Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestProcessors">List of <see cref="IRequestProcessor"/> that could process requests.</param>
        public MessageBus(IRequestProcessor[] requestProcessors)
            if ((requestProcessors == null) || (requestProcessors.Length == 0)) throw new ArgumentException("requestProcessors should have at least one IRequestProcessor.");

            this.requestProcessors = requestProcessors;
        public OneWayRequestSuite()
            : base(40, 20)
            IoC.Container = new Agatha.Unity.Container();

            serviceLayerConfiguration = new ServiceLayerConfiguration(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), IoC.Container)
                                                BusinessExceptionType = typeof(BusinessException),
                                                SecurityExceptionType = typeof(SecurityException),
                                                CacheManagerImplementation = typeof(CacheManagerSpy)

            // i want to take advantage of the automatic initialization, so i'm just resolving the requestprocessor instead of creating it
            requestProcessor = IoC.Container.Resolve<IRequestProcessor>();
            // the cache manager is a singleton so i can just resolve it and it'll be the same one the request processor uses
            cacheManager = (CacheManagerSpy)IoC.Container.Resolve<ICacheManager>();

            firstOneWayRequestHandler = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IOneWayRequestHandler<FirstOneWayRequest>>();
            secondOneWayRequestHandler = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IOneWayRequestHandler<SecondOneWayRequest>>();
            thirdOneWayRequestHandler = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IOneWayRequestHandler<ThirdOneWayRequest>>();

Beispiel #3
 public HttpServer(Uri uri)
     _uri = uri;
     _scheduler = KayakScheduler.Factory.Create(new SchedulerDelegate());
     _requestProcessor = new RequestProcessor(new EndpointMatchingRule(), new RequestHandlerList());
     _requestWasCalled = new RequestWasCalled(_requestProcessor);
     _requestWasNotCalled = new RequestWasNotCalled(_requestProcessor);
     _requestHandlerFactory = new RequestHandlerFactory(_requestProcessor);
 public RequestProcessor(HttpListenerContext context, Dictionary<string, IRequestProcessor> processors,
     IRequestProcessor defaultProcessor, ICustomLogger logger)
     _logger = logger;
         var result = HttpStatusCode.OK;
         result = !processors.ContainsKey(context.Request.Url.LocalPath.ToLower())
             ? defaultProcessor.Process(context, null)
             : processors[context.Request.Url.LocalPath.ToLower()].Process(context, _presenter);
         _logger.LogRequest(context.Request.HttpMethod, context.Request.Url.ToString(), result);
     catch (MethodNotAllowedException ex)
         var result = _presenter.FormatError(HttpStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed, ex.Message);
         var responseArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result);
         context.Response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed;
         context.Response.ContentType = "text/html; charset=utf-8";
         context.Response.ContentLength64 = responseArray.Length;
         context.Response.OutputStream.Write(responseArray, 0, responseArray.Length);
         _logger.LogRequest(ex.RequestedMethod, ex.Query, HttpStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed);
     catch (MissedParamsException ex)
         var result = _presenter.FormatError(HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, ex.Message);
         var responseArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result);
         context.Response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.Forbidden;
         context.Response.ContentType = "text/html; charset=utf-8";
         context.Response.ContentLength64 = responseArray.Length;
         context.Response.OutputStream.Write(responseArray, 0, responseArray.Length);
         _logger.LogRequest(context.Request.HttpMethod, ex.Query, HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);
     catch (ArgumentNullException ex)
     catch (Exception ex)
         if (context != null)
             context.Response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
 public OccurrencesAdminListView(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
 // For testing only
 internal void Initialize(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     _requestProcessor       = requestProcessor;
     _http1Connection        = requestProcessor as Http1Connection;
     _protocolSelectionState = ProtocolSelectionState.Selected;
 public ProviderDataProxy(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
 public RegistrationFormListView(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// utility method to perform HTTP POST for Twitter requests with side-effects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">URL of request</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">parameters to post</param>
        /// <param name="requestProcessor">IRequestProcessor to handle response</param>
        /// <returns>response from server, handled by the requestProcessor</returns>
        public IList ExecuteTwitter(string url, Dictionary <string, string> parameters, IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
            string paramsJoined = string.Empty;

            paramsJoined =
                    (from param in parameters
                     where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(param.Value)
                     select param.Key + "=" + OAuthTwitter.OAuthParameterUrlEncode(param.Value))

            url += "?" + paramsJoined;

            var req = WebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest;

            if (AuthorizedViaOAuth)
                    OAuthTwitter.GetOAuthAuthorizationHeader(url, null));
                req.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(UserName, Password);

            var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(paramsJoined);

            req.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
            req.Method        = "POST";
            req.ContentType   = "x-www-form-urlencoded";
            req.UserAgent     = UserAgent;
            req.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;

            string responseXML;

            using (var reqStream = req.GetRequestStream())
                reqStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                WebResponse resp = null;

                    resp = req.GetResponse();

                    using (var respStream = resp.GetResponseStream())
                        using (var respRdr = new StreamReader(respStream))
                            responseXML = respRdr.ReadToEnd();
                catch (WebException wex)
                    var twitterQueryEx = CreateTwitterQueryException(wex);
                    throw twitterQueryEx;
                    if (resp != null)

            var responseXElem = XElement.Parse(responseXML);
            var results       = requestProcessor.ProcessResults(responseXElem);

 public EventTypeAdminDetailView(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
 public RequestBehaviorBuilder WithRequest(Action <ActualRequest> action, Func <ActualRequest, bool> matchFunc = null)
     processor = new RequestProcessor(matchFunc ?? (r => true), action);
 public RequestBehaviorBuilder WithMultipartRequest(Action <ActualRequest <MultipartContentProvider> > action)
     processor = new RequestProcessor <MultipartContentProvider>((r => true), action);
Beispiel #13
        public Stream ProcessRequest(HttpContextServiceHost ctx)
            DateTime  startTime       = DateTime.Now;
            bool      logged          = false;
            Exception raisedException = null;

                    // Intialize the service host first, since most of the logic depends on it.
                    _serviceHost = ctx;// new HttpContextServiceHost(messageBody);

                    // Create the configuration. The first call will initialize the configuration
                    // and all other calls will be a no-op.

                    // Raise event for user code
                    _requestDescription = new RequestParser(_serviceHost, _syncConfiguration).ParseIncomingRequest();

                    string email;
                    Guid   userId = Logon(ctx, out email);
                    ctx.UserId    = userId.ToString();
                    ctx.UserEMail = email;

                    Common.Logon.CheckLicense(CurrentScope(), ctx.Headers["deviceId"]);
                    Common.Logon.CheckCoreVersion(CurrentScope(), ctx.Headers["coreversion"]);
                    ctx.ResourceVersion = Common.Logon.GetResourceVersion(CurrentScope());

                    //add request parameters
                    _requestDescription.RequestParams = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    _requestDescription.RequestParams.Add("@UserId", userId);

                    if (null == _requestDescription.SyncBlob || 0 == _requestDescription.SyncBlob.Length)
                        InitializeNewClient(userId, "Default");

                    _requestProcessor = RequestProcessorFactory.GetRequestProcessorInstance(_requestDescription.RequestCommand, _syncConfiguration, _serviceHost);

                    _outgoingMessage = _requestProcessor.ProcessRequest(_requestDescription);

                    // Add sync properties
                    var responseProperties = _outgoingMessage.Properties[HttpResponseMessageProperty.Name] as HttpResponseMessageProperty;
                    if (null != responseProperties)
                        responseProperties.Headers[SyncServiceConstants.SYNC_SERVICE_VERSION_KEY] = SyncServiceConstants.SYNC_SERVICE_VERSION_VALUE;
                        responseProperties.Headers[SyncServiceConstants.SYNC_SERVICE_USERID]      = userId.ToString();

                    // Raise event for user code
                catch (SyncServiceException syncServiceException)
                    raisedException = syncServiceException;
                    ProcessSyncServiceException(ctx, syncServiceException); //_outgoingMessage is set inside
                catch (DbSyncException dbSyncException)
                    raisedException = dbSyncException;
                    if (dbSyncException.Message.StartsWith("Cannot find a valid scope"))
                        _outgoingMessage = CreateExceptionMessage(ctx, HttpStatusCode.Conflict, dbSyncException.Message);
                        _outgoingMessage = CreateExceptionMessageEx(dbSyncException, ctx);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    if (WebUtil.IsFatalException(exception))

                    raisedException = exception;
                    if (_outgoingMessage == null)
                        _outgoingMessage = CreateExceptionMessageEx(exception, ctx);

                    if (_outgoingMessage == null)
                        _outgoingMessage = CreateMessageFromUnhandledException(ctx, exception);

                return(MessageToStream(_outgoingMessage, ctx));
                if (!logged)
                    logged = LogRequestInfo(startTime, ctx.Headers);
                if (raisedException != null)
                LogToDb(_requestDescription.RequestCommand, ctx, startTime, ctx.Headers, raisedException);
 public Func <IEnumerable <ActualRequest <T> > > RetrieveAll <T>(T schema = default(T))
     processor = processor ?? new AlwaysMatchProcessor <T>();
     return(() => processor.Matches.OfType <ActualRequest <T> >());
 public Func <IEnumerable <ActualRequest> > RetrieveAll()
     processor = processor ?? new AlwaysMatchProcessor();
     return(() => processor.Matches.OfType <ActualRequest>());
 public Func <ActualRequest> Retrieve()
     processor = processor ?? new AlwaysMatchProcessor();
     return(() => (ActualRequest)processor.Matches.LastOrDefault());
 public Func <ActualRequest <T> > Retrieve <T>(T schema = default(T))
     processor = processor ?? new AlwaysMatchProcessor <T>();
     return(() => (ActualRequest <T>)processor.Matches.LastOrDefault());
 public RequestBehaviorBuilder MatchRequest <TModel>(Func <ActualRequest <TModel>, bool> matchFunc = null)
     processor = new RequestProcessor <TModel>(matchFunc ?? (r => true), r => { });
 public AuthorizeDotNetAdminDetailView(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
 public ServiceAdminListView(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
        public void run()
            // if everything in critical section was OK
            // send "release" message to the coordinator

            Client client = new Client(Server.getInstance().getSocketAddress(), Utils.getDefaultSocketAddress());
                node = client.nodeList.Values.Last();
                node.sendMessage("release", client.getIP());
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception while calling method"
                                                + " RequestProcessor.sendMessage "
                                                + "with message RELEASE\n");
 public SpecialtyDataProxy(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
Beispiel #23
 public RequestHandler(string path, IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     Path             = path;
     RequestProcessor = requestProcessor;
     QueryParams      = new Dictionary <string, string>();
        public async Task ProcessRequestsAsync <TContext>(IHttpApplication <TContext> httpApplication)
                // Ensure TimeoutControl._lastTimestamp is initialized before anything that could set timeouts runs.

                IRequestProcessor requestProcessor = null;

                switch (SelectProtocol())
                case HttpProtocols.Http1:
                    // _http1Connection must be initialized before adding the connection to the connection manager
                    requestProcessor        = _http1Connection = new Http1Connection <TContext>(_context);
                    _protocolSelectionState = ProtocolSelectionState.Selected;

                case HttpProtocols.Http2:
                    // _http2Connection must be initialized before yielding control to the transport thread,
                    // to prevent a race condition where _http2Connection.Abort() is called just as
                    // _http2Connection is about to be initialized.
                    requestProcessor        = new Http2Connection(_context);
                    _protocolSelectionState = ProtocolSelectionState.Selected;

                case HttpProtocols.Http3:
                    requestProcessor        = new Http3Connection(_context);
                    _protocolSelectionState = ProtocolSelectionState.Selected;

                case HttpProtocols.None:
                    // An error was already logged in SelectProtocol(), but we should close the connection.

                    // SelectProtocol() only returns Http1, Http2 or None.
                    throw new NotSupportedException($"{nameof(SelectProtocol)} returned something other than Http1, Http2, Http3 or None.");

                _requestProcessor = requestProcessor;

                if (requestProcessor != null)
                    var connectionHeartbeatFeature            = _context.ConnectionFeatures.Get <IConnectionHeartbeatFeature>();
                    var connectionLifetimeNotificationFeature = _context.ConnectionFeatures.Get <IConnectionLifetimeNotificationFeature>();

                    // These features should never be null in Kestrel itself, if this middleware is ever refactored to run outside of kestrel,
                    // we'll need to handle these missing.
                    Debug.Assert(connectionHeartbeatFeature != null, nameof(IConnectionHeartbeatFeature) + " is missing!");
                    Debug.Assert(connectionLifetimeNotificationFeature != null, nameof(IConnectionLifetimeNotificationFeature) + " is missing!");

                    // Register the various callbacks once we're going to start processing requests

                    // The heart beat for various timeouts
                    connectionHeartbeatFeature?.OnHeartbeat(state => ((HttpConnection)state).Tick(), this);

                    // Register for graceful shutdown of the server
                    using var shutdownRegistration = connectionLifetimeNotificationFeature?.ConnectionClosedRequested.Register(state => ((HttpConnection)state).StopProcessingNextRequest(), this);

                    // Register for connection close
                    using var closedRegistration = _context.ConnectionContext.ConnectionClosed.Register(state => ((HttpConnection)state).OnConnectionClosed(), this);

                    await requestProcessor.ProcessRequestsAsync(httpApplication);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.LogCritical(0, ex, $"Unexpected exception in {nameof(HttpConnection)}.{nameof(ProcessRequestsAsync)}.");
                if (_http1Connection?.IsUpgraded == true)
Beispiel #25
 public EventDataProxy(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
Beispiel #26
 public PolymorphicController(IQueryProcessor queryProcessor, IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     _queryProcessor   = queryProcessor;
     _requestProcessor = requestProcessor;
 public PaymentGatewayListView(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
Beispiel #28
 public DeliveryRequestsController(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor,
                                   ILogger <DeliveryRequestsController> logger)
     this.requestProcessor = requestProcessor;
     this.logger           = logger;
 public SettingsDataProxyBase(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
 public ServiceInstanceAdminDetailView(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
Beispiel #31
 public SocketHandler(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor, ISocketNotifier notifier)
     _requestProcessor = requestProcessor;
     _notifier         = notifier;
Beispiel #32
        public IRequestProcessorChain Add(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)

Beispiel #33
        private bool IsAuthorized(IRequestProcessor processor)
            var result = true;

            var attribute = (EditAuthorizationAttribute)processor.GetType().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EditAuthorizationAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault();
            if (null != attribute && attribute.RequiresAuthorization)
                result = _editAuthorizer.Authorize();

            return result;
Beispiel #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of the relation processor.
 /// </summary>
 public BaseLinkRelation(IHtmlLinkElement link, IRequestProcessor processor)
     _link      = link;
     _processor = processor;
 public AuthenticationDataProxy(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
Beispiel #36
 public Builder RequestProcessor(IRequestProcessor processor)
     m_requestProcessor = processor;
 public ClinicalInterestsAdminListView(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
Beispiel #38
        private SimpleServer(String host, int port, AuthenticationSchemes scheme, AuthenticationSchemeSelector authSchemeSelector, IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
            Host                 = host;
            Port                 = port;
            m_authScheme         = scheme;
            m_authSchemeSelector = authSchemeSelector;
            m_requestProcessor   = requestProcessor;

            if (Port <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Need a port higher than 0");
            if (m_requestProcessor == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("No work prcessor configured");
 public LanguageAdminDetailView(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
 /// <summary>
 /// Registers a request processor from the specified address.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="address">The address.</param>
 /// <param name="requestProcessor">The request processor to be registered.</param>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Client must create a pair of links (sending and receiving) at the address. The
 /// source.address on the sending link should contain an unique address in the client
 /// and it should be specified in target.address on the receiving link.
 /// </remarks>
 public void RegisterRequestProcessor(string address, IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     AddProcessor(this.requestProcessors, address, new RequestProcessor(requestProcessor));
        public string receiveMessage(string message, string requesterIP)
            // if the received message is "request"
            if (message.Equals("request", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                //if critical section is empty, access has to be granted
                if (Server.getInstance().isCriticalSectionEmpty())
                    // so send "GRANTED"

                    return "GRANTED";
                else // someone is in the critical section
                    // queue the request, return DENIED
                    return "DENIED";

            else if (message.Equals("release", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                // requester is done with critical section
                // remove the requesterIP from critical section


                // if queue is not empty, dequeue first and reply "GRANTED"
                if (!Server.getInstance().isQueueEmpty())
                    string newRequesterIP = Server.getInstance().dequeue();

                    //assign critical section new enterer ip
                    //print out who is the new enterer
                    Console.WriteLine("New Critical Section Enterer IP: " + newRequesterIP);

                    Client client = Server.getInstance().getClientByIP(newRequesterIP);
                    // get the random English word
                    string randomEnglishWord = Server.getInstance()

                    // method to write this generated word to
                    // client's
                    // buffer to check it later whether or not
                    // written
                    // word exists in the resulting master string

                        node = client.nodeList.Values.Last();
                        object reply = node.enterCS(client.getIP(),randomEnglishWord);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Exception while calling method"
                                    + " RequestProcessor.enterCS\n");

                    //to prevent deadlock, because the same thread can
                    //access the sendMessage again
                    ThreadStart threadDelegate = new ThreadStart(run);
                    Thread tempThread = new Thread(threadDelegate);
                    return "GRANTED";
                else // queue is already empty, so reply GRANTED
                    return "GRANTED";

                return "GRANTED";
 public RequestProcessor(IRequestProcessor processor)
     this.processor     = processor;
     this.requestLinks  = new List <ListenerLink>();
     this.responseLinks = new Dictionary <string, ListenerLink>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
		public RequestWasNotCalled(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor) {
			_requestProcessor = requestProcessor;
Beispiel #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Search the where clause for query parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression">Input query expression tree</param>
        /// <param name="reqProc">Processor specific to this request type</param>
        /// <returns>Name/value pairs of query parameters</returns>
        static Dictionary <string, string> GetRequestParameters <T>(Expression expression, IRequestProcessor <T> reqProc)
            var parameters = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // GHK FIX: Handle all wheres
            MethodCallExpression[] whereExpressions = new WhereClauseFinder().GetAllWheres(expression);
            foreach (var whereExpression in whereExpressions)
                var lambdaExpression = (LambdaExpression)((UnaryExpression)(whereExpression.Arguments[1])).Operand;

                // translate variable references in expression into constants
                lambdaExpression = (LambdaExpression)Evaluator.PartialEval(lambdaExpression);

                Dictionary <string, string> newParameters = reqProc.GetParameters(lambdaExpression);
                foreach (var newParameter in newParameters)
                    if (!parameters.ContainsKey(newParameter.Key))
                        parameters.Add(newParameter.Key, newParameter.Value);

 public LocationAdminDetailView(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
        public async Task ProcessRequestsAsync <TContext>(IHttpApplication <TContext> httpApplication)
                AdaptedPipeline adaptedPipeline     = null;
                var             adaptedPipelineTask = Task.CompletedTask;

                // _adaptedTransport must be set prior to wiring up callbacks
                // to allow the connection to be aborted prior to protocol selection.
                _adaptedTransport = _context.Transport;

                if (_context.ConnectionAdapters.Count > 0)
                    adaptedPipeline = new AdaptedPipeline(_adaptedTransport,
                                                          new Pipe(AdaptedInputPipeOptions),
                                                          new Pipe(AdaptedOutputPipeOptions),

                    _adaptedTransport = adaptedPipeline;

                // This feature should never be null in Kestrel
                var connectionHeartbeatFeature = _context.ConnectionFeatures.Get <IConnectionHeartbeatFeature>();

                Debug.Assert(connectionHeartbeatFeature != null, nameof(IConnectionHeartbeatFeature) + " is missing!");

                connectionHeartbeatFeature?.OnHeartbeat(state => ((HttpConnection)state).Tick(), this);

                var connectionLifetimeNotificationFeature = _context.ConnectionFeatures.Get <IConnectionLifetimeNotificationFeature>();

                Debug.Assert(connectionLifetimeNotificationFeature != null, nameof(IConnectionLifetimeNotificationFeature) + " is missing!");

                using (connectionLifetimeNotificationFeature?.ConnectionClosedRequested.Register(state => ((HttpConnection)state).StopProcessingNextRequest(), this))
                    _lastTimestamp = _context.ServiceContext.SystemClock.UtcNow.Ticks;

                    _context.ConnectionFeatures.Set <IConnectionTimeoutFeature>(this);

                    if (adaptedPipeline != null)
                        // Stream can be null here and run async will close the connection in that case
                        var stream = await ApplyConnectionAdaptersAsync();

                        adaptedPipelineTask = adaptedPipeline.RunAsync(stream);

                    IRequestProcessor requestProcessor = null;

                    lock (_protocolSelectionLock)
                        // Ensure that the connection hasn't already been stopped.
                        if (_protocolSelectionState == ProtocolSelectionState.Initializing)
                            switch (SelectProtocol())
                            case HttpProtocols.Http1:
                                // _http1Connection must be initialized before adding the connection to the connection manager
                                requestProcessor        = _http1Connection = CreateHttp1Connection(_adaptedTransport);
                                _protocolSelectionState = ProtocolSelectionState.Selected;

                            case HttpProtocols.Http2:
                                // _http2Connection must be initialized before yielding control to the transport thread,
                                // to prevent a race condition where _http2Connection.Abort() is called just as
                                // _http2Connection is about to be initialized.
                                requestProcessor        = CreateHttp2Connection(_adaptedTransport);
                                _protocolSelectionState = ProtocolSelectionState.Selected;

                            case HttpProtocols.None:
                                // An error was already logged in SelectProtocol(), but we should close the connection.
                                Abort(ex: null);

                                // SelectProtocol() only returns Http1, Http2 or None.
                                throw new NotSupportedException($"{nameof(SelectProtocol)} returned something other than Http1, Http2 or None.");

                            _requestProcessor = requestProcessor;

                        (_, state) => ((HttpConnection)state).OnInputOrOutputCompleted(),

                        (_, state) => ((HttpConnection)state).OnInputOrOutputCompleted(),

                    if (requestProcessor != null)
                        await requestProcessor.ProcessRequestsAsync(httpApplication);

                    await adaptedPipelineTask;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.LogCritical(0, ex, $"Unexpected exception in {nameof(HttpConnection)}.{nameof(ProcessRequestsAsync)}.");

                if (_http1Connection?.IsUpgraded == true)
 public EducationTypesAdminDetailView(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
 // For testing only
 internal void Initialize(IDuplexPipe transport)
     _requestProcessor       = _http1Connection = CreateHttp1Connection(transport);
     _protocolSelectionState = ProtocolSelectionState.Selected;
 public RegistrantSearchAdminDetailView(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
 public RequestDispatcher(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor, ICacheManager cacheManager)
     this.requestProcessor = requestProcessor;
     this.cacheManager     = cacheManager;
Beispiel #51
 public ApiHelper(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
Beispiel #52
 public RequestWasNotCalled(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     _requestProcessor = requestProcessor;
 public AdminSettingsView(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
Beispiel #54
        /// <summary>Initializes this object.</summary>
        /// <param name="instance">The instance that create this object</param>
        /// <param name="t2gManager">The manager to interact with T2G application.</param>
        /// <param name="sessionManager">Manager for session.</param>
        /// <param name="notificationSender">The object to use to send notifications.</param>
        /// <param name="requestProcessor">The request processor instance.</param>
        /// <param name="remoteDataStoreFactory">The remote data store factory.</param>
        /// <param name="rtpisDataStore">The rtpis data store.</param>
        private static void Initialize(
            RealTimeService instance,
            IT2GManager t2gManager,
            ISessionManagerExtended sessionManager,
            INotificationSender notificationSender,
            IRequestProcessor requestProcessor,
            IRemoteDataStoreFactory remoteDataStoreFactory,
            IRTPISDataStore rtpisDataStore)
            if (instance == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("instance");

            if (t2gManager == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("t2gManager");
            if (sessionManager == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sessionManager");

            if (notificationSender == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("notificationSender");

            if (requestProcessor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("requestProcessor");

            if (remoteDataStoreFactory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("remoteDataStoreFactory");

            if (rtpisDataStore == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("rtpisDataStore");

            lock (_initializationLock)
                    if (_initializationCount != 0)

                    RealTimeService._instanceCreator        = instance;
                    RealTimeService._t2gManager             = t2gManager;
                    RealTimeService._sessionManager         = sessionManager;
                    RealTimeService._notificationSender     = notificationSender;
                    RealTimeService._remoteDataStoreFactory = remoteDataStoreFactory;
                    RealTimeService._rtpisDataStore         = rtpisDataStore;
                    RealTimeService._requestProcessor       = requestProcessor;

                catch (System.Exception e)
                    LogManager.WriteLog(TraceType.ERROR, e.Message, "PIS.Ground.RealTime.RealTimeService.Initialize", e, EventIdEnum.RealTime);
 public ServicesDataProxy(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
Beispiel #56
 public override IResponse Apply(IRequestProcessor processor) => processor.HandleRequest(this);
        public void ruN(int index1)
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("");
            List<Client> clientList = Server.getInstance().getShallowCopyClients();
            Client[] clients = clientList.ToArray();

            Client[] clientsOtherThanThis = Server.getInstance()

            //set the state of this client to wanted, because
            //it wants to access critical section

            //and before submitting request, the client must update its
            //logical clock, so
            //update clock, which will increment default timestamp
            //basically Ricart&Agrawala is using extended Lamport clock
            //in extended lamport clock, for each send event, the node
            //has to update its clock (increment timestamp)

            Client clienT = new Client(Server.getInstance().getSocketAddress(), Utils.getDefaultSocketAddress());
            object reply = null;
            node = clienT.nodeList.Values.Last();
            foreach( Client client in clientsOtherThanThis)
                bool isRequestSendingOK = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("Client " + clients[index1].getIP()
                                        + " with timeStamp " + clients[index1].getClock()
                                        + " sending \"request\" to client " + client.getIP()
                                        + "\n");
                    result.Append("Client " + clients[index1].getIP()
                            + " with timeStamp " + clients[index1].getClock()
                            + " sending \"request\" to client " + client.getIP()
                            + "\n");
                    reply = node.sendmessage("request", clients[index1].getIP(), clients[index1].getClock(), client.getIP());
                    //if we have reached here request sending has been successful
                    isRequestSendingOK = true;
                catch(Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Exception while executing the "
                                        + "RequestProcessor.sendMessage method for"
                                        + " each client other than this client");
                    result.Append("Exception while executing the "
                                        + "RequestProcessor.sendMessage method for"
                                        + " each client other than this client\n");

                if (isRequestSendingOK)
                    //cast reply to string
                    string replyString = (string)reply;

                    if (replyString.Contains(","))
                        //now split and get OK sender's timestamp
                        string[] splitComponents = replyString.Split(',');

                        if (splitComponents[0].Equals("OK", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                            //update the logical clock, when received OK
                            //from the other node, because it is receive event

                            //increment the OK count for this client



            //so,  number of OKCount is the same as number of clients
            //other than this. In other words, if received "OK" from
            //all clients that this client has sent the request to

            while (clients[index1].getOKCount() != clientsOtherThanThis.Length)

            if (clients[index1].getOKCount() == clientsOtherThanThis.Length)
                //now this client can enter the critical section
                    //set the using flag for this client

                // get the random English word
                string randomEnglishWord = Server.getInstance().generateRandomEnglishWord();

                    // method to write this generated word to
                    // client's
                    // buffer to check it later whether or not
                    // written
                    // word exists in the resulting master string


                // now enter the critical section where the word
                // will be written
                // to the coordinator's master string

                // boolean variable to hold whether
                // criticalSection entrance was OK
                bool isCriticalSectionSuccess = false;

                        // params will contain the client's ip who
                        // will enter
                        // the critical section and and the
                        // randomEnglishWord
                        reply = node.enterCS(clients[index1].getIP(), randomEnglishWord);

                        // reply could be like
                        // "Node with ip has written some word"

                        //if we have reached here critical section completed successfully
                        isCriticalSectionSuccess = true;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Exception while calling method"
                                            + " RequestProcessor.enterCS\n");

                    if (isCriticalSectionSuccess)

                         // update clock when sending OK
                        int oksSent = 0;
                        int numberOfNodesOkToBeSent = clients[index1].getRequestQueue().Count();
                        //get the queue, send OK to all processes in own queue
                        //and empty queue.
                        foreach (string IP in clients[index1].getRequestQueue())
                                result.Append("Client " + clients[index1].getIP()
                                                    + " with timeStamp " + clients[index1].getClock()
                                                    + " sending \"OK\" to client " + IP
                                                    + "\n");
                                node.sendmessage("OK", clients[index1].getIP(), clients[index1].getClock(), IP);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Console.WriteLine("Exception while executing the "
                                                    + "RequestProcessor.sendMessage method for"
                                                    + " each client other than this client");

                        //if all oks sent successfully
                        if (oksSent == numberOfNodesOkToBeSent)

                        //now empty queue, set using and wanted flags to false
                        //and resetOKCount to 0.
        private async Task ProcessRequestsAsync <TContext>(IHttpApplication <TContext> httpApplication)
                // TODO: When we start tracking all connection middleware for shutdown, go back
                // to logging connections tart and stop in ConnectionDispatcher so we get these
                // logs for all connection middleware.

                AdaptedPipeline adaptedPipeline     = null;
                var             adaptedPipelineTask = Task.CompletedTask;

                // _adaptedTransport must be set prior to adding the connection to the manager in order
                // to allow the connection to be aported prior to protocol selection.
                _adaptedTransport = _context.Transport;
                var application = _context.Application;

                if (_context.ConnectionAdapters.Count > 0)
                    adaptedPipeline = new AdaptedPipeline(_adaptedTransport,
                                                          new Pipe(AdaptedInputPipeOptions),
                                                          new Pipe(AdaptedOutputPipeOptions),

                    _adaptedTransport = adaptedPipeline;

                // Do this before the first await so we don't yield control to the transport until we've
                // added the connection to the connection manager
                _context.ServiceContext.ConnectionManager.AddConnection(_context.HttpConnectionId, this);
                _lastTimestamp = _context.ServiceContext.SystemClock.UtcNow.Ticks;

                _context.ConnectionFeatures.Set <IConnectionTimeoutFeature>(this);

                if (adaptedPipeline != null)
                    // Stream can be null here and run async will close the connection in that case
                    var stream = await ApplyConnectionAdaptersAsync();

                    adaptedPipelineTask = adaptedPipeline.RunAsync(stream);

                IRequestProcessor requestProcessor = null;

                lock (_protocolSelectionLock)
                    // Ensure that the connection hasn't already been stopped.
                    if (_protocolSelectionState == ProtocolSelectionState.Initializing)
                        switch (SelectProtocol())
                        case HttpProtocols.Http1:
                            // _http1Connection must be initialized before adding the connection to the connection manager
                            requestProcessor        = _http1Connection = CreateHttp1Connection(_adaptedTransport, application);
                            _protocolSelectionState = ProtocolSelectionState.Selected;

                        case HttpProtocols.Http2:
                            // _http2Connection must be initialized before yielding control to the transport thread,
                            // to prevent a race condition where _http2Connection.Abort() is called just as
                            // _http2Connection is about to be initialized.
                            requestProcessor        = CreateHttp2Connection(_adaptedTransport, application);
                            _protocolSelectionState = ProtocolSelectionState.Selected;

                        case HttpProtocols.None:
                            // An error was already logged in SelectProtocol(), but we should close the connection.
                            Abort(ex: null);

                            // SelectProtocol() only returns Http1, Http2 or None.
                            throw new NotSupportedException($"{nameof(SelectProtocol)} returned something other than Http1, Http2 or None.");

                        _requestProcessor = requestProcessor;

                if (requestProcessor != null)
                    await requestProcessor.ProcessRequestsAsync(httpApplication);

                await adaptedPipelineTask;
                await _socketClosedTcs.Task;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.LogCritical(0, ex, $"Unexpected exception in {nameof(HttpConnection)}.{nameof(ProcessRequestsAsync)}.");

                if (_http1Connection?.IsUpgraded == true)

 public GlobalAdminDataProxy(IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
     : base(requestProcessor)
Beispiel #60
        /// <summary>
        /// performs HTTP POST file upload to Twitter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">name of file to upload</param>
        /// <param name="url">url to upload to</param>
        /// <returns>IQueryable</returns>
        public IList PostTwitterFile(string filePath, Dictionary <string, string> parameters, string url, IRequestProcessor requestProcessor)
            var file = Path.GetFileName(filePath);

            string imageType;

            switch (Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower())
            case ".jpg":
            case ".jpeg":
                imageType = "jpg";

            case ".gif":
                imageType = "gif";

            case ".png":
                imageType = "png";

                throw new ArgumentException(
                          "Can't recognize the extension of the file you're uploading. Please choose either a *.gif, *.jpg, *.jpeg, or *.png file.", filePath);

            string contentBoundaryBase  = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("x");
            string beginContentBoundary = string.Format("--{0}\r\n", contentBoundaryBase);
            var    contentDisposition   = string.Format("Content-Disposition:form-data); name=\"image\"); filename=\"{0}\"\r\nContent-Type: image/{1}\r\n\r\n", file, imageType);
            var    endContentBoundary   = string.Format("\r\n--{0}--\r\n", contentBoundaryBase);

            var formDataSB = new StringBuilder();

            if (parameters != null && parameters.Count > 0)
                foreach (var param in parameters)
                    formDataSB.AppendFormat("--{0}\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"{1}\"\r\n\r\n{2}\r\n", contentBoundaryBase, param.Key, param.Value);

            byte[]   fileBytes      = null;
            string   fileByteString = null;
            Encoding encoding       = Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1");

            using (var fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];
                var    memStr = new MemoryStream();
                memStr.Position = 0;
                int bytesRead = 0;

                while ((bytesRead = fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
                    memStr.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);

                memStr.Position = 0;
                fileByteString  = encoding.GetString(memStr.GetBuffer());

            fileBytes =
                    formDataSB.ToString() +
                    beginContentBoundary +
                    contentDisposition +
                    fileByteString +

            var req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);

            req.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
            req.ContentType               = "multipart/form-data;boundary=" + contentBoundaryBase;
            req.PreAuthenticate           = true;
            req.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = true;
            req.Method        = "POST";
            req.UserAgent     = UserAgent;
            req.ContentLength = fileBytes.Length;

            if (AuthorizedViaOAuth)
                    OAuthTwitter.GetOAuthAuthorizationHeader(url, null));
                req.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(UserName, Password);

            string responseXML = null;

            using (var reqStream = req.GetRequestStream())
                reqStream.Write(fileBytes, 0, fileBytes.Length);

            WebResponse resp = null;

                resp = req.GetResponse();

                using (var respStream = resp.GetResponseStream())
                    using (var respRdr = new StreamReader(respStream))
                        responseXML = respRdr.ReadToEnd();
            catch (WebException wex)
                var twitterQueryEx = CreateTwitterQueryException(wex);
                throw twitterQueryEx;
                if (resp != null)

            var responseXElem = XElement.Parse(responseXML);
            var results       = requestProcessor.ProcessResults(responseXElem);
