Beispiel #1
 private void InitializePathFinding(IPathFinding <IGraphicsComponent> pathFinder)
     pathFinder.InitialUnit = Player;
     pathFinder.ArrayGrid3D = gameMesh;
     pathFinder.ObstaclesAddAll(GetAllItemsWithTags(BlockType.Wall, BlockType.Water, BlockType.Edge).ToArray());
     pathFinder.TargetsAddAll(GetAllItemsWithTags(FruitType.Apple, FruitType.Banana, FruitType.Pineapple, FruitType.Watermelone, CharacterType.Enemy, BlockType.FinishLocked).ToArray());
 public void Start()
     PathFinding     = new AStar(GameFieldManager.Grid);
     _playerPosition = Player.transform.position;
     _botPosition    = Bot.transform.position;
Beispiel #3
    private void Start()
        //get the animator
        animator = GetComponent <Animator>();

        //get interfaces
        _vision        = GetComponent <IVision>();
        _health        = GetComponent <IHealth>();
        _sfxController = GetComponent <ISfxController>();
        _pathFinding   = GetComponent <IPathFinding>();
        _movement      = GetComponent <IMovement>();
        _rotation      = GetComponent <IRotation>();
        _simpleDamageDisplayManager = GetComponent <IDamageDisplayManager>();

        //initial properties
        _normalSpeed = _movement.GetSpeed();

        //initial states
        _isAgro              = false;
        _isAttacking         = false;
        _isAttackCoolingDown = false;
        invisible            = false;

        //register event listener
        EventSystem.Current.RegisterEventListener <BulletHitCtx>(OnBulletHit);
Beispiel #4
    private void Start()
        //get interfaces
        _vision               = GetComponent <IVision>();
        _health               = GetComponent <IHealth>();
        _sfxController        = GetComponent <ISfxController>();
        _pathFinding          = GetComponent <IPathFinding>();
        _movement             = GetComponent <IMovement>();
        _rotation             = GetComponent <IRotation>();
        _damageDisplayManager = GetComponent <IDamageDisplayManager>();

        //get the animator
        if (animator == null)
            animator = GetComponent <Animator>();

        //initial properties
        _lastSeenPlayerPos = new Vector3();

        _isAgro              = false;
        _hasLastPlayerPos    = false;
        _isAttacking         = false;
        _isAttackCoolingDown = false;
        invisible            = false;

        //register event listener
        EventSystem.Current.RegisterEventListener <BulletHitCtx>(OnBulletHit);
    private void Start()
        PathFinding = GetComponent <IPathFinding>();
        EnemyAttack = GetComponent <IEnemyAttack>();
        Player      = FindObjectOfType <PlayerController>();

Beispiel #6
        // Use this for initialization
        public virtual void Init(GameObject gObject)
            gameScene      = GameApp.GetInstance().GetGameScene();
            player         = gameScene.GetPlayer();
            enemyObject    = gObject;
            enemyTransform = enemyObject.transform;
            animation      = enemyObject.GetComponent <UnityEngine.Animation>();
            aimedTransform = enemyTransform.Find(BoneName.ENEMY_AIMED_PATH);
            rigidbody      = enemyObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            //collider = enemyObject.transform.Find(BoneName.ENEMY_BODY).collider;
            collider = enemyObject.transform.GetComponent <Collider>();
            //sceneGUI = GameObject.Find("SceneGUI").GetComponent<SceneGUI>();
            rConfig = GameApp.GetInstance().GetResourceConfig();

            gConfig          = GameApp.GetInstance().GetGameConfig();
            controller       = enemyObject.GetComponent <Collider>() as CharacterController;
            detectionRange   = 150.0f;
            attackRange      = 1.5f;
            minRange         = 1.5f;
            lootCash         = 0;
            criticalAttacked = false;
            spawnCenter      = enemyTransform.position;

            target = GameObject.Find("Player").transform;

            //rigidbody.centerOfMass = Vector3.up;

            audio = new AudioPlayer();
            Transform audioFolderTrans = enemyTransform.Find("Audio");

            audio.AddAudio(audioFolderTrans, "Attack");
            audio.AddAudio(audioFolderTrans, "Walk");
            audio.AddAudio(audioFolderTrans, "Dead");
            audio.AddAudio(audioFolderTrans, "Special");
            audio.AddAudio(audioFolderTrans, "Shout");

            hitBloodObjectPool = GameApp.GetInstance().GetGameScene().HitBloodObjectPool;

            pathFinding = new GraphPathFinding();

            animation.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop;

            state = IDLE_STATE;

            lastUpdateTime      = Time.time;
            lastPathFindingTime = Time.time;

            idleStartTime = -2;
            enemyObject.GetComponent <UnityEngine.Animation>()[AnimationName.ENEMY_ATTACK].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever;

            path = GameApp.GetInstance().GetGameScene().GetPath();
Beispiel #7
 public void SetAIPathSource(PathFindingWays choice)
     pathFindingChoice = choice;
     if (choice == PathFindingWays.DijkstraAI)
         _iPath = _dijkstraAI;
         _iPath = _aStarAI;
Beispiel #8
 protected Enemy(IPathFinding pathFinder, IWeapon weapon, IPlayer player, double lifePoints, Vector2 position, Texture2D texture, IActionState state, IMap map)
     PathFinder   = pathFinder;
     Weapon       = weapon;
     LifePoints   = lifePoints;
     Position     = position;
     Texture      = texture;
     CurrentState = state;
     _player      = player;
     Map          = map;
     Alive = true;
        public override Enemy CreateEnemy(IPathFinding pathFinder, EnemyType type, IWeapon weapon, IPlayer player, double lifePoints, Vector2 position, Texture2D texture, IActionState state, IMap map)
            switch (type)
            case EnemyType.Small:
                return(new EnemyA(pathFinder, weapon, player, lifePoints, position, texture, state, map));

            case EnemyType.Big:
                return(new EnemyB(pathFinder, weapon, player, lifePoints, position, texture, state, map));

            case EnemyType.Boss:
                return(new Boss(pathFinder, weapon, player, lifePoints, position, texture, state, map));

Beispiel #10
        public void SetPathFindingGrid(IGrid pGrid, bool showGrid)
            pathFind = new PathFinding(pGrid);

            if (showGrid)
                for (int row = 0; row < pGrid.grid.GetLength(0); row++)
                    for (int column = 0; column < pGrid.grid.GetLength(1); column++)
                        sceneManager.Spawn((iEntity)pathFind.mGrid.grid[row, column]);

                        if (GraphicsDevice != null)
                            sceneManager.LoadResource((iEntity)pathFind.mGrid.grid[row, column]);
Beispiel #11
 public EnemyB(IPathFinding pathFinder, IWeapon weapon, IPlayer player, double lifePoints, Vector2 position, Texture2D texture, IActionState state, IMap map) : base(pathFinder, weapon, player, lifePoints, position, texture, state, map)
 public abstract Enemy CreateEnemy(IPathFinding pathFinder, EnemyType type, IWeapon weapon, IPlayer player, double lifePoints, Vector2 position, Texture2D texture, IActionState state, IMap map);
Beispiel #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Controller constructor, get injection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pathFinding">Path finding service</param>
 public SolvroCityController(IPathFinding pathFinding)
     this.pathFinding = pathFinding;
Beispiel #14
    public static List <INode> FindPath(this IPathFinding _this, INode startNode, INode targetNode, PathFindingSettings _settings)
        List <INode>    openSet   = new List <INode>();
        HashSet <INode> closedSet = new HashSet <INode>();


        // Ciclo la collezione open fino a quando ha elementi e scelgo quello con il costo minore per avanzare con la ricerca
        while (openSet.Count > 0)
            INode node = openSet[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < openSet.Count; i++)
                if (openSet[i].F_Cost < node.F_Cost || openSet[i].F_Cost == node.F_Cost)
                    if (openSet[i].H_Cost < node.H_Cost)
                        node = openSet[i];

            // se il nodo attuale è uguale al target, ho raggiunto il target, ho terminato.
            if (node == targetNode)
                return(RetracePath(startNode, targetNode));

            List <INode> nNodes = _this.GetNeighboursStar(node);
            // ---------------------------------
            // --------- Settings Eval ---------
            //if (!_settings.CanJump) {
            //    nNodes = nNodes.Where(n => n.ContainsTag("walkable")).ToList<INode>();
            // ---------------------------------

            foreach (INode neighbour in nNodes)
                //if (!neighbour.isTraversable && !_settings.IgnoreObstacles || closedSet.Contains(neighbour)) {
                //    continue;
                if (closedSet.Contains(neighbour))
                if (neighbour.isTraversable == false && neighbour != targetNode && _settings.IgnoreObstacles)

                int newCostToNeighbour = node.G_Cost + GetDistance(node, neighbour, _settings);
                if (newCostToNeighbour < neighbour.G_Cost || !openSet.Contains(neighbour))
                    neighbour.G_Cost = newCostToNeighbour;
                    neighbour.H_Cost = GetDistance(neighbour, targetNode, _settings);
                    neighbour.parent = node;

                    if (!openSet.Contains(neighbour))

        return(new List <INode>());
Beispiel #15
    /// <summary>
    /// trova il percorso dallo startNode al lastNode
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_this"></param>
    /// <param name="startNode"></param>
    /// <param name="lastNode"></param>
    public static List <INode> Find_(this IPathFinding _this, INode startNode, INode lastNode, bool ignoreTraversable = false)
        List <INode> Open   = new List <INode>();
        List <INode> Closed = new List <INode>();
        INode        current;
        List <INode> path = new List <INode>();


            //assegna a current l'INode con f cost più basso
            INode lower = null;

            foreach (var item in Open)
                if (lower == null)
                    lower = item;
                    if (item.F_Cost < lower.F_Cost)
                        lower = item;
            // mette current nella lista dei già analizzati e lo rimuove dai disponibili
            current = lower;
            //controllo se il currentNode è uguale al lastNode
            if (current == lastNode)
                while (path[path.Count - 1] != startNode)
                    path.Add(path[path.Count - 1].parent);

            if (current == null)
                Debug.Log("Path non trovato");
            List <INode> neighboursNodes = current.GetNeighbours();
            foreach (var neighbour in neighboursNodes)
                // if ((!neighbour.isTraversable && !ignoreTraversable) || Closed.Contains(neighbour)) {
                //if (!neighbour.isTraversable || Closed.Contains(neighbour)) {
                //    continue;
                if (Closed.Contains(neighbour))
                if (!neighbour.isTraversable && !ignoreTraversable)

                //neighbour.SetCost(startNode, lastNode);

                if (!Open.Contains(neighbour))
                    neighbour.parent = current;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Open.Count; i++)
                        if (Open[i].GetGridPosition() == neighbour.GetGridPosition())
                            int newCost = current.G_Cost + current.CalculateCost(current, neighbour);
                            if (newCost < Open[i].G_Cost)
                                Open[i].parent = current;
                                Open[i].G_Cost = newCost;
                                Open[i].H_Cost = Open[i].CalculateCost(Open[i], lastNode);
                                //Open[i].G_Cost = neighbour.G_Cost;
                                //Open[i].H_Cost = neighbour.H_Cost;
        }while (current != lastNode);

Beispiel #16
 public Boss(IPathFinding pathFinder, IWeapon weapon, IPlayer player, double lifePoints, Vector2 position, Texture2D texture, IActionState state, IMap map) : base(pathFinder, weapon, player, lifePoints, position, texture, state, map)
     minions    = new List <Enemy>();
     BaseDamage = 20;
 public IEnumerable <Route> Solve(IPathFinding algorithm)
     return(algorithm.Solve(Graph, Graph.GetByName(From), Graph.GetByName(To)));
Beispiel #18
 public void injectPathFinding(IPathFinding pPathFinder, iEntity pStar)
     pathFinder = pPathFinder;
     Star       = pStar;
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        /// LoadContent will be called once per game and is the place to load
        /// all of your content.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void LoadContent()
            // Create a new SpriteBatch, which can be used to draw textures.
            _weaponTextures = new Dictionary <string, Texture2D>();
            _spriteBatch    = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
            // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here
            _backgroundTexture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("background");
            _playerTexture     = Content.Load <Texture2D>("player");
            _enemyATexture     = Content.Load <Texture2D>("enemyA");
            _enemyBTexture     = Content.Load <Texture2D>("enemyB");
            _bossTexture       = Content.Load <Texture2D>("boss");

            foreach (var weapon in Enum.GetValues(typeof(WeaponName)))
                _weaponTextures.Add(weapon.ToString(), Content.Load <Texture2D>(weapon.ToString()));

            _wallTexture = Content.Load <Texture2D>("wall");

            _player = new Player1(Vector2.Zero, _playerTexture);
            _map    = new Map(GameSettings.MapSize, GameSettings.MapSize)
                BackgroundTexture = _backgroundTexture
            _pathFinder = new PathFindingAdapter(_map);

            var enemyState = new EnemyStateFactory();

            var enemiesFactory = new EnemiesConcreteFactory();

            _enemies = new List <Enemy>
                enemiesFactory.CreateEnemy(_pathFinder, EnemyType.Small, new Bazooka(), _player, 100, new Vector2(5 * GameSettings.TileSize, 5 * GameSettings.TileSize), _enemyATexture, enemyState.GetState("Moving"), _map),
                enemiesFactory.CreateEnemy(_pathFinder, EnemyType.Big, new Pistol(), _player, 100, new Vector2(3 * GameSettings.TileSize, 5 * GameSettings.TileSize), _enemyBTexture, enemyState.GetState("Moving"), _map),
                enemiesFactory.CreateEnemy(_pathFinder, EnemyType.Boss, new Pistol(), _player, 500, new Vector2(1 * GameSettings.TileSize, 1 * GameSettings.TileSize), _bossTexture, enemyState.GetState("Moving"), _map),
                enemiesFactory.CreateEnemy(_pathFinder, EnemyType.Boss, new Pistol(), _player, 250, new Vector2(1 * GameSettings.TileSize, 2 * GameSettings.TileSize), _bossTexture, enemyState.GetState("Moving"), _map)

            Boss boss = (Boss)_enemies[2];


            foreach (Enemy minion in boss.GetMinions())

            var clonedEnemies = new List <Enemy>

            clonedEnemies[0].Position = new Vector2(7 * GameSettings.TileSize, 5 * GameSettings.TileSize);
            clonedEnemies[1].Position = new Vector2(5 * GameSettings.TileSize, 9 * GameSettings.TileSize);
            clonedEnemies[2].Position = new Vector2(2 * GameSettings.TileSize, 4 * GameSettings.TileSize);
            clonedEnemies[3].Position = new Vector2(5 * GameSettings.TileSize, 1 * GameSettings.TileSize);


            Boss boss2 = (Boss)_enemies[3];


            _walls = new List <Wall>
                new Wall {
                    Position = new Vector2(10 * GameSettings.TileSize, 10 * GameSettings.TileSize), Texture = _wallTexture
                new Wall {
                    Position = new Vector2(11 * GameSettings.TileSize, 10 * GameSettings.TileSize), Texture = _wallTexture
                new Wall {
                    Position = new Vector2(12 * GameSettings.TileSize, 10 * GameSettings.TileSize), Texture = _wallTexture
                new Wall {
                    Position = new Vector2(13 * GameSettings.TileSize, 10 * GameSettings.TileSize), Texture = _wallTexture
                new Wall {
                    Position = new Vector2(14 * GameSettings.TileSize, 10 * GameSettings.TileSize), Texture = _wallTexture
                new Wall {
                    Position = new Vector2(15 * GameSettings.TileSize, 10 * GameSettings.TileSize), Texture = _wallTexture
            _weapons = new List <Weapon>();

            foreach (var enemy in _enemies)
            foreach (var wall in _walls)
            foreach (var weapon in _weapons)