private async Task <ContentItem> CreateContentItem(IContentSource source, IReadOnlyFile file)
            await Task.Yield(); //todo: do we do caching here or at build sources

            var type = _classifier.Classify(file);

            return(new ContentItem(source, type, file));
Beispiel #2
 protected override ITexture2D PlatformLoadFromFile(uint id, IReadOnlyFile file)
     _logger.LogDebug($"Loading texture {id} [{file}]");
     using (var fs = file.OpenRead())
         var texture = Texture2D.FromStream(_device, fs);
         return(new PlatformTexture2D(id, _device, texture));
Beispiel #3
        public async Task <IFile> CopyFromAsync(IReadOnlyFile source, string targetName, bool overwrite, CancellationToken cancellation = default)
            if (this.ContainsFile(Path.GetFileName(targetName)) && !overwrite)
                throw new IOException($"{source.Name} already exists in the target directory");
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
            return(await this.CopyFromAsync(source.UnsafeGetPath(), targetName, overwrite, cancellation));

#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
        public IFile CopyFrom(IReadOnlyFile source, string targetName, bool overwrite)
            if (this.ContainsFile(Path.GetFileName(targetName)) && !overwrite)
                throw new IOException($"{Path.GetFileName(targetName)} already exists in the target directory.");
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
            return(this.CopyFrom(source.UnsafeGetPath(), overwrite));

#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
Beispiel #5
        private async Task <IFileSystemNode> CacheFile(IReadOnlyFile sourceFile)
            //todo: check if cached

            // create directory
            await _cache.GetOrCreateDirectory(sourceFile.Path.GetDirectoryPath());

            // copy source to target
            var targetFile = await _cache.GetOrCreateFile(sourceFile.Path);

            await using var targetStream = await targetFile.OpenWrite();

            await using var sourceStream = await sourceFile.OpenRead();

            await sourceStream.CopyToAsync(targetStream);

        public string Classify(IReadOnlyFile file)
            var path = file.Path.ToString();

            var extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(path);
            var filename  = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path);

            // builtIn overrides
            var builtIn = GetBuiltIn(filename, extension);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(builtIn))

            // mime-db lookup
            if (MimeType.TryGet(extension, out var mimeType))

Beispiel #7
 public ContentItem(IContentSource source, string type, IReadOnlyFile file)
     Type    = type;
     File    = file;
     _source = source;
 public Task <IFile> CopyFromAsync(IReadOnlyFile source, bool overwrite, CancellationToken cancellation = default)
 => this.Base.CopyFromAsync(source, overwrite, cancellation);
 public IFile CopyFrom(IReadOnlyFile source, bool overwrite) => this.Base.CopyFrom(source);
 public IFile CopyFrom(IReadOnlyFile source) => this.Base.CopyFrom(source);
 public IFile CopyFrom(IReadOnlyFile source, string targetName, bool overwrite)
 => this.Base.CopyFrom(source, targetName, overwrite);
 public IFile CopyFrom(IReadOnlyFile source, string targetName)
 => this.Base.CopyFrom(source, targetName);
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Opens a text file, reads all the text in the file into a string with the specified encoding,
 /// and then closes the opened stream.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="this">The <see cref="IFile"/> to read.</param>
 /// <param name="encoding">The encoding applied to the contents of the file.</param>
 /// <returns>A string containing all text in the file.</returns>
 public static string ReadAllText(this IReadOnlyFile @this, Encoding encoding)
     using var fileStream   = @this.OpenReadStream();
     using var stringReader = new StreamReader(fileStream, encoding);
Beispiel #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Opens a text file, reads all the text in the file into a string, and then closes the opened stream.
 /// The default encoding is UTF8.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="this">The <see cref="IFile"/> to read.</param>
 /// <returns>A string containing all text in the file.</returns>
 public static string ReadAllText(this IReadOnlyFile @this) => FileExtensions.ReadAllText(@this, Encoding.UTF8);
Beispiel #15
 public IFile CopyFrom(IReadOnlyFile source) => this.CopyFrom(source, false);
Beispiel #16
 public IFile CopyFrom(IReadOnlyFile source, bool overwrite) => this.CopyFrom(source, source.Name, overwrite);
 public Task <IFile> CopyFromAsync(IReadOnlyFile source, string targetName, CancellationToken cancellation = default)
 => this.Base.CopyFromAsync(source, targetName, cancellation);
Beispiel #18
 public Task <IFile> CopyFromAsync(IReadOnlyFile source, CancellationToken cancellation = default)
 => this.CopyFromAsync(source, false, cancellation);