/// <summary>
        /// The constructor for the element.
        /// Called at runtime when the element is first referenced.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        public MqttSubscriberElement(IElementData data)
            _data = data;

            _props = _data.Properties;

            // The IElementData contains a reference to the execution context
            var context = _data.ExecutionContext;

            prServerElement = (IElementProperty)_props.GetProperty("MqttServer");
            MqttConnector   = (MqttSubscribeConnector)prServerElement.GetElement(context);

            // Get the Property Readers
            IPropertyReader prTopic = _data.Properties.GetProperty("Topic");

            // Place simio events into a lookup array that will be used at runtime.
            TopicEventList = new List <IEvent>();

            foreach (var eventDef in _data.Events)

            LogIt($"SubscriberElement Start: Url={MqttConnector.ServerUrl} Port={MqttConnector.ServerPort} ");

            SubscribeTopic = prTopic.GetStringValue(_data.ExecutionContext);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the arguments from the Repeating Group
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <Tuple <string, string> > GetArgumentsFromSimio(IStepExecutionContext context)
            List <Tuple <string, string> > argList = new List <Tuple <string, string> >();
            string marker = "";

            int numArguments = _prArguments.GetCount(context);
            int ii           = -1;

                // Get the values of all the arguments (repeating group)
                for (ii = 0; ii < numArguments; ii++)
                    marker = $"Argument #{ii}";
                    using (IPropertyReaders argsRow = _prArguments.GetRow(ii, context))
                        IExpressionPropertyReader prExpression = argsRow.GetProperty("ArgumentName") as IExpressionPropertyReader;
                        string argName = prExpression.GetExpressionValue(context).ToString();

                        prExpression = argsRow.GetProperty("Expression") as IExpressionPropertyReader;

                        string exprVal = prExpression.GetExpressionValue(context).ToString();

                        marker = $"{marker}: Name={argName} Value={exprVal}";
                        argList.Add(new Tuple <string, string>(argName, exprVal));
                } // for

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException($"Marker={marker}. Processing argument {ii} of {numArguments}. Err={ex.Message}");
 public UserStep1(IPropertyReaders properties)
     _properties = properties;
     _propPala0  = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala0");
     _propPala1  = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala1");
     _propPala2  = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala2");
     _propPala3  = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala3");
     _propPala4  = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala4");
     _propPala5  = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala5");
     _propPala6  = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala6");
     _propPala7  = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala7");
     _propPala8  = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala8");
     _propPala9  = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala9");
     _propPala10 = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala10");
     _propPala11 = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala11");
     _propPala12 = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala12");
     _propPala13 = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala13");
     _propPala14 = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala14");
     _propPala15 = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala15");
     _propPala16 = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala16");
     _propPala17 = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala17");
     _propPala18 = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala18");
     _propPala19 = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala19");
     _propPala20 = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Pala20");
     vectores    = new Vectores.Vect();
        /// <summary>
        /// Method called when a process token executes the step.
        /// </summary>
        public ExitType Execute(IStepExecutionContext context)
            // Get an array of double values from the repeat group's list of expressions
            object[] paramsArray = new object[_items.GetCount(context)];
            for (int i = 0; i < _items.GetCount(context); i++)
                // The thing returned from GetRow is IDisposable, so we use the using() pattern here
                using (IPropertyReaders row = _items.GetRow(i, context))
                    // Get the expression property
                    IExpressionPropertyReader expressionProp = row.GetProperty("Expression") as IExpressionPropertyReader;
                    // Resolve the expression to get the value
                    paramsArray[i] = expressionProp.GetExpressionValue(context);

            // set Excel data
            ExcelConnectElementEPPlus Excelconnect = (ExcelConnectElementEPPlus)_ExcelconnectElementProp.GetElement(context);

            if (Excelconnect == null)
                context.ExecutionInformation.ReportError("ExcelConnectEPPlus element is null.  Makes sure ExcelWorkbook is defined correctly.");
            String worksheetString   = _worksheetProp.GetStringValue(context);
            Int32  rowInt            = (Int32)_rowProp.GetDoubleValue(context);
            Int32  startingColumnInt = Convert.ToInt32(_startingColumnProp.GetDoubleValue(context));

                // for each parameter
                for (int ii = 0; ii < paramsArray.Length; ii++)
                    double doubleValue = TryAsDouble((Convert.ToString(paramsArray[ii], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
                    if (!System.Double.IsNaN(doubleValue))
                        Excelconnect.WriteResults(worksheetString, rowInt, startingColumnInt + ii, doubleValue, DateTime.MinValue, String.Empty, context);
                        DateTime datetimeValue = TryAsDateTime((Convert.ToString(paramsArray[ii], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));
                        if (datetimeValue > System.DateTime.MinValue)
                            Excelconnect.WriteResults(worksheetString, rowInt, startingColumnInt + ii, System.Double.MinValue, datetimeValue, String.Empty, context);
                            Excelconnect.WriteResults(worksheetString, rowInt, startingColumnInt + ii, System.Double.MinValue, System.DateTime.MinValue, (Convert.ToString(paramsArray[ii], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)), context);
            catch (FormatException)
                context.ExecutionInformation.ReportError("Bad format provided in Excel Write step.");

            // We are done writing, have the token proceed out of the primary exit
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties"></param>
        public EFInterfaceStep(IPropertyReaders properties)
            _properties = properties;

            PropertyHelper = new SimioPropertyHelper(properties);

            //var prSqlConnectionString = _properties.GetProperty("SqlConnectionString");
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. Initialize data. Called as a model with this Step loads.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties"></param>
        public SimioTableInterfaceStep(IPropertyReaders properties)
            _props = properties;

            RandomGenerator = new Random();

            CalcDataList = null; // new List<CalculationRow>();
Beispiel #7
 public Cargabien(IPropertyReaders properties)
     _properties  = properties;
     _propTimenow = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Timenow");
     _propSalida  = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Salida");
     _propAux     = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Aux");
     vectores     = new Vectores.Vect();
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor. Create property readers
        /// Called when this Step is inserted into a Process.
        /// Create all of the needed Property Readers.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="properties"></param>
        public MqttPublishExpressionStep(IPropertyReaders properties)
            _props = properties;

            prServerElement = (IElementProperty)_props.GetProperty("MqttServer");
            prTopic         = (IPropertyReader)_props.GetProperty("MqttTopic");
            prPayload       = (IPropertyReader)_props.GetProperty("MqttPayload");
Beispiel #9
 public ExcelReadStep(IPropertyReaders properties)
     _propReaders          = properties;
     prWorksheet           = _propReaders.GetProperty("Worksheet");
     prRow                 = _propReaders.GetProperty("Row");
     prStartingColumn      = _propReaders.GetProperty("StartingColumn");
     prExcelconnectElement = (IElementProperty)_propReaders.GetProperty("ExcelConnectEPPlus");
     rprStates             = (IRepeatingPropertyReader)_propReaders.GetProperty("States");
 public ExcelWriteStep(IPropertyReaders properties)
     _props                   = properties;
     _worksheetProp           = _props.GetProperty("Worksheet");
     _rowProp                 = _props.GetProperty("Row");
     _startingColumnProp      = _props.GetProperty("StartingColumn");
     _ExcelconnectElementProp = (IElementProperty)_props.GetProperty("ExcelConnectEPPlus");
     _items                   = (IRepeatingPropertyReader)_props.GetProperty("Items");
Beispiel #11
 public AgentWaitStep(IPropertyReaders properties)
     _properties      = properties;
     _agentProperty   = (IElementProperty)_properties.GetProperty("AgentConnection");
     _statesProperty  = (IRepeatingPropertyReader)_properties.GetProperty("States");
     _actionProperty  = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Action");
     _rewardProperty  = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Reward");
     _episodeProperty = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("EpisodeNumber");
     _statusProperty  = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Status");
Beispiel #12
 public UserStep1(IPropertyReaders properties)
     _properties    = properties;
     _propTimenow   = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Timenow");
     _propSalida    = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Salida");
     _propAux       = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Aux");
     _propAux2      = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Aux2");
     _propNumCam    = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("NumCam");
     _propNeedtime  = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Needtime");
     _propLosttones = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Losttones");
     _propNeedch    = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Needch");
     vectores       = new Vectores.Vect();
 public Vector(IPropertyReaders properties)
     _properties   = properties;
     _propTipo     = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("TipoVector");
     _propFila     = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Fila");
     _propColumna  = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Columna");
     _propPalas    = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Numerofilas");
     _propCamiones = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("Numerocolumnas");
     _propNV       = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("NuevoValor");
     _propLE       = (IStateProperty)_properties.GetProperty("LeeoEscribe");
     vectores      = new Vect();
Beispiel #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Method called when a process token executes the step.
        /// </summary>
        public ExitType Execute(IStepExecutionContext context)
            // Get Excel data
            ExcelConnectElementEPPlus Excelconnect = (ExcelConnectElementEPPlus)prExcelconnectElement.GetElement(context);

            if (Excelconnect == null)
                context.ExecutionInformation.ReportError("ExcelConnectEPPlus element is null.  Makes sure ExcelWorkbook is defined correctly.");
            String worksheetString   = prWorksheet.GetStringValue(context);
            Int32  rowInt            = (Int32)prRow.GetDoubleValue(context);
            Int32  startingColumnInt = Convert.ToInt32(prStartingColumn.GetDoubleValue(context));

            int numReadIn       = 0;
            int numReadFailures = 0;

            for (int ii = 0; ii < rprStates.GetCount(context); ii++)
                // Tokenize the input
                string resultsString = Excelconnect.ReadResults(worksheetString, rowInt, startingColumnInt + ii, context);

                // The thing returned from GetRow is IDisposable, so we use the using() pattern here
                using (IPropertyReaders row = rprStates.GetRow(ii, context))
                    // Get the state property out of the i-th tuple of the repeat group
                    IStateProperty stateprop = (IStateProperty)row.GetProperty("State");
                    // Resolve the property value to get the runtime state
                    IState state = stateprop.GetState(context);

                    if (TryAsNumericState(state, resultsString) ||
                        TryAsDateTimeState(state, resultsString) ||
                        TryAsStringState(state, resultsString))

            string worksheetName = prWorksheet.GetStringValue(context);

            context.ExecutionInformation.TraceInformation($"Read from row={rowInt} worksheet={worksheetName} into {numReadIn} state columns. {numReadFailures} read failures");

            // We are done reading, have the token proceed out of the primary exit
        /// <summary>
        /// Method called when a process token executes the step.
        /// </summary>
        public ExitType Execute(IStepExecutionContext context)
            rgReader = (IRepeatingPropertyReader)_props.GetProperty("MyMappedFields");

            // If not set up (e.g. this is the first time), create the CalcDataList
            // Since the RG references the table the count is the number of rows.
            if (CalcDataList == null)
                CalcDataList = new List <CalculationRow>();

                int tableRowCount = rgReader.GetCount(context);
                for (int ri = 0; ri < tableRowCount; ri++)
                    CalculationRow cr = new CalculationRow();
                    cr.MyKey = ri;

            //// Create values and put them in the CalculationRow objects
            foreach (CalculationRow cr in CalcDataList)
                using (IPropertyReaders rowReader2 = rgReader.GetRow(cr.MyKey, context))
                    PutSimioValuesToCalculationRowObject(context, RandomGenerator, rowReader2, cr);
            } // next table row

            //======= Run a mock calculator/optimizer/whatever ==============
            if (RunMockCalculator(CalcDataList, out string explanation))
                // Put the data back into Simio
                foreach (CalculationRow cr in CalcDataList)
                    using (IPropertyReaders rowReader2 = rgReader.GetRow(cr.MyKey, context))
                        PutCalculationRowObjectToSimioValues(context, rowReader2, cr);
                Logit(context, $"Calculation Err={explanation}");

Beispiel #16
        private List <double> ReadRepeatingProperty(IStepExecutionContext context, IRepeatingPropertyReader rp, string propertyname)
            var result = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < rp.GetCount(context); i++)
                using (IPropertyReaders row = rp.GetRow(i, context))
                    IStateProperty stateprop = (IStateProperty)row.GetProperty(propertyname);
                    IState         state     = stateprop.GetState(context);
 public RunExecutable(IPropertyReaders properties)
         _properties           = properties;
         _prExecutableLocation = _properties.GetProperty("ExecutableLocation");
         _prArguments          = (IRepeatingPropertyReader)_properties.GetProperty("Arguments");
         _prWaitForExit        = _properties.GetProperty("WaitForExecutableToExit");
         _prCreateWindow       = _properties.GetProperty("CreateWindow");
         _prArgLogic           = _properties.GetProperty("ArgumentLogic");
         _prDelimiter          = _properties.GetProperty("Delimiter");
         _prUseShellExecute    = _properties.GetProperty("UseShellExecute");
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new ApplicationException($"RunExecutables. Perhaps a misnamed Property? Err={ex.Message}");
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor called as the run begins.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        public SimioTableElement(IElementData data)
            _Data    = data;
            _Props   = _Data.Properties;       // Property readers
            _Context = _Data.ExecutionContext; // run-time execution context

            rprTableFields  = (IRepeatingPropertyReader)_Props.GetProperty(MyStrings.TableColumnMappingsName);
            prTableRowIndex = (IStateProperty)_Props.GetProperty(MyStrings.TableIndexName);

            IExpressionPropertyReader prExpression = (IExpressionPropertyReader)_Props.GetProperty(MyStrings.TableRowCountName);
            double tableRowCount = (double)prExpression.GetExpressionValue(data.ExecutionContext);

            // Build a structure to hold data??
            ////CalcDataList = new List<CalculationRow>();

            ////for (int tr = 1; tr <= NbrTableRows; tr++)
            ////    CalculationRow cr = new CalculationRow();
            ////    cr.MyKey = tr;
            ////    CalcDataList.Add(cr);
Beispiel #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Method called to create a new instance of this step type to place in a process.
 /// Returns an instance of the class implementing the IStep interface.
 /// </summary>
 public IStep CreateStep(IPropertyReaders properties)
     return(new Cargabien(properties));
Beispiel #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Method called to create a new instance of this step type to place in a process. 
 /// Returns an instance of the class implementing the IStep interface.
 /// </summary>
 public IStep CreateStep(IPropertyReaders properties)
     return new Separation(properties);
Beispiel #21
 public Separation(IPropertyReaders properties)
     _properties = properties;
 public IntersectionStep(IPropertyReaders properties)
     _properties = properties;
 /// <summary>
 /// Method called to create a new instance of this step type to place in a process.
 /// Returns an instance of the class implementing the IStep interface.
 /// </summary>
 public IStep CreateStep(IPropertyReaders properties)
     return(new IntersectionStep(properties));
Beispiel #24
 /// <summary>
 /// Method called to create a new instance of this step type to place in a process.
 /// Returns an instance of the class implementing the IStep interface.
 /// </summary>
 public IStep CreateStep(IPropertyReaders properties)
     return(new MqttPublishExpressionStep(properties));
Beispiel #25
        public AlertStep(IPropertyReaders properties)
            _propReaders = properties;

            _prMessage = _propReaders.GetProperty("Message");
 /// <summary>
 /// Method called to create a new instance of this step type to place in a process.
 /// Returns an instance of the class implementing the IStep interface.
 /// </summary>
 public IStep CreateStep(IPropertyReaders properties)
     return(new UserStep1(properties));
 public SimioPropertyHelper(IPropertyReaders propReaders)
     this._PropReaders = propReaders;
Beispiel #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Method called to create a new instance of this step type to place in a process.
 /// Returns an instance of the class implementing the IStep interface.
 /// </summary>
 public IStep CreateStep(IPropertyReaders properties)
     return(new EntityWithDataStep(properties));
Beispiel #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Method called to create a new instance of this step type to place in a process.
 /// Returns an instance of the class implementing the IStep interface.
 /// </summary>
 public IStep CreateStep(IPropertyReaders properties)
     return(new AlertStep(properties));
Beispiel #30
 public EntityWithDataStep(IPropertyReaders properties)
     _properties = properties;