public static Parts Split(string uri) { return(new OwlName() { iri = IRI.create(uri) }.Split()); }
public IRI getIRIFromId(string qname, EntityKind makeFor) { if (InvUriMappings.ContainsKey(qname)) { return(IRI.create(InvUriMappings[qname])); } else { DlName dl = new DlName() { id = qname }; var dlp = dl.Split(); if (InvUriMappings.ContainsKey( && dlp.term == ns2pfx(IRI.create(InvUriMappings[]).getNamespace())) { return(IRI.create(InvUriMappings[])); } else { return(owlNameingConvention.FromDL(new DlName() { id = qname }, lex, pfx2ns, makeFor).iri); } } }
public DlName ToDL(string uri, ARS.EntityKind makeFor) { var owlName = new CogniPy.ARS.OwlName() { iri = IRI.create(uri) }; return(owlNameingConvention.ToDL(owlName, lex, ns2pfx, makeFor)); }
public OwlName Combine() { string sep = ""; if (!ns.EndsWith("/") && !ns.EndsWith("#") && !ns.Contains("#")) { sep = "#"; } if (name.Contains("/") && ns.EndsWith("/")) { ns = ns.Substring(0, ns.Length - 1) + "#"; } return(new OwlName() { iri = IRI.create(ns + sep + encodedName) }); }
public static void Initialize(string ontologyProfilePath) { try { Manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager(); //tento řádek je potřebný kvůli nedokonale převedené knihovně z javy, kvůli které se načítá owl parser [email protected] s = new [email protected](); // načtení owl souboru, který obsahuje metamodel a který každá vložená báze individuí importuje byte[] owlResourceUPMM = Properties.Resources.UPMM; upmmInputStream = new; OWLOntology ontologyUPMM = Manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(upmmInputStream); MetamodelIRI = ontologyUPMM.getOntologyID().getOntologyIRI(); Trace.WriteLine("Loaded Metamodel Ontology : " + MetamodelIRI); // načtení owl báze konkrétního profilu processModel = new; OWLOntology knowledgeProfile = Manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(processModel); ProfileIRI = knowledgeProfile.getOntologyID().getOntologyIRI(); Trace.WriteLine("Loaded Profile Ontology : " + ProfileIRI); // vytvoření reasoneru nad profilem Reasoner = new StructuralReasonerFactory().createReasoner(knowledgeProfile, new SimpleConfiguration()); PelletReasoner = new PelletReasonerFactory().createReasoner(knowledgeProfile, new SimpleConfiguration()); //Reasoner = new Reasoner.ReasonerFactory().createReasoner(knowledgeProfile); HermiT Trace.WriteLine("Reasoner is running!"); DataFactory = Manager.getOWLDataFactory(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Ontology loading failed!", ex); } }
public static string GetOWLXML(CNL.DL.Paragraph para, bool owlXml, string externext, Dictionary <string, string> invUriMappings, AnnotationManager annotMan, string ontologyBase = null, Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, string> > prefixes = null, string defaultGuid = null, Dictionary <string, List <string> > owlOntologyAnnotation = null, string generatedBy = "CogniPy") { prefixes = prefixes ?? new Dictionary <string, Tuple <string, string> >(); if (ontologyBase == null) { ontologyBase = "" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); } //var ontologyBase = (ontologyNs ?? "" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N")); //if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultGuid)) // ontologyBase = (ontologyNs ?? "" + defaultGuid); if (!ontologyBase.EndsWith("/") && !ontologyBase.EndsWith("#") && !ontologyBase.Contains("#")) { ontologyBase += "#"; } OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager(); CogniPy.ARS.Transform transform = new CogniPy.ARS.Transform(); transform.InvUriMappings = invUriMappings; var df = manager.getOWLDataFactory(); ontology = manager.createOntology(IRI.create(ontologyBase)); org.semanticweb.owlapi.vocab.PrefixOWLOntologyFormat owlxmlFormat = null; if (owlXml) { owlxmlFormat = new; } else { owlxmlFormat = new; } owlxmlFormat.setDefaultPrefix(ontologyBase); foreach (var kv in prefixes) { owlxmlFormat.setPrefix(kv.Key.Replace("$", "."), kv.Value.Item1); // should we put here the Item2 (the location) and not the inner namespace??? if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(kv.Value.Item2) && !(kv.Value.Item2.EndsWith(".encnl") || kv.Value.Item2.EndsWith(".encnl#"))) // do not export cnl imports (not in OWL!) { // here we need to use Item1 because we cannot export into OWL the specific location of the ontology ---> this is bad practice as in this way we loose the generality of the owl file // imagine that the location is C://mydirectory/... and I add into an owl file: owl:import "C:/mydirectory/". This mean that only on my computer I will be able to import this file. // On the other hand if we write owl:import "namespace of the file" there is a good chance that when someone else will open the file, the file will be imported from internet. var decl = manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLImportsDeclaration(OWLPathUriTools.Path2IRI(kv.Value.Item1.TrimEnd('#'))); manager.applyChange(new AddImport(ontology, decl)); } } manager.setOntologyFormat(ontology, owlxmlFormat); if (owlOntologyAnnotation != null) { foreach (var keyVal in owlOntologyAnnotation) { foreach (string val in keyVal.Value) { manager.applyChange(new AddOntologyAnnotation( ontology, manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLAnnotation( manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLAnnotationProperty(IRI.create(keyVal.Key)), manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLLiteral(val)))); } } } transform.setOWLDataFactory(false, ontologyBase, df, owlxmlFormat, CNL.EN.CNLFactory.lex); var paraFromAnnotStatements = annotMan.getDLAnnotationAxioms(); var stmts = para.Statements; foreach (var p in paraFromAnnotStatements) { stmts.AddRange(p.Value); } var conv = transform.Convert(new CogniPy.CNL.DL.Paragraph(null) { Statements = stmts }); var om = new org.coode.xml.OWLOntologyXMLNamespaceManager(manager, ontology); foreach (var axiom in conv.axioms) { if (axiom.comment != null) { var dp = axiom.comment.IndexOf(':'); var x = axiom.comment.Substring(0, dp); if (x.Trim() == "Namespace") { var ontologyIri = axiom.comment.Substring(dp + 1).Trim(); if (ontologyIri.EndsWith(".")) { ontologyIri = ontologyIri.Substring(0, ontologyIri.Length - 1); } if (ontologyIri.StartsWith("\'") && ontologyIri.Length > 2) { ontologyIri = ontologyIri.Substring(1, ontologyIri.Length - 2).Replace("\'\'", "\'"); } manager.removeOntology(ontology); ontology = manager.createOntology(IRI.create(ontologyIri)); om.setDefaultNamespace(ontologyIri + "#"); transform.setOWLDataFactory(true, ontologyBase, df, owlxmlFormat, CNL.EN.CNLFactory.lex); } else if (x.Trim() == "References") { var refs = CNLTools.ParseReferences(axiom.comment.Substring(dp)); foreach (Match match in refs) { var onto = match.Groups["ont"].Value; if (onto.StartsWith("\'") && onto.Length > 2) { onto = onto.Substring(1, onto.Length - 2).Replace("\'\'", "\'").Trim(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(onto)) { if (onto.ToLower().EndsWith(".encnl")) { onto = OWLConverter.PathToIRIString(onto.Substring(0, onto.Length - ".encnl".Length) + externext); } var ns = match.Groups["ns"].Value; if (ns.StartsWith("\'") && ns.Length > 2) { ns = ns.Substring(1, ns.Length - 2).Replace("\'\'", "\'").Trim(); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ns)) { ns = onto; } om.setPrefix(match.Groups["pfx"].Value, ns); owlxmlFormat.setPrefix(match.Groups["pfx"].Value, ns); var decl = manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLImportsDeclaration(OWLPathUriTools.Path2IRI(onto)); manager.applyChange(new AddImport(ontology, decl)); } } } else { //manager.applyChange(new AddOntologyAnnotation( // ontology, // manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLAnnotation( // manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLAnnotationProperty(IRI.create(ontologyBase + x)), // manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLLiteral(axiom.comment.Substring(dp))))); } } else if (axiom.axiom != null) { manager.addAxiom(ontology, axiom.axiom); } } foreach (var axiom in conv.additions) { manager.addAxiom(ontology, axiom); } var ontout = new; manager.saveOntology(ontology, owlxmlFormat, ontout); manager.removeOntology(ontology); var retdoc = new XmlDocument(); retdoc.LoadXml(ontout.toString()); foreach (var elem in retdoc.ChildNodes) { if (elem is XmlComment) { retdoc.RemoveChild(elem as XmlComment); } } retdoc.AppendChild(retdoc.CreateComment("Generated by " + generatedBy + ", (with support from OwlApi)")); return(SerializeDoc(retdoc)); }
static public string IRI2Path(IRI iri) { return(iri.toURI().toString().Replace('\\', '/')); }
static public IRI Path2IRI(string fileName) { return(IRI.create(fileName.Replace('\\', '/'))); }
/// <summary>Creates an array of RDF triples for the given graph.</summary> /// <remarks>Creates an array of RDF triples for the given graph.</remarks> /// <param name="graph">the graph to create RDF triples for.</param> internal virtual void GraphToRDF(string graphName, JObject graph ) { // 4.2) IList <Quad> triples = new List <Quad>(); // 4.3) var subjects = graph.GetKeys(); // Collections.sort(subjects); foreach (var id in subjects) { if (JsonLdUtils.IsRelativeIri(id)) { continue; } var node = (JObject)graph[id]; var properties = new JArray(node.GetKeys()); properties.SortInPlace(); foreach (string property in properties) { var localProperty = property; JArray values; // if ("@type".Equals(localProperty)) { values = (JArray)node["@type"]; localProperty = JsonLdConsts.RdfType; } else { // if (JsonLdUtils.IsKeyword(localProperty)) { continue; } // if (localProperty.StartsWith("_:") && !api.opts.GetProduceGeneralizedRdf()) { continue; } // if (JsonLdUtils.IsRelativeIri(localProperty)) { continue; } values = (JArray)node[localProperty]; } Node subject; if (id.IndexOf("_:") == 0) { subject = new BlankNode(id); } else { subject = new IRI(id); } // RDF predicates Node predicate; if (localProperty.StartsWith("_:")) { predicate = new BlankNode(localProperty); } else { predicate = new IRI(localProperty); } foreach (var item in values) { // convert @list to triples if (JsonLdUtils.IsList(item)) { var list = (JArray)((JObject)item)["@list"]; Node last = null; var firstBNode = nil; if (!list.IsEmpty()) { last = ObjectToRDF(list[list.Count - 1]); firstBNode = new BlankNode(api.GenerateBlankNodeIdentifier()); } triples.Add(new Quad(subject, predicate, firstBNode, graphName)); for (var i = 0; i < list.Count - 1; i++) { var @object = ObjectToRDF(list[i]); triples.Add(new Quad(firstBNode, first, @object, graphName)); Node restBNode = new BlankNode(api.GenerateBlankNodeIdentifier ()); triples.Add(new Quad(firstBNode, rest, restBNode, graphName)); firstBNode = restBNode; } if (last != null) { triples.Add(new Quad(firstBNode, first, last, graphName)); triples.Add(new Quad(firstBNode, rest, nil, graphName)); } } else { // convert value or node object to triple var @object = ObjectToRDF(item); if (@object != null) { triples.Add(new Quad(subject, predicate, @object, graphName)); } } } } } this[graphName] = triples; }
private IRI decode_IRI() { push("IRI"); bool decoded = true; int s0 = index; var e0 = new List<Rule>(); Rule rule; decoded = false; if (!decoded) { { var e1 = new List<Rule>(); int s1 = index; decoded = true; if (decoded) { bool f1 = true; int c1 = 0; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 1 && f1; i1++) { rule = decode_scheme(); if ((f1 = rule != null)) { e1.Add(rule); c1++; } } decoded = c1 == 1; } if (decoded) { bool f1 = true; int c1 = 0; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 1 && f1; i1++) { rule = decode_StringValue(":"); if ((f1 = rule != null)) { e1.Add(rule); c1++; } } decoded = c1 == 1; } if (decoded) { bool f1 = true; int c1 = 0; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 1 && f1; i1++) { rule = decode_ihier_part(); if ((f1 = rule != null)) { e1.Add(rule); c1++; } } decoded = c1 == 1; } if (decoded) { bool f1 = true; int c1 = 0; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 1 && f1; i1++) { decoded = false; if (!decoded) { { var e2 = new List<Rule>(); int s2 = index; decoded = true; if (decoded) { bool f2 = true; int c2 = 0; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 1 && f2; i2++) { rule = decode_StringValue("?"); if ((f2 = rule != null)) { e2.Add(rule); c2++; } } decoded = c2 == 1; } if (decoded) { bool f2 = true; int c2 = 0; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 1 && f2; i2++) { rule = decode_iquery(); if ((f2 = rule != null)) { e2.Add(rule); c2++; } } decoded = c2 == 1; } if (decoded) e1.AddRange(e2); else index = s2; } } if (decoded) c1++; f1 = decoded; } decoded = true; } if (decoded) { bool f1 = true; int c1 = 0; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 1 && f1; i1++) { decoded = false; if (!decoded) { { var e2 = new List<Rule>(); int s2 = index; decoded = true; if (decoded) { bool f2 = true; int c2 = 0; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 1 && f2; i2++) { rule = decode_StringValue("#"); if ((f2 = rule != null)) { e2.Add(rule); c2++; } } decoded = c2 == 1; } if (decoded) { bool f2 = true; int c2 = 0; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < 1 && f2; i2++) { rule = decode_ifragment(); if ((f2 = rule != null)) { e2.Add(rule); c2++; } } decoded = c2 == 1; } if (decoded) e1.AddRange(e2); else index = s2; } } if (decoded) c1++; f1 = decoded; } decoded = true; } if (decoded) e0.AddRange(e1); else index = s1; } } rule = null; if (decoded) rule = new IRI(text.Substring(s0, index - s0), e0); else index = s0; pop("IRI", decoded, index - s0); return (IRI)rule; }
public IRI(IRI rule) : base(rule.spelling, rule.rules) { }