact("Total Weight").ToString(), "Total Weight OK");
Beispiel #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads a rule base. The working memory is reset (all facts are lost).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adapter">The Adapter used to read the rule base.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// The adapter will be disposed at the end of the method's execution.
 /// </remarks>
 /// <see cref=""/>
 public void LoadRuleBase(IRuleBaseAdapter adapter)
     LoadRuleBase(adapter, Binder);