protected void SerializeOverlayPlane(OverlayPlaneModuleIod overlayPlaneModule, out IOverlayMapping overlayMapping, DicomPresentationImageCollection <T> images)
            // Doesn't support multiframe or whatever case it is when we get more than one image serialized to one state
            List <OverlayPlaneGraphic> visibleOverlays = new List <OverlayPlaneGraphic>();

            foreach (T image in images)
                DicomGraphicsPlane dicomGraphics = DicomGraphicsPlane.GetDicomGraphicsPlane(image, false);
                if (dicomGraphics != null)
                    // identify visible bitmap shutter if exists
                    OverlayPlaneGraphic bitmapShutter = dicomGraphics.Shutters.ActiveShutter as OverlayPlaneGraphic;
                    if (bitmapShutter != null)

                    // identify any visible overlays
                    visibleOverlays.AddRange(((IEnumerable <ILayer>)dicomGraphics.Layers).Where(l => l.Visible).SelectMany(l => l.Graphics).OfType <OverlayPlaneGraphic>().Where(g => g.Visible));

            OverlayMapping overlayMap = new OverlayMapping();
            Queue <OverlayPlaneGraphic> overlaysToRemap = new Queue <OverlayPlaneGraphic>();

            // user and presentation state overlays are high priority items to remap
            foreach (OverlayPlaneGraphic overlay in CollectionUtils.Select(visibleOverlays, delegate(OverlayPlaneGraphic t) { return(t.Source != OverlayPlaneSource.Image); }))
            foreach (OverlayPlaneGraphic overlay in CollectionUtils.Select(visibleOverlays, delegate(OverlayPlaneGraphic t) { return(t.Source == OverlayPlaneSource.Image); }))
                if (overlayMap[overlay.Index] == null)
                    overlayMap[overlay.Index] = overlay;
                    overlaysToRemap.Enqueue(overlay);                     // image overlays are lower priority items to remap, since they will be included in the header anyway

            // seed the overlays to remap into the remaining available overlay groups
            for (int n = 0; n < 16 && overlaysToRemap.Count > 0; n++)
                if (overlayMap[n] == null)
                    overlayMap[n] = overlaysToRemap.Dequeue();

            // serialize the overlays
            for (int n = 0; n < 16; n++)
                OverlayPlaneGraphic overlay = overlayMap[n];
                if (overlay != null)
                    if (overlay.Source != OverlayPlaneSource.Image || overlay.Index != n)
                        // only record this overlay in the presentation state if it is being remapped to another group or is not already in the image.
                        OverlayPlane overlayIod = overlayPlaneModule[n];
                        overlayIod.OverlayData          = overlay.CreateOverlayData(overlayIod.IsBigEndianOW).Raw;
                        overlayIod.OverlayBitPosition   = 0;
                        overlayIod.OverlayBitsAllocated = 1;
                        overlayIod.OverlayColumns       = overlay.Columns;
                        overlayIod.OverlayDescription   = overlay.Description;
                        overlayIod.OverlayLabel         = overlay.Label;
                        overlayIod.OverlayOrigin        = Point.Round(overlay.Origin);
                        overlayIod.OverlayRows          = overlay.Rows;
                        overlayIod.OverlaySubtype       = overlay.Subtype;
                        overlayIod.OverlayType          = overlay.Type;
                        overlayIod.RoiArea = null;
                        overlayIod.RoiMean = null;
                        overlayIod.RoiStandardDeviation = null;

            if (overlaysToRemap.Count > 0)
                Platform.Log(LogLevel.Warn, "Attempt to serialize presentation state with more than 16 visible overlays - some information may be lost.");

            overlayMapping = overlayMap;
 protected void SerializeOverlayActivation(OverlayActivationModuleIod overlayActivationModule, IOverlayMapping overlayMapping, DicomPresentationImageCollection <T> images)
     // Doesn't support multiframe or whatever case it is when we get more than one image serialized to one state
     for (int n = 0; n < 16; n++)
         OverlayPlaneGraphic overlay = overlayMapping[n];
         if (overlay != null)
             if (overlay.ParentGraphic is ILayer)
                 overlayActivationModule[n].OverlayActivationLayer = ((ILayer)overlay.ParentGraphic).Id;
 protected void SerializeBitmapDisplayShutter(BitmapDisplayShutterModuleIod bitmapDisplayShutterModule, IOverlayMapping overlayMapping, DicomPresentationImageCollection <T> images)
     // Doesn't support multiframe or whatever case it is when we get more than one image serialized to one state
     for (int n = 0; n < 16; n++)
         OverlayPlaneGraphic overlay = overlayMapping[n];
         if (overlay != null)
             if (overlay.ParentGraphic is IDicomGraphicsPlaneShutters)
                 bitmapDisplayShutterModule.ShutterShape                        = ShutterShape.Bitmap;
                 bitmapDisplayShutterModule.ShutterOverlayGroupIndex            = n;
                 bitmapDisplayShutterModule.ShutterPresentationValue            = overlay.GrayPresentationValue;
                 bitmapDisplayShutterModule.ShutterPresentationColorCielabValue = null;
                 break;                         // there can only be one