Beispiel #1
        public void Handle(BookAppointmentCommand command)
            var property = _context.Properties.Find(command.PropertyId);

            if (property != null)
                var appointment = new Appointment
                    Property_Id         = command.PropertyId,
                    AppointmentDateTime = command.AppointmentDateTime,
                    BuyerUserId         = command.BuyerUserId,
                    Status    = AppointmentStatus.Accepted, // as of now it will be accepted, but it needs to be pending by default and appointment should be accepted by seller/agent in future
                    CreatedAt = DateTime.Now,

                if (property.Appointments == null)
                    property.Appointments = new List <Appointment>();


        public void Handle(BookViewingCommand command)
                var property = _context.Properties.Find(command.PropertyId);

                var booking = new BookViewing
                    Appointment = command.Appointment,
                    Status      = ViewingStatus.Pending,
                    CreatedAt   = DateTime.Now,
                    UpdatedAt   = DateTime.Now,
                    BuyerUserId = command.BuyerUserId,

                if (property.BookViewings == null)
                    property.BookViewings = new List <BookViewing>();


            catch (Exception ex)
        public void Handle(MakeOfferCommand command)
            var property = _context.Properties.Find(command.PropertyId);

            if (property != null)
                var offer = new Offer
                    Amount      = command.Offer,
                    Status      = OfferStatus.Pending,
                    CreatedAt   = DateTime.Now,
                    UpdatedAt   = DateTime.Now,
                    BuyerUserId = command.BuyerUserId

                if (property.Offers == null)
                    property.Offers = new List <Offer>();


        public void Handle(BookViewingCommand command, string buyerId)
            var property = _context.Properties.Find(command.PropertyId);

            if (property != null)
                DateTime requestedDateTime = new DateTime(command.RequestedDate.Year,
                var viewing = new Viewing
                    RequestedDateTime = requestedDateTime,
                    BuyerUserId       = buyerId

                if (property.Viewings == null)
                    property.Viewings = new List <Viewing>();


Beispiel #5
        public bool Handle(MakeOfferCommand command)
            var property = _context.Properties.Find(command.PropertyId);

            if (property.Offers != null && property.Offers.Count(o => o.BuyerUserId == command.BuyerUserId) > 0)

            var offer = new Offer
                Amount      = command.Offer,
                Status      = OfferStatus.Pending,
                CreatedAt   = DateTime.Now,
                UpdatedAt   = DateTime.Now,
                BuyerUserId = command.BuyerUserId

            if (property.Offers == null)
                property.Offers = new List <Offer>();



        public bool Handle(BookAppointmentCommand command)
            var property = _context.Properties.Find(command.PropertyId);

            //if (property.Appointments != null && property.Appointments.Count(o => o.BuyerUserId == command.BuyerUserId) > 0) { return false; }

            var appointment = new Appointment
                PropertyId      = command.PropertyId,
                ViewingDateTime = command.ViewingDateTime,
                BuyerUserId     = command.BuyerUserId,
                IsViewing       = true,
                UpdatedAt       = DateTime.Now

            if (property.Appointments == null)
                property.Appointments = new List <Appointment>();



Beispiel #7
        public void Handle(ListPropertyCommand command)
            var property = _context.Properties.Find(command.PropertyId);

            property.IsListedForSale = true;
        public void Handle(RequestViewingCommand command)
            var      property        = _context.Properties.Find(command.PropertyId);
            DateTime viewingDateTime = default(DateTime);

            DateTime.TryParseExact(string.Format("{0} {1}", command.ViewingDate, command.ViewingTime), "dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm",
                                   CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out viewingDateTime);

            var viewing = new Viewing
                RequestDate   = viewingDateTime,
                CreatedAt     = DateTime.Now,
                UpdatedAt     = DateTime.Now,
                RequestUserId = command.RequestedUserId

            if (property.Viewings == null)
                property.Viewings = new List <Viewing>();


        public void Handle(RejectViewingCommand command)
            var viewing = _context.Viewings.Find(command.ViewingId);

            viewing.ViewingStatus = ViewingStatus.Rejected;

        public void Handle(AcceptViewingCommand command)
            var viewing = _context.Viewings.Find(command.ViewingId);

            viewing.ViewingStatus = ViewingStatus.Confirmed;

        public void Handle(RejectViewingCommand command)
            var viewing = _context.BookViewings.Find(command.AppointmentId);

            viewing.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now;
            viewing.Status    = ViewingStatus.Rejected;

        public void Handle(AcceptOfferCommand command)
            var offer = _context.Offers.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == command.OfferId);

            offer.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now;
            offer.Status    = OfferStatus.Accepted;

Beispiel #13
        public void Handle(AcceptViewingCommand command)
            var viewing = _context.Viewings.Find(command.ViewingId);

            viewing.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now;
            viewing.Status    = ViewingStatus.Accepted;

        public void Handle(RejectOfferCommand command)
            var offer = _context.Offers.Find(command.OfferId);

            offer.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now;
            offer.Status    = Status.Rejected;

        public void Handle(RejectViewingCommand command)
            var viewing = _context.Viewings.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == command.ViewingId);

            viewing.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now;
            viewing.Status    = ViewingStatus.Rejected;

Beispiel #16
        public void Handle(RejectAppointmentCommand command)
            var appointment = _context.Appointments.Find(command.AppointmentId);

            appointment.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now;
            appointment.Status    = AppointmentStatus.Rejected;

Beispiel #17
        public void Handle(RejectViewingCommand command)
            var viewing = _context.Viewings.Find(command.ViewingId);

            if (viewing != null)
                viewing.ViewingStatus = ViewingStatus.Declined;
        public void Save(BookingViewModel command, string buyerUserId)
            var property = _context.Properties.Find(command.Property.Id);

            var aBooking = new Booking
                Status      = (int)BookingStatus.Requested,
                BuyerUserId = buyerUserId,
                ViewingAt   = command.ViewingAt

            if (property.Bookings == null)
                property.Bookings = new List <Booking>();


        public void Handle(AcceptOfferCommand command)
            var offer    = _context.Offers.Find(command.OfferId);
            var property = _context.Properties.Find(command.PropertyId);

            offer.UpdatedAt          = DateTime.Now;
            offer.Status             = OfferStatus.Accepted;
            property.IsListedForSale = false;

Beispiel #20
        public void Handle(AcceptOfferCommand command)
            var offer = _context.Offers.Find(command.OfferId);

            if (offer != null)
                offer.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now;
                offer.Status    = OfferStatus.Accepted;

        /// <summary>
        /// Please use XML comments to state the expected behaviour or outcome (or reference the user story/Gherkin).
        /// This is particularly important if the controller actions are merely orchestrators i.e. they do not execute the business logic.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command"></param>
        /// <remarks>This handler will raise an exception if the PropertyId is not found.
        /// This *is* the behaviour; however, is it the *correct* behaviour? Has this been discussed? Is it a conscious design decision?
        /// If so, how is this intent being communicated to me? You need to state this explicitly, or provide an additional UT that exercises this behaviour.
        /// </remarks>
        public void Handle(ListPropertyCommand command)
            var property = _context.Properties.Find(command.PropertyId);

            // we have not defined behaviours for the case where the property is already listed
            // it may be that idempotency is desirable, and we can implement that here and also save a write to the DB
            if (!property.IsListedForSale)
                property.IsListedForSale = true;
        public void Handle(BookViewingCommand command)
            var viewvg = new Viewing
                Date       = command.DateV,
                PropertyId = command.PropertyId,
                VisitorId  = command.VisitorId


Beispiel #23
        public void Handle(BookViewingCommand command)
            var viewing = new Viewing
                Appointment = command.Appointment,
                PropertyId  = command.PropertyId,
                CreatedAt   = DateTime.Now,
                UpdatedAt   = DateTime.Now,
                BuyerUserId = command.BuyerUserId


Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the status of appointment.
        /// </summary>
        public void Handle(UpdateAppointmentCommand command)
            var property = _context.Properties.Where(p => p.Id == command.PropertyId &&
                                                     p.SellerUserId == command.SellerUserId &&
                                                     p.Appointments.Any(a => a.Id == command.AppointmentId))
                           .Include(p => p.Appointments)

            var appointment = property.Appointments.First(a => a.Id == command.AppointmentId);

            appointment.Status = command.NewStatus;

        public void Handle(BookViewingCommand command)
            var property = _context.Properties.Find(command.PropertyId);

            var viewing = new Viewing
                ViewingAt  = command.ViewingAt,
                CreatedAt  = DateTime.Now,
                BuyerId    = command.BuyerId,
                PropertyId = command.PropertyId


        public void Handle(CreatePropertyCommand command)
            var property = new Domain.Models.Property
                PropertyType     = command.PropertyType,
                StreetName       = command.StreetName,
                Description      = command.Description,
                NumberOfBedrooms = command.NumberOfBedrooms

            property.SellerUserId = command.SellerUserId;


        public void Handle(CreatePropertyCommand command)
            var property = new Models.Property
                PropertyType     = command.PropertyType,
                StreetName       = command.StreetName,
                Description      = command.Description,
                NumberOfBedrooms = command.NumberOfBedrooms,
                IsListedForSale  = true //Bug: Defaulting Property for sale to false

            property.SellerUserId = command.SellerUserId;


Beispiel #28
        public void Handle(BookViewingCommand command)
            var property = _context.Properties.Find(command.PropertyId);

            var viewing = new Viewing
                ViewingDate = command.ViewingDate,
                UserId      = command.UserId

            if (property.Viewings == null)
                property.Viewings = new List <Viewing>();


Beispiel #29
        public void Handle(BookViewingCommand command)
            var property = _context.Properties.Find(command.Property_Id);

            var booking = new Viewing
                dateTimeBooking = command.dateTimeBooking,
                userId          = command.userId,
                status          = ViewingStatus.Pending,

            if (property.Viewings == null)
                property.Viewings = new List <Viewing>();


Beispiel #30
        public void Handle(RequestAppointmentCommand command)
            var property = _context.Properties.Find(command.PropertyId);

            var appt = new Appointment
                Date        = System.DateTime.Parse(command.AppointmentDate + " " + command.AppointmentTime),
                CreatedAt   = DateTime.Now,
                UpdatedAt   = DateTime.Now,
                BuyerUserId = command.BuyerUserId

            if (property.Appointments == null)
                property.Appointments = new List <Appointment>();
