Beispiel #1
        public async Task AddMessage(IPKConnection conn, ulong senderId, ulong guildId, ulong channelId, ulong postedMessageId, ulong triggerMessageId, MemberId proxiedMemberId)
            // "on conflict do nothing" in the (pretty rare) case of duplicate events coming in from Discord, which would lead to a DB error before
            await conn.ExecuteAsync("insert into messages(mid, guild, channel, member, sender, original_mid) values(@MessageId, @GuildId, @ChannelId, @MemberId, @SenderId, @OriginalMid) on conflict do nothing", new {
                MessageId   = postedMessageId,
                GuildId     = guildId,
                ChannelId   = channelId,
                MemberId    = proxiedMemberId,
                SenderId    = senderId,
                OriginalMid = triggerMessageId

            _logger.Debug("Stored message {Message} in channel {Channel}", postedMessageId, channelId);
Beispiel #2
        public Task <int> GetGroupMemberCount(IPKConnection conn, GroupId id, PrivacyLevel?privacyFilter = null)
            var query = new StringBuilder("select count(*) from group_members");

            if (privacyFilter != null)
                query.Append(" inner join members on group_members.member_id =");
            query.Append(" where group_members.group_id = @Id");
            if (privacyFilter != null)
                query.Append(" and members.member_visibility = @PrivacyFilter");
            return(conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync <int>(query.ToString(), new { Id = id, PrivacyFilter = privacyFilter }));
Beispiel #3
        private async Task<int> GetCurrentDatabaseVersion(IPKConnection conn)
            // First, check if the "info" table exists (it may not, if this is a *really* old database)
            var hasInfoTable =
                await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<int>(
                    "select count(*) from information_schema.tables where table_name = 'info'") == 1;

            // If we have the table, read the schema version
            if (hasInfoTable)
                return await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<int>("select schema_version from info");

            // If not, we return version "-1"
            // This means migration 0 will get executed, getting us into a consistent state
            // Then, migration 1 gets executed, which creates the info table and sets version to 1
            return -1;
        private async Task ExecuteProxy(Shard shard, IPKConnection conn, Message trigger, MessageContext ctx,
                                        ProxyMatch match, bool allowEveryone, bool allowEmbeds)
            // Create reply embed
            var embeds = new List <Embed>();

            if (trigger.Type == Message.MessageType.Reply && trigger.MessageReference?.ChannelId == trigger.ChannelId)
                var repliedTo = trigger.ReferencedMessage.Value;
                if (repliedTo != null)
                    var nickname = await FetchReferencedMessageAuthorNickname(trigger, repliedTo);

                    var embed = CreateReplyEmbed(match, trigger, repliedTo, nickname);
                    if (embed != null)

                // TODO: have a clean error for when message can't be fetched instead of just being silent

            // Send the webhook
            var content = match.ProxyContent;

            if (!allowEmbeds)
                content = content.BreakLinkEmbeds();

            var messageChannel = _cache.GetChannel(trigger.ChannelId);
            var rootChannel    = _cache.GetRootChannel(trigger.ChannelId);
            var threadId       = messageChannel.IsThread() ? messageChannel.Id : (ulong?)null;

            var proxyMessage = await _webhookExecutor.ExecuteWebhook(new ProxyRequest
                GuildId       = trigger.GuildId !.Value,
                ChannelId     = rootChannel.Id,
                ThreadId      = threadId,
                Name          = match.Member.ProxyName(ctx),
                AvatarUrl     = match.Member.ProxyAvatar(ctx),
                Content       = content,
                Attachments   = trigger.Attachments,
                Embeds        = embeds.ToArray(),
                AllowEveryone = allowEveryone,
        private async Task ExecuteSqlFile(string resourceName, IPKConnection conn, IDbTransaction tx = null)
            await using var stream = typeof(Database).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid resource name  '{resourceName}'");

            using var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
            var query = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

            await conn.ExecuteAsync(query, transaction : tx);

            // If the above creates new enum/composite types, we must tell Npgsql to reload the internal type caches
            // This will propagate to every other connection as well, since it marks the global type mapper collection dirty.
        public async Task AddGroupsToMember(IPKConnection conn, MemberId member, IReadOnlyCollection <GroupId> groups)
            await using var w =
                            conn.BeginBinaryImport("copy group_members (group_id, member_id) from stdin (format binary)");
            foreach (var group in groups)
                await w.StartRowAsync();

                await w.WriteAsync(group.Value);

                await w.WriteAsync(member.Value);

            await w.CompleteAsync();

            _logger.Information("Added member {MemberId} to groups {GroupIds}", member, groups);
Beispiel #7
    // todo: add a Mapper to QuerySingle and move this to SqlKata
    public async Task <FullMessage?> GetMessage(IPKConnection conn, ulong id)
        FullMessage Mapper(PKMessage msg, PKMember member, PKSystem system) =>
            Message = msg, System = system, Member = member

        var query = "select * from messages"
                    + " left join members on messages.member ="
                    + " left join systems on members.system ="
                    + " where (mid = @Id or original_mid = @Id)";

        var result = await conn.QueryAsync <PKMessage, PKMember, PKSystem, FullMessage>(
            query, Mapper, new { Id = id });

Beispiel #8
        public async Task AddMembersToGroup(IPKConnection conn, GroupId group,
                                            IReadOnlyCollection <MemberId> members)
            await using var w =
                            conn.BeginBinaryImport("copy group_members (group_id, member_id) from stdin (format binary)");
            foreach (var member in members)
                await w.StartRowAsync();

                await w.WriteAsync(group.Value);

                await w.WriteAsync(member.Value);

            await w.CompleteAsync();

            _logger.Information("Added members to {GroupId}: {MemberIds}", group, members);
Beispiel #9
    public async Task ApplyMigrations(IPKConnection conn)
        // Run everything in a transaction
        await using var tx = await conn.BeginTransactionAsync();

        // Before applying migrations, clean out views/functions to prevent type errors
        await ExecuteSqlFile($"{RootPath}.clean.sql", conn, tx);

        // Apply all migrations between the current database version and the target version
        await ApplyMigrations(conn, tx);

        // Now, reapply views/functions (we deleted them above, no need to worry about conflicts)
        await ExecuteSqlFile($"{RootPath}.Views.views.sql", conn, tx);
        await ExecuteSqlFile($"{RootPath}.Functions.functions.sql", conn, tx);

        // Finally, commit tx
        await tx.CommitAsync();
        private async Task HandleProxyExecutedActions(DiscordClient shard, IPKConnection conn, MessageContext ctx,
                                                      DiscordMessage triggerMessage, DiscordMessage proxyMessage,
                                                      ProxyMatch match)
            Task SaveMessageInDatabase() => _repo.AddMessage(conn, new PKMessage
                Channel     = triggerMessage.ChannelId,
                Guild       = triggerMessage.Channel.GuildId,
                Member      = match.Member.Id,
                Mid         = proxyMessage.Id,
                OriginalMid = triggerMessage.Id,
                Sender      = triggerMessage.Author.Id

            Task LogMessageToChannel() => _logChannel.LogMessage(shard, ctx, match, triggerMessage, proxyMessage.Id).AsTask();

            async Task DeleteProxyTriggerMessage()
                // Wait a second or so before deleting the original message
                await Task.Delay(MessageDeletionDelay);

                    await triggerMessage.DeleteAsync();
                catch (NotFoundException)
                    _logger.Debug("Trigger message {TriggerMessageId} was already deleted when we attempted to; deleting proxy message {ProxyMessageId} also",
                                  triggerMessage.Id, proxyMessage.Id);
                    await HandleTriggerAlreadyDeleted(proxyMessage);

                    // Swallow the exception, we don't need it

            // Run post-proxy actions (simultaneously; order doesn't matter)
            // Note that only AddMessage is using our passed-in connection, careful not to pass it elsewhere and run into conflicts
            await Task.WhenAll(
    public async Task <PKSwitch> AddSwitch(IPKConnection conn, SystemId system,
                                           IReadOnlyCollection <MemberId> members)
        // Use a transaction here since we're doing multiple executed commands in one
        await using var tx = await conn.BeginTransactionAsync();

        // First, we insert the switch itself
        var sw = await conn.QuerySingleAsync <PKSwitch>("insert into switches(system) values (@System) returning *",
                                                        new { System = system });

        // Then we insert each member in the switch in the switch_members table
        await using (var w =
                         conn.BeginBinaryImport("copy switch_members (switch, member) from stdin (format binary)"))
            foreach (var member in members)
                await w.StartRowAsync();

                await w.WriteAsync(sw.Id.Value, NpgsqlDbType.Integer);

                await w.WriteAsync(member.Value, NpgsqlDbType.Integer);

            await w.CompleteAsync();

        // Finally we commit the tx, since the using block will otherwise rollback it
        await tx.CommitAsync();

        _logger.Information("Created {SwitchId} in {SystemId}: {Members}", sw.Id, system, members);
        _ = _dispatch.Dispatch(sw.Id, new UpdateDispatchData
            Event     = DispatchEvent.CREATE_SWITCH,
            EventData = JObject.FromObject(new
                id        = sw.Uuid.ToString(),
                timestamp = sw.Timestamp.FormatExport(),
                members   = await GetMemberGuids(members),
Beispiel #12
        public static Task <IEnumerable <ListedMember> > QueryMemberList(this IPKConnection conn, SystemId system, MemberListQueryOptions opts)
            StringBuilder query;

            if (opts.GroupFilter == null)
                query = new StringBuilder("select * from member_list where system = @system");
                query = new StringBuilder("select member_list.* from group_members inner join member_list on = group_members.member_id where group_id = @groupFilter");

            if (opts.PrivacyFilter != null)
                query.Append($" and member_visibility = {(int) opts.PrivacyFilter}");

            if (opts.Search != null)
Beispiel #13
        private async Task ExecuteProxy(IPKConnection conn, DiscordMessage trigger, MessageContext ctx,
                                        ProxyMatch match, bool allowEveryone, bool allowEmbeds)
            // Send the webhook
            var content = match.ProxyContent;

            if (!allowEmbeds)
                content = content.BreakLinkEmbeds();
            var id = await _webhookExecutor.ExecuteWebhook(trigger.Channel, match.Member.ProxyName(ctx),
                                                           content, trigger.Attachments, allowEveryone);

            Task SaveMessage() => _data.AddMessage(conn, trigger.Author.Id, trigger.Channel.GuildId, trigger.Channel.Id, id, trigger.Id, match.Member.Id);
            Task LogMessage() => _logChannel.LogMessage(ctx, match, trigger, id).AsTask();

            async Task DeleteMessage()
                // Wait a second or so before deleting the original message
                await Task.Delay(MessageDeletionDelay);

                    await trigger.DeleteAsync();
                catch (NotFoundException)
                    // If it's already deleted, we just log and swallow the exception
                    _logger.Warning("Attempted to delete already deleted proxy trigger message {Message}", trigger.Id);

            // Run post-proxy actions (simultaneously; order doesn't matter)
            // Note that only AddMessage is using our passed-in connection, careful not to pass it elsewhere and run into conflicts
            await Task.WhenAll(
    public async IAsyncEnumerable <SwitchMembersListEntry> GetSwitchMembersList(IPKConnection conn,
                                                                                SystemId system, Instant start,
                                                                                Instant end)
        // Wrap multiple commands in a single transaction for performance
        await using var tx = await conn.BeginTransactionAsync();

        // Find the time of the last switch outside the range as it overlaps the range
        // If no prior switch exists, the lower bound of the range remains the start time
        var lastSwitch = await conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync <Instant>(
            @"SELECT COALESCE(MAX(timestamp), @Start)
                FROM switches
                WHERE switches.system = @System
                AND switches.timestamp < @Start",
            new { System = system, Start = start });

        // Then collect the time and members of all switches that overlap the range
        var switchMembersEntries = conn.QueryStreamAsync <SwitchMembersListEntry>(
            @"SELECT switch_members.member, switches.timestamp
                FROM switches
                LEFT JOIN switch_members
                ON = switch_members.switch
                WHERE switches.system = @System
                AND (
                    switches.timestamp >= @Start
                    OR switches.timestamp = @LastSwitch
                AND switches.timestamp < @End
                ORDER BY switches.timestamp DESC",
            new { System = system, Start = start, End = end, LastSwitch = lastSwitch });

        // Yield each value here
        await foreach (var entry in switchMembersEntries)
            yield return(entry);

        // Don't really need to worry about the transaction here, we're not doing any *writes*
    public async Task EditSwitch(IPKConnection conn, SwitchId switchId, IReadOnlyCollection <MemberId> members)
        // Use a transaction here since we're doing multiple executed commands in one
        await using var tx = await conn.BeginTransactionAsync();

        // Remove the old members from the switch
        await conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from switch_members where switch = @Switch",
                                new { Switch = switchId });

        // Add the new members
        await using (var w =
                         conn.BeginBinaryImport("copy switch_members (switch, member) from stdin (format binary)"))
            foreach (var member in members)
                await w.StartRowAsync();

                await w.WriteAsync(switchId.Value, NpgsqlDbType.Integer);

                await w.WriteAsync(member.Value, NpgsqlDbType.Integer);

            await w.CompleteAsync();

        // Finally we commit the tx, since the using block will otherwise rollback it
        await tx.CommitAsync();

        _ = _dispatch.Dispatch(switchId, new UpdateDispatchData
            Event     = DispatchEvent.UPDATE_SWITCH,
            EventData = JObject.FromObject(new
                members = await GetMemberGuids(members),

        _logger.Information("Updated {SwitchId} members: {Members}", switchId, members);
Beispiel #16
 public static Task <MemberGuildSettings> QueryOrInsertMemberGuildConfig(
     this IPKConnection conn, ulong guild, MemberId member) =>
 conn.QueryFirstAsync <MemberGuildSettings>(
     "insert into member_guild (guild, member) values (@guild, @member) on conflict (guild, member) do update set guild = @guild, member = @member returning *",
     new { guild, member });
Beispiel #17
 public static Task <SystemGuildSettings> QueryOrInsertSystemGuildConfig(this IPKConnection conn, ulong guild, SystemId system) =>
 conn.QueryFirstAsync <SystemGuildSettings>(
     "insert into system_guild (guild, system) values (@guild, @system) on conflict (guild, system) do update set guild = @guild, system = @system returning *",
     new { guild, system });
Beispiel #18
 public static Task <GuildConfig> QueryOrInsertGuildConfig(this IPKConnection conn, ulong guild) =>
 conn.QueryFirstAsync <GuildConfig>("insert into servers (id) values (@guild) on conflict (id) do update set id = @guild returning *", new { guild });
Beispiel #19
 public static Task <IEnumerable <PKGroup> > QueryMemberGroups(this IPKConnection conn, MemberId id) =>
 conn.QueryAsync <PKGroup>(
     "select groups.* from group_members inner join groups on group_members.group_id = where group_members.member_id = @Id",
     new { Id = id });
Beispiel #20
 public static Task <PKGroup?> QueryGroupByHid(this IPKConnection conn, string hid) =>
 conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <PKGroup?>("select * from groups where hid = @hid", new { hid = hid.ToLowerInvariant() });
Beispiel #21
 public static Task <PKGroup?> QueryGroupByName(this IPKConnection conn, SystemId system, string name) =>
 conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <PKGroup?>("select * from groups where system = @System and lower(Name) = lower(@Name)", new { System = system, Name = name });
Beispiel #22
 public static Task <PKMember?> QueryMember(this IPKConnection conn, MemberId id) =>
 conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <PKMember?>("select * from members where id = @id", new { id });
Beispiel #23
 public static Task <IEnumerable <ulong> > GetLinkedAccounts(this IPKConnection conn, SystemId id) =>
 conn.QueryAsync <ulong>("select uid from accounts where system = @Id", new { Id = id });
Beispiel #24
 public static Task <PKSystem?> QuerySystem(this IPKConnection conn, SystemId id) =>
 conn.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync <PKSystem?>("select * from systems where id = @id", new { id });
 public Task SaveCommandMessage(IPKConnection conn, ulong messageId, ulong authorId) =>
 conn.QueryAsync("insert into command_messages (message_id, author_id) values (@Message, @Author)",
                 new { Message = messageId, Author = authorId });
 public Task <int> DeleteCommandMessagesBefore(IPKConnection conn, ulong messageIdThreshold) =>
 conn.ExecuteAsync("delete from command_messages where message_id < @Threshold",
                   new { Threshold = messageIdThreshold });
 public async Task <CommandMessage> GetCommandMessage(IPKConnection conn, ulong messageId)
     return(await _repo.GetCommandMessage(conn, messageId));
Beispiel #28
 private BulkImporter(SystemId systemId, IPKConnection conn, IPKTransaction tx)
     _systemId = systemId;
     _conn     = conn;
     _tx       = tx;
Beispiel #29
 public static Task <IEnumerable <SystemFronter> > QueryCurrentFronters(this IPKConnection conn, SystemId system) =>
 conn.QueryAsync <SystemFronter>("select * from system_fronters where system = @system", new { system });
 public Task <CommandMessage> GetCommandMessage(IPKConnection conn, ulong messageId) =>
 conn.QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync <CommandMessage>("select * from command_messages where message_id = @Message",
                                                 new { Message = messageId });