Beispiel #1
            /// <inheritdoc/>
            public int[][] GetToPaths(int n)
                int[][] paths = parent.GetToPaths(n);
                int     i     = parentObject.distTo[v];

                // for all paths from the parent set the vertex at the given index
                foreach (int[] path in paths)
                    path[i] = v;

Beispiel #2
            /// <inheritdoc/>
            public int[][] GetToPaths(int n)
                // get all shortest paths from the left and right
                int[][] leftPaths  = left.GetToPaths(n);
                int[][] rightPaths = right.GetToPaths(n);

                // expand the left paths to a capacity which can also accommodate the right paths
                int[][] paths = new int[leftPaths.Length + rightPaths.Length][];
                Array.Copy(leftPaths, paths, leftPaths.Length);

                // copy the right paths in to the expanded left paths
                Array.Copy(rightPaths, 0, paths, leftPaths.Length, rightPaths.Length);
