/// <inheritdoc />
        protected override async Task HandleSubMessage(IPeerMessageContext <PSOBBGamePacketPayloadClient> context, Sub60GameBurstingCompleteEventCommand command)
            //It's possible we get this on OUR join. We may not be spawned yet.
            if (!PlayerData.isWorldObjectSpawned)

            //This could be for a couple of reasons. Bursting wasn't set, and it's a BIG failure
            //or this is our JOIN bursting finish and we don't do anything here really.
            if (!BurstingService.isBurstingInProgress)

            //TODO: At some point, this may not run on the main thread so this won't be safe.
            GameObject playerWorldObject = PlayerData.WorldObject;

            Vector3 <float> scaledPosition = ScalerService.UnScale(playerWorldObject.transform.position).ToNetworkVector3();
            float           scaledRotation = ScalerService.UnScaleYRotation(playerWorldObject.transform.rotation.y);

            //If have to send this message otherwise other client's won't know we're also in the same zone
            //It's odd, but it's something we have to do.
            await context.PayloadSendService.SendMessage(new Sub60FinishedWarpAckCommand(SlotModel.SlotSelected, ZoneSettings.ZoneId, scaledPosition, scaledRotation).ToPayload());

            int entityGuid = BurstingService.BurstingEntityGuid.Value;

            //Successful burst, let everyone know.
            OnClientBurstingFinished?.Invoke(this, new ClientBurstingEndingEventArgs(entityGuid, true));

            //Bursting is done, we should release bursting state
            //Then we should broadcast to everyone that bursting is done.
Beispiel #2
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override async Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <GameClientPacketPayload> context, NetworkObjectVisibilityChangeEventPayload payload)
            foreach (var entity in payload.EntitiesToCreate)
                if (Logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                    Logger.Debug($"Encountered new entity: {entity.EntityGuid}");

            foreach (var entity in payload.OutOfRangeEntities)
                if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
                    Logger.Debug($"Leaving entity: {entity}");

            //Assume it's a player for now
            foreach (var creationData in payload.EntitiesToCreate)
                NetworkEntityNowVisibleEventArgs visibilityEvent = VisibileEventFactory.Create(creationData);


            foreach (var destroyData in payload.OutOfRangeEntities)
                OnNetworkEntityVisibilityLost?.Invoke(this, new NetworkEntityVisibilityLostEventArgs(destroyData));
Beispiel #3
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public async Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <GameClientPacketPayload> context, GameServerPacketPayload payload)
     if (Logger.IsWarnEnabled)
         Logger.Warn($"Recieved unhandled Packet: {payload.GetType().Name}");
        //Just dispatches to the decorated handler.
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public virtual async Task <bool> TryHandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <TOutgoingPayloadType> context, NetworkIncomingMessage <TIncomingPayloadBaseType> message)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
            if (message == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message));

                if (CanHandle(message))
                    Logger.Info($"Recieved: {message.Payload}");

                    await HandleMessage(context, message.Payload as TPayloadType);

            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Error($"Encounter error in Handle: {GetType().Name} Exception: {e.Message} \n\n StackTrace: {e.StackTrace}");
Beispiel #5
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <PSOBBGamePacketPayloadClient> context, BlockClientPingEventPayload payload)
            //Just send the ping response; otherwise we'll be disconnected.
            context.PayloadSendService.SendMessage(new BlockClientPingResponsePayload());

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <PSOBBGamePacketPayloadClient> context, BlockLobbyJoinEventPayload payload)
            if (Logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                Logger.Debug($"**Handling**: {nameof(BlockLobbyJoinEventPayload)}");

            //We need to make sure the lobby scene is registered
            if (!LobbyNumberToSceneNameMap.ContainsKey(payload.LobbyNumber))
                string lobbyError = $"Tried to enter Lobby: {payload.LobbyNumber} but no lobby for that id was registered.";
                if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled)

                throw new InvalidOperationException(lobbyError);

            //Just set the old char slot to the clientid
            //It's basically like a slot, like a lobby or party slot.
            SlotModel.SlotSelected = payload.ClientId;


            //TODO: Handle multiple different lobby scenes
            //Now we need to load the actual lobby
            //Doing so will require us to load a new lobby scene
            SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(LobbyNumberToSceneNameMap[payload.LobbyNumber]).allowSceneActivation = true;

            //Don't send anything here, the server will send a 0x60 0x6F after this
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <TOutgoingPayloadType> context, TPayloadType payload)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
            if (payload == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(payload));

            //TODO: We can disconnect if we encounter unknowns or do more indepth logging/decisions
            if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                if (payload is IUnknownPayloadType unk)
                    Logger.Info($"Recieved unhandled payload of Type: {payload.GetType().Name} Info: {payload}");

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <GameClientPacketPayload> context, FieldValueUpdateEvent payload)
            //Assume the update fields aren't null and there is at least 1
            foreach (EntityAssociatedData <FieldValueUpdate> update in payload.FieldValueUpdates)
                //TODO: We shouldn't assume we know the entity, but technically we should based on order of server-side events.
                IEntityDataFieldContainer entityDataContainer = null;
                    entityDataContainer = EntityDataContainerMap[update.EntityGuid];
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (Logger.IsWarnEnabled)
                        Logger.Warn($"Encountered Entity FieldValueUpdate for Unknown Entity: {update.EntityGuid.EntityType}:{update.EntityGuid.EntityId}. Error: {e.Message}");


                //We have to lock here otherwise we could encounter race conditions with the
                //change tracking system.
                lock (entityDataContainer.SyncObj)
                    foreach (var entry in update.Data.FieldValueUpdateMask
                             .Zip(update.Data.FieldValueUpdates, (setIndex, value) => new { setIndex, value }))
                        entityDataContainer.SetFieldValue(entry.setIndex, entry.value);

Beispiel #9
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <PSOBBGamePacketPayloadClient> context, CharacterTimestampEventPayload payload)
            if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                Logger.Info($"TimeStamp: {payload.Timestamp}");

            //TODO: How should we account for latency between the server
            //See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swatch_Internet_Time#Calculation_from_UTC.2B1
            //Teht: "%u:%02u:%02u: %02u:%02u:%02u.%03u"
            //rawtime.wYear, rawtime.wMonth, rawtime.wDay, rawtime.wHour, rawtime.wMinute, rawtime.wSecond, rawtime.wMilliseconds

            //Set the start beat time for use during this session
            //beats = (UTC+1seconds + (UTC+1minutes * 60) + (UTC+1hours * 3600)) / 86.4
            //based on: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10479991/convert-datetime-to-swatch-internet-time-beat-time
            TimeService.StartBeatsTime = DateTime
                                         .ParseExact(payload.Timestamp, "yyyy:MM:dd: HH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                                         .AddHours(-4) //we must remove 4 hours to be in sync with the beats the client reads
                                         .TotalSeconds / 86.4d;

            if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                Logger.Info($"CurrentBeat: {TimeService.StartBeatsTime % 1000}");

Beispiel #10
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override Task HandleSubMessage(IPeerMessageContext <PSOBBGamePacketPayloadClient> context, Sub60FinishedWarpAckCommand command)
            int entityGuid = EntityGuid.ComputeEntityGuid(EntityType.Player, command.Identifier);

            if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                Logger.Info($"Client broadcasted existence Id: {command.Identifier} ZoneId: {command.ZoneId}");

            //The reason we have to do this is because remote players, that we already known about,
            //could be broadcasting out a warp ack to alert other players that they exist
            //but not intend for it to reach us really. In this case, we already have the player existing
            //so if we don't do it this way then we will end up with duplicate spawns
            if (WorldTransformMappable.ContainsKey(entityGuid) && ZoneDataMappable.ContainsKey(entityGuid))
                //TODO: Should we ever assume they will ack a new zone??? Probably never legit in the lobby but might happen in games? Unsure.
                InitializeAckDataToEntityMappables(command, entityGuid);
                HandleUnknownEntityWarpAck(command, entityGuid);

 /// <inheritdoc />
 public override async Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <PSOBBGamePacketPayloadClient> context, TPayloadType payload)
     //We want to grab the subtype, but we don't know how. Let the implementers do it.
     //then we can dispatch it.
     await HandleSubMessage(context, RetrieveSubMessage(payload))
        protected override async Task HandleSubMessage(IPeerMessageContext <PSOBBGamePacketPayloadClient> context, Sub62ClientWarpBeginEventCommand command)
            if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                Logger.Info($"Recieved: {this.MessageName()} about to create local player.");

            INetworkPlayer player = null;

                //TODO: Is this where we should do this?
                //We need to create the player represenation here
                player = PlayerFactory.CreateLocalPlayer();
            catch (Exception e)
                if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled || Logger.IsFatalEnabled)
                    Logger.Fatal($"Failed to create network player. Exception: {e.Message} \n\n Stacktrace: {e.StackTrace}");

            //TODO: Handle the zoneid better
            await context.PayloadSendService.SendMessage(new Sub60TeleportToPositionCommand(player.Identity.EntityId, ScalerService.UnScale(player.Transform.Position).ToNetworkVector3()).ToPayload());

            await context.PayloadSendService.SendMessage(new Sub60WarpToNewAreaCommand(player.Identity.EntityId, 0).ToPayload());             //pioneer 2

            await context.PayloadSendService.SendMessage(new Sub60FinishedMapLoadCommand(player.Identity.EntityId).ToPayload());

            //This tells everyone else we're doing bursting
            await context.PayloadSendService.SendMessage(new BlockFinishedGameBurstingRequestPayload());
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override async Task HandleSubMessage(IPeerMessageContext <PSOBBGamePacketPayloadClient> context, Sub60FinishedWarpingBurstingCommand command)
            if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                Logger.Info($"Recieved finished warp from Client: {command.Identifier} SameZone: {command}");

            //TODO: Can we always assume we have a world object when we recieved this??
            if (!LocalPlayerData.isWorldObjectSpawned)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"Recieved {nameof(Sub60FinishedWarpingBurstingCommand)} before local player exists.");

            Vector3 <float> scaledPosition = ScalingService.UnScale(LocalPlayerData.WorldObject.transform.position).ToNetworkVector3();
            float           scaledRotation = ScalingService.UnScaleYRotation(LocalPlayerData.WorldObject.transform.rotation.y);

            //If have to send this message otherwise other client's won't know we're also in the same zone
            //It's odd, but it's something we have to do.
            await context.PayloadSendService.SendMessage(new Sub60FinishedWarpAckCommand(LocalPlayerData.SlotIndex, ZoneId, scaledPosition, scaledRotation).ToPayload());

            //Other clients send photon char information but I don't know what is in it yet or if it's required
            await context.PayloadSendService.SendMessage(new Sub62PhotonChairCommand().ToPayload());

            int entityGuid = EntityGuid.ComputeEntityGuid(EntityType.Player, command.Identifier);

            //TODO: Is it really safe to assume that they have zone data?? If they never sent it then this will throw here. Or it'll be stale.
            //TODO: Should we broadcast this event before or after the warp ack is sent?
            OnRemotePlayedFinishedWarpToZone?.Invoke(this, new PlayerWarpedToZoneEventArgs(entityGuid, PlayerZoneDataMappable[entityGuid].ZoneId));
Beispiel #14
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <GameClientPacketPayload> context, SpellCastResponsePayload payload)
            if (!payload.isSuccessful)
                if (Logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                    Logger.Debug($"Failed to cast Spell: {payload.SpellId} Reason: {payload.Result}");


            //If successful we should do some prediction
            long predictedStartTime = TimeService.CurrentRemoteTime - TimeService.CurrentLatency;
            int  spellId            = payload.SpellId;

            //These must be set atomically.
            lock (PlayerDetails.EntityData.SyncObj)
                PlayerDetails.EntityData.SetFieldValue(EntityObjectField.UNIT_FIELD_CASTING_SPELLID, spellId);
                PlayerDetails.EntityData.SetFieldValue(EntityObjectField.UNIT_FIELD_CASTING_STARTTIME, predictedStartTime);

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <AuthenticationClientPayload> context, AuthLogonChallengeResponse payload)
            AuthLogonProofRequest proof = null;

            //TODO: Change this console logging
            if (payload.Result != AuthenticationResult.Success)
                Console.WriteLine($"Failed Auth: {payload.Result}");

            using (WoWSRP6ClientCryptoServiceProvider srpProvider = new WoWSRP6ClientCryptoServiceProvider(payload.Challenge.B.ToBigInteger(), payload.Challenge.N.ToBigInteger(), payload.Challenge.g.ToBigInteger()))
                using (WoWSRP6PublicComponentHashServiceProvider hashingService = new WoWSRP6PublicComponentHashServiceProvider())
                    //TODO: Remove hardcoded name/pass
                    //Set the session key in the store for usage
                    BigInteger unhashedKey = srpProvider.ComputeSessionKey("Glader".ToUpper(), "test", payload.Challenge.salt);

                    Console.WriteLine($"SessionKey: {unhashedKey} KeySize: {unhashedKey.ToCleanByteArray().Length}");

                    proof = new AuthLogonProofRequest(srpProvider.A.ToCleanByteArray(), hashingService.ComputeSRP6M1(srpProvider.g, srpProvider.N, "Glader".ToUpper(), payload.Challenge.salt, srpProvider.A, srpProvider.B, unhashedKey));

                    //Set the session key as a hashed session key
                    //SessionKeyStorage.SessionKey = hashingService.HashSessionKey(unhashedKey);

            Console.WriteLine("Sending Proof");

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override async Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <GameClientPacketPayload> context, PlayerSelfSpawnEventPayload payload)
            //TODO: Actually handle this. Right now it's just demo code, it actually could fail.
            if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                Logger.Info($"Recieved server commanded PlayerSpawn. Player GUID: {payload.CreationData.EntityGuid} Position: {payload.CreationData.InitialMovementData.InitialPosition}");

            EntityFieldDataCollection <EntityDataFieldType> entityData = CreateEntityDataCollectionFromPayload(payload.CreationData.InitialFieldValues);


            await new UnityYieldAwaitable();

            //Don't do any checks for now, we just spawn
            GameObject playerGameObject = PlayerFactory.Create(new DefaultEntityCreationContext(payload.CreationData.EntityGuid, payload.CreationData.InitialMovementData, EntityPrefab.LocalPlayer, entityData));

            //Set local player entity guid, lots of dependencies need this set to work.
            LocalPlayerDetails.LocalPlayerGuid = payload.CreationData.EntityGuid;

            //Call all OnGameInitializables
            foreach (var init in Initializables)
                await init.OnGameInitialized()

            //TODO: We need to make this the first packet, or couple of packets. We don't want to do this inbetween potentially slow operatons.
            await context.PayloadSendService.SendMessageImmediately(new ServerTimeSyncronizationRequestPayload(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks))
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override async Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <GameClientPacketPayload> context, PlayerSelfSpawnEventPayload payload)
            //This is kinda a hack, to make this handler continue on the main thread so that dispatching the event
            //will be on the main thread too.
            //Otherwise, we'd need a system for queueing such an event on the main thread and NOT continuting the networking until
            //all events complete.
            //The reason being as SOON as this happens, something COULD happen the player entity to trigger a value change update.
            await new UnityYieldAwaitable();

            //We should ONLY allow this to be the case for THIS HANDLER ONLY. Doing this in other handlers is NOT VIABLE.

            //TODO: Actually handle this. Right now it's just demo code, it actually could fail.
            if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                Logger.Info($"Recieved server commanded PlayerSpawn. Player GUID: {payload.CreationData.EntityGuid} Position: {payload.CreationData.InitialMovementData.InitialPosition}");


            LocalPlayerDetails.LocalPlayerGuid = payload.CreationData.EntityGuid;

            //We should broadcast to interested parties that spawn event has occured.
            OnSelfPlayerSpawnEvent?.Invoke(this, new SelfPlayerSpawnEventArgs(payload.CreationData));

            //TODO: We need to make this the first packet, or couple of packets. We don't want to do this inbetween potentially slow operatons.
            await context.PayloadSendService.SendMessageImmediately(new ServerTimeSyncronizationRequestPayload(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks))
Beispiel #18
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <PSOBBGamePacketPayloadClient> context, SharedLoginResponsePayload payload)
            //We don't yet handle the UI for this so we just log it
            if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                Logger.Info($"Recieved LoginResponse: {payload.ResponseCode}");

            if (Logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                Logger.Debug($"Tag: {payload.Tag} GuildCard: {payload.GuildCard} TeamId: {payload.TeamId}");

            if (!payload.isSuccessful)

            //Set the data required to flow through the login process
            SessionDetails.SessionId = payload.TeamId;
            SessionDetails.SessionVerificationData = payload.SecurityData;
            SessionDetails.GuildCardNumber         = payload.GuildCard;

            //Invoke login success if it's succesful at this point.

        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <AuthenticationClientPayload> context, AuthLogonChallengeResponse payload)
            AuthLogonProofRequest proof = null;

            if (payload.Result != AuthenticationResult.Success)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"The auth challenge failed. Returned: {payload.Result}.");

            using (WoWSRP6CryptoServiceProvider srpProvider = new WoWSRP6CryptoServiceProvider(payload.Challenge.B.ToBigInteger(), payload.Challenge.N.ToBigInteger(), payload.Challenge.g.ToBigInteger()))
                using (WoWSRP6PublicComponentHashServiceProvider hashingService = new WoWSRP6PublicComponentHashServiceProvider())
                    //TODO: Remove hardcoded name/pass
                    //Set the session key in the store for usage
                    BigInteger unhashedKey = srpProvider.ComputeSessionKey("Glader".ToUpper(), "test", payload.Challenge.salt);

                    proof = new AuthLogonProofRequest(srpProvider.A.ToCleanByteArray(), hashingService.ComputeSRP6M1(srpProvider.g, srpProvider.N, "Glader".ToUpper(), payload.Challenge.salt, srpProvider.A, srpProvider.B, unhashedKey));

                    //Set the session key as a hashed session key
                    //SessionKeyStorage.SessionKey = hashingService.HashSessionKey(unhashedKey);

            await context.PayloadSendService.SendMessage(proof);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override Task HandleSubMessage(IPeerMessageContext <PSOBBGamePacketPayloadClient> context, TPositionChangeCommandType command)
            int entityGuid = EntityGuid.ComputeEntityGuid(EntityType.Player, command.Identifier);

            //TODO: is this the best approach, just ignoring/ditching the position of players
            //if they aren't in our zone?
            if (!MovementManagerMappable.ContainsKey(entityGuid))

            //We can safely assume they have a known world transform or they can't have been spawned.

            Vector2 position = Scaler.ScaleYasZ(command.Position);

            MovementManagerMappable[entityGuid].RegisterState(CreateMovementGenerator(position, command));

            //New position commands should be direcly updating the entity's position. Even though "MovementGenerators" handle true movement by learping them.
            //They aren't the source of Truth since they aren't deterministic/authorative like is REAL MMOs. So, the true source of truth is the WorldTransform.
            Vector3 positionIn3dSpace = new Vector3(position.x, WorldTransformMappable[entityGuid].Position.y, position.y);

            WorldTransformMappable[entityGuid] = new WorldTransform(positionIn3dSpace, WorldTransformMappable[entityGuid].Rotation);

 /// <inheritdoc />
 protected override async Task HandleSubMessage(IPeerMessageContext <PSOBBGamePacketPayloadClient> context, Sub60StartNewWarpCommand command, INetworkPlayerNetworkMessageContext commandContext)
     //TODO: We should remove the player's physical representation from the current map if they're in it.
     if (Logger.IsDebugEnabled)
         Logger.Debug($"Player ID: {command.Identifier} starting warp to ZoneId: {command.ZoneId} - Unused: {command.Unused1} {command.Unused2}");
        public async Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <PSOBBPatchPacketPayloadClient> context, PatchingWelcomePayload payload)
            //We need to init the crypto before we can even send the following payload

            //Sends an ack to let the patch server know we recieved the welcome and that we've established encryption.
            await context.PayloadSendService.SendMessage(new PatchingWelcomeAckPayload());
 /// <inheritdoc />
 protected override Task HandleSubMessage(IPeerMessageContext <PSOBBGamePacketPayloadClient> context, Sub60WarpToNewAreaCommand command)
     //All we need to do is set the new zone for lobby.
     //We should not assume that they are ever going to leave in the lobby
     //so don't remove them even if it appears they're going to a different map/area
     //that the local player is not in.
     ZoneDataMappable[EntityGuid.ComputeEntityGuid(EntityType.Player, command.Identifier)] = new PlayerZoneData(command.Zone);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <GameClientPacketPayload> context, GameServerPacketPayload payload)
            if (Logger.IsWarnEnabled)
                Logger.Warn($"Recieved unhandable Payload: {payload.GetType().Name}");

        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override Task HandleSubMessage(IPeerMessageContext <PSOBBGamePacketPayloadClient> context, Sub60PlayerFreezeCommand command)
            if (this.Logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                Logger.Debug($"Freeze ClientId: {command.Identifier} Unknown: {command.Unknown1} Type: {command.Reason} Location1: {command.Position} Unknown2: {command.Unknown2}");

        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <PSOBBGamePacketPayloadClient> context, BlockTextChatMessageEventPayload payload, INetworkPlayerNetworkMessageContext payloadContext)
            if (Logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                Logger.Info($"Recieved Chat ClientId: {payloadContext.RemotePlayer.Identity.EntityId} GCN: {payload.GuildCardNumber} Message: {payload.ChatMessage.Aggregate("", (s, b) => $"{s} {b}")}");

        public override async Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <GameClientPacketPayload> context, PlayerSelfSpawnEventPayload payload)
            NetworkEntityNowVisibleEventArgs visibilityEvent = VisibileEventFactory.Create(payload.CreationData);


            //TODO: We need to make this the first packet, or couple of packets. We don't want to do this inbetween potentially slow operatons.
            await context.PayloadSendService.SendMessageImmediately(new ServerTimeSyncronizationRequestPayload(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks));
Beispiel #28
        public override Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <GameClientPacketPayload> context, FieldValueUpdateEvent payload)
            foreach (var entry in payload.FieldValueUpdates)
                GenerateFieldUpdateDiff(entry.Data, ChangeTrackableCollection.RetrieveEntity(entry.EntityGuid));

Beispiel #29
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override Task HandleSubMessage(IPeerMessageContext <PSOBBGamePacketPayloadClient> context, Sub60MovingSlowPositionSetCommand command, INetworkPlayerNetworkMessageContext commandContext)
            Vector2 position = Scaler.ScaleYasZ(command.Position);

            //Set the position of the network transform
            commandContext.RemotePlayer.Transform.Position = new Vector3(position.x, commandContext.RemotePlayer.Transform.Position.y, position.y);

Beispiel #30
        //TODO: This is a work in progress, we need a time service.
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override Task HandleMessage(IPeerMessageContext <GameClientPacketPayload> context, ServerPingPacketPayload payload)
            //The issue with time sync every ping is that the remote packet queue could contain a bunch of inputs from rotation/movement
            //which will skew the time sync result. Best to just go with the initial/original time syncronization.
            //context.PayloadSendService.SendMessageImmediately(new ServerTimeSyncronizationRequestPayload(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks))
            //	.ConfigureAwaitFalse();
