public void Handle(ContentMovedToRecycleBinNotification notification)
        using (IScope scope = _scopeProvider.CreateScope())
            const string  relationTypeAlias = Constants.Conventions.RelationTypes.RelateParentDocumentOnDeleteAlias;
            IRelationType?relationType      = _relationService.GetRelationTypeByAlias(relationTypeAlias);

            // check that the relation-type exists, if not, then recreate it
            if (relationType == null)
                Guid         documentObjectType = Constants.ObjectTypes.Document;
                const string relationTypeName   = Constants.Conventions.RelationTypes.RelateParentDocumentOnDeleteName;

                relationType = new RelationType(relationTypeName, relationTypeAlias, false, documentObjectType, documentObjectType, false);

            foreach (MoveEventInfo <IContent> item in notification.MoveInfoCollection)
                IList <string> originalPath     = item.OriginalPath.ToDelimitedList();
                var            originalParentId = originalPath.Count > 2
                    ? int.Parse(originalPath[originalPath.Count - 2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                    : Constants.System.Root;

                // before we can create this relation, we need to ensure that the original parent still exists which
                // may not be the case if the encompassing transaction also deleted it when this item was moved to the bin
                if (_entityService.Exists(originalParentId))
                    // Add a relation for the item being deleted, so that we can know the original parent for if we need to restore later
                    IRelation relation =
                        _relationService.GetByParentAndChildId(originalParentId, item.Entity.Id, relationType) ??
                        new Relation(originalParentId, item.Entity.Id, relationType);

                        string.Format(_textService.Localize("recycleBin", "contentTrashed"), item.Entity.Id, originalParentId));
