Beispiel #1
 public IEnumerable GetData(IParameterInfo parameter)
            .OfType <PcapDevice>()
            .Select(d => new DeviceFixture(d))
Beispiel #2
        public override Task <AutocompletionResult> GenerateSuggestionsAsync(
            IInteractionContext context,
            IAutocompleteInteraction autocompleteInteraction,
            IParameterInfo parameter,
            IServiceProvider services
            var input = autocompleteInteraction.Data.Current.Value as string;

            var matches = _cmdHelpService.GetCmdsStartsWithInput(context.User, input)
                          .Select(cmd =>
                if (cmd is CommandInfo regCmdInfo)
                    return((cmd as IApplicationCommandInfo)?.Name);

            var results = AutocompletionResult.FromSuccess(matches.Select(cmdName => new AutocompleteResult(cmdName, cmdName)));

Beispiel #3
        public void TestInitialize( )
            _fixture    = new Fixture( );
            _sutCreator = new SutCreator(new SutInstanceCreator(new ArgumentNullExceptionFinder( )),
                                         new SutLazyInstanceCreator(new ArgumentNullExceptionFinder( ),
                                                                    new CustomAttributeFinder( )));
            _freezeAttribute = Substitute.For <ICustomAttributeData> ( );

            _customAttributesWithFreeze = new []

            _infoInt        = CreateParameterInfo(typeof(int));
            _infoLazyString = CreateParameterInfo(typeof(Lazy <string>));
            _infoString     = CreateParameterInfo(typeof(string));
            _infoClass      = CreateParameterInfo(typeof(SomethingElse));
            _infoSut        = CreateParameterInfo(typeof(Something));
            _infoLazyClass  = CreateParameterInfo(typeof(Lazy <Something>));
            _infoSomething  = CreateParameterInfo(typeof(ISomething));
            _infoSomethingElseWithFreeze = CreateParameterInfo(typeof(ISomethingElse));
            _infoStringFreeze = CreateParameterInfo(typeof(string));
        public IArgumentSpecification Create(object argument, IParameterInfo parameterInfo, ISuppliedArgumentSpecifications suppliedArgumentSpecifications)
            // Next specificaion is for the whole params array.
            if (suppliedArgumentSpecifications.IsNextFor(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType))

            // Check whether the specification ambiguity could happen.
            bool isAmbiguousSpecificationPresent = suppliedArgumentSpecifications.AnyFor(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType);

            if (isAmbiguousSpecificationPresent)
                throw new AmbiguousArgumentsException(suppliedArgumentSpecifications.AllSpecifications);

            // User passed "null" as the params array value.
            if (argument == null)
                return(_argumentEqualsSpecificationFactory.Create(null, parameterInfo.ParameterType));

            // User specified arguments using the native params syntax.
            var paramterInfosFromParamsArray = _parameterInfosFromParamsArrayFactory.Create(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType);
            var arrayArgumentSpecifications  = _arrayArgumentSpecificationsFactory.Create(argument, paramterInfosFromParamsArray, suppliedArgumentSpecifications);

            return(_arrayContentsArgumentSpecificationFactory.Create(arrayArgumentSpecifications, parameterInfo.ParameterType));
Beispiel #5
        public bool HasDataFor(IParameterInfo parameter)
            var method = parameter.Method;

            if (!method.IsDefined <TheoryAttribute>(true))

            Type parameterType = parameter.ParameterType;

            if (parameterType == typeof(bool) || parameterType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum)

            Type containingType = method.TypeInfo.Type;

            foreach (MemberInfo member in containingType.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy))
                if (member.IsDefined(typeof(DatapointAttribute), true) &&
                    GetTypeFromMemberInfo(member) == parameterType)
                else if (member.IsDefined(typeof(DatapointSourceAttribute), true) &&
                         GetElementTypeFromMemberInfo(member) == parameterType)

 public IEnumerable GetData(IParameterInfo parameter)
     for (var i = 0; i < _count; i++)
         yield return(GenerateRandomString());
 public IEnumerable GetData(IParameterInfo parameter)
     for (var i = 0; i < Count; i++)
         yield return(i.ToString());
        private IArgumentSpecification CreateSpecFromParamsArg(object?argument, IParameterInfo parameterInfo, ISuppliedArgumentSpecifications suppliedArgumentSpecifications)
            // Next specification is for the whole params array.
            if (suppliedArgumentSpecifications.IsNextFor(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType))

            // Check whether the specification ambiguity could happen.
            bool isAmbiguousSpecificationPresent = suppliedArgumentSpecifications.AnyFor(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType);

            if (isAmbiguousSpecificationPresent)
                throw new AmbiguousArgumentsException();

            // User passed "null" as the params array value.
            if (argument == null)
                return(new ArgumentSpecification(parameterInfo.ParameterType, new EqualsArgumentMatcher(null)));

            // User specified arguments using the native params syntax.
            var arrayArg = argument as Array;

            if (arrayArg == null)
                throw new SubstituteInternalException($"Expected to get array argument, but got argument of '{argument.GetType().FullName}' type.");

            var arrayArgumentSpecifications = UnwrapParamsArguments(arrayArg.Cast <object?>(), parameterInfo.ParameterType.GetElementType() !, suppliedArgumentSpecifications);

            return(new ArgumentSpecification(parameterInfo.ParameterType, new ArrayContentsArgumentMatcher(arrayArgumentSpecifications)));
Beispiel #9
        public IEnumerable GetData(IParameterInfo parameter)
            var skipAttrs = new HashSet <string>(
                from a in parameter.Method.GetCustomAttributes <SkipCategoryAttribute>(true)
                where a.ProviderName != null && TestBase.SkipCategories.Contains(a.Category)
                select a.ProviderName);

            var methodName     = parameter.Method.Name;
            var typeMethodName = $"{parameter.Method.MethodInfo.DeclaringType.Name}.{methodName}";
            var fullMethodName = $"{parameter.Method.MethodInfo.DeclaringType.FullName}.{methodName}";
            var skipTests      = TestBase.SkipTests;

            var providers = skipAttrs.Count == 0
                                ? GetProviders()
                                : GetProviders().Where(a => !skipAttrs.Contains(a));

            providers = providers.Where(_ => !skipTests[_].Contains(methodName) &&
                                        !skipTests[_].Contains(typeMethodName) &&

            if (NoLinqService || !IncludeLinqService)

            return(providers.Concat(providers.Select(p => p + ".LinqService")));
Beispiel #10
        public bool HasDataFor(IParameterInfo parameter)
            var method = parameter.Method;

            if (!method.IsDefined <TheoryAttribute>(true))

            Type parameterType = parameter.ParameterType;

            if (parameterType == typeof(bool) || parameterType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum)

            Type containingType = method.TypeInfo.Type;

            foreach (MemberInfo member in GetMembersFromType(containingType))
                if (member.IsDefined(typeof(DatapointAttribute), true) &&
                    GetTypeFromMemberInfo(member) == parameterType)
                else if (member.IsDefined(typeof(DatapointSourceAttribute), true) &&
                         GetElementTypeFromMemberInfo(member) == parameterType)

Beispiel #11
            private IDbDataParameter CreateParameter(IParameterInfo parameterInfo)
                var parameter = _command.CreateParameter();

                parameter.ParameterName = parameterInfo.ParameterName;
                parameter.DbType        = parameterInfo.DbType;

                if (parameterInfo.Size.HasValue)
                    parameter.Size = parameterInfo.Size.Value;

                if (parameterInfo.Precision.HasValue)
                    parameter.Precision = (byte)parameterInfo.Precision.Value;

                if (parameterInfo.Scale.HasValue)
                    parameter.Scale = (byte)parameterInfo.Scale.Value;

 public override void Context()
     _parameterInfo = mock <IParameterInfo>();
     _argumentEqualsSpecificationFactory = mock <IArgumentEqualsSpecificationFactory>();
     _suppliedArgumentSpecifications     = mock <ISuppliedArgumentSpecifications>();
Beispiel #13
 public IEnumerable GetData(IParameterInfo parameter)
            .Cast <LibPcapLiveDevice>()
            .Select(d => new DeviceFixture(d))
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves a list of arguments which can be passed to the specified parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter">The parameter of a parameterized test.</param>
        public IEnumerable GetData(IParameterInfo parameter)
            var from = ParamAttributeTypeConversions.Convert(_from, parameter.ParameterType);
            var to   = ParamAttributeTypeConversions.Convert(_to, parameter.ParameterType);

            var valueGenerator = ValueGenerator.Create(parameter.ParameterType);

            if (!valueGenerator.TryCreateStep(_step, out var step))
                // ValueGenerator.CreateStep has the responsibility to enable Byte values to be incremented
                // by the Int32 value -1. Or perhaps in the future, DateTime values to be incremented by a TimeSpan.
                // It handles scenarios where the incrementing type is fundamentally different in its most natural form.

                // However, ParamAttributeTypeConversions has the responsibility to convert attribute arguments
                // that are only of a different type due to IL limitations or NUnit smoothing over overload differences.
                // See the XML docs for the ParamAttributeTypeConversions class.

                if (!ParamAttributeTypeConversions.TryConvert(_step, parameter.ParameterType, out var stepValueToRequire))
                    // This will cause CreateStep to throw the same exception as it would throw if TryConvert
                    // succeeded but the value generator still didn’t recognize the step value.
                    stepValueToRequire = _step;

                step = valueGenerator.CreateStep(stepValueToRequire);

            return(valueGenerator.GenerateRange(from, to, step));
Beispiel #15
            public override IEnumerable GetData(IParameterInfo parameter)
                Guard.ArgumentValid(parameter.ParameterType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum, "EnumDataSource requires an enum parameter", "parameter");

                Randomizer randomizer = Randomizer.GetRandomizer(parameter.ParameterInfo);

                DataType = parameter.ParameterType;

                int valueCount = Enum.GetValues(DataType).Cast <int>().Distinct().Count();

                Guard.OperationValid(!(Distinct && _count > valueCount), $"The enum \"{DataType.Name}\" has {valueCount} values and the random value count is {_count} so the values cannot be distinct.");

                for (int i = 0; i < _count; i++)
                    if (Distinct)
                        object next;

                            next = randomizer.NextEnum(parameter.ParameterType);
                        } while (previousValues.Contains(next));


                        yield return(next);
                        yield return(randomizer.NextEnum(parameter.ParameterType));
Beispiel #16
            public override IEnumerable GetData(IParameterInfo parameter)
                //Guard.ArgumentValid(parameter.ParameterType == typeof(T), "Parameter type must be " + typeof(T).Name, "parameter");

                var randomizer = Randomizer.GetRandomizer(parameter.ParameterInfo);

                Guard.OperationValid(CanUseRange() || !_inRange, $"The value type {parameter.ParameterType} does not support range of values.");
                Guard.OperationValid(!(Distinct && _inRange && !CanBeDistinct(_min !, _max !, _count)), $"The range of values is [{_min}, {_max}[ and the random value count is {_count} so the values cannot be distinct.");

                for (int i = 0; i < _count; i++)
                    if (Distinct)
                        T next;

                            next = _inRange
                                ? GetNext(randomizer, _min !, _max !)
                                : GetNext(randomizer);
                        } while (previousValues.Contains(next));


                        yield return(next);
                        yield return(_inRange
                            ? GetNext(randomizer, _min !, _max !)
                            : GetNext(randomizer));
 public IArgumentSpecification Create(object?argument, IParameterInfo parameterInfo,
                                      ISuppliedArgumentSpecifications suppliedArgumentSpecifications)
         ? CreateSpecFromParamsArg(argument, parameterInfo, suppliedArgumentSpecifications)
         : CreateSpecFromNonParamsArg(argument, parameterInfo, suppliedArgumentSpecifications));
Beispiel #18
 public IEnumerable GetData(IParameterInfo parameter)
     foreach (var item in _configuration)
         yield return(item.Value <string>(_parameter));
        private object Resolve(IParameterInfo parameterInfo)

            return new SpecimenContext(this._fixture)
        private static void ValidateSlots(IMethodInfo method, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <ISlotInfo, object> > slotValues)
            foreach (KeyValuePair <ISlotInfo, object> slotValue in slotValues)
                ISlotInfo slot = slotValue.Key;
                switch (slot.Kind)
                case CodeElementKind.GenericParameter:
                    IGenericParameterInfo genericParameter = (IGenericParameterInfo)slot;
                    if (method.Equals(genericParameter.DeclaringMethod))

                case CodeElementKind.Parameter:
                    IParameterInfo parameter = (IParameterInfo)slot;
                    if (method.Equals(parameter.Member))

                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Slot '{0}' is not valid for invoking method '{1}'.", slot, method), "slotValues");
Beispiel #21
		public IEnumerable GetData(IParameterInfo parameter)
			if (!IncludeLinqService)
				return GetProviders();
			var providers = GetProviders().ToArray();
			return providers.Concat(providers.Select(p => p + ".LinqService"));
Beispiel #22
 public IArgumentSpecification Create(object argument, IParameterInfo parameterInfo, ISuppliedArgumentSpecifications suppliedArgumentSpecifications)
     if (_defaultChecker.IsDefault(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType))
         if (suppliedArgumentSpecifications.IsNextFor(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType))
             var argumentSpecification = suppliedArgumentSpecifications.Dequeue();
             if (suppliedArgumentSpecifications.DequeueRemaining().Count() == 0)
         else if (!suppliedArgumentSpecifications.AnyFor(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType))
             if (suppliedArgumentSpecifications.DequeueRemaining().Count() == 0)
                 return(_argumentEqualsSpecificationFactory.Create(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType));
         var paramterInfosFromParamsArray = _parameterInfosFromParamsArrayFactory.Create(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType);
         var suppliedArgumentSpecificationsFromParamsArray = _suppliedArgumentSpecificationsFactory.Create(suppliedArgumentSpecifications.DequeueRemaining());
         var arrayArgumentSpecifications = _arrayArgumentSpecificationsFactory.Create(argument, paramterInfosFromParamsArray, suppliedArgumentSpecificationsFromParamsArray);
         return(_arrayContentsArgumentSpecificationFactory.Create(arrayArgumentSpecifications, parameterInfo.ParameterType));
     throw new AmbiguousArgumentsException();
Beispiel #23
        public static ITypeInfo ResolveGenericType(ITypeInfo genericType, object[] parameters, IParameterInfo[] parameterInfos)
            bool sawNullValue = false;
            ITypeInfo matchedType = null;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < parameterInfos.Length; ++idx)
                var parameterType = parameterInfos[idx].ParameterType;
                if (parameterType.IsGenericParameter && parameterType.Name == genericType.Name)
                    object parameterValue = parameters[idx];

                    if (parameterValue == null)
                        sawNullValue = true;
                    else if (matchedType == null)
                        matchedType = Reflector.Wrap(parameterValue.GetType());
                    else if (matchedType.Name != parameterValue.GetType().FullName)
                        return ObjectTypeInfo;

            if (matchedType == null)
                return ObjectTypeInfo;

            return sawNullValue && matchedType.IsValueType ? ObjectTypeInfo : matchedType;
Beispiel #24
        bool TryGetValue_NameValueCollection(int p1, IParameterInfo p2, object p3, out object value)
            var p10 = (System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection)p3;

            if (p2.Type.IsArray || (p2.Type != typeof(string) && TypeExtensions.IsInheritFrom(p2.Type, typeof(System.Collections.IEnumerable))))
                string[] values = p10.GetValues(p2.Name);
                if (values != null && values.Length > 0)
                    value = values;
                string values = p10[p2.Name];
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(values))
                    value = values;

            return(TryGetValue_As(p1, p2, p3, out value));
Beispiel #25
 public override void Write(ApplicationCommandOptionProperties properties, IParameterInfo parameter)
     if (_channelTypes is not null)
         properties.ChannelTypes = _channelTypes;
Beispiel #26
        private IEnumerable GetDataSource(IParameterInfo parameter, Test suite)
            var fixtureDataObject = LocateArgumentByElementType(suite.Arguments, SourceType);

            if (fixtureDataObject == null)
                throw new InvalidDataSourceException(
                          $"The {nameof(SourceType)} specified on a " +
                          $"{nameof(FixtureValueSourceAttribute)} must refer to an argument of that " +
                          "type that exists in the argument list of the containing Test Fixture.");

            var argumentType = fixtureDataObject.GetType();

            MemberInfo[] members = argumentType.GetMember(SourceName, ALL_BINDINGS);

            var dataSource = GetDataSourceValue(parameter, members, fixtureDataObject);

            if (dataSource == null)
                throw new InvalidDataSourceException(
                          $"Could not retrieve a value from {argumentType}.{SourceName}. " +
                          $"{SourceName} is inaccessible via reflection or does not exist.");

Beispiel #27
        static string GetParameterName(IParameterInfo[] parameters, int index)
            if (index >= parameters.Length)
                return "???";

            return parameters[index].Name;
 public IArgumentSpecification Create(object argument, IParameterInfo parameterInfo, ISuppliedArgumentSpecifications suppliedArgumentSpecifications)
     if (_defaultChecker.IsDefault(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType))
         if (suppliedArgumentSpecifications.IsNextFor(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType))
             var argumentSpecification = suppliedArgumentSpecifications.Dequeue();
             if (suppliedArgumentSpecifications.DequeueRemaining().Count() == 0)
                 return argumentSpecification;
         else if (!suppliedArgumentSpecifications.AnyFor(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType))
             if (suppliedArgumentSpecifications.DequeueRemaining().Count() == 0)
                 return _argumentEqualsSpecificationFactory.Create(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType);
         var paramterInfosFromParamsArray = _parameterInfosFromParamsArrayFactory.Create(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType);
         var suppliedArgumentSpecificationsFromParamsArray = _suppliedArgumentSpecificationsFactory.Create(suppliedArgumentSpecifications.DequeueRemaining());
         var arrayArgumentSpecifications = _arrayArgumentSpecificationsFactory.Create(argument, paramterInfosFromParamsArray, suppliedArgumentSpecificationsFromParamsArray);
         return _arrayContentsArgumentSpecificationFactory.Create(arrayArgumentSpecifications, parameterInfo.ParameterType);
     throw new AmbiguousArgumentsException();
Beispiel #29
        private object Resolve(IParameterInfo parameterInfo)

            return(new SpecimenContext(this._fixture)
        internal UnresolvedParameterInfo(IParameterInfo adapter)
            if (adapter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("adapter");

            this.adapter = adapter;
        public void ParameterWrapper(int position)
            MethodInfo     method = typeof(ReflectionPolicySample.Interface1).GetMethod("Method1");
            ParameterInfo  target = position == -1 ? method.ReturnParameter : method.GetParameters()[position];
            IParameterInfo info   = GetMethodParameter(target);

            WrapperAssert.AreEquivalent(target, info, false);
Beispiel #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine whether any data is available for a parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter">An IParameterInfo representing one
        /// argument to a parameterized test</param>
        /// <returns>True if any data is available, otherwise false.</returns>
        public bool HasDataFor(IParameterInfo parameter)
            foreach (var provider in _providers)
                if (provider.HasDataFor(parameter))
                    return true;

            return false;
Beispiel #33
 public Call(MethodInfo methodInfo, object[] arguments, object target, IParameterInfo[] parameterInfos)
     _methodInfo = methodInfo;
     _arguments = arguments;
     _target = target;
     _parameterInfos = parameterInfos ?? GetParameterInfosFrom(_methodInfo);
     _argumentSpecifications = SubstitutionContext.Current.DequeueAllArgumentSpecifications();
        public IEnumerable<IArgumentSpecification> Create(IList<IArgumentSpecification> argumentSpecs, object[] arguments, IParameterInfo[] parameterInfos, MatchArgs matchArgs)
            var argumentSpecifications = _mixedArgumentSpecificationsFactory.Create(argumentSpecs, arguments, parameterInfos);

            return (matchArgs == MatchArgs.Any) 
                ? argumentSpecifications.Select(x => x.CreateCopyMatchingAnyArgOfType(x.ForType))
                : argumentSpecifications;
        public override DbParameter BuildParameter(IParameterInfo c)
            object         value = c.Value;
            OleDbParameter p     = new OleDbParameter(string.Format("@{0}{1}", c.ColumnName, c.Number), value ?? DBNull.Value);

            SetOleDbTypeForDateTime(value, p);
        public IEnumerable<IArgumentSpecification> Create(IList<IArgumentSpecification> argumentSpecs, object[] arguments, IParameterInfo[] parameterInfos, MatchArgs matchArgs)
            if (matchArgs == MatchArgs.Any) return parameterInfos.Select(x => (IArgumentSpecification) new ArgumentIsAnythingSpecification(x.ParameterType));

            if (argumentSpecs.Count == arguments.Length) return argumentSpecs;

            return MixedArgumentSpecificationsFactory.Create(argumentSpecs, arguments, parameterInfos);
Beispiel #37
 protected override bool PassParameterToCall(IParameterInfo parameterInfo, ITypeInfo controllerType)
     if (IsUserScopedApi(controllerType) && parameterInfo.Name == "userId")
        internal UnresolvedParameterInfo(IParameterInfo adapter)
            if (adapter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("adapter");

            this.adapter = adapter;
        public object CreateOtherArgument(IParameterInfo info)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(info, nameof(info));

                                  IsPopulateProperties(info),       // toto test
Beispiel #40
 public Call(MethodInfo methodInfo, object[] arguments, object target, IParameterInfo[] parameterInfos, Func<object> originalMethodCall)
     _methodInfo = methodInfo;
     _arguments = arguments;
     _target = target;
     _originalMethodCall = originalMethodCall;
     _parameterInfos = parameterInfos ?? GetParameterInfosFrom(_methodInfo);
     _argumentSpecifications = (_parameterInfos.Length == 0) ? EmptyList() : SubstitutionContext.Current.DequeueAllArgumentSpecifications();
 public IEnumerable<IArgumentSpecification> Create(IList<IArgumentSpecification> argumentSpecs, object[] arguments, IParameterInfo[] parameterInfos)
     var suppliedArgumentSpecifications = _suppliedArgumentSpecificationsFactory.Create(argumentSpecs);
         new List<IArgumentSpecification>(
                 (argument, i) => _argumentSpecificationFactory.Create(
                     argument, parameterInfos[i], suppliedArgumentSpecifications)
 public IArgumentSpecification Create(object argument, IParameterInfo parameterInfo, ISuppliedArgumentSpecifications suppliedArgumentSpecifications)
     if (parameterInfo.IsParams)
         return _paramsArgumentSpecificationFactory.Create(argument, parameterInfo, suppliedArgumentSpecifications);
         return _nonParamsArgumentSpecificationFactory.Create(argument, parameterInfo, suppliedArgumentSpecifications);
 public IArgumentSpecification Create(object argument, IParameterInfo parameterInfo, ISuppliedArgumentSpecifications suppliedArgumentSpecifications)
     if (suppliedArgumentSpecifications.IsNextFor(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType))
         return suppliedArgumentSpecifications.Dequeue();
     if (!suppliedArgumentSpecifications.AnyFor(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType) || parameterInfo.IsOptional || parameterInfo.IsOut)
         return _argumentEqualsSpecificationFactory.Create(argument, parameterInfo.ParameterType);
     throw new AmbiguousArgumentsException();
Beispiel #44
        public ParameterView(IModuleContext context, IParameterInfo parameter) {
            _context = context;
            _parameter = parameter;
            _types = new Lazy<IEnumerable<IAnalysisItemView>>(CalculateTypes);

            Name = _parameter.Name;
            if (_parameter.IsParamArray) {
                Name = "*" + Name;
            } else if (_parameter.IsKeywordDict) {
                Name = "**" + Name;
Beispiel #45
        /// <summary>
        /// Return an IEnumerable providing data for use with the
        /// supplied parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter">An IParameterInfo representing one
        /// argument to a parameterized test</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// An IEnumerable providing the required data
        /// </returns>
        public IEnumerable GetDataFor(IParameterInfo parameter)
            var data = new List<object>();

            foreach (IParameterDataSource source in parameter.GetCustomAttributes<IParameterDataSource>(false))
                foreach (object item in source.GetData(parameter))

            return data;
 public IEnumerable GetData(IParameterInfo parameter)
     // use randomizer instead of random so that the consistant seed is used  
     Randomizer rand = Randomizer.GetRandomizer(parameter.ParameterInfo); 
     for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
         double x = rand.NextDouble(minComp, maxComp);
         double y = rand.NextDouble(minComp, maxComp);
         double z = rand.NextDouble(minComp, maxComp);
         yield return new Vector3(x, y, z);
Beispiel #47
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine whether any data is available for a parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter">A ParameterInfo representing one
        /// argument to a parameterized test</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// True if any data is available, otherwise false.
        /// </returns>
        public bool HasDataFor(IParameterInfo parameter)
            var method = parameter.Method;
            if (!method.IsDefined<TheoryAttribute>(true))
                return false;

            Type parameterType = parameter.ParameterType;
            if (parameterType == typeof(bool) || parameterType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum)
                return true;

            Type containingType = method.TypeInfo.Type;
            foreach (MemberInfo member in containingType.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy))
                if (member.IsDefined(typeof(DatapointAttribute), true) &&
                    GetTypeFromMemberInfo(member) == parameterType)
                        return true;
                else if (member.IsDefined(typeof(DatapointSourceAttribute), true) &&
                    GetElementTypeFromMemberInfo(member) == parameterType)
                    return true;

            return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a <see cref="ParameterInfo" /> wrapper for <see cref="IParameterInfo" />.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="adapter">The adapter.</param>
 /// <returns>The unresolved parameter.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if <paramref name="adapter"/> is null.</exception>
 public abstract ParameterInfo Wrap(IParameterInfo adapter);
Beispiel #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Return an IEnumerable providing data for use with the
        /// supplied parameter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameter">A ParameterInfo representing one
        /// argument to a parameterized test</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// An IEnumerable providing the required data
        /// </returns>
        public System.Collections.IEnumerable GetDataFor(IParameterInfo parameter)
            var datapoints = new List<object>();

            Type parameterType = parameter.ParameterType;
            Type fixtureType = parameter.Method.TypeInfo.Type;

            foreach (MemberInfo member in fixtureType.GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy))
                if (member.IsDefined(typeof(DatapointAttribute), true))
                    var field = member as FieldInfo;
                    if (GetTypeFromMemberInfo(member) == parameterType && field != null)
                        if (field.IsStatic)
                else if (member.IsDefined(typeof(DatapointSourceAttribute), true))
                    if (GetElementTypeFromMemberInfo(member) == parameterType)
                        object instance;

                        FieldInfo field = member as FieldInfo;
                        PropertyInfo property = member as PropertyInfo;
                        MethodInfo method = member as MethodInfo;
                        if (field != null)
                            instance = field.IsStatic ? null : ProviderCache.GetInstanceOf(fixtureType);
                            foreach (object data in (IEnumerable)field.GetValue(instance))
                        else if (property != null)
                            MethodInfo getMethod = property.GetGetMethod(true);
                            instance = getMethod.IsStatic ? null : ProviderCache.GetInstanceOf(fixtureType);
                            foreach (object data in (IEnumerable)property.GetValue(instance, null))
                        else if (method != null)
                            instance = method.IsStatic ? null : ProviderCache.GetInstanceOf(fixtureType);
                            foreach (object data in (IEnumerable)method.Invoke(instance, new Type[0]))

            if (datapoints.Count == 0)
                var underlyingParameterType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(parameterType);
                if (underlyingParameterType != null)
                    parameterType = underlyingParameterType;

                if (parameterType == typeof(bool))
                else if (parameterType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum)
                    foreach (object o in TypeHelper.GetEnumValues(parameterType))

                if (datapoints.Count > 0 && underlyingParameterType != null)

            return datapoints;
 private void CustomizeFixtureByParameter(IParameterInfo parameter)
     var customizeAttributes = parameter.GetCustomAttributes<CustomizeAttribute>(false);
     foreach (var ca in customizeAttributes)
         var customization = ca.GetCustomization(parameter.ParameterInfo);
Beispiel #51
        // Returns False if no more parameters can be updated for this unit.
        private bool UpdateSingleDefaultParameter(AnalysisUnit unit, InterpreterScope scope, int index, IParameterInfo info)
            if (index >= FunctionDefinition.Parameters.Count) {
                return false;
            VariableDef param;
            var name = FunctionDefinition.Parameters[index].Name;
            if (scope.Variables.TryGetValue(name, out param)) {
                var ns = ProjectState.GetNamespaceFromObjects(info.ParameterType);

                if ((info.IsParamArray && !(param is ListParameterVariableDef)) ||
                    (info.IsKeywordDict && !(param is DictParameterVariableDef))) {
                    return false;

                param.AddTypes(unit, ns);

            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolves a generic type for a test method. The test parameters (and associated parameter infos) are
        /// used to determine the best matching generic type for the test method that can be satisfied by all
        /// the generic parameters and their values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="genericType">The generic type to be resolved</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">The parameter values being passed to the test method</param>
        /// <param name="parameterInfos">The parameter infos for the test method</param>
        /// <returns>The best matching generic type</returns>
        public static ITypeInfo ResolveGenericType(this ITypeInfo genericType, object[] parameters, IParameterInfo[] parameterInfos)
            for (var idx = 0; idx < parameterInfos.Length; ++idx)
                var methodParameterType = parameterInfos[idx].ParameterType;
                var passedParameterType = parameters[idx]?.GetType();
                Type matchedType = null;

                if (ResolveGenericParameter(genericType, methodParameterType, passedParameterType, ref matchedType))
                    return Reflector.Wrap(matchedType);

            return ObjectTypeInfo;
Beispiel #53
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert an argument list to the required parameter types.
        /// Currently, only widening numeric conversions are performed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arglist">An array of args to be converted</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">A ParameterInfo[] whose types will be used as targets</param>
        public static void ConvertArgumentList(object[] arglist, IParameterInfo[] parameters)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(arglist.Length <= parameters.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < arglist.Length; i++)
                object arg = arglist[i];

                if (arg != null)
                if (arg != null && arg is IConvertible)
                    Type argType = arg.GetType();
                    Type targetType = parameters[i].ParameterType;
                    bool convert = false;

                    if (argType != targetType && !argType.IsAssignableFrom(targetType))
                        if (IsNumeric(argType) && IsNumeric(targetType))
                            if (targetType == typeof(double) || targetType == typeof(float))
                                convert = arg is int || arg is long || arg is short || arg is byte || arg is sbyte;
                                if (targetType == typeof(long))
                                    convert = arg is int || arg is short || arg is byte || arg is sbyte;
                                    if (targetType == typeof(short))
                                        convert = arg is byte || arg is sbyte;

                    if (convert)
                        arglist[i] = Convert.ChangeType(arg, targetType,
Beispiel #54
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets an enumeration of data items for use as arguments
 /// for a test method parameter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameter">The parameter for which data is needed</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// An enumeration containing individual data items
 /// </returns>
 public IEnumerable GetData(IParameterInfo parameter)
     return GetDataSource(parameter);
Beispiel #55
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine whether any data is available for a parameter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parameter">A ParameterInfo representing one
 /// argument to a parameterized test</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// True if any data is available, otherwise false.
 /// </returns>
 public bool HasDataFor(IParameterInfo parameter)
     return parameter.IsDefined<IParameterDataSource>(false);
Beispiel #56
        private IEnumerable GetDataSource(IParameterInfo parameter)
            Type sourceType = SourceType ?? parameter.Method.TypeInfo.Type;

            // TODO: Test this
            if (SourceName == null)
                return Reflect.Construct(sourceType) as IEnumerable;

            MemberInfo[] members = sourceType.GetMember(SourceName,
                BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance);

            if (members.Length == 1)
                MemberInfo member = members[0];

                var field = member as FieldInfo;
                if (field != null)
                    if (field.IsStatic)
                        return (IEnumerable)field.GetValue(null);


                var property = member as PropertyInfo;
                if (property != null)
                    if (property.GetGetMethod(true).IsStatic)
                        return (IEnumerable)property.GetValue(null, null);


                var m = member as MethodInfo;
                if (m != null)
                    if (m.IsStatic)
                        return (IEnumerable)m.Invoke(null, null);


            return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method that checks the signature of a TestMethod and
        /// any supplied parameters to determine if the test is valid.
        /// Currently, NUnitTestMethods are required to be public,
        /// non-abstract methods, either static or instance,
        /// returning void. They may take arguments but the _values must
        /// be provided or the TestMethod is not considered runnable.
        /// Methods not meeting these criteria will be marked as
        /// non-runnable and the method will return false in that case.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testMethod">The TestMethod to be checked. If it
        /// is found to be non-runnable, it will be modified.</param>
        /// <param name="parms">Parameters to be used for this test, or null</param>
        /// <returns>True if the method signature is valid, false if not</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The return value is no longer used internally, but is retained
        /// for testing purposes.
        /// </remarks>
        private static bool CheckTestMethodSignature(TestMethod testMethod, TestCaseParameters parms)
            if (testMethod.Method.IsAbstract)
                return MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Method is abstract");

            if (!testMethod.Method.IsPublic)
                return MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Method is not public");

            IParameterInfo[] parameters;
            if (testMethod.Method.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
                if (parms != null && parms.Arguments != null)
                    var mi = testMethod.Method.MakeGenericMethodEx(parms.Arguments);
                    if (mi == null)
                        return MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Cannot determine generic types by probing");
                    testMethod.Method = mi;
                    parameters = testMethod.Method.GetParameters();
                    parameters = new IParameterInfo[0];
                parameters = testMethod.Method.GetParameters();

            int minArgsNeeded = parameters.Length;
            parameters = testMethod.Method.GetParameters();
            int minArgsNeeded = 0;
            foreach (var parameter in parameters)
                // IsOptional is supported since .NET 1.1 
                if (!parameter.IsOptional)
            int maxArgsNeeded = parameters.Length;

            object[] arglist = null;
            int argsProvided = 0;

            if (parms != null)
                testMethod.parms = parms;
                testMethod.RunState = parms.RunState;

                arglist = parms.Arguments;

                if (arglist != null)
                    argsProvided = arglist.Length;

                if (testMethod.RunState != RunState.Runnable)
                    return false;

            ITypeInfo returnType = testMethod.Method.IsGenericMethodDefinition && (parms == null || parms.Arguments == null) ? new TypeWrapper(typeof(void)) : testMethod.Method.ReturnType;
            ITypeInfo returnType = testMethod.Method.ReturnType;

#if NET_4_0 || NET_4_5 || PORTABLE
            if (AsyncInvocationRegion.IsAsyncOperation(testMethod.Method.MethodInfo))
                if (returnType.IsType(typeof(void)))
                    return MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Async test method must have non-void return type");

                var returnsGenericTask = returnType.IsGenericType &&
                    returnType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(System.Threading.Tasks.Task<>);

                if (returnsGenericTask && (parms == null || !parms.HasExpectedResult))
                    return MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod,
                        "Async test method must have non-generic Task return type when no result is expected");

                if (!returnsGenericTask && parms != null && parms.HasExpectedResult)
                    return MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod,
                        "Async test method must have Task<T> return type when a result is expected");
            if (returnType.IsType(typeof(void)))
                if (parms != null && parms.HasExpectedResult)
                    return MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Method returning void cannot have an expected result");
            else if (parms == null || !parms.HasExpectedResult)
                return MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Method has non-void return value, but no result is expected");

            if (argsProvided > 0 && maxArgsNeeded == 0)
                return MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Arguments provided for method not taking any");

            if (argsProvided == 0 && minArgsNeeded > 0)
                return MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "No arguments were provided");

            if (argsProvided < minArgsNeeded)
                return MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, string.Format("Not enough arguments provided, provide at least {0} arguments.", minArgsNeeded));

            if (argsProvided > maxArgsNeeded)
                return MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, string.Format("Too many arguments provided, provide at most {0} arguments.", maxArgsNeeded));

            if (testMethod.Method.IsGenericMethodDefinition && arglist != null)
                var typeArguments = new GenericMethodHelper(testMethod.Method.MethodInfo).GetTypeArguments(arglist);
                foreach (Type o in typeArguments)
                    if (o == null || o == TypeHelper.NonmatchingType)
                        return MarkAsNotRunnable(testMethod, "Unable to determine type arguments for method");

                testMethod.Method = testMethod.Method.MakeGenericMethod(typeArguments);
                parameters = testMethod.Method.GetParameters();

            if (arglist != null && parameters != null)
                TypeHelper.ConvertArgumentList(arglist, parameters);

            return true;
Beispiel #58
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs several special conversions allowed by NUnit in order to
        /// permit arguments with types that cannot be used in the constructor
        /// of an Attribute such as TestCaseAttribute or to simplify their use.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="arglist">The arguments to be converted</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">The ParameterInfo array for the method</param>
        private static void PerformSpecialConversions(object[] arglist, IParameterInfo[] parameters)
            for (int i = 0; i < arglist.Length; i++)
                object arg = arglist[i];
                Type targetType = parameters[i].ParameterType;

                if (arg == null)

                if (arg is SpecialValue && (SpecialValue)arg == SpecialValue.Null)
                    arglist[i] = null;

                if (targetType.IsAssignableFrom(arg.GetType()))
                if (arg is DBNull)
                    arglist[i] = null;
                bool convert = false;

                if (targetType == typeof(short) || targetType == typeof(byte) || targetType == typeof(sbyte) ||
                    targetType == typeof(short?) || targetType == typeof(byte?) || targetType == typeof(sbyte?) || targetType == typeof(double?))
                    convert = arg is int;
                else if (targetType == typeof(decimal) || targetType == typeof(decimal?))
                    convert = arg is double || arg is string || arg is int;
                else if (targetType == typeof(DateTime) || targetType == typeof(DateTime?))
                    convert = arg is string;

                if (convert)
                    Type convertTo = targetType.IsGenericType && targetType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>) ? 
                        targetType.GetGenericArguments()[0] : targetType;
                    arglist[i] = Convert.ChangeType(arg, convertTo, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                // Convert.ChangeType doesn't work for TimeSpan from string
                if ((targetType == typeof(TimeSpan) || targetType == typeof(TimeSpan?)) && arg is string)
                    arglist[i] = TimeSpan.Parse((string)arg);
Beispiel #59
 public DelegateCall(ICallRouter callRouter, IParameterInfo[] parameterInfos)
     _callRouter = callRouter;
     _parameterInfos = parameterInfos;
Beispiel #60
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the collection of _values to be used as arguments
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable GetData(IParameterInfo parameter)
            Type targetType = parameter.ParameterType;

            if (targetType.GetTypeInfo().IsEnum && data.Length == 0)
                return TypeHelper.GetEnumValues(targetType);
            if (targetType == typeof(bool) && data.Length == 0)
                return new object[] {true, false};
            return GetData(targetType);