private static void RecalculateTimetableArchive(IRepository<TimetablePartArchiveRecord> TimetableArchiveRepository, ITimetableAppointmentService TimetableAppointmentService, TimetableAppointmentPart TimetableAppointmentPart) {

            // remove all current Timetable archive records
            var TimetableArchiveRecords =
                from bar in TimetableArchiveRepository.Table
                where bar.TimetablePart == TimetableAppointmentPart.TimetablePart.Record
                select bar;

            // get all Timetable appointments for the current Timetable
            var appointments = TimetableAppointmentService.Get(TimetableAppointmentPart.TimetablePart, VersionOptions.Published);

            // create a dictionary of all the year/month combinations and their count of appointments that are published in this Timetable
            var inMemoryTimetableArchives = new Dictionary<DateTime, int>(appointments.Count());
            foreach (var appointment in appointments) {
                if (!appointment.Has<CommonPart>())

                var commonPart = appointment.As<CommonPart>();
                var key = new DateTime(commonPart.PublishedUtc.Value.Year, commonPart.PublishedUtc.Value.Month, 1);

                if (inMemoryTimetableArchives.ContainsKey(key))
                    inMemoryTimetableArchives[key] = 1;

            // create the new Timetable archive records based on the in memory values
            foreach (KeyValuePair<DateTime, int> item in inMemoryTimetableArchives) {
                TimetableArchiveRepository.Create(new TimetablePartArchiveRecord {TimetablePart = TimetableAppointmentPart.TimetablePart.Record, Year = item.Key.Year, Month = item.Key.Month, AppointmentCount = item.Value});
        private static void RecalculateBlogArchive(IRepository<BlogPartArchiveRecord> blogArchiveRepository, IBlogPostService blogPostService, BlogPostPart blogPostPart)

            // remove all current blog archive records
            var blogArchiveRecords =
                from bar in blogArchiveRepository.Table
                where bar.BlogPart == blogPostPart.BlogPart.Record
                select bar;

            // get all blog posts for the current blog
            var posts = blogPostService.Get(blogPostPart.BlogPart, VersionOptions.Published);

            // create a dictionary of all the year/month combinations and their count of posts that are published in this blog
            var inMemoryBlogArchives = new Dictionary<DateTime, int>();
            foreach (var post in posts) {
                if (!post.Has<CommonPart>())

                var commonPart = post.As<CommonPart>();
                var key = new DateTime(commonPart.CreatedUtc.Value.Year, commonPart.CreatedUtc.Value.Month, 1);

                if (inMemoryBlogArchives.ContainsKey(key))
                    inMemoryBlogArchives[key] = 1;

            // create the new blog archive records based on the in memory values
            foreach (KeyValuePair<DateTime, int> item in inMemoryBlogArchives) {
                blogArchiveRepository.Create(new BlogPartArchiveRecord {BlogPart = blogPostPart.BlogPart.Record, Year = item.Key.Year, Month = item.Key.Month, PostCount = item.Value});
        public HasTagsHandler(IRepository<Tag> tagsRepository, IRepository<TagsContentItems> tagsContentItemsRepository)
            OnLoading<HasTags>((context, tags) => {

                // provide names of all tags on demand
                tags._allTags.Loader(list => tagsRepository.Table.ToList());

                // populate list of attached tags on demand
                tags._currentTags.Loader(list => {
                    var tagsContentItems = tagsContentItemsRepository.Fetch(x => x.ContentItemId == context.ContentItem.Id);
                    foreach (var tagContentItem in tagsContentItems) {
                        var tag = tagsRepository.Get(tagContentItem.TagId);
                    return list;


            OnRemoved<HasTags>((context, ht) => {

                HasTags tags = context.ContentItem.As<HasTags>();
                foreach (var tag in tags.CurrentTags) {
                    if (!tagsContentItemsRepository.Fetch(x => x.ContentItemId == context.ContentItem.Id).Any()) {
        private void RecalculateBlogArchive(IRepository<BlogPartArchiveRecord> blogArchiveRepository, BlogPostPart blogPostPart) {
            var commonPart = blogPostPart.As<CommonPart>();
                if(commonPart == null || !commonPart.CreatedUtc.HasValue)

            // get the time zone for the current request
            var timeZone = _workContextAccessor.GetContext().CurrentTimeZone;

            var previousCreatedUtc = _previousCreatedUtc.ContainsKey(blogPostPart) ? _previousCreatedUtc[blogPostPart] : DateTime.MinValue;
            previousCreatedUtc = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(previousCreatedUtc, timeZone);

            var previousMonth = previousCreatedUtc.Month;
            var previousYear = previousCreatedUtc.Year;

            var newCreatedUtc = commonPart.CreatedUtc;
            newCreatedUtc = newCreatedUtc.HasValue ? TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(newCreatedUtc.Value, timeZone) : newCreatedUtc;

            var newMonth = newCreatedUtc.HasValue ? newCreatedUtc.Value.Month : 0;
            var newYear = newCreatedUtc.HasValue ? newCreatedUtc.Value.Year : 0;

            // if archives are the same there is nothing to do
            if (previousMonth == newMonth && previousYear == newYear) {
            // decrement previous archive record
            var previousArchiveRecord = blogArchiveRepository.Table
                .Where(x => x.BlogPart == blogPostPart.BlogPart.Record
                    && x.Month == previousMonth
                    && x.Year == previousYear)

            if (previousArchiveRecord != null && previousArchiveRecord.PostCount > 0) {

            // if previous count is now zero, delete the record
            if (previousArchiveRecord != null && previousArchiveRecord.PostCount == 0) {
            // increment new archive record
            var newArchiveRecord = blogArchiveRepository.Table
                .Where(x => x.BlogPart == blogPostPart.BlogPart.Record
                    && x.Month == newMonth
                    && x.Year == newYear)

            // if record can't be found create it
            if (newArchiveRecord == null) {
                newArchiveRecord = new BlogPartArchiveRecord { BlogPart = blogPostPart.BlogPart.Record, Year = newYear, Month = newMonth, PostCount = 0 };

        private void ReduceBlogArchive(IRepository<BlogPartArchiveRecord> blogArchiveRepository, BlogPostPart blogPostPart) {

            var commonPart = blogPostPart.As<CommonPart>();
            if (commonPart == null || !commonPart.CreatedUtc.HasValue)

            var timeZone = _workContextAccessor.GetContext().CurrentTimeZone;
            var datetime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(commonPart.CreatedUtc.Value, timeZone);

            var previousArchiveRecord = blogArchiveRepository.Table
                .FirstOrDefault(x => x.BlogPart == blogPostPart.BlogPart.Record
                                    && x.Month == datetime.Month
                                    && x.Year == datetime.Year);

            if(previousArchiveRecord == null)

            if (previousArchiveRecord.PostCount > 0)
        private static void RecalculateBlogArchive(IRepository<BlogArchiveRecord> blogArchiveRepository, IRepository<CommonRecord> commonRepository, BlogPost blogPost) {

            //INFO: (erikpo) Remove all current blog archive records
            var blogArchiveRecords =
                from bar in blogArchiveRepository.Table
                where bar.Blog == blogPost.Blog.Record
                select bar;

            //INFO: (erikpo) Get all blog posts for the current blog
            var postsQuery =
                from bpr in commonRepository.Table
                where bpr.ContentItemRecord.ContentType.Name == BlogPostDriver.ContentType.Name && bpr.Container.Id == blogPost.Blog.Record.Id
                orderby bpr.PublishedUtc
                select bpr;

            //INFO: (erikpo) Create a dictionary of all the year/month combinations and their count of posts that are published in this blog
            var inMemoryBlogArchives = new Dictionary<DateTime, int>(postsQuery.Count());
            foreach (var post in postsQuery) {
                if (!post.PublishedUtc.HasValue)

                var key = new DateTime(post.PublishedUtc.Value.Year, post.PublishedUtc.Value.Month, 1);

                if (inMemoryBlogArchives.ContainsKey(key))
                    inMemoryBlogArchives[key] = 1;

            //INFO: (erikpo) Create the new blog archive records based on the in memory values
            foreach (KeyValuePair<DateTime, int> item in inMemoryBlogArchives) {
                blogArchiveRepository.Create(new BlogArchiveRecord {Blog = blogPost.Blog.Record, Year = item.Key.Year, Month = item.Key.Month, PostCount = item.Value});
Beispiel #7
        private static void CreateCustomersWithAccounts(IGenerationSession session,IRepository repository, Role[] roles)
            var customers = session.

            for (int i = 0; i < customers.Count; i++)
                customers[i].Identification = "00000000" + i;
                customers[i].PasswordSalt = GenerationUtils.RandomString(5);
                customers[i].Password = SHA256HashProvider.Instance.Hash("Test" + customers[i].PasswordSalt);


                AddAccountsAndOperations(customers[i], roles, repository, session);

                //create some bussiness partners for each customer
                    .Impose(x => x.Customer, customers[i])
                    .Get().ForEach(x => repository.Save(x));

Beispiel #8
        private static Role[] CreateAndSaveRoles(IRepository repository)
            Role[] roles = new Role[4];
            roles[0] = new Role { Name = "Owner", Permission = Permission.Modify | Permission.Read | Permission.Write | Permission.Transfer };
            roles[1] = new Role { Name = "Advisor", Permission = Permission.Modify | Permission.Read | Permission.Write | Permission.Transfer };
            roles[2] = new Role { Name = "OperationTagger", Permission = Permission.Read | Permission.TagOperations };
            roles[3] = new Role { Name = "Minor", Permission = Permission.Read };

            roles.ForEach(x => Repository.Save(x));

            return roles;
Beispiel #9
        private static void CreateAndSaveOAuthConsumers(IRepository repository)
            List<AuthConsumer> authConsumers = new List<AuthConsumer>();
            authConsumers.Add(new AuthConsumer { Name = "Account Analysis Solution", ConsumerKey = "key1", Secret = "secret1", Description = "This application allows you to perform analytics on your accounts data." });
            authConsumers.Add(new AuthConsumer { Name = "Cool PFM application", ConsumerKey = "key2", Secret = "secret2", Description = "Applications which allows to perform advanced analytics, budget management and predictions" });

            authConsumers.ForEach((x) => repository.Save(x));
Beispiel #10
        private static void AddAccountsAndOperations(Customer customer, Role[] roles, IRepository repository, IGenerationSession session)
            //get the transaction data from csv file
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(@"Data\transactions.csv"))
                _categorizedTransactions = CSVProcessing.GetCategorizedTransactionsCreateAndStoreTags(reader, repository, _tagsBag);

            Account account = session.Single<Account>().Get();
            account.Name = "Savings account";
            account.RelatedCustomers.Add(customer, roles[0]);
            account.Iban = GenerationUtils.GenerateIban(account.Number, "12345", "12345", "FR");
            account.Currency = "EUR";

            Account account2 = session.Single<Account>().Get();
            account2.Name = "Checking account";
            account2.RelatedCustomers.Add(customer, roles[1]);
            account2.Currency = "EUR";

            customer.RelatedAccounts.Add(account, roles[0]);
            customer.RelatedAccounts.Add(account2, roles[1]);




            //Get random transactions from the list
            Random rnd = new Random();
            var randomTransactions = _categorizedTransactions.Where(x => x.Tag.Name != "Not set").OrderBy(x => rnd.Next());

            //add the first half to the first account
            SelectForAccount(repository, account, rnd, randomTransactions);
            SelectForAccount(repository, account2, rnd, randomTransactions);

            //IList<Operation> operations = session.List<Operation>(20)
            //    .Impose(x => x.TransactionCode, Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
            //    .Impose(x => x.Currency, "EUR")
            //    .Impose(x=>x.Tag,EmptyTag)
            //    .First(10)
            //        .Impose(x => x.Account, account)
            //    .Next(10)
            //        .Impose(x => x.Account, account2)
            //    .All()
            //    .Get();

            //operations.ForEach(x => repository.Save(x));


            var paymentEvents = session.List<PaymentEvent>(20)
                    .Impose(x => x.Account, account)
                    .Impose(x => x.Account, account2)
                    .Impose(x=>x.Customer, customer)

            paymentEvents.ForEach(x => repository.Save(x));

Beispiel #11
        private static void AddAccountsAndOperations(Customer customer, Role[] roles, IRepository repository, IGenerationSession session)
            //get the transaction data from csv file
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(@"Data\transactions.csv"))
                _categorizedTransactions = CSVProcessing.GetCategorizedTransactionsCreateAndStoreTags(reader, repository, _tagsBag);

            Account account = session.Single <Account>().Get();

            account.Name = "Savings account";
            account.RelatedCustomers.Add(customer, roles[0]);
            account.Iban     = GenerationUtils.GenerateIban(account.Number, "12345", "12345", "FR");
            account.Currency = "EUR";

            Account account2 = session.Single <Account>().Get();

            account2.Name = "Checking account";
            account2.RelatedCustomers.Add(customer, roles[1]);
            account2.Currency = "EUR";

            customer.RelatedAccounts.Add(account, roles[0]);
            customer.RelatedAccounts.Add(account2, roles[1]);




            //Get random transactions from the list
            Random rnd = new Random();
            var    randomTransactions = _categorizedTransactions.Where(x => x.Tag.Name != "Not set").OrderBy(x => rnd.Next());

            //add the first half to the first account
            SelectForAccount(repository, account, rnd, randomTransactions);
            SelectForAccount(repository, account2, rnd, randomTransactions);

            //IList<Operation> operations = session.List<Operation>(20)
            //    .Impose(x => x.TransactionCode, Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
            //    .Impose(x => x.Currency, "EUR")
            //    .Impose(x=>x.Tag,EmptyTag)
            //    .First(10)
            //        .Impose(x => x.Account, account)
            //    .Next(10)
            //        .Impose(x => x.Account, account2)
            //    .All()
            //    .Get();

            //operations.ForEach(x => repository.Save(x));


            var paymentEvents = session.List <PaymentEvent>(20)
                                .Impose(x => x.Account, account)
                                .Impose(x => x.Customer, customer)
                                .Impose(x => x.Account, account2)
                                .Impose(x => x.Customer, customer)

            paymentEvents.ForEach(x => repository.Save(x));

Beispiel #12
        public void InsertLocations()
            //         LOCATION REFERENCE TABLES

            if (_repository.CountAll <City>() == 0)
                //Create Provinces
                Province provinceNord = new Province();
                provinceNord.Label = "Province Nord";
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Poya-Nord", Label = "Poya Nord"
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Pouembout", Label = "Pouembout"
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Kone", Label = "Koné"
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Voh", Label = "Voh"
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Kaala-Gomen", Label = "Kaala-Gomen"
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Koumac", Label = "Koumac"
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Poum", Label = "Poum"
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Iles-Belep", Label = "Iles Belep"
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Ouegoa", Label = "Ouégoa"
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Pouebo", Label = "Pouébo"
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Hienghene", Label = "Hienghène"
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Touho", Label = "Touho"
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Poindimie", Label = "Poindimié"
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Ponerihouen", Label = "Ponérihouen"
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Houailou", Label = "Houaïlou"
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Kouaoua", Label = "Kouaoua"
                provinceNord.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Canala", Label = "Canala"

                Province provinceSud = new Province();
                provinceSud.Label = "Province Sud";

                City noumea = new City();
                noumea.Label        = "Nouméa";
                noumea.LabelUrlPart = "Noumea";

                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Centre-Ville"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Nouville"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Quartier Latin"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Vallée du Génie"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Artillerie"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Orphelinat"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Baie des Citrons"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Anse Vata"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Val Plaisance"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "N'Géa"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Receiving"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Motor Pool"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Trianon"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Riviere-Salée"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Ducos"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Magenta"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Haut-Magenta"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Aérodrome"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "PK4"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "PK6"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "PK7"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Tina"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Normandie"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Vallée des Colons"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Faubourg Blanchot"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Montravel"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Montagne Coupée"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Vallée du Tir"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Doniambo"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Ouémo"
                noumea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Portes de Fer"

                City dumbea = new City();
                dumbea.Label        = "Dumbéa";
                dumbea.LabelUrlPart = "Dumbea";
                dumbea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Auteuil"
                dumbea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Centre"
                dumbea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Dumbéa sur Mer"
                dumbea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Koghi"
                dumbea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Koutio"
                dumbea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Nakutakoin"
                dumbea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Plaine de Koé"
                dumbea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Pointe à la Dorade"
                dumbea.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "ZAC Panda"

                City montDor = new City();
                montDor.Label        = "Mont-Dore";
                montDor.LabelUrlPart = "Mont-Dore";
                montDor.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Boulari"
                montDor.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "La Conception"
                montDor.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "La Coulée"
                montDor.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Mont-Dore Sud"
                montDor.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Plum"
                montDor.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Pont des Francais"
                montDor.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Robinson"
                montDor.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Saint-Louis"
                montDor.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Saint-Michel"
                montDor.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Vallon-Dore"
                montDor.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Yahoué"

                City paita = new City();
                paita.Label        = "Païta";
                paita.LabelUrlPart = "Paita";
                paita.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Val Boisé"
                paita.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Tontouta"
                paita.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Tamoa"
                paita.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Savannah"
                paita.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Centre"
                paita.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Naia"
                paita.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Mont Mou"
                paita.AddDistrict(new District {
                    Label = "Beauvallon"


                provinceSud.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Thio", Label = "Thio"
                provinceSud.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Yate", Label = "Yaté"
                provinceSud.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Ile-des-Pins", Label = "Ile des Pins"
                provinceSud.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Boulouparis", Label = "Boulouparis"
                provinceSud.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "La-Foa", Label = "La Foa"
                provinceSud.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Sarramea", Label = "Sarraméa"
                provinceSud.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Farino", Label = "Farino"
                provinceSud.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Moindou", Label = "Moindou"
                provinceSud.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Bourail", Label = "Bourail"
                provinceSud.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Poya-Sud", Label = "Poya Sud"

                Province ilesLoyaute = new Province();
                ilesLoyaute.Label = "Iles Loyauté";
                ilesLoyaute.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Ouvea", Label = "Ouvéa"
                ilesLoyaute.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Lifou", Label = "Lifou"
                ilesLoyaute.AddCity(new City {
                    LabelUrlPart = "Mare", Label = "Maré"
