Beispiel #1
        public async Task HandleAsync <TCommand>(TCommand command)
            Ensure.NotNull(command, "command");
            Type            commandType = command.GetType();
            RouteDefinition route;

            if (routeTable.TryGet(commandType, out route))
                using (HttpClient httpClient = httpAdapter.PrepareHttpClient(route))
                    // Prepare content and send request.
                    ObjectContent       objectContent = httpAdapter.PrepareObjectContent(command, route);
                    HttpResponseMessage response      = await httpAdapter.Execute(httpClient, objectContent, route);

                    //TODO: Process HTTP status errors.

            throw Ensure.Exception.InvalidOperation("Unnable to preces command without registered URL route, command type is '{0}'.", commandType.FullName);
Beispiel #2
        public bool TryGet(Type inputType, out RouteDefinition route)
            if (routeTable.TryGet(inputType, out route))
                // If URL in route is absolute, nothing is needed.
                Uri url;
                if (Uri.TryCreate(route.Url, UriKind.Absolute, out url))

                if (route.Url.StartsWith("~/"))
                    string relativeUrl = route.Url.Substring(1);
                    route = new RouteDefinition(baseUrl + relativeUrl, route.Method, route.Serialization);

            route = null;
        public async Task <TOutput> QueryAsync <TOutput>(IQuery <TOutput> query)
            Ensure.NotNull(query, "query");
            Type            queryType = query.GetType();
            RouteDefinition route;

            if (routeTable.TryGet(queryType, out route))
                using (HttpClient httpClient = httpAdapter.PrepareHttpClient(route))
                    // Prepare content and send request.
                    ObjectContent       objectContent = httpAdapter.PrepareObjectContent(query, route);
                    HttpResponseMessage response      = await httpAdapter.Execute(httpClient, objectContent, route);

                    // Parse output.
                    TOutput output = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <TOutput>();


            throw Ensure.Exception.InvalidOperation("Unnable to preces query without registered URL route, query type is '{0}'.", queryType.FullName);