public IPathResult FindPaths(int node1Id, int node2Id, IPathFinderSettings settings)
            if (settings == null) settings = PathFinderSettings.Default;

            var pathSteps = _pathFinderAuxiliaries.CacheService.GetMonitored(_graphDescriptor, MakeCacheKey("FindPaths.PathSteps." + node1Id + "/" + node2Id, settings), () =>

                var paths = _graphClient.Cypher
                                    new CypherStartBitWithNodeIndexLookupWithSingleParameter("n", WellKnownConstants.NodeIdIndexName, "id:" + node1Id),
                                    new CypherStartBitWithNodeIndexLookupWithSingleParameter("t", WellKnownConstants.NodeIdIndexName, "id:" + node2Id)
                                .Match("path = (n)-[:" + WellKnownConstants.RelationshipTypeKey + "*1.." + settings.MaxDistance + "]-(t)")
                                .Return<Path>("nodes(path) AS Nodes", CypherResultMode.Projection) // Taken from:

                return PathsToPathSteps(paths);

            return new Associativy.Services.PathFinderAuxiliaries.PathResult
                SucceededPaths = pathSteps,
                SucceededGraph = PathToGraph(pathSteps, "PathToGraph:" + node1Id + "/" + node2Id, settings)
        public IQueryableGraph<int> GetPartialGraph(int centralNodeId, IPathFinderSettings settings)
            if (settings == null) settings = PathFinderSettings.Default;

            return _pathFinderAuxiliaries.QueryableFactory.Create<int>((parameters) =>
                var graph = _pathFinderAuxiliaries.CacheService.GetMonitored(_graphDescriptor, QueryableGraphHelper.MakeCacheKey(MakeCacheKey("GetPartialGraph.BaseGraph." + centralNodeId, settings), parameters), () =>

                    var paths = _graphClient.Cypher
                                    .StartWithNodeIndexLookup("n", WellKnownConstants.NodeIdIndexName, "id:" + centralNodeId)
                                    .Match("path = (n)-[:" + WellKnownConstants.RelationshipTypeKey + "*1.." + settings.MaxDistance + "]-()")
                                    .Return<Path>("nodes(path) AS Nodes", CypherResultMode.Projection) // Taken from:

                    return _pathFinderAuxiliaries.PathToGraph(PathsToPathSteps(paths));

                return QueryableGraphHelper.LastSteps(new LastStepParams
                    CacheService = _pathFinderAuxiliaries.CacheService,
                    GraphEditor = _pathFinderAuxiliaries.GraphEditor,
                    GraphDescriptor = _graphDescriptor,
                    ExecutionParameters = parameters,
                    Graph = graph,
                    BaseCacheKey = MakeCacheKey("GetPartialGraph." + centralNodeId + ".PathToGraph.", settings)
Beispiel #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a partial graph of the graph that starts from the center node and contains all paths within the specified range, containing the ids of the content items
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="centralNodeId">The node paths will be calculated from</param>
 /// <param name="settings"></param>
 public static IQueryableGraph<int> GetPartialGraph(this IPathFinder pathFinder, IContent centralNode, IPathFinderSettings settings)
     return pathFinder.GetPartialGraph(centralNode.ContentItem.Id, settings);
        private IQueryableGraph<int> PathToGraph(IEnumerable<IList<int>> succeededPaths, string baseCacheKey, IPathFinderSettings settings)
            return _pathFinderAuxiliaries.QueryableFactory.Create<int>((parameters) =>
                var graph = _pathFinderAuxiliaries.CacheService.GetMonitored(_graphDescriptor, MakeCacheKey(baseCacheKey + "BaseGraph.", settings), () =>
                    return _pathFinderAuxiliaries.PathToGraph(succeededPaths);

                return LastStepsWithPaging(parameters, graph, baseCacheKey, settings);
 private string MakeCacheKey(string name, IPathFinderSettings settings)
     return CacheKeyPrefix + _graphDescriptor.Name + "." + name + ".PathFinderSettings:" + settings.MaxDistance + ".";
 private dynamic LastStepsWithPaging(IExecutionParams parameters, IUndirectedGraph<int, IUndirectedEdge<int>> graph, string cacheName, IPathFinderSettings settings)
     return QueryableGraphHelper.LastStepsWithPaging(new LastStepParams
         CacheService = _pathFinderAuxiliaries.CacheService,
         GraphEditor = _pathFinderAuxiliaries.GraphEditor,
         GraphDescriptor = _graphDescriptor,
         ExecutionParameters = parameters,
         Graph = graph,
         BaseCacheKey = MakeCacheKey(cacheName, settings)
        public virtual IPathResult FindPaths(int node1Id, int node2Id, IPathFinderSettings settings)
            if (settings == null) settings = PathFinderSettings.Default;

            // This way we'll use the same cache no matter in which order the arguments are specified
            if (node2Id < node1Id)
                var temp = node2Id;
                node2Id = node1Id;
                node1Id = temp;

            var paths = _pathFinderAuxiliaries.CacheService.GetMonitored(_graphDescriptor, MakeCacheKey("FindPaths.Paths." + _graphDescriptor.Name + "/" + node1Id.ToString() + "/" + node2Id.ToString(), settings), () =>
                    // This below is a depth-first search that tries to find all paths to the target node that are within the maximal length (maxDistance) and
                    // keeps track of the paths found.
                    var connectionManager = _graphDescriptor.Services.ConnectionManager;

                    var explored = new Dictionary<int, PathNode>();
                    var succeededPaths = new List<List<int>>();
                    var frontier = new Stack<FrontierNode>();

                    var startNodeId = node1Id;
                    var targetNodeId = node2Id;
                    if (connectionManager.GetNeighbourCount(startNodeId) > connectionManager.GetNeighbourCount(targetNodeId))
                        startNodeId = node2Id;
                        targetNodeId = node1Id;

                    explored[startNodeId] = new PathNode(startNodeId) { MinDistance = 0 };
                    frontier.Push(new FrontierNode { Node = explored[startNodeId] });

                    FrontierNode frontierNode;
                    PathNode currentNode;
                    List<int> currentPath;
                    int currentDistance;
                    while (frontier.Count != 0)
                        frontierNode = frontier.Pop();
                        currentNode = frontierNode.Node;
                        currentPath = frontierNode.Path;
                        currentDistance = frontierNode.Distance;

                        // We can't traverse the graph further
                        if (currentDistance == settings.MaxDistance - 1)
                            // Target will be only found if it's the direct neighbour of current
                            if (connectionManager.AreNeighbours(currentNode.Id, targetNodeId))
                                if (!explored.ContainsKey(targetNodeId))
                                    explored[targetNodeId] = new PathNode(targetNodeId);

                                if (explored[targetNodeId].MinDistance > currentDistance + 1)
                                    explored[targetNodeId].MinDistance = currentDistance + 1;

                        // We can traverse the graph further
                            // If we haven't already fetched current's neighbours, fetch them
                            if (currentNode.Neighbours.Count == 0)
                                var neighbourIds = connectionManager.GetNeighbourIds(currentNode.Id);
                                currentNode.Neighbours = new List<PathNode>(neighbourIds.Count());
                                foreach (var neighbourId in neighbourIds)
                                    currentNode.Neighbours.Add(new PathNode(neighbourId));

                            foreach (var neighbour in currentNode.Neighbours)
                                // Target is a neighbour
                                if (neighbour.Id == targetNodeId)
                                    var succeededPath = new List<int>(currentPath) { targetNodeId }; // Since we will use currentPath in further iterations too
                                // We can traverse further, push the neighbour onto the stack
                                else if (neighbour.Id != startNodeId)
                                    neighbour.MinDistance = currentDistance + 1;
                                    if (!explored.ContainsKey(neighbour.Id) || neighbour.MinDistance >= currentDistance + 1)
                                        frontier.Push(new FrontierNode { Distance = currentDistance + 1, Path = new List<int>(currentPath), Node = neighbour });

                                if (neighbour.Id != startNodeId)
                                    // If this is the shortest path to the node, overwrite its minDepth
                                    if (neighbour.MinDistance > currentDistance + 1)
                                        neighbour.MinDistance = currentDistance + 1;

                                    explored[neighbour.Id] = neighbour;

                    return succeededPaths;

            return new Associativy.Services.PathFinderAuxiliaries.PathResult
                SucceededPaths = paths,
                SucceededGraph = PathToGraph(paths, "PathToGraph:" + node1Id + "/" + node2Id, settings)
        public virtual IQueryableGraph<int> GetPartialGraph(int centralNodeId, IPathFinderSettings settings)
            if (settings == null) settings = PathFinderSettings.Default;

            return _pathFinderAuxiliaries.QueryableFactory.Create<int>((parameters) =>
                    var graph = _pathFinderAuxiliaries.CacheService.GetMonitored(_graphDescriptor, MakeCacheKey("GetPartialGraph.BaseGraph." + centralNodeId, settings), () =>
                        var connectionManager = _graphDescriptor.Services.ConnectionManager;
                        var g = _pathFinderAuxiliaries.GraphEditor.GraphFactory<int>();
                        var visited = new Dictionary<int, PathNode>();
                        var frontier = new Stack<PathNode>();

                        frontier.Push(new PathNode(centralNodeId) { MinDistance = 0 });

                        while (frontier.Count != 0)
                            var current = frontier.Pop();

                            if (current.MinDistance == settings.MaxDistance) continue;

                            if (!visited.ContainsKey(current.Id))
                                visited[current.Id] = current;

                                foreach (var neighbourId in connectionManager.GetNeighbourIds(current.Id))
                                    var neighbour = visited.ContainsKey(neighbourId) ? visited[neighbourId] : new PathNode(neighbourId);

                                    g.AddVerticesAndEdge(new UndirectedEdge<int>(current.Id, neighbourId));

                            var neighbourMinDistance = current.MinDistance + 1;
                            foreach (var neighbour in current.Neighbours)
                                if (neighbourMinDistance < neighbour.MinDistance)
                                    neighbour.MinDistance = neighbourMinDistance;

                        return g;

                    return LastStepsWithPaging(parameters, graph, "GetPartialGraph." + centralNodeId + ".PathToGraph.", settings);