void Pipeline_Rewrite(System.Web.IHttpModule sender, System.Web.HttpContext context, IUrlEventArgs e)
            var os = provider.GetOverlays(e.VirtualPath, e.QueryString);

            if (os == null)

            long hash   = 0xab224895;
            int  offset = 0;

            foreach (Overlay o in os)
                int    ohash        = o.GetDataHashCode();
                string physicalPath = HostingEnvironment.MapPath(o.OverlayPath);
                    ohash ^= (int)(File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(physicalPath).Ticks / (TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond * 5));
                }catch {}
                hash   ^= ohash << (offset % 50);
                offset += 31;
            //Store a hash of all the overlays, so the disk cache updates when an overlay changes
            e.QueryString["customoverlay.hash"] = hash.ToString();

            //And save the overlays for later
            RequestOverlays = os;