Beispiel #1
 public static IPropertyValidator <T, TProperty> NotEmpty <T, TProperty>(this IPropertyValidator <T, TProperty> @this)
 => @this.Add(v => {
     object value = v.Value;
     bool b;
     var s = value as string;
     if (s != null)
         b = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s);
         var enumerable = value as IEnumerable;
         if (enumerable != null)
             b = !enumerable.Cast <object>().Any();
             b = Equals(value, default(TProperty));
             ? v.CreateFailureData("'{PropertyName}' should not be empty.")
             : null);
Beispiel #2
 public static IPropertyValidator <T, TProperty> NotNull <T, TProperty>(this IPropertyValidator <T, TProperty> @this)
 => @this.Add(v => {
     object value = v.Value;
     return(value == null
             ? v.CreateFailureData("'{PropertyName}' must not be empty.")
             : null);
 public static IPropertyValidator <T, TProperty> NotEmpty <T, TProperty>(this IPropertyValidator <T, TProperty> @this, Func <string> message = null)
 => @this.Add(v => {
     object value = v.Value;
     bool b;
     var s = value as string;
     if (s != null)
         b = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s);
         var enumerable = value as IEnumerable;
         if (enumerable != null)
             b = !enumerable.Cast <object>().Any();
             b = Equals(value, default(TProperty));
             ? v.CreateErrorInfo(Message(message, () => Messages.notempty_error))
             : null);
 public static IPropertyValidator <T, TProperty> NotNull <T, TProperty>(this IPropertyValidator <T, TProperty> @this, Func <string> message = null)
 => @this.Add(v => {
     object value = v.Value;
     return(value == null
             ? v.CreateErrorInfo(Message(message, () => Messages.notnull_error))
             : null);
Beispiel #5
 public static IPropertyValidator <T, TProperty> ExclusiveBetween <T, TProperty>(this IPropertyValidator <T, TProperty> @this, TProperty from, TProperty to)
     where TProperty : IComparable <TProperty>, IComparable
 => @this.Add(v => from.CompareTo(@this.Value) >= 0 || to.CompareTo(@this.Value) <= 0
         ? v.CreateFailureData("'{PropertyName}' must be between {From} and {To}. You entered {Value}.",
                               text => text.ReplacePlaceholderWithValue(
                                   MessageFormatter.CreateTuple("From", from),
                                   MessageFormatter.CreateTuple("To", to),
                                   MessageFormatter.CreateTuple("Value", @this.Value)))
              : null);
Beispiel #6
 public static IPropertyValidator <T, string> Length <T>(this IPropertyValidator <T, string> @this, int minLength, int maxLength)
 => @this.Add(v => {
     var length = @this.Value?.Length ?? 0;
     return(length < minLength || length > maxLength
             ? v.CreateFailureData("'{PropertyName}' must be between {MinLength} and {MaxLength} characters. You entered {TotalLength} characters.",
                                   text => text.ReplacePlaceholderWithValue(
                                       MessageFormatter.CreateTuple("MaxLength", maxLength),
                                       MessageFormatter.CreateTuple("MinLength", minLength),
                                       MessageFormatter.CreateTuple("TotalLength", length)))
             : null);
 public static IPropertyValidator <T, string> Length <T>(this IPropertyValidator <T, string> @this, int minLength, int maxLength,
                                                         Func <string> message = null)
 => @this.Add(v => {
     var length = @this.Value?.Length ?? 0;
     return(length < minLength || length > maxLength
             ? v.CreateErrorInfo(Message(message, () => Messages.length_error),
                                 text => text.ReplacePlaceholderWithValue(
                                     CreateTuple("MaxLength", maxLength),
                                     CreateTuple("MinLength", minLength),
                                     CreateTuple("TotalLength", length)))
             : null);
Beispiel #8
 public static IPropertyValidator <T, TProperty> NotEqual <T, TProperty>(this IPropertyValidator <T, TProperty> @this, TProperty comparisonValue)
 => @this.Add(v => Equals(v.Value, comparisonValue)
         ? v.CreateFailureData("'{PropertyName}' should not be equal to '{ComparisonValue}'.",
                               text => text.ReplacePlaceholderWithValue(MessageFormatter.CreateTuple("ComparisonValue", comparisonValue)))
         : null);
 public static IPropertyValidator <T, TProperty> NotEqual <T, TProperty>(this IPropertyValidator <T, TProperty> @this, TProperty comparisonValue,
                                                                         Func <string> message = null)
 => @this.Add(v => Equals(v.Value, comparisonValue)
         ? v.CreateErrorInfo(Message(message, () => Messages.notequal_error),
                             text => text.ReplacePlaceholderWithValue(CreateTuple("ComparisonValue", comparisonValue)))
         : null);