/// <summary>
 /// Specifies the getting of exact command.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="command">Specifies the input text with which the command is chosen.</param>
 /// <param name="printer">The printer of messages for the chosen command.</param>
 /// <param name="gameSaver">The object for saving game state.</param>
 /// <returns>A command object.</returns>
 public IHangmanCommand GetCommand(string command, IPrinter printer, ISaveLoadManager gameSaver)
     // The string command will come from a ConsoleInputParser/Reader and it will be validated there;
     switch (command)
         case "restart":
             return new RestartCommand(printer);
         case "top":
             return new ShowScoreboardCommand();
         case "help":
             return new GetHelpCommand();
         case "exit":
             return new ExitGameCommand(printer);
         case "save":
             return new SaveCommand(gameSaver);
         case "load":
             return new LoadCommand(gameSaver, printer);
         case "finishGame":
             return new NormalGameEndCommand(printer);
         case "cheater":
             return new CheaterGameEndCommand(printer);
             return new HandleLetterCommand(command, printer);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Scoreboard"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="printer">The object used to show messages.</param>
 /// <param name="sorter">The object used to sort scores.</param>
 /// <param name="scoresDataManager">The object from which scores are read and written in.</param>
 public Scoreboard(IPrinter printer, ISorter sorter, IDataManager<Dictionary<string, int>> scoresDataManager)
     this.Score = new Dictionary<string, int>();
     this.printer = printer;
     this.sorter = sorter;
     this.scoresDataManager = scoresDataManager;
 public CommandFactoryWithLazyLoading(IPhonebookRepository data, IPrinter printer, IPhoneNumberSanitizer sanitizer)
     // TODO: Complete member initialization
     this.data = data;
     this.printer = printer;
     this.sanitizer = sanitizer;
Beispiel #4
 public Grid(IPrinter thePrinter)
     printer = thePrinter;
         Rows = 6;
         Columns = 7;
         Cells = new States[Columns, Rows];
        /// <summary>
        /// Connects and prints all paths + shortest paths using appropriate format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="printerStrategy">The result printer strategy</param>
        public void PrintResult(IPrinter printerStrategy)
            var allPaths = new List<DoubleLinkedList<int>>();
            this.ConnectAllPathsDFS(this.parentNode, new DoubleLinkedList<int>(), ref allPaths);

            printerStrategy.PrintResult(allPaths, this.parentNode);
        public CrossAppDomainCleanUp(AppDomain toWatch, IPrinter printer)
            if (toWatch == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("toWatch");
            if (printer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("printer");

            (new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted)).Assert();
            var current = toWatch;

            AppDomainSetup adSetup = new AppDomainSetup();
            adSetup.ApplicationBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase;

            //#if RAZOR4 // currently not signed!
            var strongNames = new StrongName[0];
            //            var strongNames = new[] {
            //                FromAssembly(typeof(RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService).Assembly),
            //                FromAssembly(typeof(System.Web.Razor.RazorTemplateEngine).Assembly)
            //            };

            _domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(
                "CleanupHelperDomain_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), null,
                current.SetupInformation, new PermissionSet(PermissionState.Unrestricted),

            var initHelper = new InitHelper() { Domain = _domain, Current = current };
            _helper = ExecutionContextLessThread.DefaultCallFunc(new Func<CleanupHelper>(initHelper.CreateHelper));
Beispiel #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Try to parse options from command line
            var options = new Options();
            if (Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options))
                    _collection = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(new Uri(options.TeamCollection));
                    _buildServer = _collection.GetService<IBuildServer>();
                    _commonStructureService = _collection.GetService<ICommonStructureService>();
                    _printer = new TabbedPrinter();

                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("An error occured:");
                Console.WriteLine("Couldn't read options");
 public ChangePhoneCommand(string[] arguments, ISanitizer sanitizer, IPhonebookRepository phonebookDatabase, IPrinter printer)
     this.phonebookDatabase = phonebookDatabase;
     this.sanitizer = sanitizer;
     this.arguments = arguments;
     this.printer = printer;
Beispiel #9
 public void Print(IPrinter printer)
     for (var i = 0; i < cells.Length; i++)
         printer.PrintCell(i/Width, i%Width, cells[i]);
        public BorrowController(IDisplay display, ICardReader reader, IScanner scanner, IPrinter printer,
                                    IBookDAO bookDAO, ILoanDAO loanDAO, IMemberDAO memberDAO)
            if(display == null) throw new ArgumentException("Display object was not provided to begin the application");
            if (reader == null) throw new ArgumentException("Reader object was not provided to begin the application");
            if (scanner == null) throw new ArgumentException("Scanner object was not provided to begin the application");
            if (printer == null) throw new ArgumentException("Printer object was not provided to begin the application");
            if (bookDAO == null) throw new ArgumentException("BookDAO object was not provided to begin the application");
            if (loanDAO == null) throw new ArgumentException("LoanDAO object was not provided to begin the application");
            if (memberDAO == null) throw new ArgumentException("MemberDAO object was not provided to begin the application");

            _display = display;
            _reader = reader;
            _scanner = scanner;
            _printer = printer;

            _bookDAO = bookDAO;
            _loanDAO = loanDAO;
            _memberDAO = memberDAO;

            _ui = new BorrowControl(this);

            _reader.Listener = this;
            _scanner.Listener = this;

            _bookList = new List<IBook>();
            _loanList = new List<ILoan>();

            _state = EBorrowState.CREATED;
Beispiel #11
        private static void PrintAlbumsCountWithXPath(XmlDocument xmlDocument, string xPathQuery, IPrinter printer)
            Dictionary<string, int> nodes = new Dictionary<string, int>();
            var artists = xmlDocument.SelectNodes(xPathQuery);

            foreach (var artist in artists)
                var currentNode = (XmlNode)artist;
                if (!nodes.ContainsKey(currentNode.InnerText))
                    nodes.Add(currentNode.InnerText, 1);
                    var value = nodes[currentNode.InnerText];
                    nodes[currentNode.InnerText] = ++value;

            List<string> results = new List<string>();
            results.Add("With XPath");
            foreach (var node in nodes)
                results.Add(string.Format("Artist: {0}, albums: {1}", node.Key, node.Value));

 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HangmanGame"/> class.
 /// Provides methods for running the game, ending the game and executing commands.
 /// </summary>
 public HangmanGame()
     this.printer = new ConsolePrinter();
     this.context = new GameContext(SimpleRandomWordProvider.Instance, new Scoreboard(new ConsolePrinter(), new SelectionSorter(), new TextFileScoreboardDataManager<Dictionary<string, int>>()));
     this.commandFactory = new CommandFactory();
     this.gameSaver = new SaveLoadManager(this.printer, new XmlGameStateManager<SaveLoadManager>());
     this.commandExecutioner = new HangmanCommandInvoker();
 public GameEngine(IPrinter printer, IReader inputReader, CommandFactory commandFactory, Validator validator, Game game)
     this.Scoreboard = Scoreboard.Instance;
     this.Printer = printer;
     this.InputReader = inputReader;
     this.CommandFactory = commandFactory;
     this.Validator = validator;
     this.Game = game;
 public BorrowControlTests()
     _display = Substitute.For<IDisplay>();
     _reader = Substitute.For<ICardReader>();
     _scanner = Substitute.For<IScanner>();
     _printer = Substitute.For<IPrinter>();
     _bookDao = Substitute.For<IBookDAO>();
     _loanDao = Substitute.For<ILoanDAO>();
     _memberDao = Substitute.For<IMemberDAO>();
 public static void Print(string path, IPrinter printer)
     using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(path))
         while (!reader.EndOfStream)
 public void Dispose()
     _display = null;
     _reader = null;
     _scanner = null;
     _printer = null;
     _bookDao = null;
     _loanDao = null;
     _memberDao = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the BullsAndCowsGame class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="randomNumberProvider">The randomNumberProvider used to generate random numbers.</param>
 /// <param name="scoreboard">The scoreboard used to hold player's scores.</param>
 /// <param name="printer">The printer used for printing messages and different objects.</param>
 /// <param name="commandProcessor">The first command processor in the chain of responsibility.</param>
 public BullsAndCowsGame(
     IRandomNumberProvider randomNumberProvider,
     ScoreBoard scoreboard,
     IPrinter printer,
     ICommandProcessor commandProcessor)
     this.RandomNumberProvider = randomNumberProvider;
     this.ScoreBoard = scoreboard;
     this.Printer = printer;
     this.CommandProcessor = commandProcessor;
        public bool InitializePrinter(PrinterParameter parameter)
            if (printer != null)

            printer = PrinterFactory.CreateInstance(parameter);

            return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Game" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 public Game()
     this.engine = new Engine();
     this.menuPrinter = new MenuPrinter();
     this.playfieldPrinter = new PlayfieldPrinter();
     this.messagePrinter = new MessagePrinter();
     this.scoreboardPrinter = new ScoreboardPrinter();
     this.reader = new Reader();
     this.colors = new BalloonColor();
     this.statistics = new OrderedMultiDictionary<int, string>(true);
        public Scenario04CompleteScans()
            _bookDao = new BookDao(new BookHelper());
            _loanDao = new LoanDao(new LoanHelper());
            _memberDao = new MemberDao(new MemberHelper());

            _display = new MainWindow();
            _reader = new CardReader();
            _scanner = new Scanner();
            _printer = new Printer();
        public Scenario02SwipeBorrowerCard()
            _bookDao = new BookDao(new BookHelper());
            _loanDao = new LoanDao(new LoanHelper());
            _memberDao = new MemberDao(new MemberHelper());

            _display = new MainWindow();
            _reader = new CardReader();
            _scanner = new Scanner();
            _printer = new Printer();
        public BorrowControlIntegration()
            _bookDao = new BookDao(new BookHelper());
            _loanDao = new LoanDao(new LoanHelper());
            _memberDao = new MemberDao(new MemberHelper());

            _display = new MainWindow();
            _reader = new CardReader();
            _scanner = new Scanner();
            _printer = new Printer();
        public MainMenuController(IDisplay display, ICardReader reader, IScanner scanner, IPrinter printer,
                                    IBookDAO bookDAO, ILoanDAO loanDAO, IMemberDAO memberDAO)
            _display = display;
            _reader = reader;
            _scanner = scanner;
            _printer = printer;

            _bookDAO = bookDAO;
            _loanDAO = loanDAO;
            _memberDAO = memberDAO;
        public BorrowController(IDisplay display, ICardReader reader, IScanner scanner, IPrinter printer,
                                    IBookDAO bookDAO, ILoanDAO loanDAO, IMemberDAO memberDAO)
            _display = display;
            _reader = reader;
            _scanner = scanner;
            _printer = printer;

            _ui = new BorrowControl(this);

            _state = EBorrowState.CREATED;
Beispiel #25
        private static void PrintAlbumsCount(XmlElement root, IPrinter printer)
            var albums = GetUniqueNodes(root, "artist");

            List<string> results = new List<string>();
            foreach (var album in albums)
                var albumCount = GetAlbumsCount(album["artist"].InnerText, root);
                results.Add(string.Format("Artist: {0}, albums: {1}", album["artist"].InnerText, albumCount));

        public MainMenuController(IDisplay display, ICardReader reader, IScanner scanner, IPrinter printer,
                                    IBookDAO bookDao, ILoanDAO loanDao, IMemberDAO memberDao, ICardReaderEvents cardReaderEvents)
            CardReaderEvents = cardReaderEvents;
            _display = display;
            _reader = reader;
            _scanner = scanner;
            _printer = printer;

            _bookDao = bookDao;
            _loanDao = loanDao;
            _memberDao = memberDao;
Beispiel #27
        public TimeAndMemory(bool diagnosticModeOn, IPrinter printer)
            _diagnosticModeOn = diagnosticModeOn;
            _printer = printer;
            if (!_diagnosticModeOn)

            _cpuTimeBegin = GetCpuTimeTicks();
            _sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            _heapSizeStart = GC.GetTotalMemory(false);
            _privateBytesStart = Process.GetCurrentProcess().PrivateMemorySize64;
Beispiel #28
 public SuperMegaPrinterMachine(
     IPrinter printer,
     IScan scanner,
     IStaple stapler,
     IFax fax,
     ICopy copier)
     _printer = printer;
     _scanner = scanner;
     _stapler = stapler;
     _fax = fax;
     _copier = copier;
Beispiel #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CommonPrinter"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="print">The print.</param>
        public CommonPrinter(IPrinter print)
            this.printer = print;
            this.printDocument1.DocumentName = print.GetDocName();

            printDocument1.PrintController = new System.Drawing.Printing.StandardPrintController();
            //this.printDocument1.DocumentName = "";
            this.printDocument1.DefaultPageSettings.Margins = new System.Drawing.Printing.Margins(100, 100, 100, 100);
            // printDocument1
            printDocument1.PrintPage += new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventHandler(printDocument1_PrintPage);
 public Spinner(List<IController> controller, SheetMap map, IConnectionInfo connectionInfo, IPrinter printer,
                IForm form)
     _mainForm = form;
     _connectionInfo = connectionInfo;
     _controllers = controller;
     _map = map;
     _printer = printer;
         ctrl =>
             wnd => CurrentController = _controllers.FirstOrDefault(_map.GetControllerPredicate(wnd))));
     _controllers.ForEach(ctrl => WireUpModels(ctrl.GetCoreEventModel()));
 public Log(IPrinter p)
     printer = p;
Beispiel #32
 public Story(IPrinter printer, string introduction)
     : this(printer, introduction, "To be defined", "To be continued")
Beispiel #33
 public Story(IPrinter printer, string introduction, string main)
     : this(printer, introduction, main, "To be continued")
Beispiel #34
 public static void SetDoubleFont(this IPrinter printer) =>
 printer.SetFont(FontMode.DoubleWidth | FontMode.DoubleHeight);
Beispiel #35
 public static void SetFontA(this IPrinter printer) => printer.SetFont();
 public BreadthFirstSearch(Map map, IPrinter printer) : base(map, printer)
Beispiel #37
 public Task1(ILogger <Task1> logger, IPrinter printer, MatrixParallel matrixParallel)
     _logger         = logger;
     _printer        = printer;
     _matrixParallel = matrixParallel;
Beispiel #38
 private static void PrintWith(IPrinter printer)
        // Advantages of using custom middleware is that we can utilize the DI framework to implement complex logic
        // in different classes instead of implement them all in one place

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="next"></param>
        /// <param name="myPrinter"></param>
        public CustomMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, IPrinter myPrinter)
            _next      = next;
            _myPrinter = myPrinter;
Beispiel #40
 public MultiFunctionMachine(IPrinter printer, IScanner scanner)
     this.printer = printer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(paramName: nameof(printer));
     this.scanner = scanner ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(paramName: nameof(scanner));
Beispiel #41
 public ASTPrinter(IPrinter printer)
     _printer = printer;
Beispiel #42
 public void SetUp()
     _printer = Substitute.For <IPrinter>();
     _uut     = new ReceiptController(_printer);
Beispiel #43
 public ChengerMoney()
     _accountMenager = new AccountMenager();
     _printer        = new Printer();
Beispiel #44
 public static void SetUnderlineFont(this IPrinter printer) => printer.SetFont(FontMode.Underline);
Beispiel #45
 public DirectPrinter(ICommandEmitter emitter, IPrinter printer)
     this.Emitter = emitter;
     this.Printer = printer;
 public Log(IPrinter p) : base(p)
Beispiel #47
 // Constructor with dependency injection
 public PrintController(IPrinter printer)
     _printer = printer;
Beispiel #48
 public MultiFunctionMachine(IPrinter printer, IScanner scanner)
     _printer = printer;
     _scanner = scanner;
Beispiel #49
 public Task Execute(IPrinter printer, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
Beispiel #50
 public static void SetFontB(this IPrinter printer) => printer.SetFont(FontMode.FontB);
Beispiel #51
 public Task1(IPrinter printer, ILogger <Task1> logger, IFileReader excelReader)
     _printer         = printer;
     _logger          = logger;
     this.excelReader = excelReader;
Beispiel #52
 public static void SetEmphasizedFont(this IPrinter printer) => printer.SetFont(FontMode.Emphasized);
Beispiel #53
 public Logger(IPrinter sourse)
     Sourse = sourse;
Beispiel #54
 public Statistic(IPrinter printer)
     this.printer = printer;
Beispiel #55
 public BankManager()
     _accountsManager = new AccountsManager();
     _printer         = new Printer();
Beispiel #56
 public Story(IPrinter printer) : this(printer, "Introduction to place here", "To be defined", "To be continued")
 public void TurnOffBluetooth()
     _Manager  = null;
     _Mydevice = null;
Beispiel #58
        public override void doPrintSetup(IPageLayout2 pPageLayout)
            CSpatialSubs oSpatialSubs = new CSpatialSubs();

            //short shPageForm = 0;  // see ms-help://ESRI.EDNv9.2/esricarto/html/esriPageFormID.htm for IPrinter::FormID constants
            int iPageFormID = 0;   // see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms776398(VS.85).aspx for IPaper::FormID constants
            //double dblPageWidth = 0;
            //double dblPageHeight = 0;

            IMxApplication pMxApp = (IMxApplication)this.App;
            IMxDocument    pMxDoc = (IMxDocument)this.App.Document;

            IPrinter pPrinter = pMxApp.Printer;
            IPaper   pPaper   = pPrinter.Paper;

                pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page.Orientation = 1;
                pPaper.Orientation = 1;

                switch (this.MapSize)
                case "34 x 44":
                    //shPageForm = 5; // esriPageFormID.esriPageFormE;

                    base.XFactor = 4;
                    base.YFactor = 4;

                    if (pPrinter.DriverName.ToUpper().Contains("DESIGNJET"))
                        iPageFormID = oSpatialSubs.getPaperFormID(pPaper, "34 x 44");
                        iPageFormID = 26;


                case "17 x 22":
                    //shPageForm = 3; // esriPageFormID.esriPageFormC;

                    base.XFactor = 2;
                    base.YFactor = 2;

                    if (pPrinter.DriverName.ToUpper().Contains("DESIGNJET"))
                        iPageFormID = oSpatialSubs.getPaperFormID(pPaper, "17 x 22");
                        iPageFormID = 24;


                case "11 x 17":
                    //shPageForm = 2; // esriPageFormID.esriPageFormTabloid;

                    base.XFactor = 1.3;      //1.2941
                    base.YFactor = 1.5455;   //1.5455

                    if (pPrinter.DriverName.ToUpper().Contains("DESIGNJET"))
                        iPageFormID = oSpatialSubs.getPaperFormID(pPaper, "11 x 17");
                        iPageFormID = 17;


                case "8.5 x 11":
                    //shPageForm = 0; // esriPageFormID.esriPageFormLetter;

                    base.XFactor = 1;
                    base.YFactor = 1;

                    if (pPrinter.DriverName.ToUpper().Contains("DESIGNJET"))
                        iPageFormID = oSpatialSubs.getPaperFormID(pPaper, "8.5 x 11 ");
                        iPageFormID = 1;

                pPaper.PrinterName = base.PrinterName;
                pPaper.FormID      = (short)iPageFormID;

                double dblWidth  = 0;
                double dblHeight = 0;
                pPaper.QueryPaperSize(out dblWidth, out dblHeight);

                pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page.PutCustomSize(dblWidth, dblHeight);
                pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page.FormID = (esriPageFormID)Enum.Parse(typeof(esriPageFormID), iPageFormID.ToString());


                //////Set the layout page size and orientation.
                //pPage = pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page;
                //pPage.Orientation = 1;
                //pPage.FormID = (esriPageFormID)Enum.Parse(typeof(esriPageFormID), iPageFormID.ToString());

                ////Set the printer paper size and orientation.
                //pPrinter = pMxApp.Printer;
                //pPrinter.Paper.PrinterName = base.PrinterName;
                //pPrinter.Paper.FormID = shPageForm;
                //pPrinter.Paper.Orientation = 1;

                //// deal with the paper
                //pPaper = pMxApp.Paper;
                //pPaper.Orientation = 1;
                //pPaper.FormID = (short)iPageFormID;
                //pPaper.PrinterName = base.PrinterName;


                ////////Set the layout page size and orientation.
                ////pPage = pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page;
                ////pPage.Orientation = 1;
                ////pPage.FormID = esriPageFormID.esriPageFormCUSTOM;
                ////pPage.PutCustomSize(dblPageWidth + .1, dblPageHeight + .1);

                ////double dblWidth = 0; double dblHeight = 0;
                ////pPaper.QueryPaperSize(out dblWidth, out dblHeight);

                ////pPage.PutCustomSize(dblWidth, dblHeight);   //(dblWidth, dblHeight);
                ////pPage.FormID = esriPageFormID.esriPageFormCUSTOM;

                ////pPage.PutCustomSize(dblWidth, dblHeight);
                ////pPage.PageToPrinterMapping = esriPageToPrinterMapping.esriPageMappingTile;

                //pMxApp.Printer = pPrinter;
                ////pMxDoc.PageLayout = (IPageLayout)pPage;
                //pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page.PutCustomSize(dblPageWidth - 1.8, dblPageHeight - 1.8);
                //pMxDoc.PageLayout.Page.FormID = esriPageFormID.esriPageFormSameAsPrinter;

                //pActiveView = (IActiveView)pMxDoc.ActiveView;

                //pMxApp.Printer.Paper.PrinterName = base.PrinterName;
            catch (Exception ex)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Errors: CPortraitLayout:doPrintSetup()\r\n" + ex.Message, "Errors occurred", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                pMxDoc   = null;
                pPrinter = null;
                pPaper   = null;
Beispiel #59
 public static void SetDoubleWidthFont(this IPrinter printer) => printer.SetFont(FontMode.DoubleWidth);
 void OnConnect(IPrinter printer)
     _Mydevice = printer;