Beispiel #1
    private void RemoveDialogue(int dialogueIndex, bool affectOptions)
        GameObject       boxTailObject         = null;
        TextBox          boxComponent          = null;
        GameObject       boxObject             = null;
        EventDialogue    boxMasterEvent        = null;
        QuestionRole     boxQuestionRole       = QuestionRole.None;
        IOptionsListener savedQuestionDelegate = null;
        int savedOptionIndex = -1;

        if (boxObjects != null)
            if ((dialogueIndex > -1) && (dialogueIndex < boxObjects.Length))
                /*halmeida - relying on the coherence of all box related arrays.*/
                boxTailObject = boxTailObjects[dialogueIndex];
                if (boxTailObject != null)
                    boxTailObjects[dialogueIndex] = null;
                boxComponent = boxComponents[dialogueIndex];
                if (boxComponent != null)
                    boxComponents[dialogueIndex] = null;
                boxObject = boxObjects[dialogueIndex];
                if (boxObject != null)
                    boxObjects[dialogueIndex] = null;
                boxMasterEvent = boxMasterEvents[dialogueIndex];
                if (boxMasterEvent != null)
                    boxMasterEvents[dialogueIndex] = null;
                boxQuestionRole = boxQuestionRoles[dialogueIndex];
                UsefulFunctions.DecreaseArray <SpriteRenderer>(ref boxTailRenderers, dialogueIndex);
                UsefulFunctions.DecreaseArray <GameObject>(ref boxTailObjects, dialogueIndex);
                UsefulFunctions.DecreaseArray <bool>(ref boxTryAboves, dialogueIndex);
                UsefulFunctions.DecreaseArray <int>(ref boxSpeakerIDs, dialogueIndex);
                UsefulFunctions.DecreaseArray <int>(ref boxOptionIndexes, dialogueIndex);
                UsefulFunctions.DecreaseArray <QuestionRole>(ref boxQuestionRoles, dialogueIndex);
                UsefulFunctions.DecreaseArray <EventDialogue>(ref boxMasterEvents, dialogueIndex);
                UsefulFunctions.DecreaseArray <TextBox>(ref boxComponents, dialogueIndex);
                UsefulFunctions.DecreaseArray <GameObject>(ref boxObjects, dialogueIndex);
                if ((boxQuestionRole == QuestionRole.Option) && (questionDelegate != null) && affectOptions)
                else if (boxQuestionRole == QuestionRole.Enunciate)
                    /*halmeida - send choice to questionDelegate, reset variables to allow preparation for other questions.*/

                    /*halmeida - we need to immediately remove the remaining options, because if a new question is loaded
                     * now, as we send the chosen index, and any remaining options of this closed question happen to be removed after
                     * that, the closure of the old option will trigger the closure of the new question entirely, before the player is
                     * given the chance of choosing anything or even the chance of seeing the new question.*/

                    /*halmeida - when we send the choice, the questionDelegate may immediately start a new question, assigning
                     * itself or another questionDelegate to this TextBoxManager in the process. If we remove the question prep
                     * after sending the choice, we may be losing this new question's preparation. That's why we need to send
                     * the chosen choice only after the removal of the preparation of the current question, not before. To do
                     * that we need to save the values first.*/
                    savedQuestionDelegate = questionDelegate;
                    savedOptionIndex      = optionChosenIndex;
                    if (savedQuestionDelegate != null)
    private void RemoveDialogue(int dialogueIndex, bool affectOptions)
        TextBoxUI        boxComponent          = null;
        GameObject       boxObject             = null;
        EventDialogue    boxMasterEvent        = null;
        QuestionRole     boxQuestionRole       = QuestionRole.None;
        IOptionsListener savedQuestionDelegate = null;
        int  savedOptionIndex  = -1;
        bool lastOptionToClose = false;

        if (boxObjects != null)
            if ((dialogueIndex > -1) && (dialogueIndex < boxObjects.Length))
                /*halmeida - relying on the coherence of all box related arrays.*/
                boxComponent = boxComponents[dialogueIndex];
                if (boxComponent != null)
                    boxComponents[dialogueIndex] = null;
                boxObject = boxObjects[dialogueIndex];
                if (boxObject != null)
                    boxObjects[dialogueIndex] = null;
                boxMasterEvent = boxMasterEvents[dialogueIndex];
                if (boxMasterEvent != null)
                    boxMasterEvents[dialogueIndex] = null;
                boxMasterItems[dialogueIndex] = null;
                boxQuestionRole = boxQuestionRoles[dialogueIndex];
                UsefulFunctions.DecreaseArray <int>(ref boxOptionIndexes, dialogueIndex);
                UsefulFunctions.DecreaseArray <QuestionRole>(ref boxQuestionRoles, dialogueIndex);
                UsefulFunctions.DecreaseArray <EventDialogue>(ref boxMasterEvents, dialogueIndex);
                UsefulFunctions.DecreaseArray <ItemData>(ref boxMasterItems, dialogueIndex);
                UsefulFunctions.DecreaseArray <TextBoxUI>(ref boxComponents, dialogueIndex);
                UsefulFunctions.DecreaseArray <GameObject>(ref boxObjects, dialogueIndex);
                /*halmeida - if there are no more items associated with dialogues, we update the related variable.*/
                itemOnDisplay = (boxMasterItems == null) ? false : itemOnDisplay;
                if (itemOnDisplay)
                    itemOnDisplay = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < boxMasterItems.Length; i++)
                        if (boxMasterItems[i] != null)
                            itemOnDisplay = true;

                /*halmeida - the chosen option closes before the others, as a visual feedback to the player as to
                 * which option did he choose. If there was more than one available choice, we start closing them when
                 * the closure of the chosen one ends. We only send the chosen index to the delegate by the time all
                 * options have finished closing.*/
                if ((boxQuestionRole == QuestionRole.Option) && (questionDelegate != null))
                    /*halmeida - since we don't really require an enunciate, I can't use the end of the closure of the
                     * enunciate as the trigger to send the chosen option and prepare for another question. I will use the
                     * end of the closure of the last option as this trigger.*/
                    lastOptionToClose = (boxQuestionRoles == null);
                    if (!lastOptionToClose)
                        lastOptionToClose = true;
                        for (int i = 0; i < boxQuestionRoles.Length; i++)
                            if (boxQuestionRoles[i] == QuestionRole.Option)
                                lastOptionToClose = false;
                    if (lastOptionToClose)
                        /*halmeida - send choice to questionDelegate, reset variables to allow preparation for other questions.*/

                        /*halmeida - when we send the choice, the questionDelegate may immediately start a new question, assigning
                         * itself or another questionDelegate to this TextBoxManager in the process. If we remove the question prep
                         * after sending the choice, we may be losing this new question's preparation. That's why we need to send
                         * the chosen choice only after the removal of the preparation of the current question, not before. To do
                         * that we need to save the values first.*/
                        savedQuestionDelegate = questionDelegate;
                        savedOptionIndex      = optionChosenIndex;
                        if (savedQuestionDelegate != null)
                        if (affectOptions)