public Decoder(string astm_message) : this() { log.Debug("Decoder:ctor(string)"); try { _astm_message = astm_message; _parser = new Parser(); _nodes = _parser.CreateNode((int)ParseTreeLevel.Message); string msg = _parser.RemoveDelimiter(_astm_message); _parser.Parse(_nodes, msg, "\r|\\^", (int)ParseTreeLevel.Message); _parser.ProcessItems(_nodes); _message = Mapper.MapToMessage(_nodes); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.ToString()); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Construct a new instance of the /// <see cref="ParseTreePattern"/> /// class. /// </summary> /// <param name="matcher"> /// The /// <see cref="ParseTreePatternMatcher"/> /// which created this /// tree pattern. /// </param> /// <param name="pattern">The tree pattern in concrete syntax form.</param> /// <param name="patternRuleIndex"> /// The parser rule which serves as the root of the /// tree pattern. /// </param> /// <param name="patternTree"> /// The tree pattern in /// <see cref="Antlr4.Runtime.Tree.IParseTree"/> /// form. /// </param> public ParseTreePattern(ParseTreePatternMatcher matcher, string pattern, int patternRuleIndex, IParseTree patternTree) { this.matcher = matcher; this.patternRuleIndex = patternRuleIndex; this.pattern = pattern; this.patternTree = patternTree; }
public Questionnaire BuildAST(string inputString) { MemoryStream inputStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(inputString ?? "")); AntlrInputStream antlrInputStream = new AntlrInputStream(inputStream); QLLexer lexer = new QLLexer(antlrInputStream); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); _parser = new QLParser(tokens); //Replaxe lexer/parser error listeners lexer.RemoveErrorListeners(); _parser.RemoveErrorListeners(); lexer.AddErrorListener(new LexerErrorListener() { OnError = LexerErrors.Add }); _parser.AddErrorListener(new ParserErrorListener() { OnError = ParserErrors.Add }); //set manager on partial parser class _parser.SetIdManager(Memory); //build AST _parseTree = _parser.questionnaire(); AST = _parser.GetAST(); //check for lexer/parser errors if (!LexerErrors.Any() && !ParserErrors.Any()) { TypeChecker.Run(AST); } return AST; }
public Expression(string expression) { var input = new AntlrInputStream(expression); var lexer = new EstimatingExpressionEvaluatorLexer(input); var tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); this.parser = new EstimatingExpressionEvaluatorParser(tokens); this.parseTree = parser.parse(); }
private void Init() { var inputStream = new AntlrInputStream(new System.IO.StreamReader(_filename)); var lexer = new PropositionalCalculusLexer(inputStream); var tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); _parser = new PropositionalCalculusParser(tokenStream) { BuildParseTree = true }; _tree = _parser.text(); }
public override ICollection<IParseTree> Evaluate(IParseTree t) { if (invert) { return new List<IParseTree>(); } // !* is weird but valid (empty) return Trees.Descendants(t); }
public static IList<IParseTree> Descendants(IParseTree t) { List<IParseTree> nodes = new List<IParseTree>(); nodes.Add(t); int n = t.ChildCount; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { nodes.AddRange(Descendants(t.GetChild(i))); } return nodes; }
public override ICollection<IParseTree> Evaluate(IParseTree t) { if (invert) { return new List<IParseTree>(); } // !* is weird but valid (empty) IList<IParseTree> kids = new List<IParseTree>(); foreach (ITree c in Trees.GetChildren(t)) { kids.Add((IParseTree)c); } return kids; }
/// <summary> /// Проверяет два синтаксических дерева на сходство, игнорируя вертикальные "цепочки" и скобки. /// </summary> public static bool Same(this IParseTree tree1, IParseTree tree2) { tree1 = tree1.Collapse(); tree2 = tree2.Collapse(); if (tree1.ChildCount == 0 || tree2.ChildCount == 0) return tree1.GetText() == tree2.GetText(); if (tree1.ChildCount != tree2.ChildCount) return false; for (int i = 0; i < tree1.ChildCount; i++) { if (!tree1.GetChild(i).Same(tree2.GetChild(i))) return false; } return true; }
public VBComponentParseResult(VBComponent component, IParseTree parseTree, IEnumerable<CommentNode> comments, ITokenStream tokenStream) { _component = component; _qualifiedName = new QualifiedModuleName(component); _parseTree = parseTree; _comments = comments; _tokenStream = tokenStream; var listener = new DeclarationSymbolsListener(_qualifiedName, Accessibility.Implicit, _component.Type); var walker = new ParseTreeWalker(); walker.Walk(listener, _parseTree); _declarations.AddRange(listener.Declarations.Items); }
// --- Get tokens in terminal nodes --- public static ITerminalNode GetFirstTerminalNode(IParseTree node) { while (!(node is ITerminalNode)) { if (node.ChildCount == 0) { return null; } else { node = node.GetChild(0); } } return (ITerminalNode)node; }
public static string GetAlphanumericLiteral(IParseTree node) { if (node != null) { ITerminalNode terminalNode = GetFirstTerminalNode(node); if (terminalNode != null) { Token alphaNumericLiteralToken = GetTokenFromTerminalNode(terminalNode); if (alphaNumericLiteralToken.TokenFamily == TokenFamily.AlphanumericLiteral) { return ((AlphanumericLiteralTokenValue)alphaNumericLiteralToken.LiteralValue).Text; } } } return null; }
public static long? GetIntegerLiteral(IParseTree node) { if (node != null) { ITerminalNode terminalNode = GetFirstTerminalNode(node); if (terminalNode != null) { Token integerLiteralToken = GetTokenFromTerminalNode(terminalNode); if (integerLiteralToken.TokenType == TokenType.IntegerLiteral) { return ((IntegerLiteralTokenValue)integerLiteralToken.LiteralValue).Number; } } } return null; }
public Semantic(IParseTree root) { _root = root; _listener = new DefinitionListener(); ParseTreeWalker.Default.Walk(_listener, root); _errors.AddRange(_listener.Errors); var resolvingListener = new ResolvingListener(this); ParseTreeWalker.Default.Walk(resolvingListener, root); _errors.AddRange(resolvingListener.Errors); }
public override ICollection<IParseTree> Evaluate(IParseTree t) { // return all children of t that match nodeName IList<IParseTree> nodes = new List<IParseTree>(); foreach (ITree c in Trees.GetChildren(t)) { if (c is ParserRuleContext) { ParserRuleContext ctx = (ParserRuleContext)c; if ((ctx.RuleIndex == ruleIndex && !invert) || (ctx.RuleIndex != ruleIndex && invert)) { nodes.Add(ctx); } } } return nodes; }
public override ICollection<IParseTree> Evaluate(IParseTree t) { // return all children of t that match nodeName IList<IParseTree> nodes = new List<IParseTree>(); foreach (ITree c in Trees.GetChildren(t)) { if (c is ITerminalNode) { ITerminalNode tnode = (ITerminalNode)c; if ((tnode.Symbol.Type == tokenType && !invert) || (tnode.Symbol.Type != tokenType && invert)) { nodes.Add(tnode); } } } return nodes; }
/// <summary> /// Mapira na Message /// </summary> /// <param name="node"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Message MapToMessage(IParseTree node) { log.Debug("Mapper:MapToMessage"); try { MessageId message_id = node.GetNodes()[0].GetNodes()[10].GetValue(); if (message_id != "None") { Message message = Message.Create(message_id); int i = 0; bool result_record_processing = false; foreach (IParseTree item in node.GetNodes()) { Record record = MapToRecord(item); if (record.Type == RecordId.ResultRecord) { result_record_processing = true; ((Results)message[i]).ResultComment.Add(new ResultCommentPair() { Result = (ResultRecord)record }); } else if (record.Type == RecordId.CommentRecord) { result_record_processing = true; ((Results)message[i]).ResultComment[((Results)message[i]).ResultComment.Count - 1].Comment = (CommentRecord)record; } else { if (result_record_processing == true) i++; message[i++] = record; result_record_processing = false; } } return message; } return null; } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.ToString()); throw; } }
public static void Populate(TreeView treeview, IParseTree parsetree) { treeview.Visible = false; treeview.SuspendLayout(); treeview.Nodes.Clear(); treeview.Tag = parsetree; IParseNode start = parsetree.INodes[0]; TreeNode node = new TreeNode(start.Text); node.Tag = start; node.ForeColor = Color.SteelBlue; treeview.Nodes.Add(node); PopulateNode(node, start); treeview.ExpandAll(); treeview.ResumeLayout(); treeview.Visible = true; }
/// <summary> /// Constructs a new instance of /// <see cref="ParseTreeMatch"/> /// from the specified /// parse tree and pattern. /// </summary> /// <param name="tree">The parse tree to match against the pattern.</param> /// <param name="pattern">The parse tree pattern.</param> /// <param name="labels"> /// A mapping from label names to collections of /// <see cref="Antlr4.Runtime.Tree.IParseTree"/> /// objects located by the tree pattern matching process. /// </param> /// <param name="mismatchedNode"> /// The first node which failed to match the tree /// pattern during the matching process. /// </param> /// <exception> /// IllegalArgumentException /// if /// <paramref name="tree"/> /// is /// <see langword="null"/> /// </exception> /// <exception> /// IllegalArgumentException /// if /// <paramref name="pattern"/> /// is /// <see langword="null"/> /// </exception> /// <exception> /// IllegalArgumentException /// if /// <paramref name="labels"/> /// is /// <see langword="null"/> /// </exception> public ParseTreeMatch(IParseTree tree, ParseTreePattern pattern, MultiMap<string, IParseTree> labels, IParseTree mismatchedNode) { if (tree == null) { throw new ArgumentException("tree cannot be null"); } if (pattern == null) { throw new ArgumentException("pattern cannot be null"); } if (labels == null) { throw new ArgumentException("labels cannot be null"); } this.tree = tree; this.pattern = pattern; this.labels = labels; this.mismatchedNode = mismatchedNode; }
public static Token GetFirstToken(IParseTree node) { if (node != null) { ITerminalNode terminalNode = GetFirstTerminalNode(node); if (terminalNode != null) { return GetTokenFromTerminalNode(terminalNode); } else { return null; } } else { return null; } }
public virtual void Walk(IParseTreeListener listener, IParseTree t) { if (t is IErrorNode) { listener.VisitErrorNode((IErrorNode)t); return; } else { if (t is ITerminalNode) { listener.VisitTerminal((ITerminalNode)t); return; } } IRuleNode r = (IRuleNode)t; EnterRule(listener, r); int n = r.ChildCount; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Walk(listener, r.GetChild(i)); } ExitRule(listener, r); }
public WorldTranspilationResult Transpile(IParseTree parseTree) { Visit(parseTree); return(new WorldTranspilationResult(worldBuilder.Output, dataBuilder.Output)); }
/********* * Recurisve call to output the parsed game for graphviz dot *********/ public static void DOTMaker(IParseTree node, string nodeName, StringBuilder builder) { for (int i = 0; i < node.ChildCount; ++i) { var dontCreate = false; var newNodeName = nodeName + "_" + i; var contextName = node.GetChild(i).GetType().ToString().Replace("RecycleParser+", "").Replace("Context", ""); if (node.GetChild(i).ChildCount > 0 && contextName == "Int") { var text = node.GetChild(i).GetText(); int myi = 0; while (myi < text.Length && Char.IsDigit(text[myi])) { myi++; } if (myi != text.Length) { builder.AppendLine(newNodeName + " [label=\"" + node.GetChild(i).GetType().ToString().Replace("RecycleParser+", "").Replace("Context", "") + "\" ]"); DOTMaker(node.GetChild(i), newNodeName, builder); } else { builder.AppendLine(newNodeName + " [label=\"" + node.GetChild(i).GetText() + "\" style=filled fillcolor=\"lightblue\"]"); } } else if (node.GetChild(i).ChildCount > 0 && contextName != "Namegr" && contextName != "Name" && contextName != "Trueany") { var extra = ""; if (contextName == "Stage") { extra = " style=filled fillcolor=\"red\""; } else if (contextName == "Computermoves") { extra = " style=filled shape=box fillcolor=\"yellow\""; } else if (contextName == "Playermoves") { extra = " style=filled shape=diamond fillcolor=\"orange\""; } builder.AppendLine(newNodeName + " [label=\"" + node.GetChild(i).GetType().ToString().Replace("RecycleParser+", "").Replace("Context", "") + "\" " + extra + "]"); DOTMaker(node.GetChild(i), newNodeName, builder); } else if (node.GetChild(i).ChildCount > 0) { builder.AppendLine(newNodeName + " [fillcolor=\"green\" style=filled label=\"" + node.GetChild(i).GetText() + "\"]"); } else if (node.GetChild(i).GetText() == "(" || node.GetChild(i).GetText() == ")" || node.GetChild(i).GetText() == "," || node.GetChild(i).GetText() == "end" || node.GetChild(i).GetText() == "stage" || node.GetChild(i).GetText() == "comp" || node.GetChild(i).GetText() == "create" || node.GetChild(i).GetText() == "sto" || node.GetChild(i).GetText() == "loc" || node.GetChild(i).GetText() == "initialize" || node.GetChild(i).GetText() == "move" || node.GetChild(i).GetText() == "copy" || node.GetChild(i).GetText() == "inc" || node.GetChild(i).GetText() == "dec" || node.GetChild(i).GetText() == "shuffle" || node.GetChild(i).GetText() == "remove" || node.GetChild(i).GetText() == "choice") { dontCreate = true; } else { builder.AppendLine(newNodeName + " [label=\"" + node.GetChild(i).GetText() + "\"]"); } if (!dontCreate) { builder.AppendLine(nodeName + " -- " + newNodeName); } } }
// Given a bunch of raw text, load all nodes that were inside it. // You can call this multiple times to append to the collection of nodes, // but note that new nodes will replace older ones with the same name. // Returns the number of nodes that were loaded. public Program Load(string text, Library library, string fileName, Program includeProgram, bool showTokens, bool showParseTree, string onlyConsiderNode, NodeFormat format, bool experimentalMode = false) { if (format == NodeFormat.Unknown) { format = GetFormatFromFileName(fileName); } // currently experimental node can only be used on yarn.txt yarn files and single nodes if (experimentalMode && (format == NodeFormat.Text || format == NodeFormat.SingleNodeText)) { // this isn't the greatest... if (format == NodeFormat.SingleNodeText) { // it is just the body // need to add a dummy header and body delimiters StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("title:Start\n"); builder.Append("---\n"); builder.Append(text); builder.Append("\n===\n"); text = builder.ToString(); } string inputString = preprocessor(text); ICharStream input = CharStreams.fromstring(inputString); YarnSpinnerLexer lexer = new YarnSpinnerLexer(input); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); YarnSpinnerParser parser = new YarnSpinnerParser(tokens); // turning off the normal error listener and using ours parser.RemoveErrorListeners(); parser.AddErrorListener(ErrorListener.Instance); IParseTree tree = parser.dialogue(); AntlrCompiler antlrcompiler = new AntlrCompiler(library); antlrcompiler.Compile(tree); // merging in the other program if requested if (includeProgram != null) { antlrcompiler.program.Include(includeProgram); } return(antlrcompiler.program); } else { // The final parsed nodes that were in the file we were given Dictionary <string, Yarn.Parser.Node> nodes = new Dictionary <string, Parser.Node>(); // Load the raw data and get the array of node title-text pairs var nodeInfos = GetNodesFromText(text, format); int nodesLoaded = 0; foreach (NodeInfo nodeInfo in nodeInfos) { if (onlyConsiderNode != null && nodeInfo.title != onlyConsiderNode) { continue; } // Attempt to parse every node; log if we encounter any errors #if CATCH_EXCEPTIONS try { #endif if (nodeInfo.title == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Tried to load a node with no title."); } if (nodes.ContainsKey(nodeInfo.title)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempted to load a node called " + nodeInfo.title + ", but a node with that name has already been loaded!"); } var lexer = new Lexer(); var tokens = lexer.Tokenise(nodeInfo.title, nodeInfo.body); if (showTokens) { PrintTokenList(tokens); } var node = new Parser(tokens, library).Parse(); // If this node is tagged "rawText", then preserve its source if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeInfo.tags) == false && nodeInfo.tags.Contains("rawText")) { node.source = nodeInfo.body; } = nodeInfo.title; node.nodeTags = nodeInfo.tagsList; if (showParseTree) { PrintParseTree(node); } nodes[nodeInfo.title] = node; nodesLoaded++; #if CATCH_EXCEPTIONS } catch (Yarn.TokeniserException t) { // Add file information var message = string.Format("In file {0}: Error reading node {1}: {2}", fileName, nodeInfo.title, t.Message); throw new Yarn.TokeniserException(message); } catch (Yarn.ParseException p) { var message = string.Format("In file {0}: Error parsing node {1}: {2}", fileName, nodeInfo.title, p.Message); throw new Yarn.ParseException(message); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { var message = string.Format("In file {0}: Error reading node {1}: {2}", fileName, nodeInfo.title, e.Message); throw new InvalidOperationException(message); } #endif } var compiler = new Yarn.Compiler(fileName); foreach (var node in nodes) { compiler.CompileNode(node.Value); } if (includeProgram != null) { compiler.program.Include(includeProgram); } return(compiler.program); } }
/// <summary> /// Make parse tree string representation. This method is recursive and not open to public. /// </summary> /// <param name="rules"></param> /// <param name="nRules"></param> /// <param name="leaves"></param> /// <param name="nLeaves"></param> /// <param name="tree"></param> /// <returns></returns> private StringBuilder makeParseTree(StringBuilder rules, ref int nRules, StringBuilder leaves, ref int nLeaves, IParseTree tree = null) { if (tree == null && this.cst == null) { return(new StringBuilder()); } else if (tree == null) { tree = this.cst; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < tree.ChildCount; i++) { if (i == 0) { builder.Append("["); } IParseTree child = tree.GetChild(i); if (child is ITerminalNode) { string text = child.GetText(); text = SanitizeJsCode(text); int tokenType = ((CommonToken)child.Payload).Type; string varName = String.Format("tokens[{0}]", nLeaves++); leaves.AppendFormat("{0} = {{l:{1},t:\"{2}\"}};\n", varName, tokenType, text); builder.Append(varName); } else if (child is RuleContext) { StringBuilder childTree = makeParseTree(rules, ref nRules, leaves, ref nLeaves, child); if (childTree.Length < 1) { childTree.Append("[]"); } string varName = String.Format("rules[{0}]", nRules++); rules.AppendFormat("{0} = {{r:{1},c:{2}}};\n", varName, ((RuleContext)child).RuleIndex, childTree.ToString()); builder.Append(varName); } if (i == tree.ChildCount - 1) { builder.Append("]"); } else { builder.Append(","); } } return(builder); }
public abstract List <TokenInfo> GetColumnNameTokens(IParseTree node);
public TinyFunction(List <ITerminalNode> args, IParseTree block) { this.parameters = args; this.functionBlock = block; }
public ParseTreeWrapper(IParseTree tree) { _tree = tree; }
/// <summary> /// Получить значение, ассоциированное с указанным узлом дерева. /// Возвращает <c><see langword="null"/></c>, если для указанного /// узла в коллекции нет значений. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Узел дерева, для которого должно быть значение в коллекции.</param> /// <returns>Значение, ассоциированное с узлом дерева.</returns> public static T?TryGet <T>(this ParseTreeProperty <T> annotations, IParseTree node) where T : class { return(annotations.Get(node)); }
public static int StopLineNumber(this IParseTree tree) { return(((ParserRuleContext)tree).Stop.Line); }
public virtual void Put(IParseTree node, V value) { annotations[node] = value; }
public GotoStatement(IParseTree context, IExpression condition, GotoTargetStatement targetStatement) : base(context, condition.Yield()) { TargetStatement = targetStatement; }
public GotoStatement(IParseTree context, GotoTargetStatement targetStatement) : base(context) { TargetStatement = targetStatement; }
/// <summary> /// Is /// <code>t</code> /// /// <code>(expr <expr>)</code> /// subtree? /// </summary> protected internal virtual RuleTagToken GetRuleTagToken(IParseTree t) { if (t is IRuleNode) { IRuleNode r = (IRuleNode)t; if (r.ChildCount == 1 && r.GetChild(0) is ITerminalNode) { ITerminalNode c = (ITerminalNode)r.GetChild(0); if (c.Symbol is RuleTagToken) { // System.out.println("rule tag subtree "+t.toStringTree(parser)); return (RuleTagToken)c.Symbol; } } } return null; }
public IEnumerable <Location> FindRefsAndDefs(int index, Document doc) { List <Location> result = new List <Location>(); IParseTree ref_pt = Util.Find(index, doc); if (ref_pt == null) { return(result); } var workspace = doc.Workspace; ParsingResults ref_pd = ParsingResultsFactory.Create(doc); if (ref_pd.ParseTree == null) { Compile(workspace); } ref_pd.Attributes.TryGetValue(ref_pt, out IList <Symtab.CombinedScopeSymbol> list_value); if (list_value == null) { return(result); } List <Symtab.ISymbol> found_defs = null; Symtab.ISymbol found_ref = null; foreach (CombinedScopeSymbol value in list_value) { if (value == null) { continue; } Symtab.ISymbol @ref = value as Symtab.ISymbol; if (@ref == null) { continue; } if (@ref.Token == null) { continue; } found_ref = @ref; List <Symtab.ISymbol> defs = @ref.resolve(); if (defs == null) { continue; } found_defs = defs; break; } if (found_defs != null) { foreach (var def in found_defs) { result.Add( new Location() { Range = new Workspaces.Range(def.Token.First().StartIndex, def.Token.First().StopIndex), Uri = workspace.FindDocument(def.file) }); var dd = def as BaseSymbol; foreach (var r in dd.Refs) { result.Add( new Location() { Range = new Workspaces.Range(r.Token.First().StartIndex, r.Token.First().StopIndex), Uri = workspace.FindDocument(r.file) }); } } } return(result); }
public static ICollection <IParseTree> FindAllRuleNodes(IParseTree t, int ruleIndex) { return(FindAllNodes(t, ruleIndex, false)); }
public abstract List <TokenInfo> GetRoutineNameTokens(IParseTree node);
public static ICollection<IParseTree> FindAllRuleNodes(IParseTree t, int ruleIndex) { return FindAllNodes(t, ruleIndex, false); }
public abstract List <TokenInfo> GetTableNameTokens(IParseTree node);
public Command getNodeCommand(IParseTree node) { return nodeCmd.Get(node); }
public abstract bool IsFunction(IParseTree node);
public static ICollection <IParseTree> FindAllTokenNodes(IParseTree t, int ttype) { return(FindAllNodes(t, ttype, true)); }
/// <summary> /// Установить ассоциацию узла дерева с указанным значением. /// Если для указанного узла дерева в этой коллекции уже было /// установлено значение, то оно заменится новым значением. /// </summary> /// <param name="node">Узел дерева, для которого устанавливается ассоциация.</param> /// <param name="value">Произвольное значение, которое ассоциируется с узлом дерева.</param> public void Put(IParseTree node, T value) { _annotations[node] = value; }
public MappingExecutor(IParseTree <TokenType, ParserRuleType> mappingDefinition) { this.extract = mappingDefinition.SourceExtractor(); this.update = mappingDefinition.TargetUpdater(); }
public static void WalkWith(this IParseTree parseTree, IParseTreeListener listener) { var parseTreeWalker = ParseTreeWalker.Default; parseTree.WalkWith(listener, parseTreeWalker); }
private static string AsType(IParseTree tree) { return(tree.GetText() == "String" ? "string" : "int"); }
public VarPragma(IZ80AsmVisitorContext visitorContext, IParseTree context) : base(visitorContext, context) { }
public static IEnumerable <Token <TToken> > Tokens <TToken, TRule>( this IParseTree <TToken, TRule> node) => node.TokenNodes().Select(o => o.Token);
protected internal virtual IParseTree MatchImpl(IParseTree tree, IParseTree patternTree, MultiMap<string, IParseTree> labels) { if (tree == null) { throw new ArgumentException("tree cannot be null"); } if (patternTree == null) { throw new ArgumentException("patternTree cannot be null"); } // x and <ID>, x and y, or x and x; or could be mismatched types if (tree is ITerminalNode && patternTree is ITerminalNode) { ITerminalNode t1 = (ITerminalNode)tree; ITerminalNode t2 = (ITerminalNode)patternTree; IParseTree mismatchedNode = null; // both are tokens and they have same type if (t1.Symbol.Type == t2.Symbol.Type) { if (t2.Symbol is TokenTagToken) { // x and <ID> TokenTagToken tokenTagToken = (TokenTagToken)t2.Symbol; // track label->list-of-nodes for both token name and label (if any) labels.Map(tokenTagToken.TokenName, tree); if (tokenTagToken.Label != null) { labels.Map(tokenTagToken.Label, tree); } } else { if (t1.GetText().Equals(t2.GetText(), StringComparison.Ordinal)) { } else { // x and x // x and y if (mismatchedNode == null) { mismatchedNode = t1; } } } } else { if (mismatchedNode == null) { mismatchedNode = t1; } } return mismatchedNode; } if (tree is ParserRuleContext && patternTree is ParserRuleContext) { ParserRuleContext r1 = (ParserRuleContext)tree; ParserRuleContext r2 = (ParserRuleContext)patternTree; IParseTree mismatchedNode = null; // (expr ...) and <expr> RuleTagToken ruleTagToken = GetRuleTagToken(r2); if (ruleTagToken != null) { if (r1.RuleIndex == r2.RuleIndex) { // track label->list-of-nodes for both rule name and label (if any) labels.Map(ruleTagToken.RuleName, tree); if (ruleTagToken.Label != null) { labels.Map(ruleTagToken.Label, tree); } } else { if (mismatchedNode == null) { mismatchedNode = r1; } } return mismatchedNode; } // (expr ...) and (expr ...) if (r1.ChildCount != r2.ChildCount) { if (mismatchedNode == null) { mismatchedNode = r1; } return mismatchedNode; } int n = r1.ChildCount; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { IParseTree childMatch = MatchImpl(r1.GetChild(i), patternTree.GetChild(i), labels); if (childMatch != null) { return childMatch; } } return mismatchedNode; } // if nodes aren't both tokens or both rule nodes, can't match return tree; }
public static IEnumerable <IParseTreeToken <TToken, TRule> > TokenNodes <TToken, TRule>( this IParseTree <TToken, TRule> node) => new[] { node }.TokenNodes();
public EmbeddedStatementElementFinder(IParseTree tree, PythonParser parser) : base(tree, parser) { }
public IList <Location> FindDefs(int index, Document doc) { List <Location> result = new List <Location>(); if (doc == null) { return(result); } var workspace = doc.Workspace; IParseTree ref_pt = Util.Find(index, doc); if (ref_pt == null) { return(result); } ParsingResults ref_pd = ParsingResultsFactory.Create(doc); if (ref_pd.ParseTree == null) { Compile(workspace); } ref_pd.Attributes.TryGetValue(ref_pt, out IList <Symtab.CombinedScopeSymbol> list_values); if (list_values == null) { return(result); } foreach (CombinedScopeSymbol value in list_values) { if (value == null) { continue; } Symtab.ISymbol @ref = value as Symtab.ISymbol; if (@ref == null) { continue; } List <Symtab.ISymbol> defs = @ref.resolve(); if (defs == null) { continue; } foreach (var def in defs) { string def_file = def.file; if (def_file == null) { continue; } Document def_item = workspace.FindDocument(def_file); if (def_item == null) { continue; } Location new_loc = new Location() { Range = new Workspaces.Range(def.Token.First().StartIndex, def.Token.First().StopIndex), Uri = def_item }; result.Add(new_loc); } } return(result); }
private static void _findAllNodes(IParseTree t, int index, bool findTokens, IList<IParseTree> nodes) { // check this node (the root) first if (findTokens && t is ITerminalNode) { ITerminalNode tnode = (ITerminalNode)t; if (tnode.Symbol.Type == index) { nodes.Add(t); } } else { if (!findTokens && t is ParserRuleContext) { ParserRuleContext ctx = (ParserRuleContext)t; if (ctx.RuleIndex == index) { nodes.Add(t); } } } // check children for (int i = 0; i < t.ChildCount; i++) { _findAllNodes(t.GetChild(i), index, findTokens, nodes); } }
public override ICollection <IParseTree> Evaluate(IParseTree t) { return(Trees.FindAllRuleNodes(t, ruleIndex)); }
public static IList<IParseTree> FindAllNodes(IParseTree t, int index, bool findTokens) { IList<IParseTree> nodes = new List<IParseTree>(); _findAllNodes(t, index, findTokens, nodes); return nodes; }
private bool TryGetAssociatedTree(out IParseTree associatedTree, out IList <IToken> tokens) { try { string sourcePath = _location.GetSourcePath(); if (!File.Exists(sourcePath)) { associatedTree = null; tokens = null; return(false); } string text = File.ReadAllText(sourcePath); AntlrInputStream input = new AntlrInputStream(text); JavaLexer lexer = new JavaLexer(new JavaUnicodeStreamV4(input)); CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); JavaParser parser = new JavaParser(tokenStream); parser.Interpreter.PredictionMode = PredictionMode.Sll; parser.BuildParseTree = true; JavaParser.CompilationUnitContext result = parser.compilationUnit(); associatedTree = null; tokens = tokenStream.GetTokens(); AssociatedTreeListener listener = new AssociatedTreeListener(_location, tokens); ParseTreeWalker.Default.Walk(listener, result); List <IParseTree> potentialTrees = listener.AssociatedTree; if (potentialTrees.Count == 1) { associatedTree = potentialTrees[0]; } else if (potentialTrees.Count > 1) { byte[] bytecode = _location.GetMethod().GetBytecodes(); DisassembledMethod disassembledMethod = BytecodeDisassembler.Disassemble(bytecode); var constantPool = _location.GetDeclaringType().GetConstantPool(); ReadOnlyCollection <ExceptionTableEntry> exceptionTable; try { exceptionTable = _location.GetMethod().GetExceptionTable(); } catch (DebuggerException) { exceptionTable = new ReadOnlyCollection <ExceptionTableEntry>(new ExceptionTableEntry[0]); } ImmutableList <int?> evaluationStackDepths = BytecodeDisassembler.GetEvaluationStackDepths(disassembledMethod, constantPool, exceptionTable); ReadOnlyCollection <ILocation> locations = _location.GetMethod().GetLineLocations(); // find all bytecode offsets with evaluation stack depth 0 on the current line List <int> relevantOffsets = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < locations.Count; i++) { if (locations[i].GetLineNumber() != _location.GetLineNumber()) { continue; } long offsetLimit = i < locations.Count - 1 ? locations[i + 1].GetCodeIndex() : bytecode.Length; // start with the instruction for this bytecode offset for (int j = GetInstructionAtOffset(disassembledMethod, locations[i].GetCodeIndex()); j >= 0 && j < disassembledMethod.Instructions.Count && disassembledMethod.Instructions[j].Offset < offsetLimit; j++) { if (evaluationStackDepths[j] == 0) { // ignore unconditional branches if (disassembledMethod.Instructions[j].OpCode.FlowControl == JavaFlowControl.Branch) { continue; } relevantOffsets.Add(disassembledMethod.Instructions[j].Offset); } } } if (relevantOffsets.Count == potentialTrees.Count) { // heuristic: assume they appear in the same order as the source code on this line int treeIndex = relevantOffsets.IndexOf((int)_location.GetCodeIndex()); if (treeIndex >= 0) { associatedTree = potentialTrees[treeIndex]; } } } if (associatedTree == null) { tokens = null; return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { if (ErrorHandler.IsCriticalException(e)) { throw; } associatedTree = null; tokens = null; return(false); } }
public static ICollection<IParseTree> FindAllTokenNodes(IParseTree t, int ttype) { return FindAllNodes(t, ttype, true); }
public List <ZhangShashaCSharp.Operation> Main(IParseTree t1, IParseTree t2) { // Convert the parse tree to a graph of rule symbols, then create a tree of uses from start rule. var table1 = new Transform.TableOfRules(); table1.ReadRules(t1); table1.FindPartitions(); table1.FindStartRules(); var table2 = new Transform.TableOfRules(); table2.ReadRules(t1); table2.FindPartitions(); table2.FindStartRules(); Digraph <string> g1 = new Digraph <string>(); foreach (TableOfRules.Row r in table1.rules) { if (!r.is_parser_rule) { continue; } g1.AddVertex(r.LHS); } foreach (TableOfRules.Row r in table1.rules) { if (!r.is_parser_rule) { continue; } List <string> j = r.RHS; //j.Reverse(); foreach (string rhs in j) { TableOfRules.Row sym = table1.rules.Where(t => t.LHS == rhs).FirstOrDefault(); if (!sym.is_parser_rule) { continue; } DirectedEdge <string> e = new DirectedEdge <string>(r.LHS, rhs); g1.AddEdge(e); } } List <string> starts1 = new List <string>(); foreach (TableOfRules.Row r in table1.rules) { if (r.is_parser_rule && r.is_start) { starts1.Add(r.LHS); } } Digraph <string> g2 = new Digraph <string>(); foreach (TableOfRules.Row r in table2.rules) { if (!r.is_parser_rule) { continue; } g2.AddVertex(r.LHS); } foreach (TableOfRules.Row r in table2.rules) { if (!r.is_parser_rule) { continue; } List <string> j = r.RHS; //j.Reverse(); foreach (string rhs in j) { TableOfRules.Row sym = table2.rules.Where(t => t.LHS == rhs).FirstOrDefault(); if (!sym.is_parser_rule) { continue; } DirectedEdge <string> e = new DirectedEdge <string>(r.LHS, rhs); g2.AddEdge(e); } } List <string> starts2 = new List <string>(); foreach (TableOfRules.Row r in table2.rules) { if (r.is_parser_rule && r.is_start) { starts2.Add(r.LHS); } } var map1 = new Dictionary <string, Node>(); var po1 = Algorithms.Postorder.Sort(g1, starts1).ToList(); throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void setNodeCommand(IParseTree node, Command value) { nodeCmd.Put(node, value); }
public override Expression Visit(IParseTree tree) { writer($"{System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name} | {tree.ToStringTree()}"); return(base.Visit(tree)); }