Beispiel #1
        //Lazy<IValueConverter> _defaultConverter;
        //public virtual Lazy<IValueConverter> DefaultConverter
        //    get
        //    {
        //        if(_defaultConverter == null)
        //        {
        //            return new Lazy<IValueConverter>(() => new PropValueConverter());
        //        }
        //        return _defaultConverter;
        //    }
        //    set
        //    {
        //        _defaultConverter = value;
        //    }

        //Func<BindingTarget, MyBindingInfo, Type, string, object> _defConvParamBuilder;
        //public virtual Func<BindingTarget, MyBindingInfo, Type, string, object> DefaultConverterParameterBuilder
        //    get
        //    {
        //        if (_defConvParamBuilder == null)
        //        {
        //            return OurDefaultConverterParameterBuilder;
        //        }
        //        return _defConvParamBuilder;
        //    }
        //    set
        //    {
        //        _defConvParamBuilder = value;
        //    }

        #region Constructor

        internal LocalBinder(PSAccessServiceInterface propStoreAccessService, LocalBindingInfo bindingInfo, IReceivePropStoreNodeUpdates storeNodeUpdateReceiver)
            _propStoreAccessService_wr = new WeakReference <PSAccessServiceInterface>(propStoreAccessService);
            _bindingInfo             = bindingInfo;
            _storeNodeUpdateReceiver = storeNodeUpdateReceiver;

            _bindingTarget = new SimpleExKey();

            // Get the PropStore Node for the IPropBag object hosting the property that is the target of the binding.
            // TODO: Instead of doing this now, create a property that allows us to access upon first access.
            _ourNode = GetPropBagNode(propStoreAccessService);

            _targetObject = null;

            _propertyName   = null;
            _targetHasStore = PropStorageStrategyEnum.Virtual;

            _pathElements = GetPathElements(_bindingInfo, out _isPathAbsolute, out _firstNamedStepIndex);

            if (_isPathAbsolute)
                _rootListener = CreateAndListen(_ourNode, "root", SourceKindEnum.AbsRoot);
                _rootListener = null;

            _pathListeners = new OSCollection <T>();

            _isComplete = StartBinding(_targetObject, _pathElements, _pathListeners, _isPathAbsolute);
Beispiel #2
        public LocalBinder(PSAccessServiceInterface propStoreAccessService, ExKeyT ownerPropId, LocalBindingInfo bindingInfo)
            _propStoreAccessService_wr = new WeakReference <PSAccessServiceInterface>(propStoreAccessService);
            _bindingTarget             = ownerPropId;
            _bindingInfo             = bindingInfo;
            _storeNodeUpdateReceiver = null;

            // Get the PropStore Node for the IPropBag object hosting the property that is the target of the binding.
            _ourNode = GetPropBagNode(propStoreAccessService);

            PropIdType propId = _bindingTarget.Level2Key;

            _targetObject = _ourNode.PropBagProxy;

            if (_targetObject.TryGetTarget(out IPropBagInternal propBag))
                _propertyName   = GetPropertyName(propStoreAccessService, propBag, propId, out PropStorageStrategyEnum storageStrategy);
                _targetHasStore = storageStrategy;

            _pathElements = GetPathElements(_bindingInfo, out _isPathAbsolute, out _firstNamedStepIndex);

            if (_isPathAbsolute)
                _rootListener = CreateAndListen(_ourNode, "root", SourceKindEnum.AbsRoot);
                _rootListener = null;

            _pathListeners = new OSCollection <T>();

            _isComplete = StartBinding(_targetObject, _pathElements, _pathListeners, _isPathAbsolute);
Beispiel #3
 private bool NotifyReceiver(IReceivePropStoreNodeUpdates propStoreUpdateReceiver, WeakReference <IPropBag> propItemParent)
     propStoreUpdateReceiver.OnPropStoreNodeUpdated(propItemParent, true, null);
Beispiel #4
 private bool NotifyReceiver(IReceivePropStoreNodeUpdates propStoreUpdateReceiver, WeakReference <IPropBag> propItemParent, PcTypedEventArgs <T> e)
     propStoreUpdateReceiver.OnPropStoreNodeUpdated(propItemParent, e.NewValueIsUndefined, e.NewValue);