/// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pCol">for a polygon, the fisrt point and the last point are identical</param>
 /// <param name="dblFactor"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IEnumerable <CPoint> GetCptEbByICol(IPointCollection4 pCol)
     for (int i = 0; i < pCol.PointCount; i++)
         yield return(new CPoint(i, pCol.get_Point(i)));
Beispiel #2
        public IPolygon BoundingPolygon(IList <IPoint> pList, ISpatialReference spatialrefrence)
                IGeometryBridge2  pGeoBrg    = new GeometryEnvironment() as IGeometryBridge2;
                IPointCollection4 pPointColl = (IPointCollection4) new Multipoint(); // edited here

                int        numPoints       = pList.Count;
                WKSPoint[] aWKSPointBuffer = new WKSPoint[numPoints];
                for (int i = 0; i < pList.Count; i++)
                    WKSPoint A = new WKSPoint();
                    A.X = pList[i].X;
                    A.Y = pList[i].Y;
                    aWKSPointBuffer[i] = A;
                pGeoBrg.SetWKSPoints(pPointColl, ref aWKSPointBuffer);

                // edits here
                IGeometry pGeom = (IMultipoint)pPointColl;
                pGeom.SpatialReference = spatialrefrence;
                ITopologicalOperator pTopOp      = (ITopologicalOperator)pGeom;
                IPolygon             pPointColl2 = (IPolygon)pTopOp.ConvexHull();

                pPointColl2.SpatialReference = spatialrefrence;
                // OutputPolygon = pPointColl2; maybe you don't need this line as the object is not used
            catch (Exception e)
        public IPointCollection4 ToPointCollection(IGeometry geometry, out int nrPoints)
            IPointCollection4 result = null;

            nrPoints = 0;

            if (geometry != null)
                result = geometry as IPointCollection4;
                TypeOfLayer typeOfLayer = GetTypeOfLayer(geometry);

                if ((!geometry.IsEmpty) && (typeOfLayer == TypeOfLayer.Point) && (result == null) && IsPointMeasurement)
                    var pointc = geometry as IPoint;
                    result = new MultipointClass();

                if (result != null)
                    nrPoints = result.PointCount;

                    if ((nrPoints >= 2) && (typeOfLayer == TypeOfLayer.Polygon))
                        IPoint point1 = result.Point[0];
                        IPoint point2 = result.Point[nrPoints - 1];
                        nrPoints = (point1.Compare(point2) == 0) ? (nrPoints - 1) : nrPoints;

Beispiel #4
        private double GetEndElevation(IFeatureLayer pDepthSoundings, IFeatureLayer pLineLayer, IFeature pLineFeature, string strDepthField)
                IEnvelope pCombinedEnvelope = CombineExtents(pDepthSoundings.FeatureClass, pLineLayer.FeatureClass);

                IPointCollection4 pPointColl = pLineFeature.Shape as IPointCollection4;
                IPoint            ppoint     = new PointClass();

                //Get the last point on the line
                ppoint = pPointColl.get_Point(-1);

                IFeatureCursor pDepthCursor = pDepthSoundings.Search(null, false);
                IFeatureIndex2 pFtrInd      = new FeatureIndexClass();
                pFtrInd.FeatureClass  = pDepthSoundings.FeatureClass;
                pFtrInd.FeatureCursor = pDepthCursor;
                pFtrInd.Index(null, pCombinedEnvelope);
                IIndexQuery2 pIndQry = pFtrInd as IIndexQuery2;

                int    FtdID     = 0;
                double dDist2Ftr = 0;
                pIndQry.NearestFeature(ppoint, out FtdID, out dDist2Ftr);

                IFeature pCloseFeature = pDepthSoundings.FeatureClass.GetFeature(FtdID);

            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #5
        private IFeature WalkLine(IFeatureLayer pDepthSoundings, IFeatureLayer pLineLayer, IFeature pLineFeature)
                IEnvelope pCombinedEnvelope = CombineExtents(pDepthSoundings.FeatureClass, pLineLayer.FeatureClass);

                IPointCollection4 pPointColl = pLineFeature.Shape as IPointCollection4;
                IPoint            ppoint     = new PointClass();

                IFeatureCursor pDepthCursor = pDepthSoundings.Search(null, false);
                IFeatureIndex2 pFtrInd      = new FeatureIndexClass();
                pFtrInd.FeatureClass  = pDepthSoundings.FeatureClass;
                pFtrInd.FeatureCursor = pDepthCursor;
                pFtrInd.Index(null, pCombinedEnvelope);
                IIndexQuery2 pIndQry = pFtrInd as IIndexQuery2;

                int    FtdID     = 0;
                double dDist2Ftr = 0;
                pIndQry.NearestFeature(ppoint, out FtdID, out dDist2Ftr);

                IFeature pCloseFeature = pDepthSoundings.FeatureClass.GetFeature(FtdID);

            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #6
        private static double GetMostFrequentZValue([NotNull] IPointCollection4 points,
                                                    out int mostFrequentZValuePointCount)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(points, nameof(points));

            int pointCount = points.PointCount;

            WKSPointZ[] wks = GetPointArray(points);

            var zFrequency = new Dictionary <double, int>();

            int    maxFrequency  = int.MinValue;
            double maxFrequencyZ = double.NaN;

            for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < pointCount; pointIndex++)
                double z = wks[pointIndex].Z;

                int count;
                count = zFrequency.TryGetValue(z, out count)
                                                ? count + 1
                                                : 1;

                zFrequency[z] = count;

                if (count > maxFrequency)
                    maxFrequency  = count;
                    maxFrequencyZ = z;

            mostFrequentZValuePointCount = maxFrequency;
Beispiel #7
        private IPointCollection AddVerticePointToCollection(IPolyline coastline)
            IPointCollection4 verticePointColl = (IPointCollection4)coastline;

 private static double[][] ToArray(this IPointCollection4 pointCollection)
     return(Enumerable.Range(0, pointCollection.PointCount).Select(i =>
         var p = pointCollection.Point[i];
         return new[] { p.X, p.Y };
Beispiel #9
        private static WKSPointZ[] GetPointArray([NotNull] IPointCollection4 points)
            var pointArray = new WKSPointZ[points.PointCount];

            GeometryUtils.QueryWKSPointZs(points, pointArray);

 private void SetZToZero(IPointCollection4 pCol)
     for (int i = 0; i < pCol.PointCount; i++)
         IPoint copyipt = pCol.get_Point(i);
         copyipt.Z = 0;
         pCol.UpdatePoint(i, copyipt);
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pCol"></param>
 /// <remarks>note that if we set z coordinates, then we may lose many information related to IPolygon
 /// (ConnectedComponentBag, InteriorRingBag, ExteriorRingBag, etc.) </remarks>
 public static void SetZCoordinates(IPointCollection4 pCol)
     for (int i = 0; i < pCol.PointCount; i++)
         IPoint copyipt = pCol.get_Point(i);
         copyipt.Z = 0;
         pCol.UpdatePoint(i, copyipt);
Beispiel #12
        private List <PartProxy> AddSinglePartProxy([NotNull] IPointCollection4 baseGeometry)
            var result = new List <PartProxy>(1);

            var partProxy = new PartProxy(_boxTree, 0, baseGeometry);


Beispiel #13
        public IndexedPolycurve([NotNull] IPointCollection4 baseGeometry)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(baseGeometry, nameof(baseGeometry));

            const bool @dynamic  = true;
            const int  dimension = 2;
            const int  maxElementCountPerTile = 4;            //  was: 64;

            _boxTree = new BoxTree <SegmentProxy>(dimension, maxElementCountPerTile, @dynamic);

            var geometry = (IGeometry)baseGeometry;

            _envelope = geometry.Envelope;
            double tolerance = GeometryUtils.GetXyTolerance(geometry);

            Box extent = QaGeometryUtils.CreateBox(_envelope);

            Expand(extent, tolerance);

            _boxTree.InitSize(new IGmtry[] { extent });

            var geometryCollection = baseGeometry as IGeometryCollection;

            if (geometryCollection != null)
                int partCount = geometryCollection.GeometryCount;

                if (partCount > 1)
                    // unpack and add individual parts
                    _partProxies = new List <PartProxy>(partCount);

                    for (int partIndex = 0; partIndex < partCount; partIndex++)
                        var part = (IPointCollection4)geometryCollection.Geometry[partIndex];

                        var partProxy = new PartProxy(_boxTree, partIndex, part);


                    // single part in collection
                    _partProxies = AddSinglePartProxy(baseGeometry);
                // no geometry collection
                _partProxies = AddSinglePartProxy(baseGeometry);
Beispiel #14
        public PatchProxy(int patchIndex, int minPartIndex,
                          [NotNull] IPointCollection4 baseGeometry)
            PatchIndex       = patchIndex;
            _minPartIndex    = minPartIndex;
            SpatialReference = ((IGeometry)baseGeometry).SpatialReference;

            _points = new WKSPointZ[baseGeometry.PointCount];
            GeometryUtils.QueryWKSPointZs(baseGeometry, _points);

            _patchType = ((IGeometry)baseGeometry).GeometryType;
        //public virtual CGeoBase Copy()
        //    return null;


        /// <summary>
        /// this funcation can only be used for a shape that implements IPointCollection4
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void JudgeAndSetZToZero()
            IPointCollection4 pCol = _pGeo as IPointCollection4;

            if (pCol.PointCount > 0)
                IPoint ipt0 = pCol.get_Point(0);
                if (double.IsNaN(ipt0.Z))
Beispiel #16
        private static IEnumerable <IPointList> GetAsPointList(
            [NotNull] ICollection <IRing> rings)
            foreach (IRing ring in rings)
                IPointCollection4 pointCollection = (IPointCollection4)ring;

                WKSPointZ[] pointArray = new WKSPointZ[pointCollection.PointCount];

                GeometryUtils.QueryWKSPointZs(pointCollection, pointArray);

                yield return(new WksPointZPointList(pointArray, 0, pointCollection.PointCount));
        private void UpdateFeature(IFeature selectedFeature, IPointCollection4 polylinePoints)
            IPointCollection4 geometry;
            esriGeometryType  geometryType = selectedFeature.Shape.GeometryType;

            switch (geometryType)
            case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryMultipoint:
                geometry = new MultipointClass();

            case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline:
                geometry = new PolylineClass();

            case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon:
                geometry = new PolygonClass();

                geometry = null;
            if (geometry == null)
            IFeatureClass  featureClass  = selectedFeature.Class as IFeatureClass;
            IDataset       dataset       = featureClass as IDataset;
            IWorkspaceEdit workspaceEdit = dataset.Workspace as IWorkspaceEdit;

            if (!(workspaceEdit.IsBeingEdited()))

                selectedFeature.Shape = geometry as IGeometry;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("移动要素顶点失败!!" + ex.Message, "信息提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
Beispiel #18
        private static List <WKSPointZ> GetErrorPoints([NotNull] IPointCollection4 points,
                                                       double minAllowedZ,
                                                       double maxAllowedZ)
            WKSPointZ[] wksPoints = GetPointArray(points);

            var result = new List <WKSPointZ>();

            foreach (WKSPointZ wksPointZ in wksPoints)
                if (IsError(wksPointZ.Z, minAllowedZ, maxAllowedZ))

Beispiel #19
        private static IEnumerable <IPointList> GetPartsAsPointLists([NotNull] IPolycurve polycurve)
            int[] pointCounts = GeometryUtils.GetPointCountPerPart(polycurve);

            IPointCollection4 pointCollection = (IPointCollection4)polycurve;

            // For large polygons with many parts (huge lockergestein) getting the wks point array
            // only once and re-using it for each part takes half as long as getting the array for
            // each part.
            WKSPointZ[] pointArray = GetWksPointArray(pointCollection.PointCount);

            GeometryUtils.QueryWKSPointZs(pointCollection, pointArray);

            int currentStart = 0;

            foreach (int pointCount in pointCounts)
                yield return(new WksPointZPointList(pointArray, currentStart, pointCount));

                currentStart += pointCount;
        public IPointCollection4 modify1VertexOfAPolyline(IGeometryCollection geo, Double searchRadius, Double offsetX, Double offsetY)
            IPoint   queryPoint = m_activePoint;
            IPoint   hitPoint = new PointClass();
            Double   hitDistance = 0; Int32 hitPartIndex = 0;
            Int32    hitSegmentIndex = 0;
            Boolean  rightSide       = false;
            IHitTest hitTest         = (IHitTest)geo;
            Boolean  foundGeometry   = hitTest.HitTest(queryPoint, searchRadius, esriGeometryHitPartType.esriGeometryPartVertex, hitPoint, ref hitDistance, ref hitPartIndex, ref hitSegmentIndex, ref rightSide);

            if (foundGeometry == true)
                IGeometry         geometry        = geo.get_Geometry(hitPartIndex);
                IPointCollection4 pointCollection = (IPointCollection4)geometry;
                IPoint            transformPoint  = pointCollection.get_Point(hitSegmentIndex);
                ITransform2D      transform2D     = (ITransform2D)transformPoint;
                transform2D.Move(offsetX, offsetY);
                pointCollection.UpdatePoint(hitSegmentIndex, transformPoint);
Beispiel #21
        private static void AddErrorPointSequences([NotNull] IPointCollection4 curvePoints,
                                                   double minAllowedZ,
                                                   double maxAllowedZ,
                                                   [NotNull] ICollection <List <WKSPointZ> >
            WKSPointZ[] wksPoints = GetPointArray(curvePoints);

            List <WKSPointZ> currentErrorSequence = null;

            foreach (WKSPointZ wksPointZ in wksPoints)
                if (IsError(wksPointZ.Z, minAllowedZ, maxAllowedZ))
                    if (currentErrorSequence == null)
                        currentErrorSequence = new List <WKSPointZ>();

                    if (currentErrorSequence != null)
                        currentErrorSequence = null;

            // last may have been error
            if (currentErrorSequence != null)
        public override void OnMouseDown(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)
            if (Button != (int)Keys.LButton)
            ILayer layer = m_engineEditor.TargetLayer;

            if (layer == null)
                MessageBox.Show("请先启动编辑!!", "信息提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            m_activeView = m_hookHelper.ActiveView;
            m_map        = m_hookHelper.FocusMap;
            if (m_map == null || m_activeView == null)

            m_activePoint = m_activeView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(X, Y);
            if (m_selectedFeature == null)
                MessageBox.Show("请选择要素(在要移动的顶点处点选)!!", "信息提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            IGeometryCollection geometry       = m_selectedFeature.Shape as IGeometryCollection;
            IPointCollection4   polylinePoints = modify1VertexOfAPolyline(geometry, 1, 5, 5);

            if (polylinePoints != null)
                UpdateFeature(m_selectedFeature, polylinePoints);
            m_activeView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, null, m_activeView.Extent);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ConstraintCpllt"></param>
        /// <param name="KnownCEdgeLt"></param>
        /// <param name="strIdentity"></param>
        /// <param name="blnSave"></param>
        /// <remarks>If the "data area" is not set deliberately, then ArcEngine will set a default "data area".
        /// The default data area excludes super edges and super nodes</remarks>
        public void Triangulate(List <CPolyline> ConstraintCpllt = null, List <CEdge> KnownCEdgeLt = null,
                                string strIdentity = "", bool blnSave = false)
            var cpg = _CPg;

            //cpg.pPolygon = null;

            IPointCollection4 pCol = cpg.pPolygon as IPointCollection4;
            int intCount           = pCol.PointCount;
            var pEnv = cpg.pPolygon.Envelope;

            ITinEdit TinEdit = new TinClass();

            ITinEdit2 TinEdit2 = TinEdit as ITinEdit2;

            TinEdit2.SetToConstrainedDelaunay();  //this must be done before adding any feature
            var             pTinAdvanced2   = TinEdit as ITinAdvanced2;
            ITinFeatureEdit pTinFeatureEdit = TinEdit as ITinFeatureEdit;

            cpg.JudgeAndSetZToZero();  //we need z coordinate to construct triangulation
            pTinFeatureEdit.AddPolygonZ(cpg.pPolygon, esriTinEdgeType.esriTinHardEdge, 1, 1, 1, null);

            if (ConstraintCpllt != null)
                foreach (var cpl in ConstraintCpllt)
                    pTinFeatureEdit.AddPolylineZ(cpl.pPolyline, esriTinEdgeType.esriTinHardEdge, 1, 1, null);
            _pTinAdvanced2 = pTinAdvanced2;

            //we are not allowed to use AddShapeZ.
            //it will report that there is no Z value in the shape, even we already set Z value to 0
            //The reason may be that we actually need polyhedron
            //TinEdit.AddShapeZ((IGeometry)cpg.pPolygon, esriTinSurfaceType.esriTinHardClip, 0);
            //this function set the "data area" of the TIN,
            //we avoid to use this function because it may introduce new points
            //the new poins can be very close to the original points
            //TinEdit.AddShape((IGeometry)cpg.pPolygon, esriTinSurfaceType.esriTinHardClip, 0);

            if (pTinAdvanced2.DataNodeCount != this.CptLt.Count)
                //Usually, KnownCEdgeLt saves all the constraints for the triangulation
                CSaveFeature.SaveCEdgeEb(KnownCEdgeLt, "KnownCEdgeLt" + strIdentity);
                CSaveFeature.SaveCptEb(this.CptLt, "CptLtForKnownCEdgeLt" + strIdentity);

                var NodeCptLt = GetCptLtFromTinAdvanced(pTinAdvanced2, true);
                CSaveFeature.SaveCptEb(NodeCptLt, "TinNode" + strIdentity);
                //var TinCEdgeLt= get
                var ExtraNodeCptLt = new List <CPoint>(pTinAdvanced2.DataNodeCount - this.CptLt.Count);
                foreach (var nodeCpt in NodeCptLt)
                    if (this.CptSD.ContainsKey(nodeCpt) == false)
                CSaveFeature.SaveCptEb(ExtraNodeCptLt, "ExtraNodeCptLt" + strIdentity);

                var TinCEdgeLt = GetCEdgeLtFromTinAdvanced(pTinAdvanced2);
                CSaveFeature.SaveCEdgeEb(TinCEdgeLt, "TinCEdgeLt" + strIdentity);

                throw new ArgumentException("the numbers of points should be the same!");

            var ITinEdgeLt = GenerateITinEdgeLt();
            var tincedgeSS = new SortedSet <CEdge>(new CCmpEdge_CptGID_BothDirections());
            var tincedgelt = new List <CEdge>();

            if (KnownCEdgeLt != null)
                tincedgeSS = new SortedSet <CEdge>(KnownCEdgeLt, new CCmpEdge_CptGID_BothDirections());

            var cptSD = this.CptSD;

            foreach (var tinedge in ITinEdgeLt)
                //there are always a pair of edges between a pair of triangles, but we only need one edge.
                //So we reverse some edges than we can delete one edge of each pair
                var pFrNode = tinedge.FromNode;
                var pToNode = tinedge.ToNode;

                CPoint frcpt, tocpt;
                FindCorrCptInSDByTinNode(pFrNode, cptSD, out frcpt);
                FindCorrCptInSDByTinNode(pToNode, cptSD, out tocpt);

                CEdge newCEdge;
                if (frcpt.indexID < tocpt.indexID)
                    newCEdge = new CEdge(frcpt, tocpt);
                else if (frcpt.indexID > tocpt.indexID)
                    newCEdge = new CEdge(tocpt, frcpt);
                    throw new ArgumentException("should not happen!");

                //test if the new edge is outside the boundary polygon (cpg)
                if (newCEdge.FrCpt.indexID < cpg.CEdgeLt.Count)
                    //the new edge starts from a point which constitues the boundary polygon (cpg)
                    if (CGeoFunc.IsInbetween_Counterclockwise(cpg.AxisAngleLt[newCEdge.FrCpt.indexID],
                                                              newCEdge.dblAxisAngle, cpg.ReverseAxisAngleLt[newCEdge.FrCpt.indexID]) == false)
                        //the new edge is outside the boundary polygon (cpg)

                //add the new edge if the edge is not added yet
                if (tincedgeSS.Add(newCEdge))

            if (blnSave == true)
                CSaveFeature.SaveCEdgeEb(tincedgelt, "tincedgelt" + strIdentity, blnVisible: false);

            this.CEdgeLt = tincedgelt;
        public override void OnClick()
                //setup a file stream and a stream writer to write out the addresses that do not have a nearby street or a street out of range
                string path = @"C:\temp\DeleteDupVerts" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm") + ".txt";
                System.IO.FileStream fileStream   = new System.IO.FileStream(path, FileMode.Create);
                StreamWriter         streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream);
                streamWriter.WriteLine("UniqueID" + "," + "FeatureOID" + "," + "VertIndex1" + "," + "VertIndex2");
                int  intUniqueID = 0;
                bool updatePreviousPnt;
                int  numberOfVerticesRemovedFromPntCollection;
                int  vertexIndexToRemove;

                // get access to the current arcmap variables

                // show the cursor as busy
                System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                clsGlobals.pGFlayer     = null;
                clsGlobals.arcFeatLayer = null;
                IFeatureLayer arcFeatureLayerVertPnts = null;
                IFeatureClass arcFeatureClassVertPnts = null;
                //var listOfIndexesToRemove = new List<Int32>();

                // loop through the map's layers and check for the layer with the targeted name
                for (int i = 0; i < clsGlobals.pMap.LayerCount; i++)
                    if (clsGlobals.pMap.Layer[i].Name == "REMOVE_DUP_VERTS")
                        clsGlobals.pGFlayer     = (IGeoFeatureLayer)clsGlobals.pMap.Layer[i];
                        clsGlobals.arcFeatLayer = (IFeatureLayer)clsGlobals.pMap.Layer[i];

                    if (clsGlobals.pMap.Layer[i].Name == "VERT_PNTS")
                        arcFeatureLayerVertPnts = (IFeatureLayer)clsGlobals.pMap.Layer[i];
                        arcFeatureClassVertPnts = arcFeatureLayerVertPnts.FeatureClass;

                // make sure the user is editing
                //get the editor extension
                UID arcUID = new UID();
                arcUID.Value         = "esriEditor.Editor";
                clsGlobals.arcEditor = clsGlobals.arcApplication.FindExtensionByCLSID(arcUID) as IEditor3;

                // check if editing first
                if (clsGlobals.arcEditor.EditState == ESRI.ArcGIS.Editor.esriEditState.esriStateNotEditing)
                    MessageBox.Show("You must be editing in order to remove duplicate vertices.", "Must Be Editing",
                                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                IDataset       arcDataset       = (IDataset)clsGlobals.arcFeatLayer;
                IWorkspace     arcWorkspace     = arcDataset.Workspace;
                IWorkspaceEdit arcWorkspaceEdit = (IWorkspaceEdit)arcWorkspace;

                // make sure we're editing the correct workspace
                if (!(arcWorkspaceEdit.IsBeingEdited()))
                    MessageBox.Show("You must be editing the REMOVE_DUP_VERTS layer in order to proceed.",
                                    "Must Be Editing", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                // get access to the selected features in the user specified layer
                IDisplayTable arcDisplayTable = (IDisplayTable)clsGlobals.arcFeatLayer;
                ISelectionSet arcSelectionSet = arcDisplayTable.DisplaySelectionSet;

                // make sure there's at least one feature selected in the specified layer
                if (arcSelectionSet.Count == 0)
                        "You must select at least one feature in the REMOVE_DUP_VERTS layer to spatially assign values to.",
                        "No Features are Selected.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

                // confirm the user wants to edit that layer's fields on the selected records
                DialogResult dialogResult =
                        "Would you like to proceed with editing " + arcSelectionSet.Count +
                        " features on the REMOVE_DUP_VERTS Layer, removing non-coincident verticies that are within 1 meter of eachother?",
                        "Confirm Edits", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes)
                    // loop through the selected feature remove_dup_verts layer
                    IEnumIDs arcEnumIDs = arcSelectionSet.IDs;
                    int      iD;
                    while ((iD = arcEnumIDs.Next()) != -1)
                        vertexIndexToRemove = 0;
                        numberOfVerticesRemovedFromPntCollection = 0;

                        clsGlobals.arcFeatureToEditSpatial = clsGlobals.arcFeatLayer.FeatureClass.GetFeature(iD);

                        // Loop through this features verticies.
                        // Get the feature's geometry.
                        IGeometry arcEdit_geometry = clsGlobals.arcFeatureToEditSpatial.Shape;
                        IPolyline arcEdit_polyline = arcEdit_geometry as IPolyline;

                        // get a point collection
                        IPointCollection4 pointCollection = (IPointCollection4)arcEdit_polyline;
                        IPoint            currPoint       = null;
                        IPoint            previousPoint   = null;

                        // Iterate the point collection array (the first point is the start of the line and last is the end of the line).
                        // I added the numberOfVerticesRemovedFromPntCollection variable in order to preserve the initial point collection iterations (it's needed in order to loop through all the original vertices)
                        for (int i = 0; i < pointCollection.PointCount + numberOfVerticesRemovedFromPntCollection; i++)
                            // Reset the boolean value.
                            updatePreviousPnt = true;

                            // Reset the number of vertices removed to zero
                            //numberOfVerticesRemovedFromPntCollection = 0;
                            //vertexIndexToRemove = 0;

                            // Get the current point.
                            currPoint = null;
                            // This is the problem as it's setting the current i point, but this should be a reference to the original index
                            //currPoint = pointCollection.get_Point(i);
                            currPoint = pointCollection.get_Point(i - numberOfVerticesRemovedFromPntCollection);
                            //MessageBox.Show("X:" + currPoint.X + " , Y:" + currPoint.Y);

                            // Check if the previous point has been assigned yet (if not, it's the first itteration of this line segment)
                            if (previousPoint != null)
                                // Check the distance between the currPoint and previousPoint to see if it's less than 1 meter
                                IProximityOperator proximityOperator;
                                IGeometry          currGeometry     = currPoint;
                                IGeometry          previousGeometry = previousPoint;
                                proximityOperator = currGeometry as IProximityOperator;

                                // Check distance to the previous vertex.
                                double distBetweenCurrAndPrevPnt = proximityOperator.ReturnDistance(previousGeometry);

                                // Check if distance is less than 1 meter.
                                if (distBetweenCurrAndPrevPnt <= 3)
                                    //MessageBox.Show(distance.ToString() + " is less than 1 meter.");

                                    // Check if the the current point intersects any other vertices, before we delete it.
                                    // If it does, then check the current point to see if intersects any other vertices, before we delete it.
                                    ISpatialFilter spatialFilterCurr = new SpatialFilterClass();
                                    spatialFilterCurr.Geometry   = currGeometry;
                                    spatialFilterCurr.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;

                                    IFeatureCursor featureCursorCurr = arcFeatureClassVertPnts.Search(spatialFilterCurr, false);
                                    IFeature       featureCurr       = null;
                                    int            vertAtCurrPnt     = 0;

                                    while ((featureCurr = featureCursorCurr.NextFeature()) != null)
                                        vertAtCurrPnt = vertAtCurrPnt + 1;

                                    // Check if we can delete this vertex
                                    if (vertAtCurrPnt > 1)
                                        // There's more than one vertex here at the current vertex/point, so we cant' delete it, check the the previous
                                        // now check the if we can delete the previous point (as we can't delete the current point b/c it is co-incident)
                                        ISpatialFilter spatialFilterPrev = new SpatialFilterClass();
                                        spatialFilterPrev.Geometry   = previousGeometry;
                                        spatialFilterPrev.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;

                                        IFeatureCursor featureCursorPrev = arcFeatureClassVertPnts.Search(spatialFilterPrev, false);
                                        IFeature       featurePrev       = null;
                                        int            vertsAtPrevPnt    = 0;

                                        while ((featurePrev = featureCursorPrev.NextFeature()) != null)
                                            vertsAtPrevPnt = vertsAtPrevPnt + 1;

                                        // Check if we can delete this vertex
                                        if (vertsAtPrevPnt > 1)
                                            // can delete this one either, so log it in the text file so we can inspect it manual
                                            intUniqueID = intUniqueID + 1;
                                            streamWriter.WriteLine(intUniqueID + "," + clsGlobals.arcFeatureToEditSpatial.OID + "," + i + "," + Convert.ToString(i - 1));

                                            //MessageBox.Show("Can't Delete either vertex for this 1 meter duplicate.  Help!  Need a human!");
                                            // Delete the previous vertex.

                                            // Add this index to the list of

                                            vertexIndexToRemove = i - numberOfVerticesRemovedFromPntCollection;

                                            // test replacing the point collection before we do anything with it
                                            //MessageBox.Show("before remove: " + pointCollection.PointCount);
                                            // Remove the point from the collection.
                                            //pointCollection.RemovePoints(i - 1, 1);
                                            pointCollection.RemovePoints(vertexIndexToRemove - 1, 1);
                                            //MessageBox.Show("after remove: " + pointCollection.PointCount);

                                            // Increment the total number of vertices removed
                                            numberOfVerticesRemovedFromPntCollection =
                                                numberOfVerticesRemovedFromPntCollection + 1;
                                            // reset the point collection, now that the point has been removed
                                            //pointCollection.ReplacePointCollection(i, i - pointCollection.PointCount, pointCollection);

                                            // Replace the features shape with the newly modified point collection.
                                            //clsGlobals.arcFeatureToEditSpatial.Shape = pointCollection as IGeometry;

                                        // release the feature cursor
                                        // Delete the current vertex
                                        // Add this index to the list of

                                        vertexIndexToRemove = i - numberOfVerticesRemovedFromPntCollection;

                                        // test replacing the point collection before we do anything with it
                                        //pointCollection.ReplacePointCollection(0, pointCollection.PointCount, pointCollection);
                                        //MessageBox.Show("before remove: " + pointCollection.PointCount);
                                        // Remove the point from the collection.
                                        //pointCollection.RemovePoints(i, 1);
                                        pointCollection.RemovePoints(vertexIndexToRemove, 1);
                                        //MessageBox.Show("after remove: " + pointCollection.PointCount);

                                        // Increment the total number of vertices removed
                                        numberOfVerticesRemovedFromPntCollection =
                                            numberOfVerticesRemovedFromPntCollection + 1;

                                        // since we are removing this current point, make sure we don't assign it as the previousPoint (in other words keep the active previous point for the next iterattion)
                                        updatePreviousPnt = false;

                                        // reset the point collection, now that the point has been removed
                                        //pointCollection.ReplacePointCollection(i,i- pointCollection.PointCount,pointCollection);

                                        // Replace the features shape with the newly modified point collection.
                                        //clsGlobals.arcFeatureToEditSpatial.Shape = pointCollection as IGeometry;

                                    // release the feature cursor

                            // Set this current point to the next point, so next time through the iteration we can check the distance between them.
                            if (updatePreviousPnt)
                                previousPoint = null;
                                previousPoint = currPoint;

                            //MessageBox.Show("total times though the loop: " + i);

                        //// Remove the ID'd verticies from this segment
                        //foreach (var index in listOfIndexesToRemove)
                        //    // Remove the point from the collection.
                        //    pointCollection.RemovePoints(index, 1);

                        // Replace the features shape with the newly modified point collection.
                        clsGlobals.arcFeatureToEditSpatial.Shape = pointCollection as IGeometry;

                    //close the stream writer

                        "Done updating " + arcSelectionSet.Count +
                        " features on the REMOVE_DUP_VERTS Layer, removing non-coincident vertices that were within 1 meter of eachother.  Don't forget to save edits if you want to retain the changes.",
                        "Done!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
                else if (dialogResult == DialogResult.No)
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error Message: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                "Error Source: " + Environment.NewLine + ex.Source + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                                "Error Location:" + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace,
                                "Push Utrans Roads to SGID!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

Beispiel #25
        private IPolyline GetNonLinearSubpart(int startSegmentIndex, double startFraction,
                                              int endSegmentIndex, double endFraction)
            var subpart = new PolylineClass();
            IPointCollection4  points = subpart;
            ISegmentCollection segs   = subpart;

            subpart.SpatialReference = SpatialReference;

            bool hasNonLinearParts = false;

            object         missing = Type.Missing;
            SegmentProxy   segProxy;
            AoSegmentProxy aoSegProxy;

            #region startSegment

            var currentWksPoints = new List <WKSPointZ>();
            if (_nonLinearSegments.TryGetValue(startSegmentIndex, out aoSegProxy))
                hasNonLinearParts = true;
                ISegment seg = aoSegProxy.InnerSegment;
                ICurve   part;

                double end = 1;
                if (endSegmentIndex == startSegmentIndex)
                    end = endFraction;

                seg.GetSubcurve(startFraction, end, true, out part);

                segs.AddSegment((ISegment)part, ref missing, ref missing);
                segProxy = GetSegment(startSegmentIndex);
                IPnt p = segProxy.GetPointAt(startFraction, as3D: true);


            #region segments

            for (int i = startSegmentIndex + 1; i < endSegmentIndex; i++)
                if (_nonLinearSegments.TryGetValue(i, out aoSegProxy))
                    hasNonLinearParts = true;

                    if (currentWksPoints.Count > 0)
                        WKSPointZ[] add = currentWksPoints.ToArray();
                        GeometryUtils.AddWKSPointZs(points, add);

                    ISegment seg = GeometryFactory.Clone(aoSegProxy.InnerSegment);
                    segs.AddSegment(seg, ref missing, ref missing);


            #region endsegment

            if (startSegmentIndex == endSegmentIndex)
                if (currentWksPoints.Count > 0)
                    segProxy = GetSegment(endSegmentIndex);
                    IPnt p = segProxy.GetPointAt(endFraction, as3D: true);
                    WKSPointZ[] add = currentWksPoints.ToArray();
                    GeometryUtils.AddWKSPointZs(points, add);
                if (_nonLinearSegments.TryGetValue(endSegmentIndex, out aoSegProxy))
                    hasNonLinearParts = false;
                    if (currentWksPoints.Count > 0)
                        WKSPointZ[] add = currentWksPoints.ToArray();
                        GeometryUtils.AddWKSPointZs(points, add);

                    ISegment seg = aoSegProxy.InnerSegment;
                    ICurve   part;
                    seg.GetSubcurve(0, endFraction, true, out part);
                    segs.AddSegment((ISegment)part, ref missing, ref missing);
                    segProxy = GetSegment(endSegmentIndex);

                    IPnt p = segProxy.GetPointAt(endFraction, as3D: true);

                    WKSPointZ[] add = currentWksPoints.ToArray();
                    GeometryUtils.AddWKSPointZs(points, add);


            if (hasNonLinearParts)
                var topoOp = (ITopologicalOperator2)subpart;
                topoOp.IsKnownSimple_2 = false;

Beispiel #26
        public PartProxy([NotNull] BoxTree <SegmentProxy> boxTree,
                         int partIndex,
                         [NotNull] IPointCollection4 baseGeometry)
            _partIndex       = partIndex;
            SpatialReference = ((IGeometry)baseGeometry).SpatialReference;

            _points = new WKSPointZ[baseGeometry.PointCount];
            GeometryUtils.QueryWKSPointZs(baseGeometry, _points);

            var segmentCollection = baseGeometry as ISegmentCollection;

            if (segmentCollection == null)

            SegmentCount = segmentCollection.SegmentCount;
            IsClosed     = ((ICurve)segmentCollection).IsClosed;

            segmentCollection.HasNonLinearSegments(ref _hasNonLinearSegs);

            if (_hasNonLinearSegs)
                _nonLinearSegments = new Dictionary <int, AoSegmentProxy>();

                IEnumSegment enumSeg   = segmentCollection.EnumSegments;
                bool         recycling = enumSeg.IsRecycling;

                ISegment segment;
                int      outPartIndex    = 0;
                int      outSegmentIndex = 0;

                enumSeg.Next(out segment, ref outPartIndex, ref outSegmentIndex);

                while (segment != null)
                    var          line = segment as ILine;
                    SegmentProxy segmentProxy;
                    if (line != null)
                        segmentProxy = new WksSegmentProxy(this, _partIndex, outSegmentIndex);
                        var aoSegmentProxy = new AoSegmentProxy(recycling
                                                                                                ? GeometryFactory.Clone(segment)
                                                                                                : segment,
                                                                _partIndex, outSegmentIndex);

                        _nonLinearSegments.Add(outSegmentIndex, aoSegmentProxy);
                        segmentProxy = aoSegmentProxy;

                    boxTree.Add(segmentProxy.Extent, segmentProxy);

                    if (recycling)

                    enumSeg.Next(out segment, ref outPartIndex, ref outSegmentIndex);
                int segmentCount = segmentCollection.SegmentCount;
                for (int segmentIndex = 0; segmentIndex < segmentCount; segmentIndex++)
                    var wksSegmentProxy = new WksSegmentProxy(this, _partIndex, segmentIndex);

                    boxTree.Add(wksSegmentProxy.Extent, wksSegmentProxy);
Beispiel #27
 public CPolyline(int intID, IPointCollection4 pCol)
     : this(intID, pCol as IPolyline5)
    /// <summary>
    /// Occurs when this command is clicked
    /// </summary>
    public override void OnClick()
      m_dynamicMap = m_hookHelper.FocusMap as IDynamicMap;
      if (m_dynamicMap == null)

      if (!m_dynamicMap.DynamicMapEnabled)
        MessageBox.Show("Please enable dynamic mode and try again.");

      if (!m_bConnected)
        m_xmlPath = GetPlaybackXmlPath();
        if (m_xmlPath == string.Empty)

        m_bikePositionInfo = new BikePositionInfo();
        m_bikePositionInfo.positionCount = m_bikePositionCount;
        m_bikePositionInfo.altitudeMeters = 0;
        m_bikePositionInfo.time = DateTime.Now;
        m_bikePositionInfo.position.X = 0;
        m_bikePositionInfo.position.Y = 0;
        m_bikePositionInfo.heartRate = 0;
        m_bikePositionInfo.lapCount = 0;
        m_bikePositionInfo.lapAverageHeartRate = 0;
        m_bikePositionInfo.lapMaximumHeartRate = 0;
        m_bikePositionInfo.lapDistanceMeters = 0;
        m_bikePositionInfo.lapMaximumSpeed = 0;
        m_bikePositionInfo.lapCalories = 0;

        m_gpsPosition = new PointClass();
        m_additionalInfoPoint = new PointClass();
        m_additionalInfoPoint.PutCoords(70, 90);
        m_bikeRouteGeometry = new PolylineClass();

        // wire dynamic map events
        ((IDynamicMapEvents_Event)m_dynamicMap).AfterDynamicDraw += new IDynamicMapEvents_AfterDynamicDrawEventHandler(OnAfterDynamicDraw);
        ((IDynamicMapEvents_Event)m_dynamicMap).DynamicMapStarted += new IDynamicMapEvents_DynamicMapStartedEventHandler(OnDynamicMapStarted);

        // spin the thread that plays the data from the xml file
        m_dataLoaderThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(XmlReaderTask));

        XmlDocTaksData taskData;
        taskData.xmlDocPath = m_xmlPath;
        // unwire wire dynamic map events
        ((IDynamicMapEvents_Event)m_dynamicMap).AfterDynamicDraw -= new IDynamicMapEvents_AfterDynamicDrawEventHandler(OnAfterDynamicDraw);
        ((IDynamicMapEvents_Event)m_dynamicMap).DynamicMapStarted -= new IDynamicMapEvents_DynamicMapStartedEventHandler(OnDynamicMapStarted);

        // force the bike xml playback thread to quite


      m_bConnected = !m_bConnected;
        private void DWIntersect(CPolyline pBSCpl, ref List <CPoint> cptlt, double dblIgnorableDis)
            IPointCollection4 pCol = new PolylineClass();

            for (int i = 0; i < cptlt.Count; i++)
            IPolyline5 ipl = pCol as IPolyline5;

            IRelationalOperator pRel = pBSCpl.pPolyline as IRelationalOperator;
            bool isCrosses           = pRel.Crosses(ipl);

            if (isCrosses == true)
                ITopologicalOperator pTop          = pBSCpl.pPolyline as ITopologicalOperator;
                IGeometry            pGeoIntersect = pTop.Intersect(ipl, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry0Dimension);
                IPointCollection4    pColIntersect = pGeoIntersect as IPointCollection4;

                double dblMaxDis = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < pColIntersect.PointCount; j++)
                    double dblDis = CGeoFunc.CalDistanceFromStartPoint(ipl, pColIntersect.get_Point(j), false);
                    if (dblDis > dblMaxDis)
                        dblMaxDis = dblDis;

                ICurve pSubCurve;
                ipl.GetSubcurve(dblMaxDis, ipl.Length, false, out pSubCurve);
                //IPolyline5 Cutipl = pSubCurve as IPolyline5;
                IPointCollection4 iplCutCol = pSubCurve as IPointCollection4;

                //the new first segment
                IPointCollection4 pSegCol = new PolylineClass();
                pSegCol.AddPoint(ipl.FromPoint, _Missing, _Missing);
                pSegCol.AddPoint(iplCutCol.get_Point(1), _Missing, _Missing);
                IPolyline5 seg = pSegCol as IPolyline5;
                bool       isCrossesSeg;

                int intIndex = 0;
                while (intIndex < iplCutCol.PointCount - 1)
                    pSegCol.UpdatePoint(1, iplCutCol.get_Point(intIndex));
                    isCrossesSeg = pRel.Crosses(seg);
                    if (isCrossesSeg == false)
                        iplCutCol.RemovePoints(1, intIndex - 1);
                        iplCutCol.UpdatePoint(0, ipl.FromPoint);
                    if (seg.Length >= dblIgnorableDis)
                        double dblOriginalIntersectionDis  = CGeoFunc.CalDistanceFromStartPoint(pBSCpl.pPolyline, pCol.get_Point(0), false);
                        double dblRealisticIntersectionDis = CGeoFunc.CalDistanceFromStartPoint(pBSCpl.pPolyline, iplCutCol.get_Point(0), false);

                        IPointCollection4 pColBSCpl = pBSCpl.pPolyline as IPointCollection4;
                        double            dblSumDis = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < pColBSCpl.PointCount - 1; i++)
                            double dblDis = CGeoFunc.CalDis(pColBSCpl.get_Point(i), pColBSCpl.get_Point(i + 1));
                            dblSumDis += dblDis;
                            if (dblSumDis >= dblRealisticIntersectionDis)
                                double dblDisPre   = Math.Abs(dblSumDis - dblDis - dblOriginalIntersectionDis);
                                double dblDisNext  = Math.Abs(dblSumDis - dblOriginalIntersectionDis);
                                IPoint intersectpt = new PointClass();
                                if (dblDisPre <= dblDisNext)
                                    intersectpt = pColBSCpl.get_Point(i);
                                    intersectpt = pColBSCpl.get_Point(i + 1);
                                iplCutCol.UpdatePoint(0, intersectpt);
                cptlt = CHelpFunc.GetCptEbByICol(iplCutCol).ToList();
        public void GeneratePoints2(string sLineLayer, string sDepthPointsLayer, double dblInterval, string strDepthField)
                IMxDocument pmxdoc = ArcMap.Document as IMxDocument;
                IMap        pmap   = pmxdoc.FocusMap;

                IFeatureLayer pDepthSoundings = FindLayer(pmap, sDepthPointsLayer) as IFeatureLayer;
                IFeatureLayer pLineLayer      = FindLayer(pmap, sLineLayer) as IFeatureLayer;
                IFeatureLayer pOutpoints      = new FeatureLayerClass();
                pOutpoints.FeatureClass = MakePointFC();
                pOutpoints.Name         = "Output Points";

                IProgressDialog2 pProgressDialog = ShowProgressIndicator("Calculating...", pLineLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(null), 1);

                //Set up the Outpoints cursor
                IFeatureCursor pFCurOutPoints = pOutpoints.Search(null, false);
                pFCurOutPoints = pOutpoints.FeatureClass.Insert(true);

                //Set up the LineLayer Cursor
                IFeatureCursor pFCur        = pLineLayer.Search(null, false);
                IFeature       pLineFeature = pFCur.NextFeature();

                IFeatureBuffer pFBuffer = pOutpoints.FeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer();

                ICurve pCurve;
                IPoint ppoint;

                int    iLineProgressCount         = 1;
                double dblDistance                = 0;
                double dblTotalDistanceCalculated = 0;
                double iNumIntervals              = 0;
                double dblElevationDiff           = 0;
                double dblElevationInterval       = 0;
                double dblElevation               = 0;
                double dlbStartElevation          = 0;
                double dblEndElevation            = 0;

                pProgressDialog.Description = "Generating points for Line: " + iLineProgressCount + " of " + pLineLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(null).ToString();

                while (pLineFeature != null)
                    int iStartVertex = 0;
                    int iEndVertex   = 1;
                    //Get the vertices of the line feature
                    IPointCollection4 pPointColl = pLineFeature.Shape as IPointCollection4;

                    //loop thru the vertices
                    for (int i = 0; i <= pPointColl.PointCount - 1; i++)
                        IPoint pStartPoint = pPointColl.get_Point(iStartVertex);
                        IPoint pEndPoint   = pPointColl.get_Point(iEndVertex);
                        //Make an intermediate line segment between each set of vertices
                        IPath pPath = MakePath(pStartPoint, pEndPoint);

                        //Get the starting elevation from the depth point layer
                        dlbStartElevation = GetPointElevation(pDepthSoundings, pLineLayer, pStartPoint, strDepthField);
                        dblElevation      = dlbStartElevation;
                        IPointCollection pPointForPath = null;
                        //Get the ending elevation from the next vertex
                        pEndPoint       = pPointColl.get_Point(iEndVertex);
                        dblEndElevation = GetPointElevation(pDepthSoundings, pLineLayer, pEndPoint, strDepthField);
                        //If the returned elevation is 0, then there is no coincident depth point, move to the next vertex for your endpoint
                        if (dblEndElevation == 0)
                            //IPointCollection reshapePath = new PathClass();
                            object missing = Type.Missing;
                            pPointForPath = new PathClass();
                            pPointForPath.AddPoint(pStartPoint, ref missing, ref missing);
                            while (dblEndElevation == 0)
                                pEndPoint       = pPointColl.get_Point(iEndVertex);
                                dblEndElevation = GetPointElevation(pDepthSoundings, pLineLayer, pEndPoint, strDepthField);

                                pPointForPath.AddPoint(pEndPoint, ref missing, ref missing);
                                //pLineSegment.Reshape(reshapePath as IPath);

                                if (dblEndElevation != 0)

                        if (pPointForPath != null)
                            pPath = pPointForPath as IPath;

                        //number of line segments based on the user's interval
                        iNumIntervals    = Convert.ToDouble(pPath.Length / dblInterval);
                        dblElevationDiff = dblEndElevation - dlbStartElevation;

                        //The calculated elevation interval to step up each time
                        dblElevationInterval = dblElevationDiff / iNumIntervals;

                        ppoint = new PointClass();

                        while (dblTotalDistanceCalculated <= pPath.Length)
                            pFBuffer.set_Value(pFBuffer.Fields.FindField("LineOID"), pLineFeature.OID);
                            pFBuffer.set_Value(pFBuffer.Fields.FindField("Distance"), Math.Round(dblDistance, 4));
                            pFBuffer.set_Value(pFBuffer.Fields.FindField("Elevation"), Math.Round(dblElevation, 4));

                            //this code set the point on the line at a distance
                            pPath.QueryPoint(0, dblDistance, false, ppoint);

                            pFBuffer.set_Value(pFBuffer.Fields.FindField("X"), ppoint.X);
                            pFBuffer.set_Value(pFBuffer.Fields.FindField("Y"), ppoint.Y);

                            //reCalc the new distance and elevation values for the next iteration
                            dblDistance = dblDistance + dblInterval;
                            dblTotalDistanceCalculated = dblTotalDistanceCalculated + dblInterval;

                            //Insert the feature into the featureclass
                            pFBuffer.Shape = ppoint;

                            if (!IsPointCoincident(ppoint, pOutpoints))

                            if (dblTotalDistanceCalculated >= pPath.Length)

                            dblElevation = dblElevation + dblElevationInterval;

                        //start the next line segment at the end of last one
                        iStartVertex = iEndVertex;
                        //look to the next vertex for the new ending point

                        if (iEndVertex == pPointColl.PointCount)
                            ////if its the last vertex of the last line, add a point
                            //pFBuffer.Shape = pPath.ToPoint;
                            //pFBuffer.set_Value(pFBuffer.Fields.FindField("LineOID"), pLineFeature.OID);
                            //pFBuffer.set_Value(pFBuffer.Fields.FindField("Distance"), Math.Round(dblDistance, 4));
                            //pFBuffer.set_Value(pFBuffer.Fields.FindField("Elevation"), Math.Round(dblElevation, 4));
                            //pFBuffer.set_Value(pFBuffer.Fields.FindField("X"), pPath.ToPoint.X);
                            //pFBuffer.set_Value(pFBuffer.Fields.FindField("Y"), pPath.ToPoint.Y);

                            //Reset the distance values back to 0 for the next feature
                            dblDistance = 0;
                            dblTotalDistanceCalculated = 0;

                        //Reset the distance values back to 0 for the next feature
                        dblDistance = 0;
                        dblTotalDistanceCalculated = 0;
                        //pLineFeature = pFCur.NextFeature();
                        //pProgressDialog.Description = "Generating points for Line: " + iLineProgressCount + " of " + pLineLayer.FeatureClass.FeatureCount(null).ToString();
                    pLineFeature = pFCur.NextFeature();

            catch (Exception ex)
Beispiel #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when this command is clicked
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnClick()
            m_dynamicMap = m_hookHelper.FocusMap as IDynamicMap;
            if (m_dynamicMap == null)

            if (!m_dynamicMap.DynamicMapEnabled)
                MessageBox.Show("Please enable dynamic mode and try again.");

            if (!m_bConnected)
                m_xmlPath = GetPlaybackXmlPath();
                if (m_xmlPath == string.Empty)

                m_bikePositionInfo = new BikePositionInfo();
                m_bikePositionInfo.positionCount       = m_bikePositionCount;
                m_bikePositionInfo.altitudeMeters      = 0;
                m_bikePositionInfo.time                = DateTime.Now;
                m_bikePositionInfo.position.X          = 0;
                m_bikePositionInfo.position.Y          = 0;
                m_bikePositionInfo.heartRate           = 0;
                m_bikePositionInfo.lapCount            = 0;
                m_bikePositionInfo.lapAverageHeartRate = 0;
                m_bikePositionInfo.lapMaximumHeartRate = 0;
                m_bikePositionInfo.lapDistanceMeters   = 0;
                m_bikePositionInfo.lapMaximumSpeed     = 0;
                m_bikePositionInfo.lapCalories         = 0;

                m_gpsPosition         = new PointClass();
                m_additionalInfoPoint = new PointClass();
                m_additionalInfoPoint.PutCoords(70, 90);
                m_bikeRouteGeometry = new PolylineClass();

                // wire dynamic map events
                ((IDynamicMapEvents_Event)m_dynamicMap).AfterDynamicDraw  += new IDynamicMapEvents_AfterDynamicDrawEventHandler(OnAfterDynamicDraw);
                ((IDynamicMapEvents_Event)m_dynamicMap).DynamicMapStarted += new IDynamicMapEvents_DynamicMapStartedEventHandler(OnDynamicMapStarted);

                // spin the thread that plays the data from the xml file
                m_dataLoaderThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(XmlReaderTask));

                XmlDocTaksData taskData;
                taskData.xmlDocPath = m_xmlPath;
                // unwire wire dynamic map events
                ((IDynamicMapEvents_Event)m_dynamicMap).AfterDynamicDraw  -= new IDynamicMapEvents_AfterDynamicDrawEventHandler(OnAfterDynamicDraw);
                ((IDynamicMapEvents_Event)m_dynamicMap).DynamicMapStarted -= new IDynamicMapEvents_DynamicMapStartedEventHandler(OnDynamicMapStarted);

                // force the bike xml playback thread to quite


            m_bConnected = !m_bConnected;